There are 2 classes: CMetarStation (MetarStation.h) and CMetarReport (MetarReport.h). These classes provide mechanisms to get information about meteorological data reporting stations and about the reports themselves. These stations and reports are known as METAR. See for information from the USA perspective. Quoting from that site: On 1 July 1996, the international standard code for hourly and special surface weather observations, METAR/SPECI, took effect. The METAR acronym roughly translates from the French as Aviation Routine Weather Report . A special report, SPECI, is merely a METAR formatted report which is issued on a non-routine basis as dictated by changing meteorological conditions. The SPECI acronym roughly translates as Aviation Selected Special Weather Report . Meanwhile, the international standard code format for terminal forecasts issued for airports, TAF, also took effect. The acronym translates to Aerodrome Forecast. This implementation ignores the SPECI and TAF acronyms, calling the entire system METAR. The class CMetarStation is implemented by MetarStation.h and MetarStation.cpp. It decodes a text file containing information about individual METAR reporting stations and builds a static database of that information during static construction of the class. There are static member methods to find individual stations, and member functions to extract individual station attributes. The information about METAR stations probably has some overlap with FGFS airport information. That needs to be investigated. The METAR station information is kept in this file: This class looks for the file FG_ROOT/Weather/MetarStations instead of nsd_cccc. The current implementation does not look for updates to this file on the internet. The class CMetarReport is implemented by MetarReport.h and MetarReport.cpp. It encapsulates the decoding software written by Carl McCalla at - NOAA/National Weather Service 1325 East-West Highway SSMC2, W/OSO242, Station 5114 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Work: (301) 713-0882, Ext 115 FAX: (301) 608-0911 E-Mail Address: This software generally sucks and the CMetarReport class attempts to clean up some of that suckiness. A CMetarReport object is created with an ASCII string as a construction parameter. The string contains a METAR report. There are member methods to extract selected information from a report by calling the McCalla software. Additional information can be selected by adding new member methods as needed. Certainly the methods currently implemented are not sufficient. METAR reports are available via the internet. In the USA, NOAA provides individual METAR reports in this directory: Other sources are available as well. The current implementation does not look for reports on the internet. There is a test program in the MetarTest subdirectory. It requires that a #define be changed in the MetarStation.cpp file. Add #define TESTPROG to the code or -D TESTPROG to the compilation. This is necessary because the FGFS options class is coupled tightly to code that shouldn't be pulled into the test program. The test program will decode many METAR reports and display them to the screen, then it will plot all the METAR reporting stations on a tumbling globe.