. * * This file declares the default values for the base config of Friendica. * * These configuration values aren't accessible from the admin settings page and custom values must be set in config/local.config.php * * Please don't edit this file directly as its content may change in the upcoming versions. * */ return [ 'database' => [ // host (String) // Hostname or IP address of the database server. // Can contain the port number with the syntax "hostname:port". 'hostname' => '', // port (Integer) // Port of the database server. // Can be used instead of adding a port number to the hostname 'port' => null, // socket (String) // Socket of the database server. // Can be used instead of adding a socket location to the hostname 'socket' => '', // user (String) // Database username. Please don't use "root". 'username' => '', // pass (String) // Database user password. Please don't use empty passwords. 'password' => '', // base (String) // Database name. 'database' => '', // charset (String) // Database connection charset. Changing this value will likely corrupt special characters. 'charset' => 'utf8mb4', // pdo_emulate_prepares (Boolean) // If enabled, the builtin emulation for prepared statements is used. // This can be used as a workaround for the database error "Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared". 'pdo_emulate_prepares' => true, // disable_pdo (Boolean) // PDO is used by default (if available). Otherwise, MySQLi will be used. 'disable_pdo' => false, // persistent (Boolean) // This controls if the system should use persistent connections or not. // Persistent connections increase the performance. // On the other hand the number of open connections are higher, // this will most likely increase the system load. 'persistent' => false, ], 'config' => [ // admin_email (Comma-separated list) // In order to perform system administration via the admin panel, // this must precisely match the email address of the person logged in. 'admin_email' => '', // admin_nickname (String) // Nickname of the main admin user, used if there are more than one admin user defined in config => admin_email. 'admin_nickname' => '', // max_import_size (Integer) // Maximum body size of DFRN and Mail messages in characters. 0 is unlimited. 'max_import_size' => 200000, // php_path (String) // Location of PHP command line processor. 'php_path' => 'php', ], 'system' => [ // allowed_link_protocols (Array) // Allowed protocols in links URLs, add at your own risk. http(s) is always allowed. 'allowed_link_protocols' => ['ftp://', 'ftps://', 'mailto:', 'cid:', 'gopher://'], // always_show_preview (Boolean) // Only show small preview pictures. 'always_show_preview' => false, // ap_always_bcc (Boolean) // Addresses non-mentioned ActivityPub receivers by BCC instead of CC. Increases privacy, decreases performance. 'ap_always_bcc' => false, // auth_cookie_lifetime (Integer) // Number of days that should pass without any activity before a user who // chose "Remember me" when logging in is considered logged out. 'auth_cookie_lifetime' => 7, // avatar_cache (Boolean) // Cache avatar pictures as files (experimental) 'avatar_cache' => false, // avatar_cache_path (String) // File path to the avatar cache. Default is /(your basepath)/avatar/ // The value has to be an absolute path and has to end with a "/" 'avatar_cache_path' => '', // avatar_cache_url (String) // Base URL of the avatar cache. Default is http(s)://(your hostname)/avatar/ // The value has to start with the scheme and end with a "/" 'avatar_cache_url' => '', // basicauth (Boolean) // Controls if login via BasicAuth is possible (default is true) 'basicauth' => true, // big_emojis (Boolean) // Display "Emoji Only" posts in big. 'big_emojis' => true, // bulk_delivery (Boolean) // Delivers AP messages in a bulk (experimental) 'bulk_delivery' => false, // block_local_dir (Boolean) // Deny public access to the local user directory. 'block_local_dir' => false, // community_no_sharer (Boolean) // Don't display sharing accounts on the global community 'community_no_sharer' => false, // contact_update_limit (Integer) // How many contacts should be checked at a time? 'contact_update_limit' => 100, // cron_interval (Integer) // Minimal period in minutes between two calls of the "Cron" worker job. 'cron_interval' => 5, // cache_driver (database|memcache|memcached|redis|apcu) // Whether to use Memcache, Memcached, Redis or APCu to store temporary cache. 'cache_driver' => 'database', // distributed_cache_driver (database|memcache|memcached|redis) // Whether to use database, Memcache, Memcached or Redis as a distributed cache. 'distributed_cache_driver' => 'database', // fetch_parents (Boolean) // Fetch missing parent posts 'fetch_parents' => true, // config_adapter (jit|preload) // Allow to switch the configuration adapter to improve performances at the cost of memory consumption. 'config_adapter' => 'jit', // crawl_permit_period (Integer) // Period in seconds between allowed searches when the number of free searches is reached and "permit_crawling" is activated. 'crawl_permit_period' => 60, // db_log (Path) // Name of a logfile to log slow database queries. 'db_log' => '', // db_log_index (Path) // Name of a logfile to log queries with bad indexes. 'db_log_index' => '', // db_log_index_watch (Comma-separated list) // Watchlist of indexes to watch. 'db_log_index_watch' => '', // db_log_index_denylist (Comma-separated list) // Deny list of indexes that shouldn't be watched. 'db_log_index_denylist' => '', // db_loglimit (Integer) // If a database call lasts longer than this value in seconds it is logged. // Inactive if system => db_log is empty. 'db_loglimit' => 10, // db_loglimit_index (Integer) // Number of index rows needed to be logged for indexes on the watchlist. 0 to disable. 'db_loglimit_index' => 0, // db_loglimit_index_high (Integer) // Number of index rows to be logged anyway (for any index). 0 to disable. 'db_loglimit_index_high' => 0, // dbclean_expire_conversation (Integer) // When DBClean is enabled, any entry in the conversation table will be deleted after this many days. // This data is used for ActivityPub, so it shouldn't be lower than the average duration of a discussion. 'dbclean_expire_conversation' => 90, // dbclean-expire-limit (Integer) // This defines the number of items that are to be deleted in a single call. // Reduce this value when you are getting lock issues. // A value of 0 disables the deletion process. 'dbclean-expire-limit' => 1000, // daemon_watchdog (Boolean) // Enable regular checking if the daemon is running. // If it is not running and hadn't been terminated normally, it will be started automatically. 'daemon_watchdog' => false, // delete_sleeping_processes (Boolean) // Periodically delete waiting database processes. 'delete_sleeping_processes' => false, // delete-blocked-servers (Boolean) // Delete blocked servers if there are no foreign key violations. 'delete-blocked-servers' => false, // dice_profiler_threshold (Float) // For profiling Dice class creation (0 = disabled, >0 = seconds threshold for profiling) 'dice_profiler_threshold' => 0.5, // diaspora_test (Boolean) // For development only. Disables the message transfer. 'diaspora_test' => false, // disable_email_validation (Boolean) // Disables the check if a mail address is in a valid format and can be resolved via DNS. 'disable_email_validation' => false, // disable_implicit_mentions (Boolean) since 2019.03 // Implicit mentions are mentions in the body of replies that are redundant in a thread-enabled system like Friendica. // This config key disables the gathering of implicit mentions in incoming and outgoing posts. // Also disables the default automatic removal of implicit mentions from the body of incoming posts. // Also disables the default automatic addition of implicit mentions in the body of outgoing posts. // Disabling implicit mentions also affects the "explicit_mentions" additional feature by limiting it // to the replied-to post author mention in the comment boxes. 'disable_implicit_mentions' => false, // disable_url_validation (Boolean) // Disables the DNS lookup of a URL. 'disable_url_validation' => false, // disable_password_exposed (Boolean) // Disable the exposition check against the remote haveibeenpwned API on password change. 'disable_password_exposed' => false, // disable_polling (Boolean) // Disable the polling of DFRN and OStatus contacts through onepoll.php. 'disable_polling' => false, // display_resharer (Boolean) // Display the first resharer as icon and text on a reshared item. 'display_resharer' => false, // dlogfile (Path) // location of the developer log file. 'dlogfile' => '', // dlogip (String) // restricts develop log writes to requests originating from this IP address. 'dlogip' => '', // legacy_activities (Boolean) // Display received activities (like, dislike, reshare) as detailed list 'legacy_activities' => true, // expire-notify-priority (integer) // Priority for the expiry notification 'expire-notify-priority' => Friendica\Core\Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, // fetch_featured_posts (Boolean) // Fetch featured posts from all contacts 'fetch_featured_posts' => false, // free_crawls (Integer) // Number of "free" searches when system => permit_crawling is enabled. 'free_crawls' => 10, // circle_edit_image_limit (Integer) // Number of contacts at which the circle editor should switch from display the profile pictures of the contacts to only display the names. // This can alternatively be set on a per-account basis in the pconfig table. 'circle_edit_image_limit' => 400, // gserver_update_limit (Integer) // How many servers should be checked at a time? 'gserver_update_limit' => 100, // hsts (Boolean) // Enables the sending of HTTP Strict Transport Security headers. 'hsts' => false, // ignore_cache (Boolean) // For development only. Disables the item cache. 'ignore_cache' => false, // insecure_imap (Boolean) // If enabled, users are allowed to connect to their IMAP servers unencrypted. // For security reasons this is disabled by default. 'insecure_imap' => false, // instances_social_key (String) // Key to the API of https://instances.social which retrieves data about mastodon servers. // See https://instances.social/api/token to get an API key. 'instances_social_key' => '', // ipv4_resolve (Boolean) // Resolve IPV4 addresses only. Don't resolve to IPV6. 'ipv4_resolve' => false, // ini_max_execution_time (False|Integer) // Set the number of seconds a script is allowed to run. Default unlimited for Friendica, false to use the system value. 'ini_max_execution_time' => 0, // ini_pcre_backtrack_limit (False|Integer) // This has to be quite large to deal with embedded private photos. False to use the system value. 'ini_pcre_backtrack_limit' => 500000, // invitation_only (Boolean) // If set true registration is only possible after a current member of the node has sent an invitation. 'invitation_only' => false, // itemspage_network (Integer) // default number of items per page in stream pages (network, community, profile/contact statuses, search) 'itemspage_network' => 40, // itemspage_network_mobile (Integer) // default number of items per page in stream pages (network, community, profile/contact statuses, search) // on detected mobile devices 'itemspage_network_mobile' => 20, // jpeg_quality (Integer) // // Lower numbers save space at cost of image detail // where n is between 1 and 100, and with very poor results below about 50 'jpeg_quality' => 100, // like_no_comment (Boolean) // Don't update the "commented" value of an item when it is liked. 'like_no_comment' => false, // local_block (Boolean) // Used in conjunction with "block_public". 'local_block' => false, // local_tags (Boolean) // If activated, all hashtags will point to the local server. 'local_tags' => true, // lock_driver (semaphore|database|memcache|memcached|redis|apcu) // Whether to use semaphores, the database, Memcache, Memcached, Redis or APCu to handle locks. // Default is auto detection which tries semaphores first, then falls back to the cache driver. 'lock_driver' => '', // logger_config (String) // Sets the logging adapter of Friendica globally (monolog, syslog, stream) 'logger_config' => 'stream', // syslog flags (Integer) // Sets the syslog flags in case 'logger_config' is set to 'syslog' 'syslog_flags' => LOG_CONS | LOG_PID | LOG_ODELAY, // syslog flags (Integer) // Sets the syslog facility in case 'logger_config' is set to 'syslog' 'syslog_facility' => LOG_USER, // maintenance_start (String) // Start of the window for the daily maintenance cron call. // The system timezone is used when no timezone is defined here. 'maintenance_start' => '01:00 +00:00', // maintenance_end (String) // End of the window for the daily maintenance cron call // The system timezone is used when no timezone is defined here. 'maintenance_end' => '03:00 +00:00', // max_batch_queue (Integer) // Maximum number of batched queue items for a single contact before subsequent messages are discarded. 'max_batch_queue' => 1000, // max_connections (Integer) // The maximum number of database connections which can be in use before the worker process is deferred to its next interval. // When the system can't detect the maximum numbers of connection then this value can be used. Use 0 for auto-detection. 'max_connections' => 0, // max_connections_level (Integer 0-100) // The maximum percentage of connections that are allowed to let the worker start. 'max_connections_level' => 75, // max_contact_queue (Integer) // Maximum number of queue items for a single contact before subsequent messages are discarded. 'max_contact_queue' => 500, // max_csv_file_size (Integer) // When uploading a CSV with account addresses to follow // in the user settings, this controls the maximum file // size of the upload file. 'max_csv_file_size' => 30720, // max_feed_items (Integer) // Maximum number of feed items that are fetched and processed. For unlimited items set to 0. 'max_feed_items' => 20, // max_image_length (Integer) // An alternate way of limiting picture upload sizes. // Specify the maximum pixel length that pictures are allowed to be (for non-square pictures, it will apply to the longest side). // Pictures longer than this length will be resized to be this length (on the longest side, the other side will be scaled appropriately). // If you don't want to set a maximum length, set to -1. 'max_image_length' => -1, // max_likers (Integer) // Maximum number of "people who like (or don't like) this" that we will list by name 'max_likers' => 75, // max_processes_backend (Integer) // Maximum number of concurrent database processes for background tasks. 'max_processes_backend' => 5, // max_processes_frontend (Integer) // Maximum number of concurrent database processes for foreground tasks. 'max_processes_frontend' => 20, // max_recursion_depth (Integer) // Maximum recursion depth when fetching posts until the job is delegated to a worker task or finished. 'max_recursion_depth' => 50, // maximagesize (Integer) // Maximum size in bytes of an uploaded photo. 'maximagesize' => 800000, // memcache_host (String) // Host name of the memcache daemon. 'memcache_host' => '', // memcache_port (Integer) // Port number of the memcache daemon. 'memcache_port' => 11211, // memcached_hosts (Array) // Array of Memcached servers info [host, port(, weight)], see Memcached::addServers. 'memcached_hosts' => [ ['', '11211'], ], // minimum_posting_interval (Integer) // Minimum interval between two feed posts per user 'minimum_posting_interval' => 0, // no_count (Boolean) // Don't do count calculations (currently only when showing photo albums). 'no_count' => false, // no_oembed (Boolean) // Don't use OEmbed to fetch more information about a link. 'no_oembed' => false, // no_redirect_list (Array) // List of domains where HTTP redirects should be ignored. 'no_redirect_list' => [], // no_smilies (Boolean) // Don't show smilies. 'no_smilies' => false, // optimize_all_tables (Boolean) // Optimizes all tables instead of only tables like workerqueue or the cache 'optimize_all_tables' => false, // paranoia (Boolean) // Log out users if their IP address changed. 'paranoia' => false, // permit_crawling (Boolean) // Restricts the search for not logged-in users to one search per minute. 'permit_crawling' => false, // pidfile (Path) // Daemon pid file path. For example: pidfile = /path/to/daemon.pid 'pidfile' => '', // png_quality (Integer) // Sets the ImageMagick compression level for PNG images. Values range from 0 (uncompressed) to 9 (most compressed). 'png_quality' => 8, // profiler (Boolean) // Enable internal timings to help optimize code. Needed for "rendertime" addon. 'profiler' => false, // pushpoll_frequency (Integer) // Frequency of contact poll for subhub contact using the DFRN or OStatus network. // Available values: // - 5 = every month // - 4 = every week // - 3 = every day // - 2 = twice a day // - 1 = every hour // - 0 = every minute 'pushpoll_frequency' => 3, // redis_host (String) // Host name or the path to the Unix domain socket of the Redis daemon. 'redis_host' => '', // redis_port (Integer) // Port number of the Redis daemon, should be -1 for unix domain socket 'redis_port' => 6379, // redis_db (Integer) // The sub-database of redis (0 - 15 possible sub-databases) 'redis_db' => 0, // redis_password (String) // The authentication password for the redis database 'redis_password' => null, // redistribute_activities (Boolean) // Redistribute incoming activities via ActivityPub 'redistribute_activities' => true, // session_handler (database|cache|native) // Whether to use Cache to store session data or to use PHP native session storage. 'session_handler' => 'database', // remote_avatar_lookup (Boolean) // Perform an avatar lookup via the activated services for remote contacts 'remote_avatar_lookup' => false, // remove_multiplicated_lines (Boolean) // If enabled, multiple linefeeds in items are stripped to a single one. 'remove_multiplicated_lines' => false, // runtime_ignore (Array) // List of ignored commands for the runtime logging. 'runtime_ignore' => [], // runtime_loglimit (Integer) // The runtime is logged, When the program execution time is higher than this value. 'runtime_loglimit' => 0, // sendmail_params (Boolean) // Normal sendmail command parameters will be added when the PHP mail() function is called for sending e-mails. // This ensures the Sender Email address setting is applied to the message envelope rather than the host's default address. // Set to false if your non-sendmail agent is incompatible, or to restore old behavior of using the host address. 'sendmail_params' => true, // set_creation_date (Boolean) // When enabled, the user can enter a creation date when composing a post. 'set_creation_date' => false, // show_global_community_hint (Boolean) // When the global community page is enabled, use this option to display a hint above the stream, that this is a collection of all public top-level postings that arrive at your node. 'show_global_community_hint' => false, // show_received (Boolean) // Show the received date along with the post creation date 'show_received' => true, // show_received_seconds (Integer) // Display the received date when the difference between received and created is higher than this. 'show_received_seconds' => 500, // show_unsupported_addons (Boolean) // Show all addons including the unsupported ones. 'show_unsupported_addons' => false, // show_unsupported_themes (Boolean) // Show all themes including the unsupported ones. 'show_unsupported_themes' => false, // throttle_limit_day (Integer) // Maximum number of posts that a user can send per day with the API. 0 to disable daily throttling. 'throttle_limit_day' => 0, // throttle_limit_week (Integer) // Maximum number of posts that a user can send per week with the API. 0 to disable weekly throttling. 'throttle_limit_week' => 0, // throttle_limit_month (Integer) // Maximum number of posts that a user can send per month with the API. 0 to disable monthly throttling. 'throttle_limit_month' => 0, // transmit_pending_events (Boolean) // Transmit pending events upon accepted contact request for groups 'transmit_pending_events' => false, // username_min_length (Integer) // The minimum character length a username can be. // This length is checked once the username has been trimmed and multiple spaces have been collapsed into one. // Minimum for this config value is 1. Maximum is 64 as the resulting profile URL mustn't be longer than 255 chars. 'username_min_length' => 3, // username_max_length (Integer) // The maximum character length a username can be. // This length is checked once the username has been trimmed and multiple spaces have been collapsed into one. // Minimum for this config value is 1. Maximum is 64 as the resulting profile URL mustn't be longer than 255 chars. 'username_max_length' => 48, // worker_cooldown (Float) // Cooldown period in seconds before each worker function call. 'worker_cooldown' => 0, // worker_debug (Boolean) // If enabled, it prints out the number of running processes split by priority. 'worker_debug' => false, // worker_fetch_limit (Integer) // Number of worker tasks that are fetched in a single query. 'worker_fetch_limit' => 1, // worker_fork (Boolean) // Experimental setting. Use pcntl_fork to spawn a new worker process. // Does not work when "worker_multiple_fetch" is enabled (Needs more testing) 'worker_fork' => false, // worker_jpm (Boolean) // If enabled, it prints out the jobs per minute. 'worker_jpm' => false, // worker_jpm_range (String) // List of minutes for the jobs per minute (JPM) calculation 'worker_jpm_range' => '1, 10, 60', // worker_load_exponent (Integer) // Default 3, which allows only 25% of the maximum worker queues when server load reaches around 37% of maximum load. // For a linear response where 25% of worker queues are allowed at 75% of maximum load, set this to 1. // Setting 0 would allow maximum worker queues at all times, which is not recommended. 'worker_load_exponent' => 3, // worker_max_duration (Array) // Maximum runtime per priority. Worker processes that exceed this runtime will be terminated. 'worker_max_duration' => [ Friendica\Core\Worker::PRIORITY_CRITICAL => 720, Friendica\Core\Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH => 10, Friendica\Core\Worker::PRIORITY_MEDIUM => 60, Friendica\Core\Worker::PRIORITY_LOW => 180, Friendica\Core\Worker::PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE => 720 ], // worker_processes_cooldown (Integer) // Maximum number per processes that causes a cooldown before each worker function call. 'worker_processes_cooldown' => 0, // worker_multiple_fetch (Boolean) // When activated, the worker fetches jobs for multiple workers (not only for itself). // This is an experimental setting without knowing the performance impact. // Does not work when "worker_fork" is enabled (Needs more testing) 'worker_multiple_fetch' => false, // xrd_timeout (Integer) // Timeout in seconds for fetching the XRD links and other requests with an expected shorter timeout 'xrd_timeout' => 20, ], 'proxy' => [ // forwarded_for_headers (String) // A comma separated list of all allowed header values to retrieve the real client IP // The headers are evaluated in order. 'forwarded_for_headers' => 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', // trusted_proxies (String) // A comma separated list of all trusted proxies, which will get skipped during client IP retrieval // IP ranges and CIDR notations are allowed 'trusted_proxies' => '', ], 'experimental' => [ // exp_themes (Boolean) // Show experimental themes in user settings. 'exp_themes' => false, ], 'theme' => [ // hide_eventlist (Boolean) // Don't show the birthdays and events on the profile and network page. 'hide_eventlist' => false, ], 'jabber' => [ // debug (Boolean) // Enable debug level for the jabber account synchronisation. 'debug' => false, // lockpath (Path) // Must be writable by the ejabberd process. if set then it will prevent the running of multiple processes. 'lockpath' => '', ], 'diaspora' => [ // native_photos (Boolean) // If enabled, photos to Diaspora will be transmitted via the "photo" element instead of embedding them to the body. // This is some visual improvement over the embedding but comes with the cost of losing accessibility. // Is is disabled by default until Diaspora eventually will work on issue https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues/8297 'native_photos' => false, ], 'debug' => [ // ap_inbox_log (Boolean) // Logs every call to /inbox as a JSON file in Friendica's temporary directory 'ap_inbox_log' => false, // ap_inbox_store_untrusted (Boolean) // Store untrusted content in the inbox entries 'ap_inbox_store_untrusted' => false, // ap_log_unknown (Boolean) // Logs every unknown ActivityPub activity 'ap_log_unknown' => false, // ap_log_failure (Boolean) // Logs every ActivityPub activity that couldn't be compacted 'ap_log_failure' => false, // store_source (Boolean) // Store the source of any post that arrived 'store_source' => false, ], 'smarty3' => [ // config_dir (String) // Base working directory for the templating engine, must be writeable by the webserver user 'config_dir' => 'view/smarty3', // use_sub_dirs (Boolean) // By default the template cache is stored in several subdirectories. 'use_sub_dirs' => true, ], 'api' => [ // mastodon_banner (String) // Default banner image for Mastodon API, must be a relative path from the base Friendica folder // // Default picture credits: // Author: Lostinlight // License: CC0 https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/ // Link to original work: https://gitlab.com/lostinlight/per_aspera_ad_astra/-/blob/master/friendica-404/friendica-promo-bubbles.jpg 'mastodon_banner' => '/images/friendica-banner.jpg', ], 'blocklist' => [ // public (Boolean) // Wether the blocklist is publicly listed under /about (or in any later API) 'public' => true, ], ];