profile['net-publish'] || $a->profile['hidewall']) { DI::page()['htmlhead'] .= '' . "\n"; } DI::page()['htmlhead'] .= '' . "\n"; DI::page()['htmlhead'] .= '' . "\n"; DI::page()['htmlhead'] .= '' . "\n"; DI::page()['htmlhead'] .= '' . "\n"; $category = $datequery = $datequery2 = ''; $dtFormat = DI::dtFormat(); if ($args->getArgc() > 3) { for ($x = 3; $x < $args->getArgc(); $x++) { if ($dtFormat->isYearMonth($args->get($x))) { if ($datequery) { $datequery2 = Strings::escapeHtml($args->get($x)); } else { $datequery = Strings::escapeHtml($args->get($x)); } } else { $category = $args->get($x); } } } if (empty($category)) { $category = $_GET['category'] ?? ''; } $hashtags = $_GET['tag'] ?? ''; if (DI::config()->get('system', 'block_public') && !local_user() && !Session::getRemoteContactID($a->profile['uid'])) { return Login::form(); } $o = ''; if ($a->profile['uid'] == local_user()) { Nav::setSelected('home'); } $remote_contact = Session::getRemoteContactID($a->profile['uid']); $is_owner = local_user() == $a->profile['uid']; $last_updated_key = "profile:" . $a->profile['uid'] . ":" . local_user() . ":" . $remote_contact; if (!empty($a->profile['hidewall']) && !$is_owner && !$remote_contact) { notice(DI::l10n()->t('Access to this profile has been restricted.') . EOL); return ''; } $o .= self::getTabsHTML($a, 'status', $is_owner, $a->profile['nickname']); $o .= Widget::commonFriendsVisitor($a->profile['uid']); $commpage = $a->profile['page-flags'] == User::PAGE_FLAGS_COMMUNITY; $commvisitor = $commpage && $remote_contact; DI::page()['aside'] .= Widget::postedByYear(DI::baseUrl() . '/profile/' . $a->profile['nickname'] . '/status', $a->profile['profile_uid'] ?? 0, true); DI::page()['aside'] .= Widget::categories(DI::baseUrl() . '/profile/' . $a->profile['nickname'] . '/status', XML::escape($category)); DI::page()['aside'] .= Widget::tagCloud(); if (Security::canWriteToUserWall($a->profile['uid'])) { $x = [ 'is_owner' => $is_owner, 'allow_location' => ($is_owner || $commvisitor) && $a->profile['allow_location'], 'default_location' => $is_owner ? $a->user['default-location'] : '', 'nickname' => $a->profile['nickname'], 'lockstate' => is_array($a->user) && (strlen($a->user['allow_cid']) || strlen($a->user['allow_gid']) || strlen($a->user['deny_cid']) || strlen($a->user['deny_gid']) ) ? 'lock' : 'unlock', 'acl' => $is_owner ? ACL::getFullSelectorHTML(DI::page(), $a->user, true) : '', 'bang' => '', 'visitor' => $is_owner || $commvisitor ? 'block' : 'none', 'profile_uid' => $a->profile['uid'], ]; $o .= status_editor($a, $x); } // Get permissions SQL - if $remote_contact is true, our remote user has been pre-verified and we already have fetched his/her groups $sql_extra = Item::getPermissionsSQLByUserId($a->profile['uid']); $sql_extra2 = ''; $last_updated_array = Session::get('last_updated', []); $sql_post_table = ""; if (!empty($category)) { $sql_post_table = sprintf("INNER JOIN (SELECT `oid` FROM `term` WHERE `term` = '%s' AND `otype` = %d AND `type` = %d AND `uid` = %d ORDER BY `tid` DESC) AS `term` ON `item`.`id` = `term`.`oid` ", DBA::escape(Strings::protectSprintf($category)), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval(TERM_CATEGORY), intval($a->profile['uid'])); } if (!empty($hashtags)) { $sql_post_table .= sprintf("INNER JOIN (SELECT `oid` FROM `term` WHERE `term` = '%s' AND `otype` = %d AND `type` = %d AND `uid` = %d ORDER BY `tid` DESC) AS `term` ON `item`.`id` = `term`.`oid` ", DBA::escape(Strings::protectSprintf($hashtags)), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval(TERM_HASHTAG), intval($a->profile['uid'])); } if (!empty($datequery)) { $sql_extra2 .= Strings::protectSprintf(sprintf(" AND `thread`.`received` <= '%s' ", DBA::escape(DateTimeFormat::convert($datequery, 'UTC', date_default_timezone_get())))); } if (!empty($datequery2)) { $sql_extra2 .= Strings::protectSprintf(sprintf(" AND `thread`.`received` >= '%s' ", DBA::escape(DateTimeFormat::convert($datequery2, 'UTC', date_default_timezone_get())))); } // Does the profile page belong to a forum? // If not then we can improve the performance with an additional condition $condition = ['uid' => $a->profile['uid'], 'page-flags' => [User::PAGE_FLAGS_COMMUNITY, User::PAGE_FLAGS_PRVGROUP]]; if (!DBA::exists('user', $condition)) { $sql_extra3 = sprintf(" AND `thread`.`contact-id` = %d ", intval(intval($a->profile['contact_id']))); } else { $sql_extra3 = ""; } // check if we serve a mobile device and get the user settings // accordingly if (DI::mode()->isMobile()) { $itemspage_network = DI::pConfig()->get(local_user(), 'system', 'itemspage_mobile_network', 10); } else { $itemspage_network = DI::pConfig()->get(local_user(), 'system', 'itemspage_network', 20); } // now that we have the user settings, see if the theme forces // a maximum item number which is lower then the user choice if (($a->force_max_items > 0) && ($a->force_max_items < $itemspage_network)) { $itemspage_network = $a->force_max_items; } $pager = new Pager($args->getQueryString(), $itemspage_network); $pager_sql = sprintf(" LIMIT %d, %d ", $pager->getStart(), $pager->getItemsPerPage()); $items_stmt = DBA::p( "SELECT `item`.`uri` FROM `thread` STRAIGHT_JOIN `item` ON `item`.`id` = `thread`.`iid` $sql_post_table STRAIGHT_JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `thread`.`contact-id` AND NOT `contact`.`blocked` AND NOT `contact`.`pending` WHERE `thread`.`uid` = ? AND `thread`.`visible` AND NOT `thread`.`deleted` AND NOT `thread`.`moderated` AND `thread`.`wall` $sql_extra3 $sql_extra $sql_extra2 ORDER BY `thread`.`received` DESC $pager_sql", $a->profile['uid'] ); // Set a time stamp for this page. We will make use of it when we // search for new items (update routine) $last_updated_array[$last_updated_key] = time(); Session::set('last_updated', $last_updated_array); if ($is_owner && !DI::config()->get('theme', 'hide_eventlist')) { $o .= ProfileModel::getBirthdays(); $o .= ProfileModel::getEventsReminderHTML(); } if ($is_owner) { $unseen = Item::exists(['wall' => true, 'unseen' => true, 'uid' => local_user()]); if ($unseen) { Item::update(['unseen' => false], ['wall' => true, 'unseen' => true, 'uid' => local_user()]); } } $items = DBA::toArray($items_stmt); if ($pager->getStart() == 0 && !empty($a->profile['uid'])) { $pinned_items = Item::selectPinned($a->profile['uid'], ['uri', 'pinned']); $pinned = Item::inArray($pinned_items); $items = array_merge($items, $pinned); } $o .= conversation($a, $items, $pager, 'profile', false, false, 'pinned_received', $a->profile['uid']); $o .= $pager->renderMinimal(count($items)); return $o; } }