Network README -------------- Here in .../Simulator/Network will be the new home for multi pilot related code. For the moment all you get is a new menu entry "Network" with the folowing entries: - Hyper Blast : Toggles between LaRCsim and a tuned Flight-Model you can change between both "on the fly " - Toggle Display : enable/disable info (Lat/Lon/Alt) about found player well, by now it will be you. ;-)) - Display Netinfos : n.i. will display more detailed information - Enter Callsign : to enter your name - Scan for Deamons : n.i. will scan the network for FGFS_D's - Register to FGD : n.i. will allow pilot to connect to found Deamons - Show Pilots : n.i. ? not yet sure what to show, maybe their planes - Send Message : n.i. will send a message to a specific Pilot - Send Message to all : n.i. obvious, isn't it ? - Unregister from Deamon : n.i. In the Tools directory you will find some progs (one first try of deamon) to play with. There is also a README file, check it out. You don't need a net-access to test this new stuff since it is just an idea of how to incorporate a Multi-Pilot Mode in FGFS. There are two security options: a) Compiletime - commenting the "#define FG_NETWORK_OLK" in "network.h" disables ALL network related stuff in case of problems, shouldn't occur ;-) b) Runtime - setting the "int net_hud_display" variable to 0 disables any network display (default) Have Phun Oliver