$item["body"] = XML::getFirstNodeValue($xpath, "dfrn:env/text()", $entry);
$item["body"] = str_replace([' ',"\t","\r","\n"], ['','','',''], $item["body"]);
- // make sure nobody is trying to sneak some html tags by us
$item["body"] = Strings::base64UrlDecode($item["body"]);
$item["body"] = BBCode::limitBodySize($item["body"]);
- /// @todo Do we really need this check for HTML elements? (It was copied from the old function)
- if ((strpos($item['body'], '<') !== false) && (strpos($item['body'], '>') !== false)) {
- $base_url = DI::baseUrl()->get();
- $item['body'] = HTML::relToAbs($item['body'], $base_url);
- $item['body'] = HTML::toBBCodeVideo($item['body']);
- $item['body'] = OEmbed::HTML2BBCode($item['body']);
- $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
- $config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null);
- // we shouldn't need a whitelist, because the bbcode converter
- // will strip out any unsupported tags.
- $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
- $item['body'] = $purifier->purify($item['body']);
- $item['body'] = @HTML::toBBCode($item['body']);
- }
/// @todo We should check for a repeated post and if we know the repeated author.
// We don't need the content element since "dfrn:env" is always present