. * */ namespace Friendica\Test\src\Util\Logger; use Friendica\Test\MockedTest; use Friendica\Util\Introspection; use Mockery\MockInterface; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; abstract class AbstractLoggerTest extends MockedTest { use LoggerDataTrait; const LOGLINE = '/.* \[.*\]: .* \{.*\"file\":\".*\".*,.*\"line\":\d*,.*\"function\":\".*\".*,.*\"uid\":\".*\".*}/'; const FILE = 'test'; const LINE = 666; const FUNC = 'myfunction'; /** * @var Introspection|MockInterface */ protected $introspection; /** * Returns the content of the current logger instance * * @return string */ abstract protected function getContent(); /** * Returns the current logger instance * * @param string $level the default loglevel * * @return LoggerInterface */ abstract protected function getInstance($level = LogLevel::DEBUG); protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->introspection = \Mockery::mock(Introspection::class); $this->introspection->shouldReceive('getRecord')->andReturn([ 'file' => self::FILE, 'line' => self::LINE, 'function' => self::FUNC ]); } public function assertLogline($string) { self::assertRegExp(self::LOGLINE, $string); } public function assertLoglineNums($assertNum, $string) { self::assertEquals($assertNum, preg_match_all(self::LOGLINE, $string)); } /** * Test if the logger works correctly */ public function testNormal() { $logger = $this->getInstance(); $logger->emergency('working!'); $logger->alert('working too!'); $logger->debug('and now?'); $logger->notice('message', ['an' => 'context']); $text = $this->getContent(); self::assertLogline($text); self::assertLoglineNums(4, $text); } /** * Test if a log entry is correctly interpolated */ public function testPsrInterpolate() { $logger = $this->getInstance(); $logger->emergency('A {psr} test', ['psr' => 'working']); $logger->alert('An {array} test', ['array' => ['it', 'is', 'working']]); $text = $this->getContent(); self::assertContains('A working test', $text); self::assertContains('An ["it","is","working"] test', $text); } /** * Test if a log entry contains all necessary information */ public function testContainsInformation() { $logger = $this->getInstance(); $logger->emergency('A test'); $text = $this->getContent(); self::assertContains('"file":"' . self::FILE . '"', $text); self::assertContains('"line":' . self::LINE, $text); self::assertContains('"function":"' . self::FUNC . '"', $text); } /** * Test if the minimum level is working */ public function testMinimumLevel() { $logger = $this->getInstance(LogLevel::NOTICE); $logger->emergency('working'); $logger->alert('working'); $logger->error('working'); $logger->warning('working'); $logger->notice('working'); $logger->info('not working'); $logger->debug('not working'); $text = $this->getContent(); self::assertLoglineNums(5, $text); } /** * Test with different logging data * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testDifferentTypes($function, $message, array $context) { $logger = $this->getInstance(); $logger->$function($message, $context); $text = $this->getContent(); self::assertLogline($text); self::assertContains(@json_encode($context), $text); } /** * Test a message with an exception */ public function testExceptionHandling() { $e = new \Exception("Test String", 123); $eFollowUp = new \Exception("FollowUp", 456, $e); $assertion = $eFollowUp->__toString(); $logger = $this->getInstance(); $logger->alert('test', ['e' => $eFollowUp]); $text = $this->getContent(); self::assertLogline($text); self::assertContains(@json_encode($assertion), $this->getContent()); } }