. * */ namespace Friendica\Model; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\Protocol; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Notify\Type; use Friendica\Network\Probe; use Friendica\Protocol\Activity; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Friendica\Util\Strings; class FContact { /** * Fetches data for a given handle * * @param string $handle The handle * @param boolean $update true = always update, false = never update, null = update when not found or outdated * * @return array the queried data * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException * @throws \ImagickException */ public static function getByURL($handle, $update = null) { $person = DBA::selectFirst('fcontact', [], ['network' => Protocol::DIASPORA, 'addr' => $handle]); if (!DBA::isResult($person)) { $urls = [$handle, str_replace('http://', 'https://', $handle), Strings::normaliseLink($handle)]; $person = DBA::selectFirst('fcontact', [], ['network' => Protocol::DIASPORA, 'url' => $urls]); } if (DBA::isResult($person)) { Logger::debug('In cache', ['person' => $person]); if (is_null($update)) { // update record occasionally so it doesn't get stale $d = strtotime($person["updated"]." +00:00"); if ($d < strtotime("now - 14 days")) { $update = true; } if ($person["guid"] == "") { $update = true; } } } elseif (is_null($update)) { $update = !DBA::isResult($person); } else { $person = []; } if ($update) { Logger::info('create or refresh', ['handle' => $handle]); $r = Probe::uri($handle, Protocol::DIASPORA); // Note that Friendica contacts will return a "Diaspora person" // if Diaspora connectivity is enabled on their server if ($r && ($r["network"] === Protocol::DIASPORA)) { self::updateFContact($r); $person = self::getByURL($handle, false); } } return $person; } /** * Updates the fcontact table * * @param array $arr The fcontact data * @throws \Exception */ private static function updateFContact($arr) { $fields = ['name' => $arr["name"], 'photo' => $arr["photo"], 'request' => $arr["request"], 'nick' => $arr["nick"], 'addr' => strtolower($arr["addr"]), 'guid' => $arr["guid"], 'batch' => $arr["batch"], 'notify' => $arr["notify"], 'poll' => $arr["poll"], 'confirm' => $arr["confirm"], 'alias' => $arr["alias"], 'pubkey' => $arr["pubkey"], 'updated' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow()]; $condition = ['url' => $arr["url"], 'network' => $arr["network"]]; DBA::update('fcontact', $fields, $condition, true); } /** * get a url (scheme://domain.tld/u/user) from a given Diaspora* * fcontact guid * * @param mixed $fcontact_guid Hexadecimal string guid * * @return string the contact url or null * @throws \Exception */ public static function getUrlByGuid($fcontact_guid) { Logger::info('fcontact', ['guid' => $fcontact_guid]); $r = q( "SELECT `url` FROM `fcontact` WHERE `url` != '' AND `network` = '%s' AND `guid` = '%s'", DBA::escape(Protocol::DIASPORA), DBA::escape($fcontact_guid) ); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { return $r[0]['url']; } return null; } /** * Add suggestions for a given contact * * @param integer $uid * @param integer $cid * @return bool Was the adding successful? */ public static function addSuggestion(int $uid, int $cid) { $owner = User::getOwnerDataById($uid); $contact = Contact::getById($cid); if (DBA::exists('contact', ['nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($contact['url']), 'uid' => $uid])) { return false; } $suggest = []; $suggest['uid'] = $uid; $suggest['cid'] = $contact['id']; $suggest['url'] = $contact['url']; $suggest['name'] = $contact['name']; $suggest['photo'] = $contact['photo']; $suggest['request'] = $contact['request']; $suggest['title'] = ''; $suggest['body'] = ''; // Do we already have an fcontact record for this person? $fid = 0; $fcontact = DBA::selectFirst('fcontact', ['id'], ['url' => $suggest['url']]); if (DBA::isResult($fcontact)) { $fid = $fcontact['id']; $fields = ['name' => $suggest['name'], 'photo' => $suggest['photo'], 'request' => $suggest['request']]; DBA::update('fcontact', $fields, ['id' => $fid]); // Quit if we already have an introduction for this person if (DBA::exists('intro', ['uid' => $suggest['uid'], 'fid' => $fid])) { return false; } } if (empty($fid)) { $fields = ['name' => $suggest['name'], 'url' => $suggest['url'], 'photo' => $suggest['photo'], 'request' => $suggest['request']]; DBA::insert('fcontact', $fields); $fid = DBA::lastInsertId(); if (empty($fid)) { Logger::warning('FContact had not been created', ['fcontact' => $fields]); return false; } } $hash = Strings::getRandomHex(); $fields = ['uid' => $suggest['uid'], 'fid' => $fid, 'contact-id' => $suggest['cid'], 'note' => $suggest['body'], 'hash' => $hash, 'datetime' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), 'blocked' => false]; DBA::insert('intro', $fields); notification( [ 'type' => Type::SUGGEST, 'notify_flags' => $owner['notify-flags'], 'language' => $owner['language'], 'to_name' => $owner['name'], 'to_email' => $owner['email'], 'uid' => $owner['uid'], 'item' => $suggest, 'link' => DI::baseUrl().'/notifications/intros', 'source_name' => $contact['name'], 'source_link' => $contact['url'], 'source_photo' => $contact['photo'], 'verb' => Activity::REQ_FRIEND, 'otype' => 'intro'] ); return true; } }