. * */ namespace Friendica\Model; use Friendica\Core\Cache\Duration; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Util\Strings; /** * Class Term * * This Model class handles term table interactions. * This tables stores relevant terms related to posts, photos and searches, like hashtags, mentions and * user-applied categories. */ class Term { const UNKNOWN = 0; const HASHTAG = 1; const MENTION = 2; const CATEGORY = 3; const PCATEGORY = 4; const FILE = 5; const SAVEDSEARCH = 6; const CONVERSATION = 7; /** * An implicit mention is a mention in a comment body that is redundant with the threading information. */ const IMPLICIT_MENTION = 8; /** * An exclusive mention transfers the ownership of the post to the target account, usually a forum. */ const EXCLUSIVE_MENTION = 9; const TAG_CHARACTER = [ self::HASHTAG => '#', self::MENTION => '@', self::IMPLICIT_MENTION => '%', self::EXCLUSIVE_MENTION => '!', ]; const OBJECT_TYPE_POST = 1; const OBJECT_TYPE_PHOTO = 2; /** * Returns a list of the most frequent global hashtags over the given period * * @param int $period Period in hours to consider posts * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public static function getGlobalTrendingHashtags(int $period, $limit = 10) { $tags = DI::cache()->get('global_trending_tags'); if (!$tags) { $tagsStmt = DBA::p("SELECT t.`term`, COUNT(*) AS `score` FROM `term` t JOIN `item` i ON i.`id` = t.`oid` AND i.`uid` = t.`uid` JOIN `thread` ON `thread`.`iid` = i.`id` WHERE `thread`.`visible` AND NOT `thread`.`deleted` AND NOT `thread`.`moderated` AND `thread`.`private` = ? AND t.`uid` = 0 AND t.`otype` = ? AND t.`type` = ? AND t.`term` != '' AND i.`received` > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? HOUR) GROUP BY `term` ORDER BY `score` DESC LIMIT ?", Item::PUBLIC, Term::OBJECT_TYPE_POST, Term::HASHTAG, $period, $limit ); if (DBA::isResult($tagsStmt)) { $tags = DBA::toArray($tagsStmt); DI::cache()->set('global_trending_tags', $tags, Duration::HOUR); } } return $tags ?: []; } /** * Returns a list of the most frequent local hashtags over the given period * * @param int $period Period in hours to consider posts * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public static function getLocalTrendingHashtags(int $period, $limit = 10) { $tags = DI::cache()->get('local_trending_tags'); if (!$tags) { $tagsStmt = DBA::p("SELECT t.`term`, COUNT(*) AS `score` FROM `term` t JOIN `item` i ON i.`id` = t.`oid` AND i.`uid` = t.`uid` JOIN `thread` ON `thread`.`iid` = i.`id` WHERE `thread`.`visible` AND NOT `thread`.`deleted` AND NOT `thread`.`moderated` AND `thread`.`private` = ? AND `thread`.`wall` AND `thread`.`origin` AND t.`otype` = ? AND t.`type` = ? AND t.`term` != '' AND i.`received` > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? HOUR) GROUP BY `term` ORDER BY `score` DESC LIMIT ?", Item::PUBLIC, Term::OBJECT_TYPE_POST, Term::HASHTAG, $period, $limit ); if (DBA::isResult($tagsStmt)) { $tags = DBA::toArray($tagsStmt); DI::cache()->set('local_trending_tags', $tags, Duration::HOUR); } } return $tags ?: []; } /** * Generates the legacy item.tag field comma-separated BBCode string from an item ID. * Includes only hashtags, implicit and explicit mentions. * * @param int $item_id * @return string * @throws \Exception */ public static function tagTextFromItemId($item_id) { $tag_list = []; $tags = self::tagArrayFromItemId($item_id, [self::HASHTAG, self::MENTION, self::IMPLICIT_MENTION]); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag_list[] = self::TAG_CHARACTER[$tag['type']] . '[url=' . $tag['url'] . ']' . $tag['term'] . '[/url]'; } return implode(',', $tag_list); } /** * Retrieves the terms from the provided type(s) associated with the provided item ID. * * @param int $item_id * @param int|array $type * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public static function tagArrayFromItemId($item_id, $type = [self::HASHTAG, self::MENTION]) { $condition = ['otype' => self::OBJECT_TYPE_POST, 'oid' => $item_id, 'type' => $type]; $tags = DBA::select('term', ['type', 'term', 'url'], $condition); if (!DBA::isResult($tags)) { return []; } return DBA::toArray($tags); } /** * Generates the legacy item.file field string from an item ID. * Includes only file and category terms. * * @param int $item_id * @return string * @throws \Exception */ public static function fileTextFromItemId($item_id) { $file_text = ''; $tags = self::tagArrayFromItemId($item_id, [self::FILE, self::CATEGORY]); foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ($tag['type'] == self::CATEGORY) { $file_text .= '<' . $tag['term'] . '>'; } else { $file_text .= '[' . $tag['term'] . ']'; } } return $file_text; } /** * Inserts new terms for the provided item ID based on the legacy item.tag field BBCode content. * Deletes all previous tag terms for the same item ID. * Sets both the item.mention and thread.mentions field flags if a mention concerning the item UID is found. * * @param int $item_id * @param string $tag_str * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public static function insertFromTagFieldByItemId($item_id, $tag_str) { $profile_base = DI::baseUrl(); $profile_data = parse_url($profile_base); $profile_path = $profile_data['path'] ?? ''; $profile_base_friendica = $profile_data['host'] . $profile_path . '/profile/'; $profile_base_diaspora = $profile_data['host'] . $profile_path . '/u/'; $fields = ['guid', 'uid', 'id', 'edited', 'deleted', 'created', 'received', 'title', 'body', 'parent']; $item = Item::selectFirst($fields, ['id' => $item_id]); if (!DBA::isResult($item)) { return; } $item['tag'] = $tag_str; // Clean up all tags self::deleteByItemId($item_id); if ($item['deleted']) { return; } $taglist = explode(',', $item['tag']); $tags_string = ''; foreach ($taglist as $tag) { if (Strings::startsWith($tag, self::TAG_CHARACTER)) { $tags_string .= ' ' . trim($tag); } else { $tags_string .= ' #' . trim($tag); } } $data = ' ' . $item['title'] . ' ' . $item['body'] . ' ' . $tags_string . ' '; // ignore anything in a code block $data = preg_replace('/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/sm', '', $data); $tags = []; $pattern = '/\W\#([^\[].*?)[\s\'".,:;\?!\[\]\/]/ism'; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $data, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $match) { $tags['#' . $match] = ''; } } $pattern = '/\W([\#@!%])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism'; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { if (in_array($match[1], [ self::TAG_CHARACTER[self::MENTION], self::TAG_CHARACTER[self::IMPLICIT_MENTION], self::TAG_CHARACTER[self::EXCLUSIVE_MENTION] ])) { $contact = Contact::getDetailsByURL($match[2], 0); if (!empty($contact['addr'])) { $match[3] = $contact['addr']; } if (!empty($contact['url'])) { $match[2] = $contact['url']; } } $tags[$match[2]] = $match[1] . trim($match[3], ',.:;[]/\"?!'); } } foreach ($tags as $link => $tag) { if (self::isType($tag, self::HASHTAG)) { // try to ignore #039 or #1 or anything like that if (ctype_digit(substr(trim($tag), 1))) { continue; } // try to ignore html hex escapes, e.g. #x2317 if ((substr(trim($tag), 1, 1) == 'x' || substr(trim($tag), 1, 1) == 'X') && ctype_digit(substr(trim($tag), 2))) { continue; } $type = self::HASHTAG; $term = substr($tag, 1); $link = ''; } elseif (self::isType($tag, self::MENTION, self::EXCLUSIVE_MENTION, self::IMPLICIT_MENTION)) { if (self::isType($tag, self::MENTION, self::EXCLUSIVE_MENTION)) { $type = self::MENTION; } else { $type = self::IMPLICIT_MENTION; } $contact = Contact::getDetailsByURL($link, 0); if (!empty($contact['name'])) { $term = $contact['name']; } else { $term = substr($tag, 1); } } else { // This shouldn't happen $type = self::HASHTAG; $term = $tag; $link = ''; Logger::notice('Unknown term type', ['tag' => $tag]); } if (DBA::exists('term', ['uid' => $item['uid'], 'otype' => self::OBJECT_TYPE_POST, 'oid' => $item_id, 'term' => $term, 'type' => $type])) { continue; } if ($item['uid'] == 0) { $global = true; DBA::update('term', ['global' => true], ['otype' => self::OBJECT_TYPE_POST, 'guid' => $item['guid']]); } else { $global = DBA::exists('term', ['uid' => 0, 'otype' => self::OBJECT_TYPE_POST, 'guid' => $item['guid']]); } DBA::insert('term', [ 'uid' => $item['uid'], 'oid' => $item_id, 'otype' => self::OBJECT_TYPE_POST, 'type' => $type, 'term' => substr($term, 0, 255), 'url' => $link, 'guid' => $item['guid'], 'created' => $item['created'], 'received' => $item['received'], 'global' => $global ]); // Search for mentions if (self::isType($tag, self::MENTION, self::EXCLUSIVE_MENTION) && ( strpos($link, $profile_base_friendica) !== false || strpos($link, $profile_base_diaspora) !== false ) ) { $users_stmt = DBA::p("SELECT `uid` FROM `contact` WHERE self AND (`url` = ? OR `nurl` = ?)", $link, $link); $users = DBA::toArray($users_stmt); foreach ($users AS $user) { if ($user['uid'] == $item['uid']) { /// @todo This function is called from Item::update - so we mustn't call that function here DBA::update('item', ['mention' => true], ['id' => $item_id]); DBA::update('thread', ['mention' => true], ['iid' => $item['parent']]); } } } } } /** * Inserts new terms for the provided item ID based on the legacy item.file field BBCode content. * Deletes all previous file terms for the same item ID. * * @param integer $item_id item id * @param $files * @return void * @throws \Exception */ public static function insertFromFileFieldByItemId($item_id, $files) { $message = Item::selectFirst(['uid', 'deleted'], ['id' => $item_id]); if (!DBA::isResult($message)) { return; } // Clean up all tags DBA::delete('term', ['otype' => self::OBJECT_TYPE_POST, 'oid' => $item_id, 'type' => [self::FILE, self::CATEGORY]]); if ($message["deleted"]) { return; } $message['file'] = $files; if (preg_match_all("/\[(.*?)\]/ism", $message["file"], $files)) { foreach ($files[1] as $file) { DBA::insert('term', [ 'uid' => $message["uid"], 'oid' => $item_id, 'otype' => self::OBJECT_TYPE_POST, 'type' => self::FILE, 'term' => $file ]); } } if (preg_match_all("/\<(.*?)\>/ism", $message["file"], $files)) { foreach ($files[1] as $file) { DBA::insert('term', [ 'uid' => $message["uid"], 'oid' => $item_id, 'otype' => self::OBJECT_TYPE_POST, 'type' => self::CATEGORY, 'term' => $file ]); } } } /** * Sorts an item's tags into mentions, hashtags and other tags. Generate personalized URLs by user and modify the * provided item's body with them. * * @param array $item * @return array * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException * @throws \ImagickException */ public static function populateTagsFromItem(&$item) { $return = [ 'tags' => [], 'hashtags' => [], 'mentions' => [], 'implicit_mentions' => [], ]; $searchpath = DI::baseUrl() . "/search?tag="; $taglist = DBA::select( 'term', ['type', 'term', 'url'], ['otype' => self::OBJECT_TYPE_POST, 'oid' => $item['id'], 'type' => [self::HASHTAG, self::MENTION, self::IMPLICIT_MENTION]], ['order' => ['tid']] ); while ($tag = DBA::fetch($taglist)) { if ($tag['url'] == '') { $tag['url'] = $searchpath . rawurlencode($tag['term']); } $orig_tag = $tag['url']; $prefix = self::TAG_CHARACTER[$tag['type']]; switch($tag['type']) { case self::HASHTAG: if ($orig_tag != $tag['url']) { $item['body'] = str_replace($orig_tag, $tag['url'], $item['body']); } $return['hashtags'][] = $prefix . '' . htmlspecialchars($tag['term']) . ''; $return['tags'][] = $prefix . '' . htmlspecialchars($tag['term']) . ''; break; case self::MENTION: $tag['url'] = Contact::magicLink($tag['url']); $return['mentions'][] = $prefix . '' . htmlspecialchars($tag['term']) . ''; $return['tags'][] = $prefix . '' . htmlspecialchars($tag['term']) . ''; break; case self::IMPLICIT_MENTION: $return['implicit_mentions'][] = $prefix . $tag['term']; break; } } DBA::close($taglist); return $return; } /** * Delete tags of the specific type(s) from an item * * @param int $item_id * @param int|array $type * @throws \Exception */ public static function deleteByItemId($item_id, $type = [self::HASHTAG, self::MENTION, self::IMPLICIT_MENTION]) { if (empty($item_id)) { return; } // Clean up all tags DBA::delete('term', ['otype' => self::OBJECT_TYPE_POST, 'oid' => $item_id, 'type' => $type]); } /** * Check if the provided tag is of one of the provided term types. * * @param string $tag * @param int ...$types * @return bool */ public static function isType($tag, ...$types) { $tag_chars = []; foreach ($types as $type) { if (array_key_exists($type, self::TAG_CHARACTER)) { $tag_chars[] = self::TAG_CHARACTER[$type]; } } return Strings::startsWith($tag, $tag_chars); } }