. * */ namespace Friendica\Module; use Friendica\BaseModule; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\Photo as MPhoto; use Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Model\Profile; use Friendica\Model\Storage\ExternalResource; use Friendica\Model\Storage\SystemResource; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; use Friendica\Object\Image; use Friendica\Util\Images; use Friendica\Util\Network; use Friendica\Util\Proxy; /** * Photo Module */ class Photo extends BaseModule { /** * Module initializer * * Fetch a photo or an avatar, in optional size, check for permissions and * return the image */ public static function rawContent(array $parameters = []) { $totalstamp = microtime(true); if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"])) { header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time()) . " GMT"); if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"])) { header("Etag: " . $_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"]); } header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + (31536000)) . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: max-age=31536000"); if (function_exists("header_remove")) { header_remove("Last-Modified"); header_remove("Expires"); header_remove("Cache-Control"); } exit; } Profile::addVisitorCookieForHTTPSigner(); $customsize = 0; $square_resize = true; $scale = null; $stamp = microtime(true); // User avatar if (!empty($parameters['type'])) { if (!empty($parameters['customsize'])) { $customsize = intval($parameters['customsize']); $square_resize = !in_array($parameters['type'], ['media', 'preview']); } if (!empty($parameters['guid'])) { $guid = $parameters['guid']; $account = DBA::selectFirst('account-user-view', ['id'], ['guid' => $guid], ['order' => ['uid' => true]]); if (empty($account)) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException(); } $id = $account['id']; } // Contact Id Fallback, to remove after version 2021.12 if (!empty($parameters['contact_id'])) { $id = intval($parameters['contact_id']); } if (!empty($parameters['nickname_ext'])) { $nickname = pathinfo($parameters['nickname_ext'], PATHINFO_FILENAME); $user = User::getByNickname($nickname, ['uid']); if (empty($user)) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException(); } $id = $user['uid']; } // User Id Fallback, to remove after version 2021.12 if (!empty($parameters['uid_ext'])) { $id = intval(pathinfo($parameters['uid_ext'], PATHINFO_FILENAME)); } // Please refactor this for the love of everything that's good if (isset($parameters['id'])) { $id = $parameters['id']; } if (empty($id)) { Logger::notice('No picture id was detected', ['parameters' => $parameters, 'query' => DI::args()->getQueryString()]); throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException(DI::l10n()->t('The Photo is not available.')); } $photo = self::getPhotoByid($id, $parameters['type'], $customsize ?: Proxy::PIXEL_SMALL); } else { $photoid = pathinfo($parameters['name'], PATHINFO_FILENAME); $scale = 0; if (substr($photoid, -2, 1) == "-") { $scale = intval(substr($photoid, -1, 1)); $photoid = substr($photoid, 0, -2); } $photo = MPhoto::getPhoto($photoid, $scale); if ($photo === false) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException(DI::l10n()->t('The Photo with id %s is not available.', $photoid)); } } $fetch = microtime(true) - $stamp; if ($photo === false) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException(); } $cacheable = ($photo["allow_cid"] . $photo["allow_gid"] . $photo["deny_cid"] . $photo["deny_gid"] === "") && (isset($photo["cacheable"]) ? $photo["cacheable"] : true); $stamp = microtime(true); $imgdata = MPhoto::getImageDataForPhoto($photo); if (empty($imgdata)) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException(); } // The mimetype for an external or system resource can only be known reliably after it had been fetched if (in_array($photo['backend-class'], [ExternalResource::NAME, SystemResource::NAME])) { $mimetype = Images::getMimeTypeByData($imgdata); if (!empty($mimetype)) { $photo['type'] = $mimetype; } } $data = microtime(true) - $stamp; if (empty($imgdata)) { Logger::warning('Invalid photo', ['id' => $photo['id']]); if (in_array($photo['backend-class'], [ExternalResource::NAME])) { $reference = json_decode($photo['backend-ref'], true); $error = DI::l10n()->t('Invalid external resource with url %s.', $reference['url']); } else { $error = DI::l10n()->t('Invalid photo with id %s.', $photo['id']); } throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException($error); } // if customsize is set and image is not a gif, resize it if ($photo['type'] !== "image/gif" && $customsize > 0 && $customsize <= Proxy::PIXEL_THUMB && $square_resize) { $img = new Image($imgdata, $photo['type']); $img->scaleToSquare($customsize); $imgdata = $img->asString(); } elseif ($photo['type'] !== "image/gif" && $customsize > 0) { $img = new Image($imgdata, $photo['type']); $img->scaleDown($customsize); $imgdata = $img->asString(); } if (function_exists("header_remove")) { header_remove("Pragma"); header_remove("pragma"); } header("Content-type: " . $photo['type']); $stamp = microtime(true); if (!$cacheable) { // it is a private photo that they have no permission to view. // tell the browser not to cache it, in case they authenticate // and subsequently have permission to see it header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); } else { $md5 = $photo['hash'] ?: md5($imgdata); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time()) . " GMT"); header("Etag: \"{$md5}\""); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + (31536000)) . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: max-age=31536000"); } $checksum = microtime(true) - $stamp; $stamp = microtime(true); echo $imgdata; $output = microtime(true) - $stamp; $total = microtime(true) - $totalstamp; $rest = $total - ($fetch + $data + $checksum + $output); if (!is_null($scale) && ($scale < 4)) { Logger::info('Performance:', ['scale' => $scale, 'resource' => $photo['resource-id'], 'total' => number_format($total, 3), 'fetch' => number_format($fetch, 3), 'data' => number_format($data, 3), 'checksum' => number_format($checksum, 3), 'output' => number_format($output, 3), 'rest' => number_format($rest, 3)]); } exit(); } private static function getPhotoByid(int $id, $type, $customsize) { switch($type) { case "preview": $media = DBA::selectFirst('post-media', ['preview', 'url', 'mimetype', 'type', 'uri-id'], ['id' => $id]); if (empty($media)) { return false; } $url = $media['preview']; if (empty($url) && ($media['type'] == Post\Media::IMAGE)) { $url = $media['url']; } if (empty($url)) { return false; } if (Network::isLocalLink($url) && preg_match('|.*?/photo/(.*[a-fA-F0-9])\-(.*[0-9])\..*[\w]|', $url, $matches)) { return MPhoto::getPhoto($matches[1], $matches[2]); } return MPhoto::createPhotoForExternalResource($url, (int)local_user(), $media['mimetype']); case "media": $media = DBA::selectFirst('post-media', ['url', 'mimetype', 'uri-id'], ['id' => $id, 'type' => Post\Media::IMAGE]); if (empty($media)) { return false; } if (Network::isLocalLink($media['url']) && preg_match('|.*?/photo/(.*[a-fA-F0-9])\-(.*[0-9])\..*[\w]|', $media['url'], $matches)) { return MPhoto::getPhoto($matches[1], $matches[2]); } return MPhoto::createPhotoForExternalResource($media['url'], (int)local_user(), $media['mimetype']); case "link": $link = DBA::selectFirst('post-link', ['url', 'mimetype'], ['id' => $id]); if (empty($link)) { return false; } return MPhoto::createPhotoForExternalResource($link['url'], (int)local_user(), $link['mimetype']); case "contact": $contact = Contact::getById($id, ['uid', 'url', 'avatar', 'photo', 'xmpp', 'addr']); if (empty($contact)) { return false; } If (($contact['uid'] != 0) && empty($contact['photo']) && empty($contact['avatar'])) { $contact = Contact::getByURL($contact['url'], false, ['avatar', 'photo', 'xmpp', 'addr']); } if (!empty($contact['photo']) && !empty($contact['avatar'])) { // Fetch photo directly $resourceid = MPhoto::ridFromURI($contact['photo']); if (!empty($resourceid)) { $photo = MPhoto::selectFirst([], ['resource-id' => $resourceid], ['order' => ['scale']]); if (!empty($photo)) { return $photo; } } // We continue with the avatar link when the photo link is invalid $url = $contact['avatar']; } elseif (!empty($contact['avatar'])) { $url = $contact['avatar']; } elseif ($customsize <= Proxy::PIXEL_MICRO) { $url = Contact::getDefaultAvatar($contact, Proxy::SIZE_MICRO); } elseif ($customsize <= Proxy::PIXEL_THUMB) { $url = Contact::getDefaultAvatar($contact, Proxy::SIZE_THUMB); } else { $url = Contact::getDefaultAvatar($contact, Proxy::SIZE_SMALL); } return MPhoto::createPhotoForExternalResource($url); case "header": $contact = Contact::getById($id, ['uid', 'url', 'header']); if (empty($contact)) { return false; } If (($contact['uid'] != 0) && empty($contact['header'])) { $contact = Contact::getByURL($contact['url'], false, ['header']); } if (!empty($contact['header'])) { $url = $contact['header']; } else { $url = DI::baseUrl() . '/images/blank.png'; } return MPhoto::createPhotoForExternalResource($url); case "profile": case "custom": $scale = 4; break; case "micro": $scale = 6; break; case "avatar": default: $scale = 5; } $photo = MPhoto::selectFirst([], ["scale" => $scale, "uid" => $id, "profile" => 1]); if (empty($photo)) { $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', [], ['uid' => $id, 'self' => true]) ?: []; switch($type) { case "profile": case "custom": $default = Contact::getDefaultAvatar($contact, Proxy::SIZE_SMALL); break; case "micro": $default = Contact::getDefaultAvatar($contact, Proxy::SIZE_MICRO); break; case "avatar": default: $default = Contact::getDefaultAvatar($contact, Proxy::SIZE_THUMB); } $parts = parse_url($default); if (!empty($parts['scheme']) || !empty($parts['host'])) { $photo = MPhoto::createPhotoForExternalResource($default); } else { $photo = MPhoto::createPhotoForSystemResource($default); } } return $photo; } }