. * */ namespace Friendica\Factory\Api\Mastodon; use Friendica\BaseFactory; use Friendica\Content\ContactSelector; use Friendica\Content\Item as ContentItem; use Friendica\Database\Database; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\Model\Item; use Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Model\Tag as TagModel; use Friendica\Model\Verb; use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; use Friendica\Protocol\Activity; use Friendica\Protocol\ActivityPub; use ImagickException; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class Status extends BaseFactory { /** @var Database */ private $dba; /** @var Account */ private $mstdnAccountFactory; /** @var Mention */ private $mstdnMentionFactory; /** @var Tag */ private $mstdnTagFactory; /** @var Card */ private $mstdnCardFactory; /** @var Attachment */ private $mstdnAttachementFactory; /** @var Error */ private $mstdnErrorFactory; /** @var Poll */ private $mstdnPollFactory; /** @var ContentItem */ private $contentItem; public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger, Database $dba, Account $mstdnAccountFactory, Mention $mstdnMentionFactory, Tag $mstdnTagFactory, Card $mstdnCardFactory, Attachment $mstdnAttachementFactory, Error $mstdnErrorFactory, Poll $mstdnPollFactory, ContentItem $contentItem) { parent::__construct($logger); $this->dba = $dba; $this->mstdnAccountFactory = $mstdnAccountFactory; $this->mstdnMentionFactory = $mstdnMentionFactory; $this->mstdnTagFactory = $mstdnTagFactory; $this->mstdnCardFactory = $mstdnCardFactory; $this->mstdnAttachementFactory = $mstdnAttachementFactory; $this->mstdnErrorFactory = $mstdnErrorFactory; $this->mstdnPollFactory = $mstdnPollFactory; $this->contentItem = $contentItem; } /** * @param int $uriId Uri-ID of the item * @param int $uid Item user * @param bool $reblog Check for reblogged post * * @return \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Status * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException * @throws ImagickException|HTTPException\NotFoundException */ public function createFromUriId(int $uriId, int $uid = 0, bool $reblog = true): \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Status { $fields = ['uri-id', 'uid', 'author-id', 'causer-id', 'author-uri-id', 'author-link', 'causer-uri-id', 'post-reason', 'starred', 'app', 'title', 'body', 'raw-body', 'content-warning', 'question-id', 'created', 'network', 'thr-parent-id', 'parent-author-id', 'language', 'uri', 'plink', 'private', 'vid', 'gravity', 'featured', 'has-media', 'quote-uri-id']; $item = Post::selectFirst($fields, ['uri-id' => $uriId, 'uid' => [0, $uid]], ['order' => ['uid' => true]]); if (!$item) { $mail = DBA::selectFirst('mail', ['id'], ['uri-id' => $uriId, 'uid' => $uid]); if ($mail) { return $this->createFromMailId($mail['id']); } throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException('Item with URI ID ' . $uriId . ' not found' . ($uid ? ' for user ' . $uid : '.')); } if (($item['gravity'] == Item::GRAVITY_ACTIVITY) && ($item['vid'] == Verb::getID(Activity::ANNOUNCE))) { $is_reshare = true; $account = $this->mstdnAccountFactory->createFromUriId($item['author-uri-id'], $uid); $uriId = $item['thr-parent-id']; $item = Post::selectFirst($fields, ['uri-id' => $uriId, 'uid' => [0, $uid]], ['order' => ['uid' => true]]); if (!$item) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException('Item with URI ID ' . $uriId . ' not found' . ($uid ? ' for user ' . $uid : '.')); } } else { $is_reshare = $reblog && !is_null($item['causer-uri-id']) && ($item['causer-id'] != $item['author-id']) && ($item['post-reason'] == Item::PR_ANNOUNCEMENT); $account = $this->mstdnAccountFactory->createFromUriId($is_reshare ? $item['causer-uri-id'] : $item['author-uri-id'], $uid); } $count_announce = Post::countPosts([ 'thr-parent-id' => $uriId, 'gravity' => Item::GRAVITY_ACTIVITY, 'vid' => Verb::getID(Activity::ANNOUNCE), 'deleted' => false ], []); $count_like = Post::countPosts([ 'thr-parent-id' => $uriId, 'gravity' => Item::GRAVITY_ACTIVITY, 'vid' => Verb::getID(Activity::LIKE), 'deleted' => false ], []); $counts = new \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Status\Counts( Post::countPosts(['thr-parent-id' => $uriId, 'gravity' => Item::GRAVITY_COMMENT, 'deleted' => false], []), $count_announce, $count_like ); $origin_like = ($count_like == 0) ? false : Post::exists([ 'thr-parent-id' => $uriId, 'uid' => $uid, 'origin' => true, 'gravity' => Item::GRAVITY_ACTIVITY, 'vid' => Verb::getID(Activity::LIKE), 'deleted' => false ]); $origin_announce = ($count_announce == 0) ? false : Post::exists([ 'thr-parent-id' => $uriId, 'uid' => $uid, 'origin' => true, 'gravity' => Item::GRAVITY_ACTIVITY, 'vid' => Verb::getID(Activity::ANNOUNCE), 'deleted' => false ]); $userAttributes = new \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Status\UserAttributes( $origin_like, $origin_announce, Post\ThreadUser::getIgnored($uriId, $uid), (bool)($item['starred'] && ($item['gravity'] == Item::GRAVITY_PARENT)), $item['featured'] ); $sensitive = $this->dba->exists('tag-view', ['uri-id' => $uriId, 'name' => 'nsfw', 'type' => TagModel::HASHTAG]); $application = new \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Application($item['app'] ?: ContactSelector::networkToName($item['network'], $item['author-link'])); $mentions = $this->mstdnMentionFactory->createFromUriId($uriId)->getArrayCopy(); $tags = $this->mstdnTagFactory->createFromUriId($uriId); if ($item['has-media']) { $card = $this->mstdnCardFactory->createFromUriId($uriId); $attachments = $this->mstdnAttachementFactory->createFromUriId($uriId); } else { $card = new \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Card([]); $attachments = []; } if (!empty($item['question-id'])) { $poll = $this->mstdnPollFactory->createFromId($item['question-id'], $uid)->toArray(); } else { $poll = null; } $shared = $this->contentItem->getSharedPost($item, ['uri-id']); if (!empty($shared)) { $shared_uri_id = $shared['post']['uri-id']; foreach ($this->mstdnMentionFactory->createFromUriId($shared_uri_id)->getArrayCopy() as $mention) { if (!in_array($mention, $mentions)) { $mentions[] = $mention; } } foreach ($this->mstdnTagFactory->createFromUriId($shared_uri_id) as $tag) { if (!in_array($tag, $tags)) { $tags[] = $tag; } } foreach ($this->mstdnAttachementFactory->createFromUriId($shared_uri_id) as $attachment) { if (!in_array($attachment, $attachments)) { $attachments[] = $attachment; } } if (empty($card->toArray())) { $card = $this->mstdnCardFactory->createFromUriId($shared_uri_id); } } $item['body'] = $this->contentItem->addSharedPost($item); if (!is_null($item['raw-body'])) { $item['raw-body'] = $this->contentItem->addSharedPost($item, $item['raw-body']); } if ($is_reshare) { $reshare = $this->createFromUriId($uriId, $uid, false)->toArray(); } else { $reshare = []; } return new \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Status($item, $account, $counts, $userAttributes, $sensitive, $application, $mentions, $tags, $card, $attachments, $reshare, $poll); } /** * @param int $uriId id of the mail * * @return \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Status * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException * @throws ImagickException|HTTPException\NotFoundException */ public function createFromMailId(int $id): \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Status { $item = ActivityPub\Transmitter::getItemArrayFromMail($id, true); if (empty($item)) { $this->mstdnErrorFactory->RecordNotFound(); } $account = $this->mstdnAccountFactory->createFromContactId($item['author-id']); $replies = $this->dba->count('mail', ['thr-parent-id' => $item['uri-id'], 'reply' => true]); $counts = new \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Status\Counts($replies, 0, 0); $userAttributes = new \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Status\UserAttributes(false, false, false, false, false); $sensitive = false; $application = new \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Application(''); $mentions = []; $tags = []; $card = new \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Card([]); $attachments = []; $reshare = []; return new \Friendica\Object\Api\Mastodon\Status($item, $account, $counts, $userAttributes, $sensitive, $application, $mentions, $tags, $card, $attachments, $reshare); } }