// search for the specified apt id and runway no
bool FGRunways::search( const string& aptid, const string& rwyno, FGRunway*
r )
there was a bug, in that each runway corresponds to *two* runway numbers
(eg 01/19, 10L/28R) but the function was only checking one. I've modified
it to check the supplied number against both possible numbers for each
Secondly, I sent in the function:
// Return the runway closest to a given heading
bool FGRunways::search( const string& aptid, const int tgt_hdg,
FGRunway* runway )
a year or two ago now when I first did the ATIS. I'm not sure what I was
doing at the time (copied most of it out of fg_init.cxx) but I don't think
it's ever worked, so here's a brutal modification that does!