. * */ namespace Friendica\Protocol\ActivityPub; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\Worker; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\GServer; use Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Protocol\ActivityPub; use Friendica\Util\HTTPSignature; use Friendica\Worker\Delivery as WorkerDelivery; class Delivery { /** * Deliver posts to the given inbox * * @param string $inbox * @return array with the elements "success" and "uri_ids" of the failed posts */ public static function deliver(string $inbox): array { $uri_ids = []; $posts = Post\Delivery::selectForInbox($inbox); $serverfail = false; foreach ($posts as $post) { if (!$serverfail) { $result = self::deliverToInbox($post['command'], 0, $inbox, $post['uid'], $post['receivers'], $post['uri-id']); if ($result['serverfailure']) { // In a timeout situation we assume that every delivery to that inbox will time out. // So we set the flag and try all deliveries at a later time. Logger::notice('Inbox delivery has a server failure', ['inbox' => $inbox]); $serverfail = true; } Worker::coolDown(); } if ($serverfail || (!$result['success'] && !$result['drop'])) { $uri_ids[] = $post['uri-id']; } } Logger::debug('Inbox delivery done', ['inbox' => $inbox, 'posts' => count($posts), 'failed' => count($uri_ids), 'serverfailure' => $serverfail]); return ['success' => empty($uri_ids), 'uri_ids' => $uri_ids]; } /** * Deliver the given post to the given inbox * * @param string $cmd * @param integer $item_id * @param string $inbox * @param integer $uid * @param array $receivers * @param integer $uri_id * @return array */ public static function deliverToInbox(string $cmd, int $item_id, string $inbox, int $uid, array $receivers, int $uri_id): array { if (empty($item_id) && !empty($uri_id) && !empty($uid)) { $item = Post::selectFirst(['id', 'parent', 'origin', 'gravity'], ['uri-id' => $uri_id, 'uid' => [$uid, 0]], ['order' => ['uid' => true]]); if (empty($item['id'])) { Logger::warning('Item not found, removing delivery', ['uri-id' => $uri_id, 'uid' => $uid, 'cmd' => $cmd, 'inbox' => $inbox]); Post\Delivery::remove($uri_id, $inbox); return ['success' => true, 'serverfailure' => false, 'drop' => false]; } elseif (!$item['origin'] && ($item['gravity'] == GRAVITY_ACTIVITY)) { Logger::notice('Activities are not relayed, removing delivery', ['uri-id' => $uri_id, 'uid' => $uid, 'cmd' => $cmd, 'inbox' => $inbox]); Post\Delivery::remove($uri_id, $inbox); return ['success' => true, 'serverfailure' => false, 'drop' => false]; } else { $item_id = $item['id']; } } $success = true; $serverfail = false; $drop = false; if ($cmd == WorkerDelivery::MAIL) { $data = ActivityPub\Transmitter::createActivityFromMail($item_id); if (!empty($data)) { $success = HTTPSignature::transmit($data, $inbox, $uid); } } elseif ($cmd == WorkerDelivery::SUGGESTION) { $success = ActivityPub\Transmitter::sendContactSuggestion($uid, $inbox, $item_id); } elseif ($cmd == WorkerDelivery::RELOCATION) { // @todo Implementation pending } elseif ($cmd == WorkerDelivery::REMOVAL) { $success = ActivityPub\Transmitter::sendProfileDeletion($uid, $inbox); } elseif ($cmd == WorkerDelivery::PROFILEUPDATE) { $success = ActivityPub\Transmitter::sendProfileUpdate($uid, $inbox); } else { $data = ActivityPub\Transmitter::createCachedActivityFromItem($item_id); if (!empty($data)) { $timestamp = microtime(true); $response = HTTPSignature::post($data, $inbox, $uid); $runtime = microtime(true) - $timestamp; $success = $response->isSuccess(); $serverfail = $response->isTimeout(); if (!$success) { // 5xx errors are problems on the server. We don't need to continue delivery then. if (!$serverfail && ($response->getReturnCode() >= 500) && ($response->getReturnCode() <= 599)) { $serverfail = true; } // A 404 means that the inbox doesn't exist. We can stop the delivery here. if (!$serverfail && ($response->getReturnCode() == 404)) { $serverfail = true; } $xrd_timeout = DI::config()->get('system', 'xrd_timeout'); if (!$serverfail && $xrd_timeout && ($runtime > $xrd_timeout)) { $serverfail = true; } $curl_timeout = DI::config()->get('system', 'curl_timeout'); if (!$serverfail && $curl_timeout && ($runtime > $curl_timeout)) { $serverfail = true; } // Resubscribe to relay server upon client error if (!$serverfail && ($response->getReturnCode() >= 400) && ($response->getReturnCode() <= 499)) { $actor = self:: fetchActorForRelayInbox($inbox); if (!empty($actor)) { $drop = !ActivityPub\Transmitter::sendRelayFollow($actor); Logger::notice('Resubscribed to relay', ['url' => $actor, 'success' => !$drop]); } elseif ($cmd = WorkerDelivery::DELETION) { // Remote systems not always accept our deletion requests, so we drop them if rejected. // Situation is: In Friendica we allow the thread owner to delete foreign comments to their thread. // Most AP systems don't allow this, so they will reject the deletion request. $drop = true; } } Logger::notice('Delivery failed', ['retcode' => $response->getReturnCode(), 'serverfailure' => $serverfail, 'drop' => $drop, 'runtime' => round($runtime, 3), 'uri-id' => $uri_id, 'uid' => $uid, 'item_id' => $item_id, 'cmd' => $cmd, 'inbox' => $inbox]); } if ($uri_id) { if ($success) { Post\Delivery::remove($uri_id, $inbox); } else { Post\Delivery::incrementFailed($uri_id, $inbox); } } } elseif ($uri_id) { Post\Delivery::remove($uri_id, $inbox); } } self::setSuccess($receivers, $success); Logger::debug('Delivered', ['uri-id' => $uri_id, 'uid' => $uid, 'item_id' => $item_id, 'cmd' => $cmd, 'inbox' => $inbox, 'success' => $success, 'serverfailure' => $serverfail, 'drop' => $drop]); if (($success || $drop) && in_array($cmd, [WorkerDelivery::POST])) { Post\DeliveryData::incrementQueueDone($uri_id, Post\DeliveryData::ACTIVITYPUB); } return ['success' => $success, 'serverfailure' => $serverfail, 'drop' => $drop]; } /** * Fetch the actor of the given inbox of an relay server * * @param string $inbox * @return string */ private static function fetchActorForRelayInbox(string $inbox): string { $apcontact = DBA::selectFirst('apcontact', ['url'], ["`sharedinbox` = ? AND `type` = ? AND `url` IN (SELECT `url` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `rel` = ?)", $inbox, 'Application', 0, Contact::FRIEND]); return $apcontact['url'] ?? ''; } /** * mark or unmark the given receivers for archival upon succoess * * @param array $receivers * @param boolean $success * @return void */ private static function setSuccess(array $receivers, bool $success) { $gsid = null; foreach ($receivers as $receiver) { $contact = Contact::getById($receiver); if (empty($contact)) { continue; } $gsid = $gsid ?: $contact['gsid']; if ($success) { Contact::unmarkForArchival($contact); } else { Contact::markForArchival($contact); } } if (!empty($gsid)) { GServer::setProtocol($gsid, Post\DeliveryData::ACTIVITYPUB); } } }