isClass("ApplicationSelector"))) { return; } // // isset() is required to prevent a warning and is_object() is highly required // when the application itself is requested in URL (hint: index.php?app=your_app) // // Get an instance of the helper $eval = sprintf("\$app = %s::getInstance();", FrameworkConfiguration::getInstance()->readConfig("app_helper_class") ); eval($eval); // Set application name and version $app->setAppName("MXChange Hub"); $app->setAppVersion("0.0.0"); $app->setAppShortName("mxhub"); // Get's our IP address $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] = ConsoleTools::aquireSelfIPAddress(); // Initialize output system require(PATH . "inc/output.php"); // Initialize file i/o system require(PATH . "inc/file_io.php"); // Include the language sub-system require(PATH . "inc/language.php"); // This application needs a database connection then we have to simply include // the inc/database.php script require(sprintf("%sinc/database%s", PATH, FrameworkConfiguration::getInstance()->readConfig("php_extension") )); // [EOF] ?>