[ 'data' => [ 'system' => [ 'test' => 'it', 'boolTrue' => true, 'boolFalse' => false, 'int' => 235, 'dec' => 2.456, 'array' => ['1', 2, '3', true, false], ], 'config' => [ 'a' => 'value', ], ] ] ]; } private function assertConfigValues($data, ConfigCache $configCache, $uid = null) { foreach ($data as $cat => $values) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if (isset($uid)) { $this->assertEquals($data[$cat][$key], $configCache->getP($uid, $cat, $key)); } else { $this->assertEquals($data[$cat][$key], $configCache->get($cat, $key)); } } } } /** * Test the loadConfigArray() method without override * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testLoadConfigArray($data) { $configCache = new ConfigCache(); $configCache->loadConfigArray($data); $this->assertConfigValues($data, $configCache); } /** * Test the loadConfigArray() method with overrides * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testLoadConfigArrayOverride($data) { $override = [ 'system' => [ 'test' => 'not', 'boolTrue' => false, ] ]; $configCache = new ConfigCache(); $configCache->loadConfigArray($data); $configCache->loadConfigArray($override); $this->assertConfigValues($data, $configCache); // override the value $configCache->loadConfigArray($override, true); $this->assertEquals($override['system']['test'], $configCache->get('system', 'test')); $this->assertEquals($override['system']['boolTrue'], $configCache->get('system', 'boolTrue')); } /** * Test the getAll() method * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testGetAll($data) { $configCache = new ConfigCache(); $configCache->loadConfigArray($data); $all = $configCache->getAll(); $this->assertContains($data['system'], $all); // config values are stored directly in the array base $this->assertEquals($data['config']['a'], $all['a']); } /** * Test the set() and get() method * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testSetGet($data) { $configCache = new ConfigCache(); foreach ($data as $cat => $values) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $configCache->set($cat, $key, $value); } } $this->assertConfigValues($data, $configCache); } /** * Test the delete() method * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testDelete($data) { $configCache = new ConfigCache($data); foreach ($data as $cat => $values) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $configCache->delete($cat, $key); } } $this->assertEmpty($configCache->getAll()); } /** * Test the setP() and getP() methods * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testSetGetP($data) { $configCache = new ConfigCache(); $uid = 345; foreach ($data as $cat => $values) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $configCache->setP($uid, $cat, $key, $value); } } $this->assertConfigValues($data, $configCache, $uid); } /** * Test the deleteP() method * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testDeleteP($data) { $configCache = new ConfigCache(); $uid = 345; foreach ($data as $cat => $values) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $configCache->setP($uid, $cat, $key, $value); } } foreach ($data as $cat => $values) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $configCache->deleteP($uid, $cat, $key); } } $this->assertEmpty($configCache->getAll()); } }