-// // FGAIAircraft - FGAIBase-derived class creates an AI airplane
+// FGAIAircraft - FGAIBase-derived class creates an AI airplane
// Written by David Culp, started October 2003.
#include "AIAircraft.hxx"
#include "performancedata.hxx"
#include "performancedb.hxx"
+#include <signal.h>
//#include <Airports/trafficcontroller.hxx>
-static string tempReg;
FGAIAircraft::FGAIAircraft(FGAISchedule *ref) :
/* HOT must be disabled for AI Aircraft,
* otherwise traffic detection isn't working as expected.*/
void FGAIAircraft::AccelTo(double speed) {
tgt_speed = speed;
+ assertSpeed(speed);
if (!isStationary())
_needsGroundElevation = true;
if (! leadPointReached(curr)) {
controlSpeed(curr, next);
if (speed < 0) {
cerr << getCallSign()
fp->setLeadDistance(tgt_speed, tgt_heading, curr, next);
if (!(prev->getOn_ground())) // only update the tgt altitude from flightplan if not on the ground
tgt_altitude_ft = prev->getAltitude();
if (curr->getCrossat() > -1000.0) {
use_perf_vs = false;
- tgt_vs = (curr->getCrossat() - altitude_ft) / (fp->getDistanceToGo(pos.getLatitudeDeg(), pos.getLongitudeDeg(), curr)
- / 6076.0 / speed*60.0);
+ // Distance to go in meters
+ double vert_dist_ft = curr->getCrossat() - altitude_ft;
+ double err_dist = prev->getCrossat() - altitude_ft;
+ double dist_m = fp->getDistanceToGo(pos.getLatitudeDeg(), pos.getLongitudeDeg(), curr);
+ tgt_vs = calcVerticalSpeed(vert_dist_ft, dist_m, speed, err_dist);
tgt_altitude_ft = curr->getCrossat();
} else {
+double FGAIAircraft::calcVerticalSpeed(double vert_ft, double dist_m, double speed, double err)
+ // err is negative when we passed too high
+ double vert_m = vert_ft * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
+ double err_m = err * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
+ //double angle = atan2(vert_m, dist_m);
+ double speedMs = (speed * SG_NM_TO_METER) / 3600;
+ //double vs = cos(angle) * speedMs; // Now in m/s
+ double vs = 0;
+ //cerr << "Error term = " << err_m << endl;
+ if (dist_m) {
+ vs = ((vert_m) / dist_m) * speedMs;
+ }
+ // Convert to feet per minute
+ vs *= (SG_METER_TO_FEET * 60);
+ //if (getCallSign() == "LUFTHANSA2002")
+ //if (fabs(vs) > 100000) {
+// if (getCallSign() == "LUFTHANSA2057") {
+// cerr << getCallSign() << " " << fp->getPreviousWaypoint()->getName() << ". Alt = " << altitude_ft << " vertical dist = " << vert_m << " horiz dist = " << dist_m << " << angle = " << angle * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES << " vs " << vs << " horizontal speed " << speed << "Previous crossAT " << fp->getPreviousWaypoint()->getCrossat() << endl;
+// //= (curr->getCrossat() - altitude_ft) / (fp->getDistanceToGo(pos.getLatitudeDeg(), pos.getLongitudeDeg(), curr)
+// // / 6076.0 / speed*60.0);
+// //raise(SIGSEGV);
+// }
+ return vs;
+void FGAIAircraft::assertSpeed(double speed)
+ if ((speed < -50) || (speed > 1000)) {
+ cerr << getCallSign() << " "
+ << "Previous waypoint " << fp->getPreviousWaypoint()->getName() << " "
+ << "Departure airport " << trafficRef->getDepartureAirport() << " "
+ << "Leg " << fp->getLeg() << " "
+ << "target_speed << " << tgt_speed << " "
+ << "speedFraction << " << speedFraction << " "
+ << "Currecnt speed << " << speed << " "
+ << endl;
+ raise(SIGSEGV);
+ }
void FGAIAircraft::checkTcas(void)
if (props->getIntValue("tcas/threat-level",0)==3)
void FGAIAircraft::doGroundAltitude() {
- if ((fabs(altitude_ft - (tgt_altitude_ft+groundOffset)) > 1000.0)||
- (isStationary()))
- altitude_ft = (tgt_altitude_ft + groundOffset);
- else
- altitude_ft += 0.1 * ((tgt_altitude_ft+groundOffset) - altitude_ft);
- tgt_vs = 0;
+ if ((fp->getLeg() == 7) && ((altitude_ft - tgt_altitude_ft) > 5)) {
+ tgt_vs = -500;
+ } else {
+ if ((fabs(altitude_ft - (tgt_altitude_ft+groundOffset)) > 1000.0)||
+ (isStationary()))
+ altitude_ft = (tgt_altitude_ft + groundOffset);
+ else
+ altitude_ft += 0.1 * ((tgt_altitude_ft+groundOffset) - altitude_ft);
+ tgt_vs = 0;
+ }
case 3: //Take off tower controller
if (trafficRef->getDepartureAirport()->getDynamics()) {
controller = trafficRef->getDepartureAirport()->getDynamics()->getTowerController();
+ towerController = 0;
} else {
cerr << "Error: Could not find Dynamics at airport : " << trafficRef->getDepartureAirport()->getId() << endl;
FGAIWaypoint* next = 0;// the next plus 1
spinCounter = 0;
- tempReg = "";
//TODO fp should handle this
if (curr->getCrossat() > -1000.0) //use a calculated descent/climb rate
use_perf_vs = false;
- tgt_vs = (curr->getCrossat() - prev->getAltitude())
- / (fp->getDistanceToGo(pos.getLatitudeDeg(), pos.getLongitudeDeg(), curr)
- / 6076.0 / prev->getSpeed()*60.0);
+ //tgt_vs = (curr->getCrossat() - prev->getAltitude())
+ // / (fp->getDistanceToGo(pos.getLatitudeDeg(), pos.getLongitudeDeg(), curr)
+ // / 6076.0 / prev->getSpeed()*60.0);
+ double vert_dist_ft = curr->getCrossat() - altitude_ft;
+ double err_dist = prev->getCrossat() - altitude_ft;
+ double dist_m = fp->getDistanceToGo(pos.getLatitudeDeg(), pos.getLongitudeDeg(), curr);
+ tgt_vs = calcVerticalSpeed(vert_dist_ft, dist_m, speed, err_dist);
tgt_altitude_ft = curr->getCrossat();
} else {
if (tgt_speed > -0.5) {
tgt_speed = -0.5;
+ assertSpeed(tgt_speed);
if (fp->getPreviousWaypoint()->getSpeed() < tgt_speed) {
minBearing = 10;
if ((minBearing < 360.0) && (minBearing > 10.0)) {
- speedFraction = cos(minBearing *SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
+ speedFraction = 0.5 + (cos(minBearing *SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) * 0.5);
} else {
speedFraction = 1.0;
if ((dist_to_go < lead_dist) || (bearing > (minBearing * 1.1))) {
minBearing = 360;
+ speedFraction = 1.0;
return true;
} else {
return false;
if (prev->contains(string("DepartureHold"))) {
//cerr << "Passing point DepartureHold" << endl;
- scheduleForATCTowerDepartureControl(2);
+ scheduleForATCTowerDepartureControl(1);
+ if (prev->contains(string("Accel"))) {
+ takeOffStatus = 3;
+ }
+ /*if (prev->contains(string("final"))) {
+ cerr << getCallSign() << " "
+ << fp->getPreviousWaypoint()->getName()
+ << ". Alt = " << altitude_ft
+ << " vs " << vs
+ << " horizontal speed " << speed
+ << "Previous crossAT " << fp->getPreviousWaypoint()->getCrossat()
+ << "Airport elevation" << getTrafficRef()->getArrivalAirport()->getElevation()
+ << "Altitude difference " << (altitude_ft - fp->getPreviousWaypoint()->getCrossat()) << endl;
+ }*/
// This is the last taxi waypoint, and marks the the end of the flight plan
// so, the schedule should update and wait for the next departure time.
if (prev->contains("END")) {
if (fabs(speed_diff) > 10) {
prevSpeed = speed;
+ assertSpeed(speed);
if (next) {
fp->setLeadDistance(speed, tgt_heading, curr, next);
// << hdg << ". Target " << tgt_heading << ". Diff " << fabs(sum - tgt_heading) << ". Speed " << speed << endl;
//if (headingDiff > 60) {
groundTargetSpeed = tgt_speed; // * cos(headingDiff * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
+ assertSpeed(groundTargetSpeed);
//groundTargetSpeed = tgt_speed - tgt_speed * (headingDiff/180);
//} else {
// groundTargetSpeed = tgt_speed;
if (sign(groundTargetSpeed) != sign(tgt_speed))
groundTargetSpeed = 0.21 * sign(tgt_speed); // to prevent speed getting stuck in 'negative' mode
+ assertSpeed(groundTargetSpeed);
// Only update the target values when we're not moving because otherwise we might introduce an enormous target change rate while waiting a the gate, or holding.
if (speed != 0) {
if (headingDiff > 30.0) {
tgt_vs = -_performance->descentRate();
} else {
- double max_vs = 4*(tgt_altitude_ft - altitude_ft);
+ double vert_dist_ft = fp->getCurrentWaypoint()->getCrossat() - altitude_ft;
+ double err_dist = 0; //prev->getCrossat() - altitude_ft;
+ double dist_m = fp->getDistanceToGo(pos.getLatitudeDeg(), pos.getLongitudeDeg(), fp->getCurrentWaypoint());
+ tgt_vs = calcVerticalSpeed(vert_dist_ft, dist_m, speed, err_dist);
+ //cerr << "Target vs before : " << tgt_vs;
+/* double max_vs = 10*(tgt_altitude_ft - altitude_ft);
double min_vs = 100;
if (tgt_altitude_ft < altitude_ft)
min_vs = -100.0;
tgt_vs = max_vs;
if (fabs(tgt_vs) < fabs(min_vs))
- tgt_vs = min_vs;
+ tgt_vs = min_vs;*/
+ //cerr << "target vs : after " << tgt_vs << endl;
} //else
// tgt_vs = 0.0;
altitude_ft, dt);
+ if (towerController) {
+ towerController->updateAircraftInformation(getID(),
+ pos.getLatitudeDeg(),
+ pos.getLongitudeDeg(),
+ hdg,
+ speed,
+ altitude_ft, dt);
+ }
void FGAIAircraft::updateActualState() {
speed = _performance->actualSpeed(this, groundTargetSpeed, dt);
speed = _performance->actualSpeed(this, (tgt_speed *speedFraction), dt);
+ assertSpeed(speed);
roll = _performance->actualBankAngle(this, tgt_roll, dt);
int getTakeOffStatus() { return takeOffStatus; };
void checkTcas();
+ double calcVerticalSpeed(double vert_ft, double dist_m, double speed, double error);
FGATCController * getATCController() { return controller; };
time_t timeElapsed;
PerformanceData* _performance; // the performance data for this aircraft
+ void assertSpeed(double speed);
time_t timeDiff = now-start;
leg = 1;
- if ((timeDiff > 60) && (timeDiff < 1200))
+ if ((timeDiff > 60) && (timeDiff < 1500))
leg = 2;
- else if ((timeDiff >= 1200) && (timeDiff < 1500)) {
- leg = 3;
- ac->setTakeOffStatus(2);
- }
+ //else if ((timeDiff >= 1200) && (timeDiff < 1500)) {
+ //leg = 3;
+ //ac->setTakeOffStatus(2);
+ //}
else if ((timeDiff >= 1500) && (timeDiff < 2000))
leg = 4;
else if (timeDiff >= 2000)
//cerr << "Setting departurehold point: " << endl;
wpt->setName( wpt->getName() + string("DepartureHold"));
+ if (taxiRoute->nodesLeft() == 0) {
+ wpt->setName(wpt->getName() + string("Accel"));
+ }
// Acceleration point, 105 meters into the runway,
assert( rwy != NULL );
SGGeod climb1 = rwy->pointOnCenterline(10 * SG_NM_TO_METER);
- wpt = createInAir(ac, "10000ft climb", climb1, vClimb, 10000);
+ wpt = createInAir(ac, "10000ft climb", climb1, 10000, vClimb);
- double dAlt = alt - (apt->getElevation() + 2000);
+ double dAlt = 0; // = alt - (apt->getElevation() + 2000);
+ FGTaxiNode * tn = 0;
+ if (apt->getDynamics()->getGroundNetwork()) {
+ int node = apt->getDynamics()->getGroundNetwork()->findNearestNode(refPoint);
+ tn = apt->getDynamics()->getGroundNetwork()->findNode(node);
+ }
+ if (tn) {
+ dAlt = alt - ((tn->getElevationFt(apt->getElevation())) + 2000);
+ } else {
+ dAlt = alt - (apt->getElevation() + 2000);
+ }
double nPoints = 100;
//cerr << "creating circle between " << startval << " and " << endval << " using " << increment << endl;
+ //FGTaxiNode * tn = apt->getDynamics()->getGroundNetwork()->findNearestNode(initialTarget);
+ double currentAltitude = 0;
+ if (tn) {
+ currentAltitude = (tn->getElevationFt(apt->getElevation())) + 2000;
+ } else {
+ currentAltitude = apt->getElevation() + 2000;
+ }
double trackLength = (2 * M_PI * initialTurnRadius) / 360.0;
for (int i = startval; i != endval; i += increment) {
SGGeod result;
- double currentAltitude = apt->getElevation() + 2000;
+ //double currentAltitude = apt->getElevation() + 2000;
SGGeodesy::direct(secondaryTarget, i,
initialTurnRadius, result, dummyAz2);
snprintf(buffer, 16, "turn%03d", i);
- // The approach leg should bring the aircraft to approximately 4-6 out, after which the landing phase should take over.
+ // The approach leg should bring the aircraft to approximately 4-6 nm out, after which the landing phase should take over.
//cerr << "Phase 3: Approach" << endl;
distanceOut -= distanceCovered;
+ double touchDownPoint = 0; //(rwy->lengthM() * 0.1);
for (int i = 1; i < nPoints; i++) {
SGGeod result;
double currentDist = i * (distanceOut / nPoints);
- double currentAltitude =
- apt->getElevation() + 2000 - (i * 2000 / nPoints);
+ //double currentAltitude =
+ // apt->getElevation() + 2000 - (i * 2000 / (nPoints-1));
+ double alt = currentAltitude - (i * 2000 / (nPoints - 1));
snprintf(buffer, 16, "final%03d", i);
- result = rwy->pointOnCenterline((-distanceOut) + currentDist);
- wpt = createInAir(ac, buffer, result, currentAltitude, vApproach);
- wpt->setCrossat(currentAltitude);
+ result = rwy->pointOnCenterline((-distanceOut) + currentDist + touchDownPoint);
+ wpt = createInAir(ac, buffer, result, alt, vApproach);
+ wpt->setCrossat(alt);
wpt->setTrackLength((distanceOut / nPoints));
// account for the extra distance due to an extended downwind leg
if (i == 1) {
//cerr << "Track Length : " << wpt->trackLength;
- //cerr << " Position : " << result.getLatitudeDeg() << " " << result.getLongitudeDeg() << " " << currentAltitude << endl;
+ //if (apt->ident() == fgGetString("/sim/presets/airport-id")) {
+ // cerr << " Position : " << result.getLatitudeDeg() << " " << result.getLongitudeDeg() << " " << currentAltitude << " " << apt->getElevation() << " " << distanceOut << endl;
+ //}
//cerr << "Done" << endl;
waypoints[1]->setName( (waypoints[1]->getName() + string("legend")));
+ waypoints.back()->setName(waypoints.back()->getName() + "LandingThreshold");
return true;
* Create a flight path from the "permision to land" point (currently
hardcoded at 5000 meters from the threshold) to the threshold, at
a standard glide slope angle of 3 degrees.
+ Position : 50.0354 8.52592 384 364 11112
bool FGAIFlightPlan::createLanding(FGAIAircraft * ac, FGAirport * apt,
const string & fltType)
FGAIWaypoint *wpt;
double aptElev = apt->getElevation();
+ double currElev = 0;
+ char buffer[12];
+ FGRunway * rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(activeRunway);
+ assert( rwy != NULL );
+ SGGeod refPoint = rwy->pointOnCenterline(0);
+ FGTaxiNode *tn = 0;
+ if (apt->getDynamics()->getGroundNetwork()) {
+ int node = apt->getDynamics()->getGroundNetwork()->findNearestNode(refPoint);
+ tn = apt->getDynamics()->getGroundNetwork()->findNode(node);
+ }
+ if (tn) {
+ currElev = tn->getElevationFt(apt->getElevation());
+ } else {
+ currElev = apt->getElevation();
+ }
SGGeod coord;
- char buffer[12];
+ /*double distanceOut = rwy->lengthM() * .1;
+ double nPoints = 20;
+ for (int i = 1; i < nPoints; i++) {
+ snprintf(buffer, 12, "flare%d", i);
+ double currentDist = i * (distanceOut / nPoints);
+ double currentAltitude = apt->getElevation() + 20 - (i * 20 / nPoints);
+ coord = rwy->pointOnCenterline((currentDist * (i / nPoints)));
+ wpt = createInAir(ac, buffer, coord, currentAltitude, (vTouchdown));
+ }*/
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
snprintf(buffer, 12, "wpt%d", i);
- FGRunway * rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(activeRunway);
- assert( rwy != NULL );
- coord = rwy->pointOnCenterline(rwy->lengthM() * (i / 10.0));
- wpt = createOnGround(ac, buffer, coord, aptElev, (vTouchdown / i));
+ coord = rwy->pointOnCenterline((rwy->lengthM() * 0.9) * (i / 10.0));
+ wpt = createOnGround(ac, buffer, coord, currElev, (vTouchdown / i));
double vs = ac->getVerticalSpeed();
double vs_diff = tgt_vs - vs;
- if (fabs(vs_diff) > 10.0) {
+ if (fabs(vs_diff) > .001) {
if (vs_diff > 0.0) {
vs += _climbRate * dt / 3.0; //TODO avoid hardcoded 3 secs to attain climb rate from level flight
return newEta;
+void ActiveRunway::printDepartureCue()
+ cout << "Departure cue for " << rwy << ": " << endl;
+ for (AircraftVecIterator atc = departureCue.begin(); atc != departureCue.end(); atc++) {
+ cout << " " << (*atc)->getCallSign() << " " << (*atc)->getTakeOffStatus();
+ cout << " " << (*atc)->_getLatitude() << " " << (*atc)->_getLongitude() << (*atc)-> getSpeed() << " " << (*atc)->getAltitude() << endl;
+ }
+FGAIAircraft* ActiveRunway::getFirstOfStatus(int stat)
+ for (AircraftVecIterator atc =departureCue.begin(); atc != departureCue.end(); atc++) {
+ if ((*atc)->getTakeOffStatus() == stat)
+ return (*atc);
+ }
+ return 0;
* FGTrafficRecord
intVecIterator i = intentions.begin();
if ((*i) != pos) {
- "Error in FGTrafficRecord::setPositionAndIntentions");
+ "Error in FGTrafficRecord::setPositionAndIntentions at " << SG_ORIGIN);
//cerr << "Pos : " << pos << " Curr " << *(intentions.begin()) << endl;
for (intVecIterator i = intentions.begin();
i != intentions.end(); i++) {
// // update position of the current aircraft
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: updating aircraft without traffic record");
+ "AI error: updating aircraft without traffic record at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
i->setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt);
current = i;
// see if we already have a clearance record for the currently active runway
// NOTE: dd. 2011-08-07: Because the active runway has been constructed in the announcePosition function, we may safely assume that is
// already exists here. So, we can simplify the current code.
ActiveRunwayVecIterator rwy = activeRunways.begin();
+ if (parent->getId() == fgGetString("/sim/presets/airport-id")) {
+ //for (rwy = activeRunways.begin(); rwy != activeRunways.end(); rwy++) {
+ // rwy->printDepartureCue();
+ //}
+ }
+ rwy = activeRunways.begin();
while (rwy != activeRunways.end()) {
if (rwy->getRunwayName() == current->getRunway()) {
} */
// only bother with aircraft that have a takeoff status of 2, since those are essentially under tower control
+ FGAIAircraft* ac= rwy->getFirstAircraftInDepartureCue();
+ if (ac->getTakeOffStatus() == 1) {
+ ac->setTakeOffStatus(2);
+ }
if (current->getAircraft()->getTakeOffStatus() == 2) {
+ current -> setHoldPosition(false);
+ } else {
- int clearanceId = rwy->getCleared();
- if (clearanceId) {
- if (id == clearanceId) {
- current->setHoldPosition(false);
- }
- } else {
- if (current->getAircraft() == rwy->getFirstAircraftInDepartureCue()) {
- rwy->setCleared(id);
- }
+ }
+ int clearanceId = rwy->getCleared();
+ if (clearanceId) {
+ if (id == clearanceId) {
+ current->setHoldPosition(false);
} else {
+ if (current->getAircraft() == rwy->getFirstAircraftInDepartureCue()) {
+ rwy->setCleared(id);
+ FGAIAircraft *ac = rwy->getFirstOfStatus(1);
+ if (ac)
+ ac->setTakeOffStatus(2);
+ }
void FGTowerController::signOff(int id)
} else {
- "AI error: Attempting to erase non-existing runway clearance record in FGTowerController::signoff");
+ "AI error: Attempting to erase non-existing runway clearance record in FGTowerController::signoff at " << SG_ORIGIN);
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: Aircraft without traffic record is signing off from tower");
+ "AI error: Aircraft without traffic record is signing off from tower at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
i = activeTraffic.erase(i);
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: checking ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record");
+ "AI error: checking ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
return i->hasInstruction();
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: requesting ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record");
+ "AI error: requesting ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
return i->getInstruction();
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: checking ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record");
+ "AI error: checking ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
return i->hasInstruction();
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: requesting ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record");
+ "AI error: requesting ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
return i->getInstruction();
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: Aircraft without traffic record is signing off from tower");
+ "AI error: Aircraft without traffic record is signing off from tower at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
//cerr << i->getAircraft()->getCallSign() << " signing off from startupcontroller" << endl;
i = activeTraffic.erase(i);
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: updating aircraft without traffic record");
+ "AI error: updating aircraft without traffic record at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
i->setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt);
current = i;
} else {
elevationStart = ((i)->getAircraft()->_getAltitude() * SG_FEET_TO_METER);
- double elevationEnd = segment->getEnd()->getElevation();
+ double elevationEnd = segment->getEnd()->getElevationM(parent->getElevation()*SG_FEET_TO_METER);
if ((elevationEnd == 0) || (elevationEnd == parent->getElevation())) {
SGGeod center2 = end;
FGTaxiSegment *segment = parent->getGroundNetwork()->findSegment(k);
- double elevationStart = segment->getStart()->getElevation();
- double elevationEnd = segment->getEnd ()->getElevation();
+ double elevationStart = segment->getStart()->getElevationM(parent->getElevation()*SG_FEET_TO_METER);
+ double elevationEnd = segment->getEnd ()->getElevationM(parent->getElevation()*SG_FEET_TO_METER);
if ((elevationStart == 0) || (elevationStart == parent->getElevation())) {
SGGeod center2 = segment->getStart()->getGeod();
// // update position of the current aircraft
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: updating aircraft without traffic record");
+ "AI error: updating aircraft without traffic record at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
i->setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt);
current = i;
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: Aircraft without traffic record is signing off from approach");
+ "AI error: Aircraft without traffic record is signing off from approach at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
i = activeTraffic.erase(i);
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: checking ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record");
+ "AI error: checking ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
return i->hasInstruction();
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: requesting ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record");
+ "AI error: requesting ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
return i->getInstruction();
FGAIAircraft* getFirstAircraftInDepartureCue() {
return departureCue.size() ? *(departureCue.begin()) : NULL;
+ FGAIAircraft* getFirstOfStatus(int stat);
void updateDepartureCue() {
+ void printDepartureCue();
typedef vector<ActiveRunway> ActiveRunwayVec;
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
+#include <osg/Geode>
+#include <Main/globals.hxx>
+#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
using std::sort;
-//void FGTaxiNode::sortEndSegments(bool byLength)
-// if (byLength)
-// sort(next.begin(), next.end(), sortByLength);
-// else
-// sort(next.begin(), next.end(), sortByHeadingDiff);
+double FGTaxiNode::getElevationFt(double refelev)
+ double elevF = geod.getElevationFt();
+ double elevationEnd = 0;
+ if ((elevF == 0) || (elevF == refelev)) {
+ SGGeod center2 = geod;
+ FGScenery * local_scenery = globals->get_scenery();
+ center2.setElevationM(SG_MAX_ELEVATION_M);
+ if (local_scenery->get_elevation_m( center2, elevationEnd, NULL )) {
+ geod.setElevationM(elevationEnd);
+ }
+ }
+ //cerr << "Returning elevation : " << geod.getElevationM() << ". Ref elev (feet) = " << refelev << endl;
+ return geod.getElevationFt();
+double FGTaxiNode::getElevationM(double refelev)
+ double refelevFt = refelev * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
+ double retval = getElevationFt(refelevFt);
+ //cerr << "Returning elevation : " << geod.getElevationM() << ". Ref elev (meters) = " << refelev << endl;
+ return geod.getElevationM();
double getPathScore() { return pathScore; };
double getLatitude() { return geod.getLatitudeDeg();};
double getLongitude(){ return geod.getLongitudeDeg();};
- double getElevation() { return geod.getElevationM();};
+ double getElevationM (double refelev=0);
+ double getElevationFt(double refelev=0);
const SGGeod& getGeod() const { return geod; }
node != nodes.end(); node++) {
if (saveData) {
cachefile << (*node)->getIndex () << " "
- << (*node)->getElevation () << " "
+ << (*node)->getElevationM (parent->getElevation()*SG_FEET_TO_METER) << " "
<< endl;
node != nodes.end(); node++) {
if (saveData) {
cachefile << (*node)->getIndex () << " "
- << (*node)->getElevation () << " "
+ << (*node)->getElevationM (parent->getElevation()*SG_FEET_TO_METER) << " "
<< endl;
- n.setElevation(parent->getElevation());
+ n.setElevation(parent->getElevation()*SG_FEET_TO_METER);
nodes.push_back(new FGTaxiNode(n));
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: Aircraft without traffic record is signing off");
+ "AI error: Aircraft without traffic record is signing off at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
i = activeTraffic.erase(i);
// update position of the current aircraft
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: updating aircraft without traffic record");
+ "AI error: updating aircraft without traffic record at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
i->setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt);
current = i;
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: Trying to access non-existing aircraft in FGGroundNetwork::checkSpeedAdjustment");
+ "AI error: Trying to access non-existing aircraft in FGGroundNetwork::checkSpeedAdjustment at " << SG_ORIGIN);
current = i;
//closest = current;
current->setSpeedAdjustment(closest->getSpeed() *
(mindist / 100));
needBraking = true;
- if (
- closest->getAircraft()->getTakeOffStatus() &&
- (current->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getDepartureAirport() == closest->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getDepartureAirport()) &&
- (current->getAircraft()->GetFlightPlan()->getRunway() == closest->getAircraft()->GetFlightPlan()->getRunway())
- )
- current->getAircraft()->scheduleForATCTowerDepartureControl(1);
+// if (
+// closest->getAircraft()->getTakeOffStatus() &&
+// (current->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getDepartureAirport() == closest->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getDepartureAirport()) &&
+// (current->getAircraft()->GetFlightPlan()->getRunway() == closest->getAircraft()->GetFlightPlan()->getRunway())
+// )
+// current->getAircraft()->scheduleForATCTowerDepartureControl(1);
} else {
current->setSpeedAdjustment(0); // This can only happen when the user aircraft is the one closest
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: Trying to access non-existing aircraft in FGGroundNetwork::checkHoldPosition");
+ "AI error: Trying to access non-existing aircraft in FGGroundNetwork::checkHoldPosition at " << SG_ORIGIN);
current = i;
+ //
+ if (current->getAircraft()->getTakeOffStatus() == 1) {
+ current->setHoldPosition(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (current->getAircraft()->getTakeOffStatus() == 2) {
+ current->setHoldPosition(false);
+ return;
+ }
bool origStatus = current->hasHoldPosition();
SGGeod curr(SGGeod::fromDegM(lon, lat, alt));
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (trafficSize == 0)) {
- "AI error: Trying to access non-existing aircraft in FGGroundNetwork::checkForCircularWaits");
+ "AI error: Trying to access non-existing aircraft in FGGroundNetwork::checkForCircularWaits at " << SG_ORIGIN);
current = i;
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: checking ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record");
+ "AI error: checking ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
return i->hasInstruction();
if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) {
- "AI error: requesting ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record");
+ "AI error: requesting ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record at " << SG_ORIGIN);
} else {
return i->getInstruction();
} else {
elevationStart = ((i)->getAircraft()->_getAltitude());
- double elevationEnd = segments[pos]->getEnd()->getElevation();
+ double elevationEnd = segments[pos]->getEnd()->getElevationM(parent->getElevation()*SG_FEET_TO_METER);
//cerr << "Using elevation " << elevationEnd << endl;
if ((elevationEnd == 0) || (elevationEnd = parent->getElevation())) {
// Experimental: Calculate slope here, based on length, and the individual elevations
- double elevationStart = segments[k]->getStart()->getElevation();
- double elevationEnd = segments[k]->getEnd ()->getElevation();
+ double elevationStart = segments[k]->getStart()->getElevationM(parent->getElevation()*SG_FEET_TO_METER);
+ double elevationEnd = segments[k]->getEnd ()->getElevationM(parent->getElevation()*SG_FEET_TO_METER);
if ((elevationStart == 0) || (elevationStart == parent->getElevation())) {
SGGeod center2 = segments[k]->getStart()->getGeod();
int pos = i->getCurrentPosition();
if (pos > 0) {
if (segments[pos-1]->hasBlock()) {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Taxiway incursion for AI aircraft" << i->getAircraft()->getCallSign());
+ //SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Taxiway incursion for AI aircraft" << i->getAircraft()->getCallSign());