get_curl_code(); echo $return_code."\n"; print_r(BaseObject::getApp()->get_curl_headers()); print_r($headers); } /** * Return the ActivityPub profile of the given user * * @param integer $uid User ID * @return array */ public static function profile($uid) { $accounttype = ['Person', 'Organization', 'Service', 'Group', 'Application']; $condition = ['uid' => $uid, 'blocked' => false, 'account_expired' => false, 'account_removed' => false, 'verified' => true]; $fields = ['guid', 'nickname', 'pubkey', 'account-type']; $user = DBA::selectFirst('user', $fields, $condition); if (!DBA::isResult($user)) { return []; } $fields = ['locality', 'region', 'country-name']; $profile = DBA::selectFirst('profile', $fields, ['uid' => $uid, 'is-default' => true]); if (!DBA::isResult($profile)) { return []; } $fields = ['name', 'url', 'location', 'about', 'avatar']; $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, ['uid' => $uid, 'self' => true]); if (!DBA::isResult($contact)) { return []; } $data = ['@context' => ['', '', ['uuid' => '', 'sensitive' => 'as:sensitive', 'vcard' => '']]]; $data['id'] = $contact['url']; $data['uuid'] = $user['guid']; $data['type'] = $accounttype[$user['account-type']]; $data['following'] = System::baseUrl() . '/following/' . $user['nickname']; $data['followers'] = System::baseUrl() . '/followers/' . $user['nickname']; $data['inbox'] = System::baseUrl() . '/inbox/' . $user['nickname']; $data['outbox'] = System::baseUrl() . '/outbox/' . $user['nickname']; $data['preferredUsername'] = $user['nickname']; $data['name'] = $contact['name']; $data['vcard:hasAddress'] = ['@type' => 'Home', 'vcard:country-name' => $profile['country-name'], 'vcard:region' => $profile['region'], 'vcard:locality' => $profile['locality']]; $data['summary'] = $contact['about']; $data['url'] = $contact['url']; $data['manuallyApprovesFollowers'] = false; $data['publicKey'] = ['id' => $contact['url'] . '#main-key', 'owner' => $contact['url'], 'publicKeyPem' => $user['pubkey']]; $data['endpoints'] = ['sharedInbox' => System::baseUrl() . '/inbox']; $data['icon'] = ['type' => 'Image', 'url' => $contact['avatar']]; // tags: return $data; } public static function createActivityFromItem($item_id) { $item = Item::selectFirst([], ['id' => $item_id]); $data = ['@context' => ['', '', ['Emoji' => 'toot:Emoji', 'Hashtag' => 'as:Hashtag', 'atomUri' => 'ostatus:atomUri', 'conversation' => 'ostatus:conversation', 'inReplyToAtomUri' => 'ostatus:inReplyToAtomUri', 'ostatus' => '', 'sensitive' => 'as:sensitive', 'toot' => '']]]; $data['type'] = 'Create'; $data['id'] = $item['plink']; $data['actor'] = $item['author-link']; $data['to'] = ''; $data['object'] = self::createNote($item); // print_r($data); // print_r($item); return $data; } public static function createNote($item) { $data = []; $data['type'] = 'Note'; $data['id'] = $item['plink']; //$data['context'] = $data['conversation'] = $item['parent-uri']; $data['actor'] = $item['author-link']; // if (!$item['private']) { // $data['to'] = []; // $data['to'][] = '""'; $data['to'] = ''; // $data['cc'] = ''; // } $data['published'] = DateTimeFormat::utc($item["created"]."+00:00", DateTimeFormat::ATOM); $data['updated'] = DateTimeFormat::utc($item["edited"]."+00:00", DateTimeFormat::ATOM); $data['attributedTo'] = $item['author-link']; $data['name'] = BBCode::convert($item['title'], false, 7); $data['content'] = BBCode::convert($item['body'], false, 7); //$data['summary'] = ''; //$data['sensitive'] = false; //$data['emoji'] = []; //$data['tag'] = []; //$data['attachment'] = []; return $data; } /** * Fetches ActivityPub content from the given url * * @param string $url content url * @return array */ public static function fetchContent($url) { $ret = Network::curl($url, false, $redirects, ['accept_content' => 'application/activity+json']); if (!$ret['success'] || empty($ret['body'])) { return; } return json_decode($ret['body'], true); } /** * Resolves the profile url from the address by using webfinger * * @param string $addr profile address (user@domain.tld) * @return string url */ private static function addrToUrl($addr) { $addr_parts = explode('@', $addr); if (count($addr_parts) != 2) { return false; } $webfinger = 'https://' . $addr_parts[1] . '/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:' . urlencode($addr); $ret = Network::curl($webfinger, false, $redirects, ['accept_content' => 'application/jrd+json,application/json']); if (!$ret['success'] || empty($ret['body'])) { return false; } $data = json_decode($ret['body'], true); if (empty($data['links'])) { return false; } foreach ($data['links'] as $link) { if (empty($link['href']) || empty($link['rel']) || empty($link['type'])) { continue; } if (($link['rel'] == 'self') && ($link['type'] == 'application/activity+json')) { return $link['href']; } } return false; } /** * Fetches a profile from the given url * * @param string $url profile url * @return array */ public static function fetchProfile($url) { if (empty(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME))) { $url = self::addrToUrl($url); if (empty($url)) { return false; } } $data = self::fetchContent($url); if (empty($data) || empty($data['id']) || empty($data['inbox'])) { return false; } $profile = ['network' => Protocol::ACTIVITYPUB]; $profile['nick'] = $data['preferredUsername']; $profile['name'] = defaults($data, 'name', $profile['nick']); $profile['guid'] = defaults($data, 'uuid', null); $profile['url'] = $data['id']; $profile['alias'] = self::processElement($data, 'url', 'href'); $parts = parse_url($profile['url']); unset($parts['scheme']); unset($parts['path']); $profile['addr'] = $profile['nick'] . '@' . str_replace('//', '', Network::unparseURL($parts)); $profile['photo'] = self::processElement($data, 'icon', 'url'); $profile['about'] = defaults($data, 'summary', ''); $profile['batch'] = self::processElement($data, 'endpoints', 'sharedInbox'); $profile['pubkey'] = self::processElement($data, 'publicKey', 'publicKeyPem'); $profile['notify'] = $data['inbox']; $profile['poll'] = $data['outbox']; // Check if the address is resolvable if (self::addrToUrl($profile['addr']) == $profile['url']) { $parts = parse_url($profile['url']); unset($parts['path']); $profile['baseurl'] = Network::unparseURL($parts); } else { unset($profile['addr']); } if ($profile['url'] == $profile['alias']) { unset($profile['alias']); } // Remove all "null" fields foreach ($profile as $field => $content) { if (is_null($content)) { unset($profile[$field]); } } // Handled unset($data['id']); unset($data['inbox']); unset($data['outbox']); unset($data['preferredUsername']); unset($data['name']); unset($data['summary']); unset($data['url']); unset($data['publicKey']); unset($data['endpoints']); unset($data['icon']); unset($data['uuid']); // To-Do unset($data['type']); unset($data['manuallyApprovesFollowers']); // Unhandled unset($data['@context']); unset($data['tag']); unset($data['attachment']); unset($data['image']); unset($data['nomadicLocations']); unset($data['signature']); unset($data['following']); unset($data['followers']); unset($data['featured']); unset($data['movedTo']); unset($data['liked']); unset($data['sharedInbox']); // Misskey unset($data['isCat']); // Misskey unset($data['kroeg:blocks']); // Kroeg unset($data['updated']); // Kroeg /* if (!empty($data)) { print_r($data); die(); } */ return $profile; } public static function fetchOutbox($url) { $data = self::fetchContent($url); if (empty($data)) { return; } if (!empty($data['orderedItems'])) { $items = $data['orderedItems']; } elseif (!empty($data['first']['orderedItems'])) { $items = $data['first']['orderedItems']; } elseif (!empty($data['first'])) { self::fetchOutbox($data['first']); return; } else { $items = []; } foreach ($items as $activity) { self::processActivity($activity, $url); } } function processActivity($activity, $url) { if (empty($activity['type'])) { return; } if (empty($activity['object'])) { return; } if (empty($activity['actor'])) { return; } $actor = self::processElement($activity, 'actor', 'id'); if (empty($actor)) { return; } if (is_string($activity['object'])) { $object_url = $activity['object']; } elseif (!empty($activity['object']['id'])) { $object_url = $activity['object']['id']; } else { return; } $receivers = self::getReceivers($activity); if (empty($receivers)) { return; } // ---------------------------------- // unhandled unset($activity['@context']); unset($activity['id']); // Non standard unset($activity['title']); unset($activity['atomUri']); unset($activity['context_id']); unset($activity['statusnetConversationId']); $structure = $activity; // To-Do? unset($activity['context']); unset($activity['location']); // handled unset($activity['to']); unset($activity['cc']); unset($activity['bto']); unset($activity['bcc']); unset($activity['type']); unset($activity['actor']); unset($activity['object']); unset($activity['published']); unset($activity['updated']); unset($activity['instrument']); unset($activity['inReplyTo']); if (!empty($activity)) { echo "Activity\n"; print_r($activity); die($url."\n"); } $activity = $structure; // ---------------------------------- $item = self::fetchObject($object_url, $url); if (empty($item)) { return; } $item = self::addActivityFields($item, $activity); $item['owner'] = $actor; $item['receiver'] = array_merge($item['receiver'], $receivers); switch ($activity['type']) { case 'Create': case 'Update': self::createItem($item); break; case 'Announce': self::announceItem($item); break; case 'Like': case 'Dislike': self::activityItem($item); break; case 'Follow': break; default: echo "Unknown activity: ".$activity['type']."\n"; print_r($item); die(); break; } } private static function getReceivers($activity) { $receivers = []; $elements = ['to', 'cc', 'bto', 'bcc']; foreach ($elements as $element) { if (empty($activity[$element])) { continue; } // The receiver can be an arror or a string if (is_string($activity[$element])) { $activity[$element] = [$activity[$element]]; } foreach ($activity[$element] as $receiver) { if ($receiver == self::PUBLIC) { $receivers[$receiver] = 0; } $condition = ['self' => true, 'nurl' => normalise_link($receiver)]; $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['id'], $condition); if (!DBA::isResult($contact)) { continue; } $receivers[$receiver] = $contact['id']; } } return $receivers; } private static function addActivityFields($item, $activity) { if (!empty($activity['published']) && empty($item['published'])) { $item['published'] = $activity['published']; } if (!empty($activity['updated']) && empty($item['updated'])) { $item['updated'] = $activity['updated']; } if (!empty($activity['inReplyTo']) && empty($item['parent-uri'])) { $item['parent-uri'] = self::processElement($activity, 'inReplyTo', 'id'); } if (!empty($activity['instrument'])) { $item['service'] = self::processElement($activity, 'instrument', 'name', 'Service'); } // Remove all "null" fields foreach ($item as $field => $content) { if (is_null($content)) { unset($item[$field]); } } return $item; } private static function fetchObject($object_url, $url) { $data = self::fetchContent($object_url); if (empty($data)) { return false; } if (empty($data['type'])) { return false; } else { $type = $data['type']; } if (in_array($type, ['Note', 'Article', 'Video'])) { $common = self::processCommonData($data, $url); } switch ($type) { case 'Note': return array_merge($common, self::processNote($data, $url)); case 'Article': return array_merge($common, self::processArticle($data, $url)); case 'Video': return array_merge($common, self::processVideo($data, $url)); case 'Announce': if (empty($data['object'])) { return false; } return self::fetchObject($data['object'], $url); case 'Person': case 'Tombstone': break; default: echo "Unknown object type: ".$data['type']."\n"; print_r($data); die($url."\n"); break; } } private static function processCommonData(&$object, $url) { if (empty($object['id']) || empty($object['attributedTo'])) { return false; } $item = []; $item['uri'] = $object['id']; if (!empty($object['inReplyTo'])) { $item['reply-to-uri'] = self::processElement($object, 'inReplyTo', 'id'); } else { $item['reply-to-uri'] = $item['uri']; } $item['published'] = defaults($object, 'published', null); $item['updated'] = defaults($object, 'updated', $item['published']); if (empty($item['published']) && !empty($item['updated'])) { $item['published'] = $item['updated']; } $item['uuid'] = defaults($object, 'uuid', null); $item['owner'] = $item['author'] = self::processElement($object, 'attributedTo', 'id'); $item['context'] = defaults($object, 'context', null); $item['conversation'] = defaults($object, 'conversation', null); $item['sensitive'] = defaults($object, 'sensitive', null); $item['name'] = defaults($object, 'title', null); $item['name'] = defaults($object, 'name', $item['name']); $item['summary'] = defaults($object, 'summary', null); $item['content'] = defaults($object, 'content', null); $item['location'] = self::processElement($object, 'location', 'name', 'Place'); $item['attachments'] = defaults($object, 'attachment', null); $item['tags'] = defaults($object, 'tag', null); $item['service'] = self::processElement($object, 'instrument', 'name', 'Service'); $item['alternate-url'] = self::processElement($object, 'url', 'href'); $item['receiver'] = self::getReceivers($object); // handled unset($object['id']); unset($object['inReplyTo']); unset($object['published']); unset($object['updated']); unset($object['uuid']); unset($object['attributedTo']); unset($object['context']); unset($object['conversation']); unset($object['sensitive']); unset($object['name']); unset($object['title']); unset($object['content']); unset($object['summary']); unset($object['location']); unset($object['attachment']); unset($object['tag']); unset($object['instrument']); unset($object['url']); unset($object['to']); unset($object['cc']); unset($object['bto']); unset($object['bcc']); // To-Do unset($object['source']); // Unhandled unset($object['@context']); unset($object['type']); unset($object['actor']); unset($object['signature']); unset($object['mediaType']); unset($object['duration']); unset($object['replies']); unset($object['icon']); /* audience, preview, endTime, startTime, generator, image */ return $item; } private static function processNote($object, $url) { $item = []; // To-Do? unset($object['emoji']); unset($object['atomUri']); unset($object['inReplyToAtomUri']); // Unhandled unset($object['contentMap']); unset($object['announcement_count']); unset($object['announcements']); unset($object['context_id']); unset($object['likes']); unset($object['like_count']); unset($object['inReplyToStatusId']); unset($object['shares']); unset($object['quoteUrl']); unset($object['statusnetConversationId']); if (empty($object)) return $item; echo "Unknown Note\n"; print_r($object); print_r($item); die($url."\n"); return []; } private static function processArticle($object, $url) { $item = []; if (empty($object)) return $item; echo "Unknown Article\n"; print_r($object); print_r($item); die($url."\n"); return []; } private static function processVideo($object, $url) { $item = []; // To-Do? unset($object['category']); unset($object['licence']); unset($object['language']); unset($object['commentsEnabled']); // Unhandled unset($object['views']); unset($object['waitTranscoding']); unset($object['state']); unset($object['support']); unset($object['subtitleLanguage']); unset($object['likes']); unset($object['dislikes']); unset($object['shares']); unset($object['comments']); if (empty($object)) return $item; echo "Unknown Video\n"; print_r($object); print_r($item); die($url."\n"); return []; } private static function processElement($array, $element, $key, $type = null) { if (empty($array)) { return false; } if (empty($array[$element])) { return false; } if (is_string($array[$element])) { return $array[$element]; } if (is_null($type)) { if (!empty($array[$element][$key])) { return $array[$element][$key]; } if (!empty($array[$element][0][$key])) { return $array[$element][0][$key]; } return false; } if (!empty($array[$element][$key]) && !empty($array[$element]['type']) && ($array[$element]['type'] == $type)) { return $array[$element][$key]; } /// @todo Add array search return false; } private static function createItem($item) { // print_r($item); } private static function announceItem($item) { // print_r($item); } private static function activityItem($item) { // print_r($item); } }