$resourceid]); if ($r === false) { return false; } $sql_acl = Security::getPermissionsSQLByUserId($r["uid"]); $conditions = [ "`resource-id` = ? AND `scale` <= ? " . $sql_acl, $resourceid, $scale ]; $params = ["order" => ["scale" => true]]; $photo = self::selectFirst([], $conditions, $params); if ($photo === false) { return self::createPhotoForSystemResource("images/nosign.jpg"); } return $photo; } /** * @brief Check if photo with given resource id exists * * @param string $resourceid Resource ID of the photo * * @return boolean */ public static function exists($resourceid) { return DBA::count("photo", ["resource-id" => $resourceid]) > 0; } /** * @brief Get Image object for given row id. null if row id does not exist * * @param integer $id Row id * * @return \Friendica\Object\Image */ public static function getImageForPhoto($photo) { $data = ""; if ($photo["backend-class"] == "") { // legacy data storage in "data" column $i = self::selectFirst(["data"], ["id" => $photo["id"]]); if ($i === false) { return null; } $data = $i["data"]; } else { $backendClass = $photo["backend-class"]; $backendRef = $photo["backend-ref"]; $data = $backendClass::get($backendRef); } if ($data === "") { return null; } return new Image($data, $photo["type"]); } /** * @brief Return a list of fields that are associated with the photo table * * @return array field list */ private static function getFields() { $allfields = DBStructure::definition(false); $fields = array_keys($allfields["photo"]["fields"]); array_splice($fields, array_search("data", $fields), 1); return $fields; } /** * @brief Construct a photo array for a system resource image * * @param string $filename Image file name relative to code root * @param string $mimetype Image mime type. Defaults to "image/jpeg" * * @return array */ public static function createPhotoForSystemResource($filename, $mimetype = "image/jpeg") { $fields = self::getFields(); $values = array_fill(0, count($fields), ""); $photo = array_combine($fields, $values); $photo["backend-class"] = \Friendica\Model\Storage\SystemResource::class; $photo["backend-ref"] = $filename; $photo["type"] = $mimetype; $photo["cacheable"] = false; return $photo; } /** * @brief store photo metadata in db and binary in default backend * * @param Image $Image image * @param integer $uid uid * @param integer $cid cid * @param integer $rid rid * @param string $filename filename * @param string $album album name * @param integer $scale scale * @param integer $profile optional, default = 0 * @param string $allow_cid optional, default = "" * @param string $allow_gid optional, default = "" * @param string $deny_cid optional, default = "" * @param string $deny_gid optional, default = "" * @param string $desc optional, default = "" * * @return boolean True on success */ public static function store(Image $Image, $uid, $cid, $rid, $filename, $album, $scale, $profile = 0, $allow_cid = "", $allow_gid = "", $deny_cid = "", $deny_gid = "", $desc = "") { $photo = self::selectFirst(["guid"], ["`resource-id` = ? AND `guid` != ?", $rid, ""]); if (DBA::isResult($photo)) { $guid = $photo["guid"]; } else { $guid = System::createGUID(); } $existing_photo = self::selectFirst(["id", "backend-class", "backend-ref"], ["resource-id" => $rid, "uid" => $uid, "contact-id" => $cid, "scale" => $scale]); // Get defined storage backend. // if no storage backend, we use old "data" column in photo table. // if is an existing photo, reuse same backend $data = ""; $backend_ref = ""; $backend_class = ""; if (DBA::isResult($existing_photo)) { $backend_ref = (string)$existing_photo["backend-ref"]; $backend_class = (string)$existing_photo["backend-class"]; } else { $backend_class = Config::get("storage", "class", ""); } if ($backend_class === "") { $data = $Image->asString(); } else { $backend_ref = $backend_class::put($Image->asString(), $backend_ref); } $fields = [ "uid" => $uid, "contact-id" => $cid, "guid" => $guid, "resource-id" => $rid, "created" => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), "edited" => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), "filename" => basename($filename), "type" => $Image->getType(), "album" => $album, "height" => $Image->getHeight(), "width" => $Image->getWidth(), "datasize" => strlen($Image->asString()), "data" => $data, "scale" => $scale, "profile" => $profile, "allow_cid" => $allow_cid, "allow_gid" => $allow_gid, "deny_cid" => $deny_cid, "deny_gid" => $deny_gid, "desc" => $desc, "backend-class" => $backend_class, "backend-ref" => $backend_ref ]; if (DBA::isResult($existing_photo)) { $r = DBA::update("photo", $fields, ["id" => $existing_photo["id"]]); } else { $r = DBA::insert("photo", $fields); } return $r; } public static function delete(array $conditions, $options = []) { // get photo to delete data info $photos = self::select(["backend-class","backend-ref"], $conditions); foreach($photos as $photo) { $backend_class = (string)$photo["backend-class"]; if ($backend_class !== "") { $backend_class::delete($photo["backend-ref"]); } } return DBA::delete("photo", $conditions, $options); } /** * @brief Update a photo * * @param array $fields Contains the fields that are updated * @param array $conditions Condition array with the key values * @param Image $img Image to update. Optional, default null. * @param array|boolean $old_fields Array with the old field values that are about to be replaced (true = update on duplicate) * * @return boolean Was the update successfull? * * @see \Friendica\Database\DBA::update */ public static function update($fields, $conditions, Image $img = null, array $old_fields = []) { if (!is_null($img)) { // get photo to update $photos = self::select(["backend-class","backend-ref"], $conditions); foreach($photos as $photo) { $backend_class = (string)$photo["backend-class"]; if ($backend_class !== "") { $fields["backend-ref"] = $backend_class::put($img->asString(), $photo["backend-ref"]); } else { $fields["data"] = $img->asString(); } } } $fields['updated'] = DateTimeFormat::utcNow(); return DBA::update("photo", $fields, $conditions); } /** * @param string $image_url Remote URL * @param integer $uid user id * @param integer $cid contact id * @param boolean $quit_on_error optional, default false * @return array */ public static function importProfilePhoto($image_url, $uid, $cid, $quit_on_error = false) { $thumb = ""; $micro = ""; $photo = DBA::selectFirst( "photo", ["resource-id"], ["uid" => $uid, "contact-id" => $cid, "scale" => 4, "album" => "Contact Photos"] ); if (!empty($photo['resource-id'])) { $hash = $photo["resource-id"]; } else { $hash = self::newResource(); } $photo_failure = false; $filename = basename($image_url); $img_str = Network::fetchUrl($image_url, true); if ($quit_on_error && ($img_str == "")) { return false; } $type = Image::guessType($image_url, true); $Image = new Image($img_str, $type); if ($Image->isValid()) { $Image->scaleToSquare(300); $r = self::store($Image, $uid, $cid, $hash, $filename, "Contact Photos", 4); if ($r === false) { $photo_failure = true; } $Image->scaleDown(80); $r = self::store($Image, $uid, $cid, $hash, $filename, "Contact Photos", 5); if ($r === false) { $photo_failure = true; } $Image->scaleDown(48); $r = self::store($Image, $uid, $cid, $hash, $filename, "Contact Photos", 6); if ($r === false) { $photo_failure = true; } $suffix = "?ts=" . time(); $image_url = System::baseUrl() . "/photo/" . $hash . "-4." . $Image->getExt() . $suffix; $thumb = System::baseUrl() . "/photo/" . $hash . "-5." . $Image->getExt() . $suffix; $micro = System::baseUrl() . "/photo/" . $hash . "-6." . $Image->getExt() . $suffix; // Remove the cached photo $a = \get_app(); $basepath = $a->getBasePath(); if (is_dir($basepath . "/photo")) { $filename = $basepath . "/photo/" . $hash . "-4." . $Image->getExt(); if (file_exists($filename)) { unlink($filename); } $filename = $basepath . "/photo/" . $hash . "-5." . $Image->getExt(); if (file_exists($filename)) { unlink($filename); } $filename = $basepath . "/photo/" . $hash . "-6." . $Image->getExt(); if (file_exists($filename)) { unlink($filename); } } } else { $photo_failure = true; } if ($photo_failure && $quit_on_error) { return false; } if ($photo_failure) { $image_url = System::baseUrl() . "/images/person-300.jpg"; $thumb = System::baseUrl() . "/images/person-80.jpg"; $micro = System::baseUrl() . "/images/person-48.jpg"; } return [$image_url, $thumb, $micro]; } /** * @param string $exifCoord coordinate * @param string $hemi hemi * @return float */ public static function getGps($exifCoord, $hemi) { $degrees = count($exifCoord) > 0 ? self::gps2Num($exifCoord[0]) : 0; $minutes = count($exifCoord) > 1 ? self::gps2Num($exifCoord[1]) : 0; $seconds = count($exifCoord) > 2 ? self::gps2Num($exifCoord[2]) : 0; $flip = ($hemi == "W" || $hemi == "S") ? -1 : 1; return floatval($flip * ($degrees + ($minutes / 60) + ($seconds / 3600))); } /** * @param string $coordPart coordPart * @return float */ private static function gps2Num($coordPart) { $parts = explode("/", $coordPart); if (count($parts) <= 0) { return 0; } if (count($parts) == 1) { return $parts[0]; } return floatval($parts[0]) / floatval($parts[1]); } /** * @brief Fetch the photo albums that are available for a viewer * * The query in this function is cost intensive, so it is cached. * * @param int $uid User id of the photos * @param bool $update Update the cache * * @return array Returns array of the photo albums */ public static function getAlbums($uid, $update = false) { $sql_extra = Security::getPermissionsSQLByUserId($uid); $key = "photo_albums:".$uid.":".local_user().":".remote_user(); $albums = Cache::get($key); if (is_null($albums) || $update) { if (!Config::get("system", "no_count", false)) { /// @todo This query needs to be renewed. It is really slow // At this time we just store the data in the cache $albums = q("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `resource-id`) AS `total`, `album`, ANY_VALUE(`created`) AS `created` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` != '%s' AND `album` != '%s' $sql_extra GROUP BY `album` ORDER BY `created` DESC", intval($uid), DBA::escape("Contact Photos"), DBA::escape(L10n::t("Contact Photos")) ); } else { // This query doesn't do the count and is much faster $albums = q("SELECT DISTINCT(`album`), '' AS `total` FROM `photo` USE INDEX (`uid_album_scale_created`) WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` != '%s' AND `album` != '%s' $sql_extra", intval($uid), DBA::escape("Contact Photos"), DBA::escape(L10n::t("Contact Photos")) ); } Cache::set($key, $albums, Cache::DAY); } return $albums; } /** * @param int $uid User id of the photos * @return void */ public static function clearAlbumCache($uid) { $key = "photo_albums:".$uid.":".local_user().":".remote_user(); Cache::set($key, null, Cache::DAY); } /** * Generate a unique photo ID. * * @return string */ public static function newResource() { return System::createGUID(32, false); } }