#!/bin/bash # # Checks source code and data for potential problems. # Meant to be executed before submitting/committing. SELF=${0/#*\/} # optional apps RLE=$(which rle &>/dev/null) # http://members.aon.at/mfranz/rle.tar.gz (depends on Qt lib) AC3D_SCAN=$(which ac3d-scan 2>/dev/null) # http://members.aon.at/mfranz/ac3d-scan function ERROR { echo -e "\e[31;1m$*\e[m"; } function LOG { echo -e "\e[35m$*\e[m"; } function RESULT { echo -e "\t$*"; } TMP=$(mktemp -d -t $SELF.XXX) || (echo "$0: can't create temporary dir"; exit 1) trap "rm -rf $TMP" 0 1 2 3 13 15 LOG "checking for spaces in filenames ..." find .|grep " "|while read i; do RESULT "$i"; done LOG "checking for upper-case extensions ..." # except *.TXT find .|while read i; do case "$i" in .|..|CVS/*|*/CVS/*|*.Opt|*.README|*.Po) continue ;; esac base=${i/#.*\/} ext=${base/#*./} [ "$base" == "$ext" ] && continue # has no extension ext=$(echo $ext|sed -e 's,[^A-Za-z],,'g) [ -z "$ext" ] && continue # only non-letters lcext=$(echo $ext|sed -e 's,\(.*\),\L\1,') [ "$ext" != "$lcext" -a "$lcext" != "txt" ] && RESULT "$i" done LOG "checking for DOS line endings ..." find . -type f|while read i; do desc=$(file -b "$i") case "$desc" in *text*) grep " $" "$i" >/dev/null && RESULT "$i" ;; esac done LOG "checking for uncompressed textures ..." find . -iname \*.rgb -o -iname \*.rgba|while read i; do if file "$i"|grep -v RLE >/dev/null; then new=$TMP/sgi.rgb convert "$i" -compress RLE sgi:$new [ "$RLE" ] && $RLE $new 2>/dev/null perl -e ' my $file = shift; my $old = -s $file; my $new = -s shift; if ($new < $old) { printf "\t$file: could be %0.02f%% of current size (%d bytes less)\n", 100 * $new / $old, $old - $new; } ' "$i" $new fi done if [ "$AC3D_SCAN" ]; then LOG "checking for AC3D sanity ..." find . -iname \*.ac|while read i; do case "$i" in configure.ac|*/configure.ac) continue ;; esac result=$($AC3D_SCAN <$i 2>&1) [ "$result" ] && echo -e "$result\n\t... in file \e[36m$i\e[m"; done fi LOG "checking for XML syntax ..." find . -name \*.xml|while read i; do xmllint $i >/dev/null || RESULT "... min file \e[36m$i\e[m" done LOG "checking for 'if (foo) delete foo;' ..." find . -iregex ".*\.\([ch]\(xx\|pp\)\|cc\|h\)$"|while read i; do perl -e ' my $i = 0; my $name = $ARGV[0]; undef $/; $_ = <>; s/(if\s*\(([^\)]+)\)\s*delete(?:\s+|\s*\[\]\s*)\2\s*;)/print "$1\n" and $i++/ges; print "\t... \033[36min file $name\033[m\n" if $i; ' "$i"; done