. * */ namespace Friendica\Util; use Friendica\Core\Cache\Duration; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Exception; use Friendica\Core\System; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Protocol\ActivityPub; /** * This class contain methods to work with JsonLD data */ class JsonLD { /** * Loader for LD-JSON validation * * @param $url * * @return mixed the loaded data * @throws \JsonLdException */ public static function documentLoader($url) { $recursion = 0; $x = debug_backtrace(); if ($x) { foreach ($x as $n) { if ($n['function'] === __FUNCTION__) { $recursion ++; } } } if ($recursion > 5) { Logger::error('jsonld bomb detected at: ' . $url); exit(); } $result = DI::cache()->get('documentLoader:' . $url); if (!is_null($result)) { return $result; } $data = jsonld_default_document_loader($url); DI::cache()->set('documentLoader:' . $url, $data, Duration::DAY); return $data; } private static function replaceSecurityLink(array $json) { if (!is_array($json['@context'])) { return $json; } if (($key = array_search('https://w3id.org/security/v1', $json['@context'])) !== false) { $json['@context'][$key] = DI::baseUrl() . '/static/w3id-security-v1.json'; } return $json; } /** * Normalises a given JSON array * * @param array $json * * @return mixed|bool normalized JSON string * @throws Exception */ public static function normalize($json) { $json = self::replaceSecurityLink($json); jsonld_set_document_loader('Friendica\Util\JsonLD::documentLoader'); $jsonobj = json_decode(json_encode($json, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); try { $normalized = jsonld_normalize($jsonobj, array('algorithm' => 'URDNA2015', 'format' => 'application/nquads')); } catch (Exception $e) { $normalized = false; $messages = []; $currentException = $e; do { $messages[] = $currentException->getMessage(); } while($currentException = $currentException->getPrevious()); Logger::warning('JsonLD normalize error'); Logger::notice('JsonLD normalize error', ['messages' => $messages]); Logger::info('JsonLD normalize error', ['trace' => $e->getTraceAsString()]); Logger::debug('JsonLD normalize error', ['jsonobj' => $jsonobj]); } return $normalized; } /** * Compacts a given JSON array * * @param array $json * * @return array Compacted JSON array * @throws Exception */ public static function compact($json) { $compacted = self::internalCompact($json, false); if (empty($compacted)) { $json['@context'] = ActivityPub::CONTEXT; $compacted = self::internalCompact($json, true); } return $compacted; } private static function internalCompact($json, bool $error_log) { $json = self::replaceSecurityLink($json); jsonld_set_document_loader('Friendica\Util\JsonLD::documentLoader'); $context = (object)['as' => 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#', 'w3id' => 'https://w3id.org/security#', 'ldp' => (object)['@id' => 'http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#', '@type' => '@id'], 'vcard' => (object)['@id' => 'http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#', '@type' => '@id'], 'dfrn' => (object)['@id' => 'http://purl.org/macgirvin/dfrn/1.0/', '@type' => '@id'], 'diaspora' => (object)['@id' => 'https://diasporafoundation.org/ns/', '@type' => '@id'], 'ostatus' => (object)['@id' => 'http://ostatus.org#', '@type' => '@id'], 'dc' => (object)['@id' => 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/', '@type' => '@id'], 'toot' => (object)['@id' => 'http://joinmastodon.org/ns#', '@type' => '@id'], 'litepub' => (object)['@id' => 'http://litepub.social/ns#', '@type' => '@id'], 'sc' => (object)['@id' => 'http://schema.org#', '@type' => '@id'], 'pt' => (object)['@id' => 'https://joinpeertube.org/ns#', '@type' => '@id']]; // Preparation for adding possibly missing content to the context if (!empty($json['@context']) && is_string($json['@context'])) { $json['@context'] = [$json['@context']]; } // Workaround for servers with missing context // See issue https://github.com/nextcloud/social/issues/330 if (!empty($json['@context']) && is_array($json['@context'])) { $json['@context'][] = DI::baseUrl() . '/static/w3id-security-v1.json'; } // Trying to avoid memory problems with large content fields if (!empty($json['object']['source']['content'])) { $content = $json['object']['source']['content']; $json['object']['source']['content'] = ''; } $jsonobj = json_decode(json_encode($json, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); try { $compacted = jsonld_compact($jsonobj, $context); } catch (Exception $e) { $compacted = false; if ($error_log) { Logger::error('compacting error', ['line' => $e->getLine(), 'message' => $e->getMessage(),'callstack' => System::callstack(20)]); } } $json = json_decode(json_encode($compacted, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE), true); if (isset($json['as:object']['as:source']['as:content']) && !empty($content)) { $json['as:object']['as:source']['as:content'] = $content; } return $json; } /** * Fetches an element array from a JSON array * * @param $array * @param $element * @param $key * * @return array fetched element */ public static function fetchElementArray($array, $element, $key = null, $type = null, $type_value = null) { if (!isset($array[$element])) { return null; } // If it isn't an array yet, make it to one if (!is_int(key($array[$element]))) { $array[$element] = [$array[$element]]; } $elements = []; foreach ($array[$element] as $entry) { if (!is_array($entry) || is_null($key)) { $item = $entry; } elseif (isset($entry[$key])) { $item = $entry[$key]; } if (isset($item) && (is_null($type) || is_null($type_value) || isset($item[$type]) && $item[$type] == $type_value)) { $elements[] = $item; } } return $elements; } /** * Fetches an element from a JSON array * * @param $array * @param $element * @param $key * @param $type * @param $type_value * * @return string fetched element */ public static function fetchElement($array, $element, $key = '@id', $type = null, $type_value = null) { if (empty($array)) { return null; } if (!isset($array[$element])) { return null; } if (!is_array($array[$element])) { return $array[$element]; } if (is_null($type) || is_null($type_value)) { $element_array = self::fetchElementArray($array, $element, $key); if (is_null($element_array)) { return null; } return array_shift($element_array); } $element_array = self::fetchElementArray($array, $element); if (is_null($element_array)) { return null; } foreach ($element_array as $entry) { if (isset($entry[$key]) && isset($entry[$type]) && ($entry[$type] == $type_value)) { return $entry[$key]; } } return null; } }