. * */ namespace Friendica\Core\Worker; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\Worker; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Protocol\ActivityPub; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Friendica\Util\Strings; /** * Contains the class for jobs that are executed in an interval */ class Cron { /** * Runs the cron processes * * @return void * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public static function run() { Logger::info('Add cron entries'); // Check for spooled items Worker::add(['priority' => PRIORITY_HIGH, 'force_priority' => true], 'SpoolPost'); // Run the cron job that calls all other jobs Worker::add(['priority' => PRIORITY_MEDIUM, 'force_priority' => true], 'Cron'); // Cleaning dead processes self::killStaleWorkers(); // Remove old entries from the workerqueue self::cleanWorkerQueue(); // Directly deliver or requeue posts self::deliverPosts(); } /** * fix the queue entry if the worker process died * * @return void * @throws \Exception */ public static function killStaleWorkers() { $entries = DBA::select( 'workerqueue', ['id', 'pid', 'executed', 'priority', 'command', 'parameter'], ['NOT `done` AND `pid` != 0'], ['order' => ['priority', 'retrial', 'created']] ); while ($entry = DBA::fetch($entries)) { if (!posix_kill($entry["pid"], 0)) { DBA::update('workerqueue', ['executed' => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, 'pid' => 0], ['id' => $entry["id"]]); } else { // Kill long running processes // Define the maximum durations $max_duration_defaults = [PRIORITY_CRITICAL => 720, PRIORITY_HIGH => 10, PRIORITY_MEDIUM => 60, PRIORITY_LOW => 180, PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE => 720]; $max_duration = $max_duration_defaults[$entry['priority']]; $argv = json_decode($entry['parameter'], true); if (!empty($entry['command'])) { $command = $entry['command']; } elseif (!empty($argv)) { $command = array_shift($argv); } else { return; } $command = basename($command); // How long is the process already running? $duration = (time() - strtotime($entry["executed"])) / 60; if ($duration > $max_duration) { Logger::warning('Worker process took too much time - killed', ['duration' => number_format($duration, 3), 'max' => $max_duration, 'id' => $entry["id"], 'pid' => $entry["pid"], 'command' => $command]); posix_kill($entry["pid"], SIGTERM); // We killed the stale process. // To avoid a blocking situation we reschedule the process at the beginning of the queue. // Additionally we are lowering the priority. (But not PRIORITY_CRITICAL) $new_priority = $entry['priority']; if ($entry['priority'] == PRIORITY_HIGH) { $new_priority = PRIORITY_MEDIUM; } elseif ($entry['priority'] == PRIORITY_MEDIUM) { $new_priority = PRIORITY_LOW; } elseif ($entry['priority'] != PRIORITY_CRITICAL) { $new_priority = PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE; } DBA::update('workerqueue', ['executed' => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, 'created' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), 'priority' => $new_priority, 'pid' => 0], ['id' => $entry["id"]] ); } else { Logger::info('Process runtime is okay', ['duration' => number_format($duration, 3), 'max' => $max_duration, 'id' => $entry["id"], 'pid' => $entry["pid"], 'command' => $command]); } } } DBA::close($entries); } /** * Remove old entries from the workerqueue * * @return void */ private static function cleanWorkerQueue() { DBA::delete('workerqueue', ["`done` AND `executed` < ?", DateTimeFormat::utc('now - 1 hour')]); // Optimizing this table only last seconds if (DI::config()->get('system', 'optimize_tables')) { // We are acquiring the two locks from the worker to avoid locking problems if (DI::lock()->acquire(Worker::LOCK_PROCESS, 10)) { if (DI::lock()->acquire(Worker::LOCK_WORKER, 10)) { DBA::e("OPTIMIZE TABLE `workerqueue`"); DBA::e("OPTIMIZE TABLE `process`"); DI::lock()->release(Worker::LOCK_WORKER); } DI::lock()->release(Worker::LOCK_PROCESS); } } } /** * Directly deliver AP messages or requeue them. * * This function is placed here as a safeguard. Even when the worker queue is completely blocked, messages will be delivered. */ private static function deliverPosts() { $deliveries = DBA::p("SELECT `item-uri`.`uri` AS `inbox`, MAX(`failed`) AS `failed` FROM `post-delivery` INNER JOIN `item-uri` ON `item-uri`.`id` = `post-delivery`.`inbox-id` GROUP BY `inbox`"); while ($delivery = DBA::fetch($deliveries)) { if ($delivery['failed'] == 0) { $result = ActivityPub\Delivery::deliver($delivery['inbox']); Logger::info('Directly deliver inbox', ['inbox' => $delivery['inbox'], 'result' => $result['success']]); continue; } elseif ($delivery['failed'] < 3) { $priority = PRIORITY_HIGH; } elseif ($delivery['failed'] < 6) { $priority = PRIORITY_MEDIUM; } elseif ($delivery['failed'] < 8) { $priority = PRIORITY_LOW; } else { $priority = PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE; } if ($delivery['failed'] >= DI::config()->get('system', 'worker_defer_limit')) { Logger::info('Removing failed deliveries', ['inbox' => $delivery['inbox'], 'failed' => $delivery['failed']]); Post\Delivery::removeFailed($delivery['inbox']); } if (Worker::add($priority, 'APDelivery', '', 0, $delivery['inbox'], 0)) { Logger::info('Missing APDelivery worker added for inbox', ['inbox' => $delivery['inbox'], 'failed' => $delivery['failed'], 'priority' => $priority]); } } } /** * Add missing "intro" records. * * @return void */ private static function addIntros() { $contacts = DBA::p("SELECT `uid`, `id`, `created` FROM `contact` WHERE `rel` = ? AND `pending` AND NOT `id` IN (SELECT `contact-id` FROM `intro`)", Contact::FOLLOWER); while ($contact = DBA::fetch($contacts)) { $fields = [ 'uid' => $contact['uid'], 'contact-id' => $contact['id'], 'datetime' => $contact['created'], 'hash' => Strings::getRandomHex() ]; Logger::notice('Adding missing intro', ['fields' => $fields]); DBA::insert('intro', $fields); } } }