. * */ namespace Friendica; use Friendica\App\Router; use Friendica\Capabilities\ICanHandleRequests; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Module\HTTPException\PageNotFound; use Friendica\Network\HTTPException\NoContentException; use Friendica\Util\Profiler; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; /** * All modules in Friendica should extend BaseModule, although not all modules * need to extend all the methods described here * * The filename of the module in src/Module needs to match the class name * exactly to make the module available. * * @author Hypolite Petovan */ abstract class BaseModule implements ICanHandleRequests { /** @var array */ protected $parameters = []; /** @var L10n */ protected $l10n; public function __construct(L10n $l10n, array $parameters = []) { $this->parameters = $parameters; $this->l10n = $l10n; } /** * Wraps the L10n::t() function for Modules * * @see L10n::t() */ protected function t(string $s, ...$args): string { return $this->l10n->t($s, ...$args); } /** * Wraps the L10n::tt() function for Modules * * @see L10n::tt() */ protected function tt(string $singular, string $plurarl, int $count): string { return $this->l10n->tt($singular, $plurarl, $count); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function rawContent() { // echo ''; // exit; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function content(): string { return ''; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function delete() { } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function patch() { } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function post() { // DI::baseurl()->redirect('module'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function put() { } /** Gets the name of the current class */ public function getClassName(): string { return static::class; } public function run(App\BaseURL $baseUrl, App\Arguments $args, LoggerInterface $logger, Profiler $profiler, array $server, array $post) { /* The URL provided does not resolve to a valid module. * * On Dreamhost sites, quite often things go wrong for no apparent reason and they send us to '/internal_error.html'. * We don't like doing this, but as it occasionally accounts for 10-20% or more of all site traffic - * we are going to trap this and redirect back to the requested page. As long as you don't have a critical error on your page * this will often succeed and eventually do the right thing. * * Otherwise we are going to emit a 404 not found. */ if (static::class === PageNotFound::class) { $queryString = $server['QUERY_STRING']; // Stupid browser tried to pre-fetch our Javascript img template. Don't log the event or return anything - just quietly exit. if (!empty($queryString) && preg_match('/{[0-9]}/', $queryString) !== 0) { exit(); } if (!empty($queryString) && ($queryString === 'q=internal_error.html') && isset($dreamhost_error_hack)) { $logger->info('index.php: dreamhost_error_hack invoked.', ['Original URI' => $server['REQUEST_URI']]); $baseUrl->redirect($server['REQUEST_URI']); } $logger->debug('index.php: page not found.', ['request_uri' => $server['REQUEST_URI'], 'address' => $server['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'query' => $server['QUERY_STRING']]); } // @see https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/blob/c3aef491d66aec743a3a53e934a494f653745b61/config/initializers/cors.rb if (substr($_REQUEST['pagename'] ?? '', 0, 12) == '.well-known/') { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: ' . Router::GET); header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: false'); } elseif (substr($_REQUEST['pagename'] ?? '', 0, 8) == 'profile/') { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: ' . Router::GET); header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: false'); } elseif (substr($_REQUEST['pagename'] ?? '', 0, 4) == 'api/') { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: ' . implode(',', Router::ALLOWED_METHODS)); header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: false'); header('Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Link'); } elseif (substr($_REQUEST['pagename'] ?? '', 0, 11) == 'oauth/token') { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: ' . Router::POST); header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: false'); } // @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods/OPTIONS // @todo Check allowed methods per requested path if ($server['REQUEST_METHOD'] === Router::OPTIONS) { header('Allow: ' . implode(',', Router::ALLOWED_METHODS)); throw new NoContentException(); } $placeholder = ''; $profiler->set(microtime(true), 'ready'); $timestamp = microtime(true); Core\Hook::callAll($args->getModuleName() . '_mod_init', $placeholder); $profiler->set(microtime(true) - $timestamp, 'init'); if ($server['REQUEST_METHOD'] === Router::DELETE) { $this->delete(); } if ($server['REQUEST_METHOD'] === Router::PATCH) { $this->patch(); } if ($server['REQUEST_METHOD'] === Router::POST) { Core\Hook::callAll($args->getModuleName() . '_mod_post', $post); $this->post(); } if ($server['REQUEST_METHOD'] === Router::PUT) { $this->put(); } // "rawContent" is especially meant for technical endpoints. // This endpoint doesn't need any theme initialization or other comparable stuff. $this->rawContent(); } /* * Functions used to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery * The security token has to base on at least one value that an attacker can't know - here it's the session ID and the private key. * In this implementation, a security token is reusable (if the user submits a form, goes back and resubmits the form, maybe with small changes; * or if the security token is used for ajax-calls that happen several times), but only valid for a certain amount of time (3hours). * The "typename" separates the security tokens of different types of forms. This could be relevant in the following case: * A security token is used to protect a link from CSRF (e.g. the "delete this profile"-link). * If the new page contains by any chance external elements, then the used security token is exposed by the referrer. * Actually, important actions should not be triggered by Links / GET-Requests at all, but sometimes they still are, * so this mechanism brings in some damage control (the attacker would be able to forge a request to a form of this type, but not to forms of other types). */ public static function getFormSecurityToken($typename = '') { $user = User::getById(DI::app()->getLoggedInUserId(), ['guid', 'prvkey']); $timestamp = time(); $sec_hash = hash('whirlpool', ($user['guid'] ?? '') . ($user['prvkey'] ?? '') . session_id() . $timestamp . $typename); return $timestamp . '.' . $sec_hash; } public static function checkFormSecurityToken($typename = '', $formname = 'form_security_token') { $hash = null; if (!empty($_REQUEST[$formname])) { /// @TODO Careful, not secured! $hash = $_REQUEST[$formname]; } if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_CSRF_TOKEN'])) { /// @TODO Careful, not secured! $hash = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_CSRF_TOKEN']; } if (empty($hash)) { return false; } $max_livetime = 10800; // 3 hours $user = User::getById(DI::app()->getLoggedInUserId(), ['guid', 'prvkey']); $x = explode('.', $hash); if (time() > (intval($x[0]) + $max_livetime)) { return false; } $sec_hash = hash('whirlpool', ($user['guid'] ?? '') . ($user['prvkey'] ?? '') . session_id() . $x[0] . $typename); return ($sec_hash == $x[1]); } public static function getFormSecurityStandardErrorMessage() { return DI::l10n()->t("The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long \x28>3 hours\x29 before submitting it.") . EOL; } public static function checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError($err_redirect, $typename = '', $formname = 'form_security_token') { if (!self::checkFormSecurityToken($typename, $formname)) { Logger::notice('checkFormSecurityToken failed: user ' . DI::app()->getLoggedInUserNickname() . ' - form element ' . $typename); Logger::debug('checkFormSecurityToken failed', ['request' => $_REQUEST]); notice(self::getFormSecurityStandardErrorMessage()); DI::baseUrl()->redirect($err_redirect); } } public static function checkFormSecurityTokenForbiddenOnError($typename = '', $formname = 'form_security_token') { if (!self::checkFormSecurityToken($typename, $formname)) { Logger::notice('checkFormSecurityToken failed: user ' . DI::app()->getLoggedInUserNickname() . ' - form element ' . $typename); Logger::debug('checkFormSecurityToken failed', ['request' => $_REQUEST]); throw new \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\ForbiddenException(); } } protected static function getContactFilterTabs(string $baseUrl, string $current, bool $displayCommonTab) { $tabs = [ [ 'label' => DI::l10n()->t('All contacts'), 'url' => $baseUrl . '/contacts', 'sel' => !$current || $current == 'all' ? 'active' : '', ], [ 'label' => DI::l10n()->t('Followers'), 'url' => $baseUrl . '/contacts/followers', 'sel' => $current == 'followers' ? 'active' : '', ], [ 'label' => DI::l10n()->t('Following'), 'url' => $baseUrl . '/contacts/following', 'sel' => $current == 'following' ? 'active' : '', ], [ 'label' => DI::l10n()->t('Mutual friends'), 'url' => $baseUrl . '/contacts/mutuals', 'sel' => $current == 'mutuals' ? 'active' : '', ], ]; if ($displayCommonTab) { $tabs[] = [ 'label' => DI::l10n()->t('Common'), 'url' => $baseUrl . '/contacts/common', 'sel' => $current == 'common' ? 'active' : '', ]; } return $tabs; } }