{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} Scoreboard - {% if mode == 'software' %}TOP {{amount}} used software {% elif mode == 'detection_mode' %}Detection mode statistics {% elif mode == 'block_level' %}TOP {{amount}} block level statistics {% elif mode == 'obfuscation' %}Obfuscation statistics {% elif mode == 'obfuscator' %}TOP {{amount}} obfuscating software {% elif mode == 'avg_peers' %}TOP {{amount}} average peer count {% elif mode == 'avg_blocks' %}TOP {{amount}} average block count {% elif mode == 'command' %}TOP {{amount}} commands {% elif mode == 'error_code' %}TOP {{amount}} error codes {% elif mode == 'reference' %}TOP {{amount}} referencing instances {% elif mode == 'blocked' %}TOP {{amount}} deferated instances {% elif mode == 'blocker' %}TOP {{amount}} deferating instances {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block header %} {% if mode == 'blocker' %}

Top {{amount}} defederating instances

{% elif mode == 'blocked' %}

Top {{amount}} defederated instances

{% elif mode == 'reference' %}

Top {{amount}} referencing instances

{% elif mode == 'software' %}

Top {{amount}} used software

{% elif mode == 'command' %}

TOP {{amount}} commands

{% elif mode == 'error_code' %}

TOP {{amount}} error codes

{% elif mode == 'detection_mode' %}

Detection mode statistics

{% elif mode == 'avg_peers' %}

TOP {{amount}} average peer count

{% elif mode == 'avg_blocks' %}

TOP {{amount}} average block count

{% elif mode == 'obfuscator' %}

TOP {{amount}} obfuscating software

{% elif mode == 'obfuscation' %}

Obfuscation statistics

{% elif mode == 'block_level' %}

TOP {{amount}} block levels

{% else %}

mode={{mode}} not supported

{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% for entry in scores %} {% endfor %}
{% if mode in ('software', 'avg_peers', 'avg_blocks', 'obfuscator') %}Software {% elif mode == 'obfuscation' %}Obfuscation status {% elif mode == 'detection_mode' %}Detection mode {% elif mode == 'error_code' %}Error code {% else %}Instance {% endif %} {% if mode == 'reference' %}References {% elif mode in('avg_peers', 'avg_blocks') %}Average {% elif mode in('software', 'error_code', 'obfuscator', 'obfuscation', 'block_level', 'detection_mode', 'command') %}Total {% else %}Blocks {% endif %}
{{loop.index}} {% if entry['domain'] == None %} - {% elif mode in ('error_code', 'obfuscation') %} {{entry['domain']}} {% elif mode == 'block_level' %} {{entry['domain']}} {% elif mode in ('avg_peers', 'avg_blocks', 'obfuscator') %} {{entry['domain']}} {% elif mode in ('software', 'detection_mode', 'command') %} {{entry['domain']}} {% else %} {% with domain=entry['domain'] %} {% include "widgets/links.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {{entry['score']}}
{% endblock %} {% block footer %} {% if mode == 'error_code' %}

Error codes:

{% elif mode == 'detection_mode' %}

Detection modes:

Detection is done in following order:
  1. AUTO_DISCOVERY: /.well-known/nodeinfo was reachable and software type was found in nodeinfo response
  2. STATIC_CHECK: Node information was found by probing for well-known URLs
  3. PLATFORM: Meta data og:platform was found in HTML code
  4. GENERATOR: Meta data generator was found in HTML code
  5. APP_NAME: Meta data application-name was found in HTML code
  6. SITE_NAME: Meta data og:site_name was found in HTML code
  7. None: the instance was not reachable or the used software was not stated
{% elif mode == 'obfuscation' %}

Obfuscation status:

{% endif %} Index / {{ super() }} {% endblock %}