. * */ namespace Friendica\Module\Conversation; use Friendica\App; use Friendica\App\Mode; use Friendica\BaseModule; use Friendica\Content\Conversation\Collection\Timelines; use Friendica\Content\Conversation\Entity\Channel as ChannelEntity; use Friendica\Content\Conversation\Repository\UserDefinedChannel; use Friendica\Core\Cache\Capability\ICanCache; use Friendica\Core\Cache\Enum\Duration; use Friendica\Core\Config\Capability\IManageConfigValues; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\PConfig\Capability\IManagePersonalConfigValues; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Core\Session\Capability\IHandleUserSessions; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Database\Database; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\Model\Item; use Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Model\Post\Engagement; use Friendica\Model\Verb; use Friendica\Module\Response; use Friendica\Protocol\Activity; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Friendica\Util\Profiler; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class Timeline extends BaseModule { /** @var string */ protected $selectedTab; /** @var mixed */ protected $minId; /** @var mixed */ protected $maxId; /** @var string */ protected $accountTypeString; /** @var int */ protected $accountType; /** @var int */ protected $itemUriId; /** @var int */ protected $itemsPerPage; /** @var bool */ protected $noSharer; /** @var bool */ protected $force; /** @var bool */ protected $update; /** @var bool */ protected $raw; /** @var App\Mode $mode */ protected $mode; /** @var IHandleUserSessions */ protected $session; /** @var Database */ protected $database; /** @var IManagePersonalConfigValues */ protected $pConfig; /** @var IManageConfigValues The config */ protected $config; /** @var ICanCache */ protected $cache; /** @var UserDefinedChannel */ protected $channelRepository; public function __construct(UserDefinedChannel $channel, Mode $mode, IHandleUserSessions $session, Database $database, IManagePersonalConfigValues $pConfig, IManageConfigValues $config, ICanCache $cache, L10n $l10n, App\BaseURL $baseUrl, App\Arguments $args, LoggerInterface $logger, Profiler $profiler, Response $response, array $server, array $parameters = []) { parent::__construct($l10n, $baseUrl, $args, $logger, $profiler, $response, $server, $parameters); $this->channelRepository = $channel; $this->mode = $mode; $this->session = $session; $this->database = $database; $this->pConfig = $pConfig; $this->config = $config; $this->cache = $cache; } /** * Computes module parameters from the request and local configuration * * @throws HTTPException\BadRequestException * @throws HTTPException\ForbiddenException */ protected function parseRequest(array $request) { $this->logger->debug('Got request', $request); $this->selectedTab = $this->parameters['content'] ?? $request['channel'] ?? ''; $this->accountTypeString = $request['accounttype'] ?? $this->parameters['accounttype'] ?? ''; $this->accountType = User::getAccountTypeByString($this->accountTypeString); if ($this->mode->isMobile()) { $this->itemsPerPage = $this->pConfig->get( $this->session->getLocalUserId(), 'system', 'itemspage_mobile_network', $this->config->get('system', 'itemspage_network_mobile') ); } else { $this->itemsPerPage = $this->pConfig->get( $this->session->getLocalUserId(), 'system', 'itemspage_network', $this->config->get('system', 'itemspage_network') ); } if (!empty($request['item'])) { $item = Post::selectFirst(['parent', 'parent-uri-id'], ['id' => $request['item']]); $this->itemUriId = $item['parent-uri-id'] ?? 0; } else { $this->itemUriId = 0; } $this->minId = $request['min_id'] ?? null; $this->maxId = $request['max_id'] ?? null; $this->noSharer = !empty($request['no_sharer']); $this->force = !empty($request['force']) && !empty($request['item']); $this->update = !empty($request['force']) && !empty($request['first_received']) && !empty($request['first_created']) && !empty($request['first_uriid']) && !empty($request['first_commented']); $this->raw = !empty($request['mode']) && ($request['mode'] == 'raw'); } protected function getNoSharerWidget(string $base): string { $path = $this->selectedTab; if (!empty($this->accountTypeString)) { $path .= '/' . $this->accountTypeString; } $query_parameters = []; if (!empty($this->minId)) { $query_parameters['min_id'] = $this->minId; } if (!empty($this->maxId)) { $query_parameters['max_id'] = $this->maxId; } $path_all = $path . (!empty($query_parameters) ? '?' . http_build_query($query_parameters) : ''); $path_no_sharer = $path . '?' . http_build_query(array_merge($query_parameters, ['no_sharer' => true])); return Renderer::replaceMacros(Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('widget/community_sharer.tpl'), [ '$title' => $this->l10n->t('Own Contacts'), '$path_all' => $path_all, '$path_no_sharer' => $path_no_sharer, '$no_sharer' => $this->noSharer, '$all' => $this->l10n->t('Include'), '$no_sharer_label' => $this->l10n->t('Hide'), '$base' => $base, ]); } protected function getTabArray(Timelines $timelines, string $prefix, string $parameter = ''): array { $tabs = []; foreach ($timelines as $tab) { if (is_null($tab->path) && !empty($parameter)) { $path = $prefix . '?' . http_build_query([$parameter => $tab->code]); } else { $path = $tab->path ?? $prefix . '/' . $tab->code; } $tabs[$tab->code] = [ 'code' => $tab->code, 'label' => $tab->label, 'url' => $path, 'sel' => $this->selectedTab == $tab->code ? 'active' : '', 'title' => $tab->description, 'id' => $prefix . '-' . $tab->code . '-tab', 'accesskey' => $tab->accessKey, ]; } return $tabs; } /** * Database query for the channel page * * @return array * @throws \Exception */ protected function getChannelItems() { $items = $this->getRawChannelItems(); $contacts = $this->database->selectToArray('user-contact', ['cid'], ['channel-frequency' => Contact\User::FREQUENCY_REDUCED, 'cid' => array_column($items, 'owner-id')]); $reduced = array_column($contacts, 'cid'); $maxpostperauthor = $this->config->get('channel', 'max_posts_per_author'); if ($maxpostperauthor != 0) { $count = 1; $owner_posts = []; $selected_items = []; while (count($selected_items) < $this->itemsPerPage && ++$count < 50 && count($items) > 0) { $maxposts = round((count($items) / $this->itemsPerPage) * $maxpostperauthor); $minId = $items[array_key_first($items)]['created']; $maxId = $items[array_key_last($items)]['created']; foreach ($items as $item) { if (!in_array($item['owner-id'], $reduced)) { continue; } $owner_posts[$item['owner-id']][$item['uri-id']] = (($item['comments'] * 100) + $item['activities']); } foreach ($owner_posts as $posts) { if (count($posts) <= $maxposts) { continue; } asort($posts); while (count($posts) > $maxposts) { $uri_id = array_key_first($posts); unset($posts[$uri_id]); unset($items[$uri_id]); } } $selected_items = array_merge($selected_items, $items); // If we're looking at a "previous page", the lookup continues forward in time because the list is // sorted in chronologically decreasing order if (!empty($this->minId)) { $this->minId = $minId; } else { // In any other case, the lookup continues backwards in time $this->maxId = $maxId; } if (count($selected_items) < $this->itemsPerPage) { $items = $this->getRawChannelItems(); } } } else { $selected_items = $items; } $condition = ['unseen' => true, 'uid' => $this->session->getLocalUserId(), 'parent-uri-id' => array_column($selected_items, 'uri-id')]; $this->setItemsSeenByCondition($condition); return $selected_items; } /** * Database query for the channel page * * @return array * @throws \Exception */ private function getRawChannelItems() { $uid = $this->session->getLocalUserId(); if ($this->selectedTab == ChannelEntity::WHATSHOT) { if (!is_null($this->accountType)) { $condition = ["(`comments` > ? OR `activities` > ?) AND `contact-type` = ?", $this->getMedianComments($uid, 4), $this->getMedianActivities($uid, 4), $this->accountType]; } else { $condition = ["(`comments` > ? OR `activities` > ?) AND `contact-type` != ?", $this->getMedianComments($uid, 4), $this->getMedianActivities($uid, 4), Contact::TYPE_COMMUNITY]; } } elseif ($this->selectedTab == ChannelEntity::FORYOU) { $cid = Contact::getPublicIdByUserId($uid); $condition = [ "(`owner-id` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `relation-cid` = ? AND `relation-thread-score` > ?) OR ((`comments` >= ? OR `activities` >= ?) AND `owner-id` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `follows` AND `relation-cid` = ?)) OR (`owner-id` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `user-contact` WHERE `uid` = ? AND (`notify_new_posts` OR `channel-frequency` = ?))))", $cid, $this->getMedianRelationThreadScore($cid, 4), $this->getMedianComments($uid, 4), $this->getMedianActivities($uid, 4), $cid, $uid, Contact\User::FREQUENCY_ALWAYS ]; } elseif ($this->selectedTab == ChannelEntity::FOLLOWERS) { $condition = ["`owner-id` IN (SELECT `pid` FROM `account-user-view` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `rel` = ?)", $uid, Contact::FOLLOWER]; } elseif ($this->selectedTab == ChannelEntity::SHARERSOFSHARERS) { $cid = Contact::getPublicIdByUserId($uid); // @todo Suggest posts from contacts that are followed most by our followers $condition = [ "`owner-id` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `follows` AND `last-interaction` > ? AND `relation-cid` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `follows` AND `relation-cid` = ? AND `relation-thread-score` >= ?) AND NOT `cid` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `follows` AND `relation-cid` = ?))", DateTimeFormat::utc('now - ' . $this->config->get('channel', 'sharer_interaction_days') . ' day'), $cid, $this->getMedianRelationThreadScore($cid, 4), $cid ]; } elseif ($this->selectedTab == ChannelEntity::IMAGE) { $condition = ["`media-type` & ?", 1]; } elseif ($this->selectedTab == ChannelEntity::VIDEO) { $condition = ["`media-type` & ?", 2]; } elseif ($this->selectedTab == ChannelEntity::AUDIO) { $condition = ["`media-type` & ?", 4]; } elseif ($this->selectedTab == ChannelEntity::LANGUAGE) { $condition = ["JSON_EXTRACT(JSON_KEYS(language), '$[0]') = ?", User::getLanguageCode($uid)]; } elseif (is_numeric($this->selectedTab)) { $condition = $this->getUserChannelConditions($this->selectedTab, $uid); } if (($this->selectedTab != ChannelEntity::LANGUAGE) && !is_numeric($this->selectedTab)) { $condition = $this->addLanguageCondition($uid, $condition); } $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["(NOT `restricted` OR EXISTS(SELECT `id` FROM `post-user` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `uri-id` = `post-engagement`.`uri-id`))", $uid]); $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["NOT EXISTS(SELECT `cid` FROM `user-contact` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `cid` = `post-engagement`.`owner-id` AND (`ignored` OR `blocked` OR `collapsed` OR `is-blocked` OR `channel-frequency` = ?))", $uid, Contact\User::FREQUENCY_NEVER]); if (($this->selectedTab != ChannelEntity::WHATSHOT) && !is_null($this->accountType)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ['contact-type' => $this->accountType]); } $params = ['order' => ['created' => true], 'limit' => $this->itemsPerPage]; if (!empty($this->itemUriId)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ['uri-id' => $this->itemUriId]); } else { if ($this->noSharer) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["NOT `uri-id` IN (SELECT `uri-id` FROM `post-user` WHERE `post-user`.`uid` = ? AND `post-user`.`uri-id` = `post-engagement`.`uri-id`)", $this->session->getLocalUserId()]); } if (isset($this->maxId)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["`created` < ?", $this->maxId]); } if (isset($this->minId)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["`created` > ?", $this->minId]); // Previous page case: we want the items closest to min_id but for that we need to reverse the query order if (!isset($this->maxId)) { $params['order']['created'] = false; } } } $items = []; $result = $this->database->select('post-engagement', ['uri-id', 'created', 'owner-id', 'comments', 'activities'], $condition, $params); if ($this->database->errorNo()) { throw new \Exception($this->database->errorMessage(), $this->database->errorNo()); } while ($item = $this->database->fetch($result)) { $items[$item['uri-id']] = $item; } $this->database->close($result); if (empty($items)) { return []; } // Previous page case: once we get the relevant items closest to min_id, we need to restore the expected display order if (empty($this->itemUriId) && isset($this->minId) && !isset($this->maxId)) { $items = array_reverse($items, true); } $condition = ['unseen' => true, 'uid' => $uid, 'parent-uri-id' => array_column($items, 'uri-id')]; $this->setItemsSeenByCondition($condition); return $items; } private function getUserChannelConditions(int $id, int $uid): array { $channel = $this->channelRepository->selectById($id, $uid); if (empty($channel)) { return []; } $condition = []; if (!empty($channel->circle)) { if ($channel->circle == -1) { $condition = ["`owner-id` IN (SELECT `pid` FROM `account-user-view` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `rel` IN (?, ?))", $uid, Contact::SHARING, Contact::FRIEND]; } elseif ($channel->circle == -2) { $condition = ["`owner-id` IN (SELECT `pid` FROM `account-user-view` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `rel` = ?)", $uid, Contact::FOLLOWER]; } elseif ($channel->circle == -3) { $condition = ["EXISTS(SELECT `uri-id` FROM `post-thread-user` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `post-thread-user`.`uri-id` = `post-engagement`.`uri-id`)", $uid]; } elseif ($channel->circle > 0) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["`owner-id` IN (SELECT `pid` FROM `group_member` INNER JOIN `account-user-view` ON `group_member`.`contact-id` = `account-user-view`.`id` WHERE `gid` = ? AND `account-user-view`.`uid` = ?)", $channel->circle, $uid]); } } if (!empty($channel->fullTextSearch)) { $search = $channel->fullTextSearch; foreach (Engagement::KEYWORDS as $keyword) { $search = preg_replace('~(' . $keyword . ':.[\w@\.-]+)~', '"$1"', $search); } $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["MATCH (`searchtext`) AGAINST (? IN BOOLEAN MODE)", $search]); } if (!empty($channel->includeTags)) { $search = explode(',', mb_strtolower($channel->includeTags)); $placeholders = substr(str_repeat("?, ", count($search)), 0, -2); $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, array_merge(["`uri-id` IN (SELECT `uri-id` FROM `post-tag` INNER JOIN `tag` ON `tag`.`id` = `post-tag`.`tid` WHERE `post-tag`.`type` = 1 AND `name` IN (" . $placeholders . "))"], $search)); } if (!empty($channel->excludeTags)) { $search = explode(',', mb_strtolower($channel->excludeTags)); $placeholders = substr(str_repeat("?, ", count($search)), 0, -2); $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, array_merge(["NOT `uri-id` IN (SELECT `uri-id` FROM `post-tag` INNER JOIN `tag` ON `tag`.`id` = `post-tag`.`tid` WHERE `post-tag`.`type` = 1 AND `name` IN (" . $placeholders . "))"], $search)); } if (!empty($channel->mediaType)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["`media-type` & ?", $channel->mediaType]); } // For "addLanguageCondition" to work, the condition must not be empty $condition = $this->addLanguageCondition($uid, $condition ?: ["true"], $channel->languages); return $condition; } private function addLanguageCondition(int $uid, array $condition, $languages = null): array { $conditions = []; $languages = $languages ?: User::getWantedLanguages($uid); foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($language == 'un') { $conditions[] = "`language` IS NULL"; } else { $conditions[] = "JSON_EXTRACT(JSON_KEYS(language), '$[0]') = ?"; $condition[] = $language; } } if (!empty($conditions)) { $condition[0] .= " AND (" . implode(' OR ', $conditions) . ")"; } return $condition; } private function getMedianComments(int $uid, int $divider): int { $languages = User::getWantedLanguages($uid); $cache_key = 'Channel:getMedianComments:' . $divider . ':' . implode(':', $languages); $comments = $this->cache->get($cache_key); if (!empty($comments)) { return $comments; } $condition = ["`contact-type` != ? AND `comments` > ? AND NOT `restricted`", Contact::TYPE_COMMUNITY, 0]; $condition = $this->addLanguageCondition($uid, $condition); $limit = $this->database->count('post-engagement', $condition) / $divider; $post = $this->database->selectToArray('post-engagement', ['comments'], $condition, ['order' => ['comments' => true], 'limit' => [$limit, 1]]); $comments = $post[0]['comments'] ?? 0; if (empty($comments)) { return 0; } $this->cache->set($cache_key, $comments, Duration::HALF_HOUR); $this->logger->debug('Calculated median comments', ['divider' => $divider, 'languages' => $languages, 'median' => $comments]); return $comments; } private function getMedianActivities(int $uid, int $divider): int { $languages = User::getWantedLanguages($uid); $cache_key = 'Channel:getMedianActivities:' . $divider . ':' . implode(':', $languages); $activities = $this->cache->get($cache_key); if (!empty($activities)) { return $activities; } $condition = ["`contact-type` != ? AND `activities` > ? AND NOT `restricted`", Contact::TYPE_COMMUNITY, 0]; $condition = $this->addLanguageCondition($uid, $condition); $limit = $this->database->count('post-engagement', $condition) / $divider; $post = $this->database->selectToArray('post-engagement', ['activities'], $condition, ['order' => ['activities' => true], 'limit' => [$limit, 1]]); $activities = $post[0]['activities'] ?? 0; if (empty($activities)) { return 0; } $this->cache->set($cache_key, $activities, Duration::HALF_HOUR); $this->logger->debug('Calculated median activities', ['divider' => $divider, 'languages' => $languages, 'median' => $activities]); return $activities; } private function getMedianRelationThreadScore(int $cid, int $divider): int { $cache_key = 'Channel:getThreadScore:' . $cid . ':' . $divider; $score = $this->cache->get($cache_key); if (!empty($score)) { return $score; } $condition = ["`relation-cid` = ? AND `relation-thread-score` > ?", $cid, 0]; $limit = $this->database->count('contact-relation', $condition) / $divider; $relation = $this->database->selectToArray('contact-relation', ['relation-thread-score'], $condition, ['order' => ['relation-thread-score' => true], 'limit' => [$limit, 1]]); $score = $relation[0]['relation-thread-score'] ?? 0; if (empty($score)) { return 0; } $this->cache->set($cache_key, $score, Duration::HALF_HOUR); $this->logger->debug('Calculated median score', ['cid' => $cid, 'divider' => $divider, 'median' => $score]); return $score; } /** * Computes the displayed items. * * Community pages have a restriction on how many successive posts by the same author can show on any given page, * so we may have to retrieve more content beyond the first query * * @return array * @throws \Exception */ protected function getCommunityItems() { $items = $this->selectItems(); if ($this->selectedTab == 'local') { $maxpostperauthor = (int)$this->config->get('system', 'max_author_posts_community_page'); $key = 'author-id'; } elseif ($this->selectedTab == 'global') { $maxpostperauthor = (int)$this->config->get('system', 'max_server_posts_community_page'); $key = 'author-gsid'; } else { $maxpostperauthor = 0; } if ($maxpostperauthor != 0) { $count = 1; $author_posts = []; $selected_items = []; while (count($selected_items) < $this->itemsPerPage && ++$count < 50 && count($items) > 0) { $maxposts = round((count($items) / $this->itemsPerPage) * $maxpostperauthor); $minId = $items[array_key_first($items)]['received']; $maxId = $items[array_key_last($items)]['received']; foreach ($items as $item) { $author_posts[$item[$key]][$item['uri-id']] = $item['received']; } foreach ($author_posts as $posts) { if (count($posts) <= $maxposts) { continue; } asort($posts); while (count($posts) > $maxposts) { $uri_id = array_key_first($posts); unset($posts[$uri_id]); unset($items[$uri_id]); } } $selected_items = array_merge($selected_items, $items); // If we're looking at a "previous page", the lookup continues forward in time because the list is // sorted in chronologically decreasing order if (!empty($this->minId)) { $this->minId = $minId; } else { // In any other case, the lookup continues backwards in time $this->maxId = $maxId; } if (count($selected_items) < $this->itemsPerPage) { $items = $this->selectItems(); } } } else { $selected_items = $items; } $condition = ['unseen' => true, 'uid' => $this->session->getLocalUserId(), 'parent-uri-id' => array_column($selected_items, 'uri-id')]; $this->setItemsSeenByCondition($condition); return $selected_items; } /** * Database query for the community page * * @return array * @throws \Exception * @TODO Move to repository/factory */ private function selectItems() { if ($this->selectedTab == 'local') { $condition = ["`wall` AND `origin` AND `private` = ?", Item::PUBLIC]; } elseif ($this->selectedTab == 'global') { $condition = ["`uid` = ? AND `private` = ?", 0, Item::PUBLIC]; } else { return []; } if (!is_null($this->accountType)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ['owner-contact-type' => $this->accountType]); } $params = ['order' => ['received' => true], 'limit' => $this->itemsPerPage]; if (!empty($this->itemUriId)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ['uri-id' => $this->itemUriId]); } else { if ($this->session->getLocalUserId() && $this->noSharer) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["NOT `uri-id` IN (SELECT `uri-id` FROM `post-user` WHERE `post-user`.`uid` = ? AND `post-user`.`uri-id` = `post-thread-user-view`.`uri-id`)", $this->session->getLocalUserId()]); } if (isset($this->maxId)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["`received` < ?", $this->maxId]); } if (isset($this->minId)) { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["`received` > ?", $this->minId]); // Previous page case: we want the items closest to min_id but for that we need to reverse the query order if (!isset($this->maxId)) { $params['order']['received'] = false; } } } $items = []; $result = Post::selectThreadForUser($this->session->getLocalUserId() ?: 0, ['uri-id', 'received', 'author-id', 'author-gsid'], $condition, $params); while ($item = $this->database->fetch($result)) { $item['comments'] = 0; $items[$item['uri-id']] = $item; } $this->database->close($result); if (empty($items)) { return []; } $uriids = array_keys($items); foreach (Post\Counts::get(['parent-uri-id' => $uriids, 'verb' => Activity::POST]) as $count) { $items[$count['parent-uri-id']]['comments'] += $count['count']; } // Previous page case: once we get the relevant items closest to min_id, we need to restore the expected display order if (empty($this->itemUriId) && isset($this->minId) && !isset($this->maxId)) { $items = array_reverse($items); } return $items; } /** * Sets items as seen * * @param array $condition The array with the SQL condition * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ protected function setItemsSeenByCondition(array $condition) { if (empty($condition)) { return; } $unseen = Post::exists($condition); if ($unseen) { /// @todo handle huge "unseen" updates in the background to avoid timeout errors Item::update(['unseen' => false], $condition); } } }