dba = $dba; $this->notification = $notification; $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl; $this->l10n = $l10n; $this->nurl = $app->contact['nurl'] ?? ''; } /** * Format the item query in an usable array * * @param array $item The item from the db query * * @return array The item, extended with the notification-specific information * * @throws InternalServerErrorException * @throws Exception */ private function formatItem(array $item) { $item['seen'] = ($item['unseen'] > 0 ? false : true); // For feed items we use the user's contact, since the avatar is mostly self choosen. if (!empty($item['network']) && $item['network'] == Protocol::FEED) { $item['author-avatar'] = $item['contact-avatar']; } $item['label'] = (($item['id'] == $item['parent']) ? 'post' : 'comment'); $item['link'] = $this->baseUrl->get(true) . '/display/' . $item['parent-guid']; $item['image'] = Proxy::proxifyUrl($item['author-avatar'], false, Proxy::SIZE_MICRO); $item['url'] = $item['author-link']; $item['text'] = (($item['id'] == $item['parent']) ? $this->l10n->t("%s created a new post", $item['author-name']) : $this->l10n->t("%s commented on %s's post", $item['author-name'], $item['parent-author-name'])); $item['when'] = DateTimeFormat::local($item['created'], 'r'); $item['ago'] = Temporal::getRelativeDate($item['created']); return $item; } /** * @param array $item * * @return \Friendica\Object\Notification\Notification * * @throws InternalServerErrorException */ private function createFromItem(array $item) { $item = $this->formatItem($item); // Transform the different types of notification in an usable array switch ($item['verb'] ?? '') { case Activity::LIKE: return new \Friendica\Object\Notification\Notification( 'like', $this->baseUrl->get(true) . '/display/' . $item['parent-guid'], Proxy::proxifyUrl($item['author-avatar'], false, Proxy::SIZE_MICRO), $item['author-link'], $this->l10n->t("%s liked %s's post", $item['author-name'], $item['parent-author-name']), $item['when'] ?? '', $item['ago'] ?? '', $item['seen'] ?? false); case Activity::DISLIKE: return new \Friendica\Object\Notification\Notification( 'dislike', $this->baseUrl->get(true) . '/display/' . $item['parent-guid'], Proxy::proxifyUrl($item['author-avatar'], false, Proxy::SIZE_MICRO), $item['author-link'], $this->l10n->t("%s disliked %s's post", $item['author-name'], $item['parent-author-name']), $item['when'] ?? '', $item['ago'] ?? '', $item['seen'] ?? false); case Activity::ATTEND: return new \Friendica\Object\Notification\Notification( 'attend', $this->baseUrl->get(true) . '/display/' . $item['parent-guid'], Proxy::proxifyUrl($item['author-avatar'], false, Proxy::SIZE_MICRO), $item['author-link'], $this->l10n->t("%s is attending %s's event", $item['author-name'], $item['parent-author-name']), $item['when'] ?? '', $item['ago'] ?? '', $item['seen'] ?? false); case Activity::ATTENDNO: return new \Friendica\Object\Notification\Notification( 'attendno', $this->baseUrl->get(true) . '/display/' . $item['parent-guid'], Proxy::proxifyUrl($item['author-avatar'], false, Proxy::SIZE_MICRO), $item['author-link'], $this->l10n->t("%s is not attending %s's event", $item['author-name'], $item['parent-author-name']), $item['when'] ?? '', $item['ago'] ?? '', $item['seen'] ?? false); case Activity::ATTENDMAYBE: return new \Friendica\Object\Notification\Notification( 'attendmaybe', $this->baseUrl->get(true) . '/display/' . $item['parent-guid'], Proxy::proxifyUrl($item['author-avatar'], false, Proxy::SIZE_MICRO), $item['author-link'], $this->l10n->t("%s may attending %s's event", $item['author-name'], $item['parent-author-name']), $item['when'] ?? '', $item['ago'] ?? '', $item['seen'] ?? false); case Activity::FRIEND: if (!isset($item['object'])) { return new \Friendica\Object\Notification\Notification( 'friend', $item['link'], $item['image'], $item['url'], $item['text'], $item['when'] ?? '', $item['ago'] ?? '', $item['seen'] ?? false); } $xmlHead = "<" . "?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?" . ">"; $obj = XML::parseString($xmlHead . $item['object']); $item['fname'] = $obj->title; return new \Friendica\Object\Notification\Notification( 'friend', $this->baseUrl->get(true) . '/display/' . $item['parent-guid'], Proxy::proxifyUrl($item['author-avatar'], false, Proxy::SIZE_MICRO), $item['author-link'], $this->l10n->t("%s is now friends with %s", $item['author-name'], $item['fname']), $item['when'] ?? '', $item['ago'] ?? '', $item['seen'] ?? false); default: return new \Friendica\Object\Notification\Notification( $item['label'], $item['link'], $item['image'], $item['url'], $item['text'], $item['when'] ?? '', $item['ago'] ?? '', $item['seen'] ?? false); break; } } /** * Get system notifications * * @param bool $seen False => only include notifications into the query * which aren't marked as "seen" * @param int $start Start the query at this point * @param int $limit Maximum number of query results * * @return \Friendica\Module\Notifications\Notification[] */ public function getSystemList(bool $seen = false, int $start = 0, int $limit = BaseNotifications::DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT) { $conditions = ['uid' => local_user()]; if (!$seen) { $conditions['seen'] = false; } $params = []; $params['order'] = ['date' => 'DESC']; $params['limit'] = [$start, $limit]; $formattedNotifications = []; try { $notifications = $this->notification->select($conditions, $params); foreach ($notifications as $notification) { $formattedNotifications[] = new \Friendica\Object\Notification\Notification( 'notification', $this->baseUrl->get(true) . '/notification/view/' . $notification->id, Proxy::proxifyUrl($notification->photo, false, Proxy::SIZE_MICRO), $notification->url, strip_tags(BBCode::convert($notification->msg)), DateTimeFormat::local($notification->date, 'r'), Temporal::getRelativeDate($notification->date), $notification->seen); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logger->warning('Select failed.', ['conditions' => $conditions, 'exception' => $e]); } return $formattedNotifications; } /** * Get network notifications * * @param bool $seen False => only include notifications into the query * which aren't marked as "seen" * @param int $start Start the query at this point * @param int $limit Maximum number of query results * * @return \Friendica\Object\Notification\Notification[] */ public function getNetworkList(bool $seen = false, int $start = 0, int $limit = BaseNotifications::DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT) { $conditions = ['wall' => false, 'uid' => local_user()]; if (!$seen) { $conditions['unseen'] = true; } $fields = ['id', 'parent', 'verb', 'author-name', 'unseen', 'author-link', 'author-avatar', 'contact-avatar', 'network', 'created', 'object', 'parent-author-name', 'parent-author-link', 'parent-guid']; $params = ['order' => ['received' => true], 'limit' => [$start, $limit]]; $formattedNotifications = []; try { $items = Item::selectForUser(local_user(), $fields, $conditions, $params); while ($item = $this->dba->fetch($items)) { $formattedNotifications[] = $this->createFromItem($item); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logger->warning('Select failed.', ['conditions' => $conditions, 'exception' => $e]); } return $formattedNotifications; } /** * Get personal notifications * * @param bool $seen False => only include notifications into the query * which aren't marked as "seen" * @param int $start Start the query at this point * @param int $limit Maximum number of query results * * @return \Friendica\Object\Notification\Notification[] */ public function getPersonalList(bool $seen = false, int $start = 0, int $limit = BaseNotifications::DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT) { $myUrl = str_replace('http://', '', $this->nurl); $diaspUrl = str_replace('/profile/', '/u/', $myUrl); $condition = ["NOT `wall` AND `uid` = ? AND (`item`.`author-id` = ? OR `item`.`tag` REGEXP ? OR `item`.`tag` REGEXP ?)", local_user(), public_contact(), $myUrl . '\\]', $diaspUrl . '\\]']; if (!$seen) { $condition[0] .= " AND `unseen`"; } $fields = ['id', 'parent', 'verb', 'author-name', 'unseen', 'author-link', 'author-avatar', 'contact-avatar', 'network', 'created', 'object', 'parent-author-name', 'parent-author-link', 'parent-guid']; $params = ['order' => ['received' => true], 'limit' => [$start, $limit]]; $formattedNotifications = []; try { $items = Item::selectForUser(local_user(), $fields, $condition, $params); while ($item = $this->dba->fetch($items)) { $formattedNotifications[] = $this->createFromItem($item); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logger->warning('Select failed.', ['conditions' => $condition, 'exception' => $e]); } return $formattedNotifications; } /** * Get home notifications * * @param bool $seen False => only include notifications into the query * which aren't marked as "seen" * @param int $start Start the query at this point * @param int $limit Maximum number of query results * * @return \Friendica\Object\Notification\Notification[] */ public function getHomeList(bool $seen = false, int $start = 0, int $limit = BaseNotifications::DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT) { $condition = ['wall' => true, 'uid' => local_user()]; if (!$seen) { $condition['unseen'] = true; } $fields = ['id', 'parent', 'verb', 'author-name', 'unseen', 'author-link', 'author-avatar', 'contact-avatar', 'network', 'created', 'object', 'parent-author-name', 'parent-author-link', 'parent-guid']; $params = ['order' => ['received' => true], 'limit' => [$start, $limit]]; $formattedNotifications = []; try { $items = Item::selectForUser(local_user(), $fields, $condition, $params); while ($item = $this->dba->fetch($items)) { $item = $this->formatItem($item); // Overwrite specific fields, not default item format $item['label'] = 'comment'; $item['text'] = $this->l10n->t("%s commented on %s's post", $item['author-name'], $item['parent-author-name']); $formattedNotifications[] = $this->createFromItem($item); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logger->warning('Select failed.', ['conditions' => $condition, 'exception' => $e]); } return $formattedNotifications; } }