---------- Known bugs ---------- - outofmemory in arrays silently ignored - blending doesn't use premultiplied colors (not porter-duff model) - gradient color ramp is not interpolated in linear space - linear and non-linear image formats behave both linearly - radial gradient circle has got a fixed step instead of proportional to its radius ------------------------- Incomplete functionality: ------------------------- - non-zero fill mode - proper porter-duff blending - masking - scissoring - child images - VG_DRAW_IMAGE_STENCIL - _PRE and BW_1 image formats - VGU warp matrices - EGL (image drawing targets) - boundbox / point-on-path / tangent-on-path queries - RENDERING_QUALITY_FASTER == RENDERING_QUALITY_BETTER --------------------------- Possible portability issues --------------------------- - GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 and other for images - GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT for gradients - GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE for gradients and pattern paints - GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER for pattern paints - multitexturing for VG_DRAW_IMAGE_MULTIPLY, VG_DRAW_IMAGE_STENCIL ------ Bonus: ------ - gradient shaders? antialiasing shader?