* remotes/upstream/master:
please use make to build packages
realized I had tarred up the irc, then made changes without updating the tarball, so, just now I updated the tarball.
returned ljpost to same as in friendica/friendica-addons rather than make it offer other sites, I am writing separate plugins for separate sites. I already have a dreamwidth one written, as can be seen in my repo. Can/maybe will write up insanejournal, deadjournal, blurty, etc. eventually, too
for aesthetic reasons, reduced size of IRC chat window
fixed irc chat...IT WORKS!
tarred up irc
removed mibbit, added simpler irc chat
another minor alteration to mibbit
again, just minor adjustment to mibbit
minor alterations to mibbit.php
added a mibbit/irc chatroom plugin
minor adjustment to dwpost
added dreamwidth connector
working on adding support for other moveabletype sites. added entry for siteurl (lj_url)
minor corrections, but still not working
should work, doesn't. xml is correct, required parameters include, nothing gets through...
the xml POST data was missing the "usejournal" parameter, required for LJ to know to which blog to post (since users have posting permission to their own AND to community blogs). It is now hardwired to their own, personal blog. Eventually this should be more configurable. Also, the plugin shouldn't be hardwired for livejournal, but also allow dreamwidth, insanejournal, deadjournal, etc. I'll work on that.