The formula p(x) for calculating the air pressure at a given altitude --------------------------------------------------------------------- Well known is the baromertic(?) formula rho0 ------ * g * x p0 p(x) = p0 * e with p0 being the airpressure and rho0 being the air density at an altitude of 0 metres above sea level and g being the gravity constant of 9.81 m/sq. sec This formula can easily be derivated when you know, that: * the pressure difference is dp = - rho * g * dx * Boyle-Mariotte says: p0 : p = rho0 : rho Combinig the terms and changing them around I get: dp [ rho0 ] -- = - rho * g = - [ ------ * p(x) ] * g dx [ p0 ] rho0 p'(x) = - ------ * p(x) * g p0 Solving that differential equation and knowing that p(0) = p0 I get: rho0 - ------ * g * x p0 p(x) = p0 * e q.e.d. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem with that equation is that it doesn't take different temperatures at different altitudes into account. And the inaccuracies due to it are huge. That's why this formula is only used in very low altitudes. So to get a usefull formula for FlightGear I need to extend it. And as I'm already 'recreating' that formula I'm taking the change in g into account, too. This doesn't make such a dramatic difference to the result as the inclusion of temperature change does, but it doesn't complicate the final formula too much. So I get three formulas that I'm combining in the end: * the change of g with the altitude: G * m g(x) = ----------- (x + r)^2 G is the universal gravity constant(?) and is 6.673e-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2 m is the mass of the earth and is 5.977e24 kg r is the radius of the earth and is 6368 km * The pressure difference stays the same: dp = - rho * g(x) * dx * If I combine Boyle-Mariotte with Gay-Lussac I get: rho0 * T0 p rho = ----------- * --- p0 T Combining the terms again I get this time: dp [ rho0 * T0 p(x) ] -- = - rho * g(x) = - [ ----------- * ------ ] * g(x) dx [ p0 T(x) ] rho0 * T0 p(x) * g(x) p'(x) = - ----------- * ------------- p0 T(x) This DE isn't that easy to solve as the one above, it by looking into the right books you'll see the general solution for: y' + f(x)*y = 0 is x /\ - | f(x) dx \/ n y = m * e and P(m,n) will be a point on the graph. For q = n = 0 metres altitude we get y = m. As y is p(x) we know that m has to be p0. So our final formuala is ho0 * T0 g(x) f1(x) = ----------- * ------ p0 T(x) x x /\ /\ - | f1(x) dx | f(x) dx \/ \/ 0 0 F(x) - F(0) p(x) = p0 * e = p0 * e = p0 * e The only disturbing thing we've got left is the integral. Luckily there is a great service at that helps me doing it :-) But the f(x) is still too general so I'm substituting: rho0 * T0 * G * m f(x) = - ----------------------- p0 * (x + r)^2 * T(x) but even that isn't good enough. But as I'm linearily interpolating between two different temperatures I can say that T(x) = a*x + b for the x inbetween two different stored temperatures. So I just need to integrate every pice independandly. But anyway, I get: rho0 * T0 * G * m f(x) = - ------------------------------ p0 * (x + r)^2 * (a * x + b) Integrating that I get: rho0 * T0 * G * m [ 1 F(x) = - ------------------- * [ ------------------------ - p0 [ (-b + a * r) * (r + x) a * log|r + x| a * log|b + a * x| ] ---------------- + -------------------- ] (b - a * r)^2 (b - a * r)^2 ] To lower the computional cost I can transfere the equation. * I'm defining rho0 * T0 * G * m factor = - ------------------- p0 1 c = -------------- (-b + a * r) * now I can write [ c ] F(x) = factor * [ --------- - a * c * c * [log|r + x| + log|b + a * x|] ] [ (r + x) ] * and simplyfy it to [ 1 ] F(x) = factor * c * [ --------- - a * c * log|(r + x) * (b + a * x)| ] [ (r + x) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following table shows quite nicely how accurate my formula is: Altitude[m] | Airpressure [hPa] | Error [%] | Official | My formula | ------------+---------------+---------------+--------------- -200 | 1037.51 | 1037.24 | 0.0260 -100 | 1025.32 | 1025.19 | 0.0127 0 | 1013.25 | 1013.25 | 0.0 500 | 954.59 | 955.224 | 0.0664 1000 | 898.70 | 899.912 | 0.1349 2000 | 794.88 | 797.042 | 0.2720 3000 | 700.99 | 703.885 | 0.4130 4000 | 616.28 | 619.727 | 0.5593 5000 | 540.07 | 543.89 | 0.7073 6000 | 471.67 | 475.731 | 0.8610 7000 | 410.46 | 414.643 | 1.0191 8000 | 355.84 | 360.054 | 1.1842 9000 | 307.27 | 311.422 | 1.3513 10000 | 264.21 | 268.238 | 1.5245 20000 | 54.670/55.3 | 55.7971 | 2.0616/0.8989 30000 | 11.8 | 11.3149 | 1.5441 40000 | 3.0 | 2.74665 | 18.9703 50000 | 0.88 | 0.753043 | 41.9183 60000 | 0.257 | 0.221907 | 57.9802 70000 | 0.0602 | 0.0530785 | 61.9153 80000 | 0.0101 | 0.00905461 | 51.5725 100000 | 2.14e-4 | 2.03984e-4 | 5.5131 The official values are from the CINA atmosphere which assumes a air pressure of 1013.25 hPa and a temperature of 15 degC at sea level and a temperature gradient of -6.5 deg/km. The CINA atmosphere gives only values for altiudes up to 20 km. The values for 20 km and above are from the 1959 ARDC atmosphere. That's why I've got two values at 20000 metres. The temperature changes dramtically in the altitudes over 20 km which I didn't take care of in my calculations which explains the huge errors at that altitude range. But you can see nicely that the values are at least quite close to the official values. Using a better temperature model for the altitudes above 20 km should dramatically increase the accuracy there.