root->hasChild('config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.config.php')) { $this->root->getChild('config') ->removeChild('local.config.php'); } $this->db_host = getenv('MYSQL_HOST'); $this->db_port = !empty(getenv('MYSQL_PORT')) ? getenv('MYSQL_PORT') : null; $this->db_data = getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE'); $this->db_user = getenv('MYSQL_USERNAME') . getenv('MYSQL_USER'); $this->db_pass = getenv('MYSQL_PASSWORD'); $this->configCache ->shouldReceive('get') ->with('config', 'php_path', NULL, false) ->andReturn(false); $this->mockL10nT(); } /** * Creates the arguments which is asserted to be passed to 'replaceMacros()' for creating the local.config.php * * @param bool $withDb if true, DB will get saved too * * @return array The arguments to pass to the mock for 'replaceMacros()' */ private function createArgumentsForMacro($withDb) { $args = [ '$phpath' => trim(shell_exec('which php')), '$dbhost' => (($withDb) ? $this->db_host . (isset($this->db_port) ? ':' . $this->db_port : '') : ''), '$dbuser' => (($withDb) ? $this->db_user : ''), '$dbpass' => (($withDb) ? $this->db_pass : ''), '$dbdata' => (($withDb) ? $this->db_data : ''), '$timezone' => 'Europe/Berlin', '$language' => 'de', '$urlpath' => '/friendica', '$adminmail' => 'admin@friendica.local' ]; return $args; } private function assertFinished($txt, $withconfig = false, $copyfile = false) { $cfg = ''; if ($withconfig) { $cfg = <<assertEquals($finished, $txt); } private function assertStuckDB($txt) { $finished = <<assertEquals($finished, $txt); } /** * @medium */ public function testWithConfig() { $this->mockConnect(true, 1); $this->mockConnected(true, 1); $this->mockExistsTable('user', false, 1); $this->mockUpdate([$this->root->url(), false, true, true], null, 1); $config = << [ 'hostname' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'database' => '', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4', ], // **************************************************************** // The configuration below will be overruled by the admin panel. // Changes made below will only have an effect if the database does // not contain any configuration for the friendica system. // **************************************************************** 'config' => [ 'admin_email' => '', 'sitename' => 'Friendica Social Network', 'register_policy' => \Friendica\Module\Register::OPEN, 'register_text' => '', ], 'system' => [ 'default_timezone' => 'UTC', 'language' => 'en', ], ]; CONF; vfsStream::newFile('prepared.config.php') ->at($this->root) ->setContent($config); $console = new AutomaticInstallation($this->consoleArgv); $console->setOption('f', 'prepared.config.php'); $txt = $this->dumpExecute($console); $this->assertFinished($txt, false, true); $this->assertTrue($this->root->hasChild('config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.config.php')); } /** * @medium */ public function testWithEnvironmentAndSave() { $this->mockConnect(true, 1); $this->mockConnected(true, 1); $this->mockExistsTable('user', false, 1); $this->mockUpdate([$this->root->url(), false, true, true], null, 1); $this->mockGetMarkupTemplate('local.config.tpl', 'testTemplate', 1); $this->mockReplaceMacros('testTemplate', $this->createArgumentsForMacro(true), '', 1); $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL=admin@friendica.local')); $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_TZ=Europe/Berlin')); $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_LANG=de')); $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_URL_PATH=/friendica')); $console = new AutomaticInstallation($this->consoleArgv); $console->setOption('savedb', true); $txt = $this->dumpExecute($console); $this->assertFinished($txt, true); } /** * @medium */ public function testWithEnvironmentWithoutSave() { $this->mockConnect(true, 1); $this->mockConnected(true, 1); $this->mockExistsTable('user', false, 1); $this->mockUpdate([$this->root->url(), false, true, true], null, 1); $this->mockGetMarkupTemplate('local.config.tpl', 'testTemplate', 1); $this->mockReplaceMacros('testTemplate', $this->createArgumentsForMacro(false), '', 1); $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL=admin@friendica.local')); $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_TZ=Europe/Berlin')); $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_LANG=de')); $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_URL_PATH=/friendica')); $console = new AutomaticInstallation($this->consoleArgv); $txt = $this->dumpExecute($console); $this->assertFinished($txt, true); } /** * @medium */ public function testWithArguments() { $this->mockConnect(true, 1); $this->mockConnected(true, 1); $this->mockExistsTable('user', false, 1); $this->mockUpdate([$this->root->url(), false, true, true], null, 1); $this->mockGetMarkupTemplate('local.config.tpl', 'testTemplate', 1); $this->mockReplaceMacros('testTemplate', $this->createArgumentsForMacro(true), '', 1); $console = new AutomaticInstallation($this->consoleArgv); $console->setOption('dbhost', $this->db_host); $console->setOption('dbuser', $this->db_user); if (!empty($this->db_pass)) { $console->setOption('dbpass', $this->db_pass); } if (!empty($this->db_port)) { $console->setOption('dbport', $this->db_port); } $console->setOption('dbdata', $this->db_data); $console->setOption('admin', 'admin@friendica.local'); $console->setOption('tz', 'Europe/Berlin'); $console->setOption('lang', 'de'); $console->setOption('urlpath', '/friendica'); $txt = $this->dumpExecute($console); $this->assertFinished($txt, true); } /** * @runTestsInSeparateProcesses * @preserveGlobalState disabled */ public function testNoDatabaseConnection() { $this->mockConnect(false, 1); $this->mockGetMarkupTemplate('local.config.tpl', 'testTemplate', 1); $this->mockReplaceMacros('testTemplate', $this->createArgumentsForMacro(false), '', 1); $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL=admin@friendica.local')); $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_TZ=Europe/Berlin')); $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_LANG=de')); $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_URL_PATH=/friendica')); $console = new AutomaticInstallation($this->consoleArgv); $txt = $this->dumpExecute($console); $this->assertStuckDB($txt); } public function testGetHelp() { // Usable to purposely fail if new commands are added without taking tests into account $theHelp = << prepared config file (e.g. "config/local.config.php" itself) which will override every other config option - except the environment variables) -s|--savedb Save the DB credentials to the file (if environment variables is used) -H|--dbhost The host of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_HOST) -p|--dbport The port of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_PORT) -d|--dbdata The name of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_DATABASE) -U|--dbuser The username of the mysql/mariadb database login (env MYSQL_USER or MYSQL_USERNAME) -P|--dbpass The password of the mysql/mariadb database login (env MYSQL_PASSWORD) -u|--urlpath The URL path of Friendica - f.e. '/friendica' (env FRIENDICA_URL_PATH) -b|--phppath The path of the PHP binary (env FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH) -A|--admin The admin email address of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL) -T|--tz The timezone of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_TZ) -L|--lang The language of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_LANG) Environment variables MYSQL_HOST The host of the mysql/mariadb database (mandatory if mysql and environment is used) MYSQL_PORT The port of the mysql/mariadb database MYSQL_USERNAME|MYSQL_USER The username of the mysql/mariadb database login (MYSQL_USERNAME is for mysql, MYSQL_USER for mariadb) MYSQL_PASSWORD The password of the mysql/mariadb database login MYSQL_DATABASE The name of the mysql/mariadb database FRIENDICA_URL_PATH The URL path of Friendica (f.e. '/friendica') FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH The path of the PHP binary FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL The admin email address of Friendica (this email will be used for admin access) FRIENDICA_TZ The timezone of Friendica FRIENDICA_LANG The langauge of Friendica Examples bin/console autoinstall -f 'input.config.php Installs Friendica with the prepared 'input.config.php' file bin/console autoinstall --savedb Installs Friendica with environment variables and saves them to the 'config/local.config.php' file bin/console autoinstall -h localhost -p 3365 -U user -P passwort1234 -d friendica Installs Friendica with a local mysql database with credentials HELP; $console = new AutomaticInstallation($this->consoleArgv); $console->setOption('help', true); $txt = $this->dumpExecute($console); $this->assertEquals($txt, $theHelp); } }