#!/usr/bin/env php . */ define('INSTALLDIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..')); $shortoptions = 'i:n:a'; $longoptions = array('id=', 'nickname=', 'all'); $helptext = <<find()) { while ($user->fetch()) { updateAvatars($user); } } } else { throw new Exception("You have to provide an ID or nickname or 'all'."); } } catch (Exception $e) { print $e->getMessage()."\n"; exit(1); } function updateAvatars($user) { $touched = false; if (!have_option('q', 'quiet')) { print "Updating avatars for user '".$user->nickname."' (".$user->id.")..."; } $avatar = new Avatar(); $avatar->profile_id = $user->id; if (!$avatar->find()) { if (have_option('v', 'verbose')) { print "(none found)..."; } } else { while ($avatar->fetch()) { if (have_option('v', 'verbose')) { if ($avatar->original) { print "original..."; } else { print $avatar->width."..."; } } $orig = clone($avatar); $avatar->url = Avatar::url($avatar->filename); if ($avatar->url != $orig->url) { $sql = "UPDATE avatar SET url = '" . $avatar->url . "' ". "WHERE profile_id = " . $avatar->profile_id . " ". "AND width = " . $avatar->width . " " . "AND height = " . $avatar->height . " "; if ($avatar->original) { $sql .= "AND original = 1 "; } if (!$avatar->query($sql)) { throw new Exception("Can't update avatar for user " . $user->nickname . "."); } else { $touched = true; } } } } if ($touched) { $profile = $user->getProfile(); common_broadcast_profile($profile); } if (have_option('v', 'verbose')) { print "DONE.\n"; } }