* @copyright 2008-2010 Phergie Development Team (http://phergie.org) * @license http://phergie.org/license New BSD License * @link http://pear.phergie.org/package/Phergie_Tests */ /** * Unit test suite for Pherge_Plugin_Handler. * * @category Phergie * @package Phergie_Tests * @author Phergie Development Team * @license http://phergie.org/license New BSD License * @link http://pear.phergie.org/package/Phergie_Tests */ class Phergie_Plugin_HandlerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * Plugin handler instance being tested * * @var Phergie_Plugin_Handler */ protected $handler; /** * Mock Phergie_Config instance passed to the plugin handler constructor * * @var Phergie_Config */ protected $config; /** * Mock Phergie_Event_Handler instance passed to the plugin handler * constructor * * @var Phergie_Event_Handler */ protected $events; /** * Returns a mock plugin instance. * * @param string $name Optional short name for the mock plugin, defaults * to 'TestPlugin' * @param array $methods Optional list of methods to override * * @return Phergie_Plugin_Abstract */ protected function getMockPlugin($name = 'TestPlugin', array $methods = array()) { $methods[] = 'getName'; $plugin = $this->getMock('Phergie_Plugin_Abstract', $methods); $plugin ->expects($this->any()) ->method('getName') ->will($this->returnValue($name)); return $plugin; } /** * Sets up a new handler instance before each test. * * @return void */ public function setUp() { $this->config = $this->getMock('Phergie_Config'); $this->events = $this->getMock('Phergie_Event_Handler'); $this->handler = new Phergie_Plugin_Handler( $this->config, $this->events ); } /** * Tests iterability of the plugin handler. * * @return void */ public function testImplementsIteratorAggregate() { $reflection = new ReflectionObject($this->handler); $this->assertTrue( $reflection->implementsInterface('IteratorAggregate'), 'Handler does not implement IteratorAggregate' ); $this->assertType( 'Iterator', $this->handler->getIterator(), 'getIterator() must return an iterator' ); } /** * Tests countability of the plugin handler. * * @return void */ public function testImplementsCountable() { $reflection = new ReflectionObject($this->handler); $this->assertTrue( $reflection->implementsInterface('Countable'), 'Handler does not implement Countable' ); $this->assertType( 'int', count($this->handler), 'count() must return an integer' ); } /** * Tests the plugin handler exposing added plugins as instance * properties of the handler via isset(). * * @return void */ public function testImplementsIsset() { $pluginName = 'TestPlugin'; $this->assertFalse(isset($this->handler->{$pluginName})); $plugin = $this->getMockPlugin($pluginName); $this->handler->addPlugin($plugin); $this->assertTrue(isset($this->handler->{$pluginName})); } /** * Tests the plugin handler exposing added plugins as instance * properties of the handler. * * @depends testImplementsIsset * @return void */ public function testImplementsGet() { $plugin = $this->getMockPlugin(); $this->handler->addPlugin($plugin); $name = $plugin->getName(); $getPlugin = $this->handler->getPlugin($name); $this->assertTrue(isset($this->handler->$name)); $get = $this->handler->$name; $this->assertSame($getPlugin, $get); } /** * Tests the plugin handler allowing for plugin removal via unset(). * * @depends testImplementsGet * @return void */ public function testImplementsUnset() { $plugin = $this->getMockPlugin(); $this->handler->addPlugin($plugin); unset($this->handler->{$plugin->getName()}); $this->assertFalse($this->handler->hasPlugin($plugin->getName())); } /** * Tests the plugin handler executing a callback on all contained * plugins. * * @return void */ public function testImplementsCall() { foreach (range(1, 2) as $index) { $plugin = $this->getMockPlugin('TestPlugin' . $index, array('callback')); $plugin ->expects($this->once()) ->method('callback'); $this->handler->addPlugin($plugin); } $this->assertTrue($this->handler->callback()); } /** * Tests a newly instantiated handler not having plugins associated with * it. * * @depends testImplementsCountable * @return void */ public function testEmptyHandlerHasNoPlugins() { $this->assertEquals(0, count($this->handler)); } /** * Tests a newly instantiated handler not having autoloading enabled by * default. * * @return void */ public function testGetAutoloadDefaultsToNotAutoload() { $this->assertFalse($this->handler->getAutoload()); } /** * Tests setAutoload(). * * @depends testGetAutoloadDefaultsToNotAutoload * @return void */ public function testSetAutoload() { $this->assertSame( $this->handler->setAutoload(true), $this->handler, 'setAutoload() does not provide a fluent interface' ); $this->assertTrue( $this->handler->getAutoload(), 'setAutoload() had no effect on getAutoload()' ); } /** * Tests addPath() providing a fluent interface. * * @return void */ public function testAddPathProvidesFluentInterface() { $handler = $this->handler->addPath(dirname(__FILE__)); $this->assertSame($this->handler, $handler); } /** * Tests addPath() throwing an exception when it cannot read the * directory. * * @return void */ public function testAddPathThrowsExceptionOnUnreadableDirectory() { try { $this->handler->addPath('/an/unreadable/directory/path'); } catch(Phergie_Plugin_Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals( Phergie_Plugin_Exception::ERR_DIRECTORY_NOT_READABLE, $e->getCode() ); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised'); } /** * Tests adding a path to the plugin handler. * * @return void */ public function testAddPath() { $pluginName = 'Mock'; try { $this->handler->addPlugin($pluginName); } catch(Phergie_Plugin_Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals( Phergie_Plugin_Exception::ERR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND, $e->getCode() ); } if (!isset($e)) { $this->fail('Plugin loaded, path was already present'); } $this->handler->addPath(dirname(__FILE__), 'Phergie_Plugin_'); try { $this->handler->addPlugin($pluginName); } catch(Phergie_Plugin_Exception $e) { $this->fail('Added path, plugin still not found'); } } /** * Tests addPlugin() returning an added plugin instance. * * @return void */ public function testAddPluginByInstanceReturnsPluginInstance() { $plugin = $this->getMockPlugin(); $returnedPlugin = $this->handler->addPlugin($plugin); $this->assertSame( $returnedPlugin, $plugin, 'addPlugin() does not return the instance passed to it' ); } /** * Tests adding a plugin to the handler using the plugin's short name. * * @return void */ public function testAddPluginByShortName() { $pluginName = 'Mock'; $this->handler->addPath(dirname(__FILE__), 'Phergie_Plugin_'); $returnedPlugin = $this->handler->addPlugin($pluginName); $this->assertTrue($this->handler->hasPlugin($pluginName)); $this->assertType( 'Phergie_Plugin_Mock', $this->handler->getPlugin($pluginName) ); $this->assertSame( $this->handler->getPlugin($pluginName), $returnedPlugin, 'Handler does not contain added plugin' ); } /** * Tests adding a plugin instance to the handler. * * @return void */ public function testAddPluginByInstance() { $plugin = $this->getMockPlugin(); $returnedPlugin = $this->handler->addPlugin($plugin); $this->assertTrue($this->handler->hasPlugin('TestPlugin')); $this->assertSame( $plugin, $returnedPlugin, 'addPlugin() does not return added plugin instance' ); $this->assertSame( $plugin, $this->handler->getPlugin('TestPlugin'), 'getPlugin() does not return added plugin instance' ); } /** * Tests addPlugin() throwing an exception when the plugin class file * can't be found. * * @return void */ public function testAddPluginThrowsExceptionWhenPluginFileNotFound() { try { $this->handler->addPlugin('TestPlugin'); } catch(Phergie_Plugin_Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals( Phergie_Plugin_Exception::ERR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND, $e->getCode() ); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised'); } /** * Recursively removes all files and subdirectories in a directory. * * @param string $path Directory path * @return void */ private function removeDirectory($path) { if (file_exists($path)) { $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST ); foreach ($it as $entry) { if ($it->isDot()) { continue; } if ($entry->isDir()) { rmdir($entry->getPathname()); } else { unlink($entry->getPathname()); } } } } /** * Tests addPlugin() throwing an exception when the plugin class file is * found, but does not contain the plugin class as expected. * * @return void */ public function testAddPluginThrowsExceptionWhenPluginClassNotFound() { $path = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/Phergie/Plugin'; $this->removeDirectory(dirname($path)); mkdir($path, 0777, true); touch($path . '/TestPlugin.php'); $this->handler->addPath($path, 'Phergie_Plugin_'); try { $this->handler->addPlugin('TestPlugin'); } catch(Phergie_Plugin_Exception $e) { } if (isset($e)) { $this->assertEquals( Phergie_Plugin_Exception::ERR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND, $e->getCode() ); } else { $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised'); } $this->removeDirectory(dirname($path)); } /** * Tests addPlugin() throwing an exception when trying to instantiate a * class that doesn't extend Phergie_Plugin_Abstract. * * @return void */ public function testAddPluginThrowsExceptionIfRequestingNonPlugin() { try { $this->handler->addPlugin('Handler'); } catch(Phergie_Plugin_Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals( Phergie_Plugin_Exception::ERR_INCORRECT_BASE_CLASS, $e->getCode() ); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised'); } /** * Tests addPlugin() throwing an exception when trying to instantiate a * class that can't be instantiated. * * @return void */ public function testAddPluginThrowsExceptionIfPluginNotInstantiable() { $this->handler->addPath(dirname(__FILE__), 'Phergie_Plugin_'); try { $this->handler->addPlugin('TestNonInstantiablePluginFromFile'); } catch(Phergie_Plugin_Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals( Phergie_Plugin_Exception::ERR_CLASS_NOT_INSTANTIABLE, $e->getCode() ); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised'); } /** * Tests adding a plugin by its short name with arguments passed to the * plugin constructor. * * @return void */ public function testAddPluginShortNamePassesArgsToConstructor() { $pluginName = 'Mock'; $this->handler->addPath(dirname(__FILE__), 'Phergie_Plugin_'); $arguments = array('a', 'b', 'c'); $plugin = $this->handler->addPlugin($pluginName, $arguments); $this->assertAttributeSame( $arguments, 'arguments', $plugin, 'Arguments do not match' ); } /** * Tests addPlugin() passing Phergie_Config to an instantiated plugin. * * @return void */ public function testAddPluginPassesConstructorArguments() { $pluginName = 'Mock'; $this->handler->addPath(dirname(__FILE__), 'Phergie_Plugin_'); $plugin = $this->handler->addPlugin($pluginName); $this->assertSame( $this->config, $plugin->getConfig(), 'Phergie_Config instances do not match' ); $this->assertSame( $this->events, $plugin->getEventHandler(), 'Phergie_Event_Handler instances do not match' ); } /** * Tests addPlugin() calling onLoad() on an instantiated plugin. * * @return void */ public function testAddPluginCallsOnLoadOnInstantiatedPlugin() { $plugin = $this->getMockPlugin(null, array('onLoad')); $plugin ->expects($this->once()) ->method('onLoad'); $this->handler->addPlugin($plugin); } /** * Tests addPlugin() returning the same plugin when called twice. * * @return void */ public function testAddPluginReturnsSamePluginWhenAskedTwice() { $pluginName = 'Mock'; $this->handler->addPath(dirname(__FILE__), 'Phergie_Plugin_'); $plugin1 = $this->handler->addPlugin($pluginName); $plugin2 = $this->handler->addPlugin($pluginName); $this->assertSame($plugin1, $plugin2); } /** * Tests getPlugin() throwing an exception when trying to get an * unloaded plugin with autoload disabled. * * @depends testGetAutoloadDefaultsToNotAutoload * @return void */ public function testExceptionThrownWhenLoadingPluginWithoutAutoload() { $this->handler->addPath(dirname(__FILE__), 'Phergie_Plugin_'); try { $this->handler->getPlugin('Mock'); } catch (Phergie_Plugin_Exception $expected) { $this->assertEquals( Phergie_Plugin_Exception::ERR_PLUGIN_NOT_LOADED, $expected->getCode() ); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised'); } /** * Tests addPlugins() with a plugin short name and no plugin constructor * arguments. * * @depends testAddPluginByShortName * @depends testAddPluginByInstance * @return void */ public function testAddPluginsWithoutArguments() { $prefix = 'Phergie_Plugin_'; $this->handler->addPath(dirname(__FILE__), $prefix); $plugin = 'Mock'; $this->handler->addPlugins(array($plugin)); $returnedPlugin = $this->handler->getPlugin($plugin); $this->assertContains( get_class($returnedPlugin), $prefix . $plugin, 'Short name plugin not of expected class' ); } /** * Tests addPlugins() with a plugin short name and plugin constructor * arguments. * * @depends testAddPluginByShortName * @depends testAddPluginByInstance * @return void */ public function testAddPluginsWithArguments() { $prefix = 'Phergie_Plugin_'; $this->handler->addPath(dirname(__FILE__), $prefix); $arguments = array(1, 2, 3); $plugin = array('Mock', $arguments); $this->handler->addPlugins(array($plugin)); $returnedPlugin = $this->handler->getPlugin('Mock'); $this->assertEquals( $arguments, $returnedPlugin->getArguments(), 'Constructor arguments for instance plugin do not match' ); } /** * Tests removePlugin() with a plugin instance. * * @depends testAddPluginByInstance * @return void */ public function testRemovePluginByInstance() { $plugin = $this->getMockPlugin(); $this->handler->addPlugin($plugin); $this->handler->removePlugin($plugin); $this->assertFalse( $this->handler->hasPlugin($plugin->getName()), 'Plugin was not removed' ); } /** * Tests removePlugin() with a plugin short name. * * @depends testAddPluginByShortName * @return void */ public function testRemovePluginByShortName() { $plugin = 'Mock'; $this->handler->addPath(dirname(__FILE__), 'Phergie_Plugin_'); $this->handler->addPlugin($plugin); $this->handler->removePlugin($plugin); $this->assertFalse( $this->handler->hasPlugin($plugin), 'Plugin was not removed' ); } /** * Tests getPlugin() when the plugin is not already loaded and * autoloading is disabled. * * @depends testSetAutoload * @return void */ public function testGetPluginWithAutoloadEnabled() { $this->handler->setAutoload(true); $this->handler->addPath(dirname(__FILE__), 'Phergie_Plugin_'); $plugin = $this->handler->getPlugin('Mock'); $this->assertType( 'Phergie_Plugin_Mock', $plugin, 'Retrieved plugin not of expected class' ); } /** * Tests getPlugins(). * * @depends testGetPluginWithAutoloadEnabled * @return void */ public function testGetPlugins() { $plugin1 = $this->getMockPlugin('TestPlugin1'); $this->handler->addPlugin($plugin1); $plugin2 = $this->getMockPlugin('TestPlugin2'); $this->handler->addPlugin($plugin2); $expected = array( 'testplugin1' => $plugin1, 'testplugin2' => $plugin2, ); $actual = $this->handler->getPlugins(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); $actual = $this->handler->getPlugins(array('testplugin1', 'testplugin2')); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); } /** * Tests the plugin receiving and using a predefined iterator instance. * * @depends testGetPlugins * @return void */ public function testSetIterator() { $plugin = $this->getMockPlugin('TestPlugin'); $this->handler->addPlugin($plugin); $plugins = $this->handler->getPlugins(); $iterator = new ArrayIterator($plugins); $this->handler->setIterator($iterator); $this->assertSame($this->handler->getIterator(), $iterator); $iterated = array(); foreach ($this->handler as $plugin) { $iterated[strtolower($plugin->getName())] = $plugin; } $this->assertEquals($iterated, $plugins); } }