2008-06-14 - Release Version: 0.3.1 - (Issue 108) ignore class name case in object filter 2009-05-11 - Release Version: 0.3 2009-05-01 - Release Version: 0.3.rc.1 - (Issue 90) PHP4 compatible version of FirePHPCore - (Issue 98) Thrown exceptions don't send an HTTP 500 if the FirePHP exception handler is enabled - (Issue 85) Support associative arrays in encodeTable method in FirePHP.class.php - (Issue 66) Add a new getOptions() public method in API - (Issue 82) Define $this->options outside of __construct - (Issue 72) Message error if group name is null - (Issue 68) registerErrorHandler() and registerExceptionHandler() should returns previous handlers defined - (Issue 69) Add the missing register handler in the triumvirate (error, exception, assert) - (Issue 75) [Error & Exception Handling] Option to not exit script execution - (Issue 83) Exception handler can't throw exceptions - (Issue 80) Auto/Pre collapsing groups AND Custom group row colors 2008-11-09 - Release Version: 0.2.1 - (Issue 70) Problem when logging resources 2008-10-21 - Release Version: 0.2.0 - Updated version to 0.2.0 - Switched to using __sleep instead of __wakeup - Added support to exclude object members when encoding - Add support to enable/disable logging 2008-10-17 - Release Version: 0.2.b.8 - New implementation for is_utf8() - (Issue 55) maxObjectDepth Option not working correctly when using TABLE and EXCEPTION Type - Bugfix for max[Object|Array]Depth when encoding nested array/object graphs - Bugfix for FB::setOptions() 2008-10-16 - Release Version: 0.2.b.7 - (Issue 45) Truncate dump when string have non utf8 cars - (Issue 52) logging will not work when firephp object gets stored in the session. 2008-10-16 - Release Version: 0.2.b.6 - (Issue 37) Display file and line information for each log message - (Issue 51) Limit output of object graphs - Bugfix for encoding object members set to NULL|false|'' 2008-10-14 - Release Version: 0.2.b.5 - Updated JsonStream wildfire protocol to be more robust - (Issue 33) PHP error notices running demos - (Issue 48) Warning: ReflectionProperty::getValue() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given 2008-10-08 - Release Version: 0.2.b.4 - Bugfix for logging objects with recursion 2008-10-08 - Release Version: 0.2.b.3 - (Issue 43) Notice message in 0.2b2 - Added support for PHP's native json_encode() if available - Revised object encoder to detect object recursion 2008-10-07 - Release Version: 0.2.b.2 - (Issue 28) Need solution for logging private and protected object variables - Added trace() and table() aliases in FirePHP class - (Issue 41) Use PHP doc in FirePHP - (Issue 39) Static logging method for object oriented API 2008-10-01 - Release Version: 0.2.b.1 - Added support for error and exception handling - Updated min PHP version for PEAR package to 5.2 - Added version constant for library - Gave server library it's own wildfire plugin namespace - Migrated communication protocol to Wildfire JsonStream - Added support for console groups using "group" and "groupEnd" - Added support for log, info, warn and error logging aliases - (Issue 29) problem with TRACE when using with error_handler - (Issue 33) PHP error notices running demos - (Issue 12) undefined index php notice - Removed closing ?> php tags - (Issue 13) the code in the fb() function has a second return statement that will never be reached 2008-07-30 - Release Version: - Include __className property in JSON string if variable was an object - Bugfix - Mis-spelt "Exception" in JSON encoding code 2008-06-13 - Release Version: - Bugfix - Standardize windows paths in stack traces - Bugfix - Display correct stack trace info in windows environments - Bugfix - Check $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] before returning 2008-06-13 - Release Version: 0.1.1 - Added support for FirePHP::TRACE log style - Changed license to New BSD License 2008-06-06 - Release Version: 0.0.2 - Bugfix - Added usleep() to header writing loop to ensure unique index - Bugfix - Ensure chunk_split does not generate trailing "\n" with empty data header - Added support for FirePHP::TABLE log style