passes() / $this->total() * 100); $failed_percentage = ceil($this->fails() / $this->total() * 100); echo '

' . htmlspecialchars($this->name(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . ': ' . $passed_percentage . "% passed!

\n"; echo "


\n"; echo '

We ran ' . $this->total() . ' tests in ' . round($this->time(), 3) . ' seconds of which ' . $this->passes() . ' passed, and ' . $this->fails() . ' failed.

'; flush(); } } class SimplePie_Unit_Test2 extends Unit_Test2 { function SimplePie_Unit_Test2() { parent::Unit_Test2(); if (strpos($this->name, 'SimplePie') === 0) { $this->name = trim(substr_replace($this->name, '', 0, 9)); } } function output($title, $class, $content) { printf("%s\n", $title, $class, $content); } function pass() { $this->output(htmlspecialchars($this->name(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 'pass', '✔'); parent::pass(); } function fail() { $this->output(htmlspecialchars($this->name(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 'fail', '✘'); parent::fail(); } function result() { if ($this->result === $this->expected) { $this->pass(); } else { $this->fail(); } } } class SimplePie_Feed_Test extends SimplePie_Unit_Test2 { function feed() { $feed = new SimplePie(); $feed->set_raw_data($this->data); $feed->enable_cache(false); $feed->init(); return $feed; } } class SimplePie_Feed_Author_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Test { function author() { $feed = $this->feed(); if ($author = $item->get_author()) { return $author; } else { return false; } } } class SimplePie_Feed_Category_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Test { function category() { $feed = $this->feed(); if ($category = $feed->get_category()) { return $category; } else { return false; } } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Test { function first_item() { $feed = $this->feed(); if ($item = $feed->get_item(0)) { return $item; } else { return false; } } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Author_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Test { function author() { if ($item = $this->first_item()) { if ($author = $item->get_author()) { return $author; } } return false; } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Category_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Test { function category() { if ($item = $this->first_item()) { if ($category = $item->get_category()) { return $category; } } return false; } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Contributor_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Test { function contributor() { if ($item = $this->first_item()) { if ($contributor = $item->get_contributor()) { return $contributor; } } return false; } } class SimplePie_Absolutize_Test extends SimplePie_Unit_Test2 { function test() { $this->result = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url($this->data['relative'], $this->data['base']); } } class SimplePie_Date_Test extends SimplePie_Unit_Test2 { function test() { $this->result = SimplePie_Misc::parse_date($this->data); } } class SimplePie_Feed_Category_Label_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Category_Test { function test() { if ($category = $this->category()) { $this->result = $category->get_label(); } } } class SimplePie_Feed_Copyright_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Test { function test() { $feed = $this->feed(); $this->result = $feed->get_copyright(); } } class SimplePie_Feed_Description_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Test { function test() { $feed = $this->feed(); $this->result = $feed->get_description(); } } class SimplePie_Feed_Image_Height_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Test { function test() { $feed = $this->feed(); $this->result = $feed->get_image_height(); } } class SimplePie_Feed_Image_Link_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Test { function test() { $feed = $this->feed(); $this->result = $feed->get_image_link(); } } class SimplePie_Feed_Image_Title_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Test { function test() { $feed = $this->feed(); $this->result = $feed->get_image_title(); } } class SimplePie_Feed_Image_URL_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Test { function test() { $feed = $this->feed(); $this->result = $feed->get_image_url(); } } class SimplePie_Feed_Image_Width_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Test { function test() { $feed = $this->feed(); $this->result = $feed->get_image_width(); } } class SimplePie_Feed_Language_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Test { function test() { $feed = $this->feed(); $this->result = $feed->get_language(); } } class SimplePie_Feed_Link_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Test { function test() { $feed = $this->feed(); $this->result = $feed->get_link(); } } class SimplePie_Feed_Title_Test extends SimplePie_Feed_Test { function test() { $feed = $this->feed(); $this->result = $feed->get_title(); } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Author_Name_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Author_Test { function test() { if ($author = $this->author()) { $this->result = $author->get_name(); } } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Category_Label_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Category_Test { function test() { if ($category = $this->category()) { $this->result = $category->get_label(); } } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Content_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Test { function test() { if ($item = $this->first_item()) { $this->result = $item->get_content(); } } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Contributor_Name_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Contributor_Test { function test() { if ($contributor = $this->contributor()) { $this->result = $contributor->get_name(); } } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Date_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Test { function test() { if ($item = $this->first_item()) { $this->result = $item->get_date('U'); } } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Description_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Test { function test() { if ($item = $this->first_item()) { $this->result = $item->get_description(); } } } class SimplePie_First_Item_ID_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Test { function test() { if ($item = $this->first_item()) { $this->result = $item->get_id(); } } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Latitude_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Test { function test() { if ($item = $this->first_item()) { $this->result = $item->get_latitude(); } } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Longitude_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Test { function test() { if ($item = $this->first_item()) { $this->result = $item->get_longitude(); } } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Permalink_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Test { function test() { if ($item = $this->first_item()) { $this->result = $item->get_permalink(); } } } class SimplePie_First_Item_Title_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Test { function test() { if ($item = $this->first_item()) { $this->result = $item->get_title(); } } } class SimplePie_iTunesRSS_Channel_Block_Test extends SimplePie_First_Item_Test { function test() { if ($item = $this->first_item()) { if ($enclosure = $item->get_enclosure()) { if ($restriction = $enclosure->get_restriction()) { return $restriction->get_relationship(); } } } return false; } } class diveintomark_Atom_Autodiscovery extends SimplePie_Unit_Test2 { var $data = array('url' => ''); function data() { $this->data['file'] =& new SimplePie_File($this->data['url'], 10, 5, null, SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT); $this->name = $this->data['url']; $this->data['url'] = false; } function expected() { $this->expected = $this->data['file']->url; } function test() { $feed = new SimplePie(); $feed->set_file($this->data['file']); $feed->enable_cache(false); $feed->init(); $this->result = $feed->get_link(); } function result() { if ($this->data['file']->url != '') { parent::result(); } static $done = array(); $links = SimplePie_Misc::get_element('link', $this->data['file']->body); foreach ($links as $link) { if (!empty($link['attribs']['href']['data']) && !empty($link['attribs']['rel']['data'])) { $rel = array_unique(SimplePie_Misc::space_seperated_tokens(strtolower($link['attribs']['rel']['data']))); $href = SimplePie_Misc::absolutize_url(trim($link['attribs']['href']['data']), $this->data['file']->url); if (!in_array($href, $done) && in_array('next', $rel)) { $done[] = $this->data['url'] = $href; break; } } } if ($this->data['url']) { $this->run(); } } } ?>