* @version 3.0.0 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 - 2017 Cracker Tracker Team * @license GNU GPL 3.0 or any newer version * @link http://www.shipsimu.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // Initializes all detector arrays function initCrackerTrackerArrays () { // Set error_reporting if (isCrackerTrackerDebug()) { // For debugging purposes, this is fine @error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); } else { // No output @error_reporting(0); } // Base path $GLOBALS['ctracker_base_path'] = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); // Whitelist some absolute query strings (see below) $GLOBALS['ctracker_whitelist'] = [ 'cmd=new', // LinPHA 'cmd=edit', // LinPHA 'cmd=lostpw', // LinPHA '/css/status_config.php', // MantisBT '/css/common_config.php', // MantisBT '/javascript_config.php', // MantisBT ]; // Attacks we should detect and block $GLOBALS['ctracker_get_blacklist'] = [ // SQL injections 'union ', ' union', 'insert ', 'select ', ' like', 'drop ', 'update ', 'union(', 'union=', // $GLOBAL/$_SERVER array elements 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'HTTP_HOST', 'HTTP_PHP', '_SESSION', 'CFG_ROOT', 'DOCUMENT_ROOT', '_SERVER', // Sensitive files '/environ', 'etc/shadow', 'etc/gshadow', 'etc/passwd', 'etc/group', 'etc/./shadow', 'etc/./gshadow', 'etc/./passwd', 'etc/./group', '.htaccess', '.htpasswd', '.htgroup', '.history', 'bash_history', 'bashrc', // Other Linux/FreeBSD/??? programs (sometimes with space) 'traceroute ', 'ping ', 'bin/xterm', 'bin/./xterm', 'lsof ', 'telnet ', 'wget ', 'bin/perl', 'bin/id', 'uname\x20', 'uname ', 'killall', 'diff ', 'kill ', 'locate ', 'grep ', 'vi ', 'mv ', 'rmdir ', 'mcd ', 'mrd ', 'rm ', ' mcd', ' mrd', ' rm', 'passwd ', ' passwd', 'mdir ', ' mdir', 'cp ', ' cp', 'esystem ', 'chr ', ' chr', 'wget ', ' wget', ' cmd', 'cmd ', ' rush', 'rush ', ' echr', 'echr ', ' getenv', 'getenv', 'reboot ', 'halt ', 'powerdown ', 'invokefunction', // Other Linux programs (+ brace) 'locate(', 'grep(', 'kill(', 'mcd(', 'mrd(', 'rm(', 'mv(', 'rmdir(', 'chmod(', 'chmod(', 'chown(', 'chgrp(', 'passwd(', 'vi(', 'cp(', 'mdir(', 'system(', 'chr(', 'wget(', 'rush(', 'echr(', // Other Linux programs (+ equal) 'mcd=', 'mrd=', 'chmod=', 'chr=', 'rush=', 'echr=', // Paths '/etc/', '/bin/', '/sbin/', '/self/', '/proc/', '../../','..//', '././', '/home/ftp', '/home/./ftp', '/home/./www', '/home/www', '/www/virtual/', '/www/./virtual/', // Uni* commands: '/chgrp', '/chown', '/chmod', 'chown ', 'chmod ', 'chgrp ', // Compiler/interpreter 'bin/g++ ', 'bin/c++ ', 'cc ', 'bin/python', 'bin/python', 'bin/tclsh', 'bin/tclsh', 'bin/nasm', '/perl', // Windows-related 'cmd.exe', 'nc.exe', 'ftp.exe', 'powershell', 'system.net.webclient', '%systemroot%', // php.ini settings 'allow_url_fopen', 'allow_url_include', 'auto_prepend_file', 'disable_functions', 'safe_mode', 'open_basedir', 'suhosin', 'cgi.force_redirect', 'cgi.redirect_status_env', // PHP commands/scripts 'fopen', 'fwrite', 'phpinfo()', '\', 'base64_decode', 'file_put_contents', 'set_magic_quotes_runtime', 'set_magic_quotes_runtime', 'display_errors', 'passthru', 'call_user_func', 'set_time_limit', 'urldecode', // Typical PHP script remote-inclusions and typical include file names '.inc.php', '.lib.php', '.class.php', 'config.php', '.inc', '_php', 'php_', 'class_', '_class.php', 'db_mysql.inc', // PHP arrays '_phplib', '__callbackparam', // Generic remote inclusion '=http://', '=https://', '=php://', 'path=', 'sql=', '=%7BQUOT%7D', '=%5C', '=%22http','=%22ftp','=%22file','=%27http','=%27ftp', '=%27file', // Wrappers 'data://', 'tcp://', 'udp://', 'raw://', 'javascript://', 'file://', 'ftp://', // Blocked "users" 'nigga(', ' nigga', 'nigga ', 'starhack', 'busca', // Hidden HTML stuff ' style=', 'style =', 'overflow:auto', 'overflow: auto', 'overflow :auto', 'overflow : auto', 'display:hidden', 'display: hidden', 'display :hidden', 'display : hidden', 'height:0px', 'height: 0px','height:1px', 'height: 1px', 'width:0px', 'width: 0px','width:1px', 'width: 1px', // Uncommon user websites '~root', '~ftp', '~nobody', // Windows XP (?) hacks 'xp_enumdsn', 'xp_availablemedia', 'xp_filelist', 'xp_cmdshell', // Attempts to insert links into a badly secured URL '%3E%3C', // Request header being inserted 'content-type', // /proc/ and other "forbidden" paths 'proc/self/environ', // MySQL internal functions/tables 'name_const', 'information_schema', // Server configuration (e.g. Apache) 'application/x-httpd-php', 'addtype', 'server-info', 'server-status', // Annoying script name 'vuln.php', // @TODO Misc/unsorted 'cgi-', '.eml', '$_request', '$_get', '$request', '$get', '.system', '&aim', 'new_password', '&icq', '.conf', 'motd ', 'HTTP/1.', 'window.open', 'img src', 'img src', '.jsp', 'servlet', 'org.apache', 'wwwacl', '/servlet/con', 'http_', 'secure_site, ok', 'chunked', '', 'base64_decode', 'file_put_contents', 'set_magic_quotes_runtime', 'set_magic_quotes_runtime', 'display_errors', 'passthru', 'set_time_limit', // Server configuration (e.g. Apache) 'application/x-httpd-php', // Typical PHP script remote-inclusions and typical include file names '.inc.php', '.lib.php', '.class.php', 'config.php', '.inc', '_php', 'php_', 'class_', '_class.php', 'db_mysql.inc', // PHP arrays '_phplib', '__callbackparam', // Request header being inserted 'content-type', // /proc/ and other forbidden paths 'proc/self/environ', ]; // Block these words found in POST requests $GLOBALS['ctracker_post_blacklist'] = [ // This line is for detecting hidden link spam in wikis, forums, guestbooks, etc. ' style=', 'overflow:auto', 'height:1px', 'width:1px', 'display:hidden', 'style.display', // Windows-related 'cmd.exe', 'nc.exe', 'ftp.exe', 'powershell', 'system.net.webclient', // Server configuration (e.g. Apache) 'application/x-httpd-php', // Annoying script name 'vuln.php', // "Common" login names from VHCS exploiters 'starhack', 'DeLiMehmet', 'hisset', 'Hisset', 'delimert', 'MecTruy' ]; // Also block these requests (mostly you don't want CONNECT to some SMTP sites) $GLOBALS['ctracker_blocked_methods'] = [ 'CONNECT' => TRUE, ]; // Init more elements $GLOBALS['ctracker_post_track'] = ''; $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_get'] = ''; $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_post'] = ''; $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_ua'] = ''; } // Checks for worms function isCrackerTrackerWormDetected () { // Check against the whole list $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_get'] = urldecode(str_ireplace($GLOBALS['ctracker_get_blacklist'], '*', crackerTrackerQueryString(TRUE))); $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_ua'] = urldecode(str_ireplace($GLOBALS['ctracker_ua_blacklist'], '*', crackerTrackerUserAgent(TRUE))); /* * If it differs to original and the *whole* request string is not in * whitelist then blog the attempt. */ $isWorm = ( ( $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_get'] != crackerTrackerQueryString(TRUE) && (!in_array(crackerTrackerQueryString(TRUE), $GLOBALS['ctracker_whitelist'])) ) || ( $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_ua'] != crackerTrackerUserAgent(TRUE) ) || ( isset($GLOBALS['ctracker_blocked_methods'][crackerTrackerRequestMethod()]) ) ); //* DEBUG-DIE: */ die('isWorm='.intval($isWorm).PHP_EOL.'get='.PHP_EOL.'"'.$GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_get'].'"'.PHP_EOL.'"'.crackerTrackerQueryString().'"'.PHP_EOL.'ua='.PHP_EOL.'"'.$GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_ua'].'"'.PHP_EOL.'"'.crackerTrackerUserAgent().'"'.PHP_EOL); // Return it return $isWorm; } // Checks POST data function isCrackerTrackerPostAttackDetected () { // Implode recursive the whole $_POST array $GLOBALS['ctracker_post_track'] = urldecode(implode_r('&', $_POST)); // Check for suspicious POST data $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_post'] = urldecode(str_ireplace($GLOBALS['ctracker_post_blacklist'], '*', crackerTrackerSanitize($GLOBALS['ctracker_post_track']))); // Is it detected? return ((isCrackerTrackerWormDetected()) || ($GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_post'] != crackerTrackerSanitize($GLOBALS['ctracker_post_track']))); } // Prepares a mail and send it out function sendCrackerTrackerMail () { // Log the attack crackerTrackerLogAttack(); // Mail content $mail = 'Attack detected: ----------------------------------------------------- Remote-IP : ' . determineCrackerTrackerRealRemoteAddress() . ' User-Agent : ' . crackerTrackerUserAgent() . ' Request-string : ' . crackerTrackerQueryString() . ' Filtered string : ' . $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_get'] . ' Server : ' . crackerTrackerServerName() . ' Script : ' . crackerTrackerScriptName() . ' Method : ' . crackerTrackerRequestMethod() . ' Referrer : ' . crackerTrackerReferer() . ' ----------------------------------------------------- '; // Send it out crackerTrackerSendMail($mail); // And die here crackerTrackerDie(); } // Sends the ticket emails out function sendCrackerTrackerTicketMails () { // Load user template $mail = crackerTrackerLoadEmailTemplate('user_add_ticket', $GLOBALS['ctracker_last_ticket']); // Send email to the user crackerTrackerSendMail($mail, $GLOBALS['ctracker_last_ticket']['ctracker_ticket_email'], getCrackerTrackerLocalized('user_add_ticket_subject')); // Load webmaster template $mail = crackerTrackerLoadEmailTemplate('webmaster_add_ticket', $GLOBALS['ctracker_last_ticket'], getCrackerTrackerConfig('ctracker_language')); // Send email to the user crackerTrackerSendMail($mail, NULL, getCrackerTrackerLocalized('webmaster_add_ticket_subject')); } // Sends a mail out function crackerTrackerSendMail ($mail, $recipient = NULL, $subject = NULL) { // Construct dummy array $rowData = [ 'remote_addr' => determineCrackerTrackerRealRemoteAddress(), 'proxy_addr' => getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'check_get' => $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_get'], 'server_name' => crackerTrackerServerName(), 'request_method' => crackerTrackerRequestMethod(), ]; // Only send email if not yet found if (!isCrackerTrackerEntryFound($rowData)) { // Send the email out only in non-debug mode if (isCrackerTrackerDebug()) { // Output message print 'Recipient=' . $recipient . '
Subject=' . $subject . '
' . $mail . '
'; // All fine return TRUE; } elseif (!is_null($recipient)) { // Recipient specified return mail($recipient, $subject, $mail, $GLOBALS['ctracker_header']); } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['ctracker_email'])) { // Send it return mail($GLOBALS['ctracker_email'], 'CTracker: Attack detected!', $mail, $GLOBALS['ctracker_header']); } else { // Send it the deprecated way with constant return mail(constant('__CTRACKER_EMAIL'), 'CTracker: Attack detected!', $mail, $GLOBALS['ctracker_header']); } } elseif (isCrackerTrackerDebug()) { // Output message print 'Recipient=' . $recipient . '
Subject=' . $subject . '
' . $mail . '
'; // All fine return TRUE; } } // Sends a detected POST attack mail function sendCrackerTrackerPostMail () { // Log the attack crackerTrackerLogAttack(); // Mail text $mail = 'POST-Attack detected: ----------------------------------------------------- Remote-IP : ' . determineCrackerTrackerRealRemoteAddress() . ' User-Agent : ' . crackerTrackerUserAgent() . ' Request-string : ' . crackerTrackerQueryString() . ' Filtered string : ' . $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_get'] . ' Server : ' . crackerTrackerServerName() . ' Script : ' . crackerTrackerScriptName() . ' Method : ' . crackerTrackerRequestMethod() . ' Referrer : ' . crackerTrackerReferer() . ' ----------------------------------------------------- POST string : ' . $GLOBALS['ctracker_post_track'] . ' Filtered POST string : ' . $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_post'] . ' ----------------------------------------------------- '; // Send it out crackerTrackerSendMail($mail); // And die here crackerTrackerDie(); } // Sleeps for a random time and aborts the script function crackerTrackerDie () { // Close database link crackerTrackerCloseDatabaseLink(); // Do only sleep if debug/developer mode is not enabled if (!isCrackerTrackerDebug()) { // Sleep a little to waste the attacker's time sleep(mt_rand(10,30)); } // END - if // Bye, bye... if (isCrackerTrackerDebug()) { // With debug backtrace in debug/developer mode print '
'); } else { // Simple die() call die(); } } // Logs the attack attempt function crackerTrackerLogAttack () { // Aquire database link aquireCrackerTrackerDatabaseLink(); // By default no proxy is used $proxyUsed = 'N'; // Did the attacker use a proxy? if (isCrackerTrackerProxyUsed()) { // Set it $proxyUsed = 'Y'; } // END - if // Prepare array for database insert $rowData = [ 'remote_addr' => determineCrackerTrackerRealRemoteAddress(), 'proxy_addr' => getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'user_agent' => crackerTrackerUserAgent(), 'get_data' => crackerTrackerQueryString(), 'post_data' => $GLOBALS['ctracker_post_track'], 'check_ua' => $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_ua'], 'check_get' => $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_get'], 'check_post' => $GLOBALS['ctracker_checked_post'], 'server_name' => crackerTrackerServerName(), 'script_name' => crackerTrackerScriptName(), 'referer' => crackerTrackerReferer(), 'request_method' => crackerTrackerRequestMethod(), 'proxy_used' => $proxyUsed, 'first_attempt' => 'NOW()' ]; // Insert the array in database crackerTrackerInsertArray('ctracker_data', $rowData); } function ctrackerIncreaseAntiSpambotCount () { // Init row data $rowData = [ 'remote_addr' => determineCrackerTrackerRealRemoteAddress(), 'proxy_addr' => getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), ]; // Update count updateCrackerTrackerEntry($rowData, 'spam_bot_dectections'); } // Alerts the current user about malicious/suspicious traffic function crackerTrackerAlertCurrentUser () { // Is there some data? if (isset($GLOBALS['ctracker_last_suspicious_entry'])) { // Does the user have a ticket? if (ifCtrackerTrackerAntiSpamFieldGiven()) { // Spam-bot filled out anti-spam field, register count ctrackerIncreaseAntiSpambotCount(); // Output message to spammer ctrackerTrackerLoadTemplate('bot_captured'); } elseif (ifCrackerTrackerIpHasTicket()) { // Load "Thank you" template crackerTrackerLoadTemplate('add_ticket_thanks'); } elseif ((isset($_POST['ctracker_add_ticket'])) && (!empty($_POST['name'])) && (!empty($_POST['email']))) { // Add the ticket addCrackerTrackerTicket($_POST); // Send the email out sendCrackerTrackerTicketMails(); } else { // Display the form for new ticket crackerTrackerLoadTemplate('add_ticket'); } } // END - if // And stop here die(); }