# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0104 header_name {.h} code_name {.cxx} decl {\#include } {public } decl {\#include } {public } decl {using std::string;} {public } class FGAdminUI {open } { decl {\#include } {} decl {using std::cout;} {} decl {using std::endl;} {} Function {FGAdminUI()} {open } { Fl_Window main_window { label {FlightGear Admin Wizard} open xywh {294 195 465 435} type Double visible } { Fl_Button quit_b { label Quit callback {quit();} xywh {360 405 85 25} } Fl_Button source_b { label {Select Scenery Source ...} callback {select_install_source(); refresh_lists();} xywh {5 5 225 25} } Fl_Input source_text { xywh {5 35 225 25} } Fl_Button dest_b { label {Select Install Destination ...} callback {select_install_dest(); refresh_lists();} xywh {235 5 225 25} } Fl_Input dest_text { xywh {235 35 225 25} } Fl_Check_Browser install_box { label {Select Files to Install} xywh {5 65 225 270} } Fl_Check_Browser remove_box { label {Select Files to Remove} xywh {235 65 225 270} } Fl_Button install_b { label {Install Selected Files} callback {install_selected();} xywh {20 360 195 35} labelfont 1 } Fl_Button remove_b { label {Remove Selected Files} callback {remove_selected();} xywh {250 360 195 35} labelfont 1 } Fl_Progress progress {selected xywh {20 405 195 25} color 49 selection_color 175 } } } decl {~FGAdminUI();} {public } decl {void init();} {public } decl {void show();} {public } decl {static void step( void * );} {public } decl {void refresh_lists();} {} decl {void quit();} {} decl {void select_install_source();} {} decl {void select_install_dest();} {} decl {void update_install_box();} {} decl {void update_remove_box();} {} decl {void install_selected();} {} decl {void remove_selected();} {} decl {Fl_Preferences *prefs;} {} decl {string source;} {} decl {string dest;} {} }