inc/modules/admin/what-repair_lang.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-repair_mmnu.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-send_bonus.php svneol=native#text/plain
+inc/modules/admin/what-send_coupon.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-send_newsletter.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-stats_mods.php svneol=native#text/plain
inc/modules/admin/what-sub_points.php svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_reset_password_send_link.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_send_bonus_form.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_send_bonus_select.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_send_coupon.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_send_reset_link.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_send_yoomedia.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_settings_saved.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
./inc/extensions-functions.php:567: // @TODO Extension is loaded, what next?
./inc/filter/bonus_filter.php:55: // @TODO This query isn't right, it will only update if the user was for a longer time away!
./inc/filter/cache_filter.php:78: // @TODO This should be rewritten not to load the cache file for just checking if it is there for save removal.
-./inc/functions.php:1217: // @TODO Move this SQL code into a function, let's say 'getTimestampFromPoolId($id) ?
-./inc/functions.php:1305: // @TODO Are these convertions still required?
-./inc/functions.php:1323:// @TODO Rewrite this function to use readFromFile() and writeToFile()
+./inc/functions.php:1219: // @TODO Move this SQL code into a function, let's say 'getTimestampFromPoolId($id) ?
+./inc/functions.php:1307: // @TODO Are these convertions still required?
+./inc/functions.php:1325:// @TODO Rewrite this function to use readFromFile() and writeToFile()
./inc/functions.php:163:// @TODO Rewrite this to an extension 'smtp'
-./inc/functions.php:1905: // @TODO Find a way to cache this
-./inc/functions.php:2006: // @TODO This is still very static, rewrite it somehow
-./inc/functions.php:2186: // @TODO Rename column data_type to e.g. mail_status
+./inc/functions.php:1907: // @TODO Find a way to cache this
+./inc/functions.php:2008: // @TODO This is still very static, rewrite it somehow
+./inc/functions.php:2188: // @TODO Rename column data_type to e.g. mail_status
./inc/functions.php:92: // @TODO Extension 'msg' does not exist
./inc/gen_sql_patches.php:95:// @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/install-functions.php:57: // @TODO DEACTIVATED: changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('OUTPUT-MODE', "setConfigEntry('OUTPUT_MODE', '", "');", postRequestParameter('omode'), 0);
./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:426: // @TODO Try to move this in includes
./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:43:// @TODO This function does also check for uncompleted tasks
./inc/modules/admin/what-add_guestnl_cat.php:47: // @TODO Check if category does already exist
-./inc/modules/admin/what-add_surfbar_url.php:55: // @TODO Find all convertSelectionsToTimestamp() calls and rewrite postRequestParameter() calls to $postData
+./inc/modules/admin/what-add_surfbar_url.php:55: // @TODO Find all convertSelectionsToEpocheTime() calls and rewrite postRequestParameter() calls to $postData
./inc/modules/admin/what-admin_add.php:118: // @TODO This can be somehow rewritten to a function
./inc/modules/admin/what-admin_add.php:59: // @TODO Cant this be rewritten?
./inc/modules/admin/what-admin_add.php:75: // @TODO This can be somehow rewritten to a function
setConfigEntry('salt_length', 10);
+setConfigEntry('minium_admin_pass_length', 4);
// Connect to the database...
addConfigAddSql('coupon_default_time', 'BIGINT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' . (getOneDay() * 7));
addConfigAddSql('coupon_default_points', 'FLOAT(20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 100.00000');
+ // User data table
+ addExtensionSql("ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` ADD `receiving_coupons` ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'");
// Menu systems:
// - Admin entries
addAdminMenuSql('coupon', NULL, 'Gutscheine', 'Einrichten und Versenden von Code-Gutscheinen, sowie per API (noch in Planung). Bei Code-Gutscheinen wird ein Code pro Mitglied erzeugt, der dann an das Mitglied ausgesandt wird. Löst das Mitglied den Gutschein ein, erhält es die Gutschrift auf sein Konto gutgeschrieben. Ausgangseinstellung ist die Gutschrift auf das Werbeguthaben, was für Paidmailer von Wichtigkeit ist, dass Guthaben aus Gutscheinen nicht auszahlungsfähig ist.', 6);
// Set current date
setConfigEntry('CURRENT_DATE', generateDateTime(time(), '3'));
- // Timestamp for yesterday, today ... all at 00:00 am
+ // Epoche time for yesterday, today ... all at 00:00 am
setConfigEntry('START_YDAY', makeTime(0, 0, 0, time() - getOneDay()));
setConfigEntry('START_TDAY', makeTime(0, 0, 0, time()));
// Creates a Uni* timestamp from given selection data and prefix
-function createTimestampFromSelections ($prefix, $postData) {
+function createEpocheTimeFromSelections ($prefix, $postData) {
// Initial return value
$ret = '0';
$M1 = getMonth();
// If so and if current time is before 02/29 and estimated time is after 02/29 then add 86400 seconds (one day)
- if ((floor($TEST) == $TEST) && ($M1 == '02') && ($postData[$prefix . '_mo'] > '02')) $SWITCH = getOneDay();
+ if ((floor($TEST) == $TEST) && ($M1 == '02') && ($postData[$prefix . '_mo'] > '02')) {
+ $SWITCH = getOneDay();
+ } // END - if
// First add years...
$ret += $postData[$prefix . '_ye'] * (31536000 + $SWITCH);
// Converts timestamp selections into a timestamp
-function convertSelectionsToTimestamp (&$postData, &$DATA, &$id, &$skip) {
+function convertSelectionsToEpocheTime (array &$postData, array &$DATA, &$id, &$skip) {
// Init test variable
$skip = false;
$test2 = '';
$test = substr($id, 0, -3);
if ((isset($postData[$test.'_ye'])) && (isset($postData[$test.'_mo'])) && (isset($postData[$test.'_we'])) && (isset($postData[$test.'_da'])) && (isset($postData[$test.'_ho'])) && (isset($postData[$test.'_mi'])) && (isset($postData[$test.'_se'])) && ($test != $test2)) {
// Generate timestamp
- $postData[$test] = createTimestampFromSelections($test, $postData);
+ $postData[$test] = createEpocheTimeFromSelections($test, $postData);
$DATA[] = sprintf("`%s`='%s'", $test, $postData[$test]);
$GLOBALS['skip_config'][$test] = true;
'ADMIN_CONFIG_COUPON_SETTINGS_TITLE' => "Allgemeine Einstellungen zu den Gutscheinen",
'ADMIN_CONFIG_COUPON_DEFAULT_TIME' => "Zeit, bis Gutscheine ablaufen sollen. Sie können diesen Ausgangswert beim Erstellen von neuen Gutscheinen nachträglich anpassen.",
'ADMIN_CONFIG_COUPON_DEFAULT_POINTS' => "Ausgangsvergütung in {?POINTS?}. Sie können diesen Ausgangswert beim Erstellen von neuen Gutscheinen nachträglich anpassen.",
+ 'ADMIN_SEND_COUPON_TITLE' => "Gutschein versenden (aktuell nur Code-Gutscheine)",
+ 'ADMIN_SEND_COUPON_EXPIRATION_TIME' => "Ablaufzeit (ab Versandzeitpunkt)",
+ 'ADMIN_SEND_COUPON_POINTS' => "Vergütung für eingelösten Gutschein",
+ 'ADMIN_SEND_COUPON_ENTER_DESCRIPTION' => "Kurzbeschreibung/Hinweis des Gutscheins",
+ 'ADMIN_SEND_COUPON' => "Gutschein versenden",
+ 'ADMIN_SEND_COUPON_POINTS_NOT_ENTERED' => "Bitte geben Sie eine Vergütung (in {?POINTS?}) ein.",
+ 'ADMIN_SEND_COUPON_DESCRIPTION_NOT_ENTERED' => "Bitte geben Sie eine kurze Beschreibung (oder einen Hinweis an Ihre Mitglieder) ein.",
// [EOF]
'ADMIN_NO_LOGIN' => "Sie haben keinen Loginnamen eingegeben.",
'ADMIN_NO_PASS1' => "Sie haben kein Passwort eingegeben.",
'ADMIN_NO_PASS2' => "Sie haben keine Passwortwiederholung eingegeben.",
- 'ADMIN_SHORT_PASS1' => "Das Passwort ist zu kurz! Mindestens 4 Zeichen.",
- 'ADMIN_SHORT_PASS2' => "Die Passwortwiederholung ist zu kurz! Mindestens 4 Zeichen.",
- 'ADMIN_SHORT_PASS' => "Ihr Administratorpasswort ist zu kurz! Mindestens 4 Zeichen",
+ 'ADMIN_SHORT_PASS1' => "Das Passwort ist zu kurz! Mindestens {?minium_admin_pass_length?} Zeichen.",
+ 'ADMIN_SHORT_PASS2' => "Die Passwortwiederholung ist zu kurz! Mindestens {?minium_admin_pass_length?} Zeichen.",
+ 'ADMIN_SHORT_PASS' => "Ihr Administratorpasswort ist zu kurz! Mindestens {?minium_admin_pass_length?} Zeichen",
'ADMIN_PASS1_MISMATCH' => "Das Passwort stimmt nicht mit der Wiederholung überein.",
'ADMIN_PASS2_MISMATCH' => "Die Passwortwiederholung stimmt nicht mit dem Passwort überein.",
'ADMIN_LOGIN_ALREADY_REG' => "Das von Ihnen eingegebene Admin-Login existiert bereits.",
'ENTER_ADMIN_PASS' => "Passwort zum Admin-Account",
'ADMIN_LOGIN_SUBMIT' => "Einloggen",
'WRONG_PASS' => "Falsches Passwort.",
- 'ADMIN_ACCOUNT_404' => "Administrator-Account <span class=\"data\">%s</span> wurde nicht gefunden.",
+ 'ADMIN_ACCOUNT_404' => "Administrator-Account <span class=\"data\">%s</span> nicht gefunden. Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Eingaben und versuchen Sie es erneut.",
'ADMIN_LOGIN_FAILED' => "Einloggen in den Administrator-Bereich fehlgeschlagen.",
'CANNOT_REGISTER_SESS' => "Konnte eine Sitzungsvariable nicht setzen! Vermutlich sind bei Ihnen Cookies deaktiviert.",
'SELECT_TIMEOUT' => "Gütigkeitsdauer des Auto-Logins",
// Test if there is are time selections
- convertSelectionsToTimestamp($postData, $DATA, $k, $skip);
+ convertSelectionsToEpocheTime($postData, $DATA, $k, $skip);
} // END - switch
// Get timestamp for given stats type and data
-function getTimestampFromUserStats ($statsType, $statsData, $userid = '0') {
+function getEpocheTimeFromUserStats ($statsType, $statsData, $userid = '0') {
// Default timestamp is zero
$data['inserted'] = '0';
} // END - if
// Does it exist?
- if ((!getTimestampFromUserStats($statsType, $statsData, $userid)) && (!is_array($statsData))) {
+ if ((!getEpocheTimeFromUserStats($statsType, $statsData, $userid)) && (!is_array($statsData))) {
// Then insert it!
SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats_data` (`userid`,`stats_type`,`stats_data`) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s')",
// Is no admin registered?
if (!isAdminRegistered()) {
// Admin is not registered so we have to inform the user
- if ((isFormSent()) && ((!isPostRequestParameterSet('login')) || (!isPostRequestParameterSet('pass1')) || (strlen(postRequestParameter('pass1')) < 4) || (!isPostRequestParameterSet('pass2')) || (strlen(postRequestParameter('pass2')) < 4) || (postRequestParameter('pass1') != postRequestParameter('pass2')))) {
+ if ((isFormSent()) && ((!isPostRequestParameterSet('login')) || (!isPostRequestParameterSet('pass1')) || (strlen(postRequestParameter('pass1')) < getConfig('minium_admin_pass_length')) || (!isPostRequestParameterSet('pass2')) || (strlen(postRequestParameter('pass2')) < getConfig('minium_admin_pass_length')) || (postRequestParameter('pass1') != postRequestParameter('pass2')))) {
setPostRequestParameter('ok', '***');
} // END - if
// No password 1 entered or to short?
if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('pass1')) {
$pass1Message = '{--ADMIN_NO_PASS1--}';
- } elseif (strlen(postRequestParameter('pass1')) < 4) {
+ } elseif (strlen(postRequestParameter('pass1')) < getConfig('minium_admin_pass_length')) {
$pass1Message = '{--ADMIN_SHORT_PASS1--}';
// No password 2 entered or to short?
if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('pass2')) {
$pass2Message = '{--ADMIN_NO_PASS2--}';
- } elseif (strlen(postRequestParameter('pass2')) < 4) {
+ } elseif (strlen(postRequestParameter('pass2')) < getConfig('minium_admin_pass_length')) {
$pass2Message = '{--ADMIN_SHORT_PASS2--}';
} // END - if
// Check if the admin has submitted data or not
- if ((isFormSent()) && ((!isPostRequestParameterSet('login')) || (!isPostRequestParameterSet('password')) || (strlen(postRequestParameter('password')) < 4))) {
+ if ((isFormSent()) && ((!isPostRequestParameterSet('login')) || (!isPostRequestParameterSet('password')) || (strlen(postRequestParameter('password')) < getConfig('minium_admin_pass_length')))) {
setPostRequestParameter('ok', '***');
} // END - if
$loginMessage = '';
$passwdMessage = '';
- // No login entered?
+ // Check for login
if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('login')) {
+ // No login entered?
$loginMessage = '{--ADMIN_NO_LOGIN--}';
- } // END - if
- // An error comes back from login?
- if ((!empty($ret)) && (postRequestParameter('ok') == '404')) {
+ } elseif ((!empty($ret)) && (postRequestParameter('ok') == '404')) {
+ // An error comes back from login?
$loginMessage = $ret;
- } // END - if
+ }
- // No password entered?
+ // Check for password
if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('password')) {
+ // No password entered?
$passwdMessage = '{--ADMIN_NO_PASS--}';
- } // END - if
- // Or password too short?
- if (strlen(postRequestParameter('password')) < 4) {
+ } elseif (strlen(postRequestParameter('password')) < getConfig('minium_admin_pass_length')) {
+ // Or password too short?
$passwdMessage = '{--ADMIN_SHORT_PASS--}';
- } // END - if
- // An error comes back from login?
- if ((!empty($ret)) && (postRequestParameter('ok') == 'password')) {
+ } elseif ((!empty($ret)) && (postRequestParameter('ok') == 'password')) {
+ // An error comes back from login?
$passwdMessage = $ret;
- } // END - if
+ }
- // Load message template
- $content['login_message'] = loadTemplate('admin_login_msg', true, $loginMessage);
- $content['pass_message'] = loadTemplate('admin_login_msg', true, $passwdMessage);
+ // Load message templates if the messages have been set
+ if (!empty($loginMessage)) {
+ $content['login_message'] = loadTemplate('admin_login_msg', true, $loginMessage);
+ } // END - if
+ if (!empty($passwdMessage)) {
+ $content['pass_message'] = loadTemplate('admin_login_msg', true, $passwdMessage);
+ } // END - if
} // END - if
// Load login form
// Process only formular field but not submit buttons ;)
if ($id != 'ok') {
// Do not save the ok value
- convertSelectionsToTimestamp($postData, $tableData, $id, $skip);
+ convertSelectionsToEpocheTime($postData, $tableData, $id, $skip);
// Shall we process this id? It muss not be empty, of course
if (($skip === false) && (!empty($id)) && ((!isset($GLOBALS['skip_config'][$id]))) || ($tableName != '_config')) {
$postData = postRequestArray();
// Convert the "reload selections"
- // @TODO Find all convertSelectionsToTimestamp() calls and rewrite postRequestParameter() calls to $postData
- convertSelectionsToTimestamp($postData, $DATA, $id, $skip);
+ // @TODO Find all convertSelectionsToEpocheTime() calls and rewrite postRequestParameter() calls to $postData
+ convertSelectionsToEpocheTime($postData, $DATA, $id, $skip);
// Then add this URL
if (SURFBAR_ADMIN_ADD_URL($postData['url'], $postData['limit'], $postData['reload'])) {
// Stop saving data if one input field is !isset
if (isFormSent()) {
// Calculate stamps and set calculated stamps
- setPostRequestParameter('online_timeout' , createTimestampFromSelections('ip_timeout' , postRequestArray()));
- setPostRequestParameter('url_tlock' , createTimestampFromSelections('url_tlock' , postRequestArray()));
- setPostRequestParameter('profile_lock' , createTimestampFromSelections('profile_lock' , postRequestArray()));
- setPostRequestParameter('profile_update' , createTimestampFromSelections('profile_update' , postRequestArray()));
- setPostRequestParameter('resend_profile_update', createTimestampFromSelections('resend_profile_update', postRequestArray()));
+ setPostRequestParameter('online_timeout' , createEpocheTimeFromSelections('ip_timeout' , postRequestArray()));
+ setPostRequestParameter('url_tlock' , createEpocheTimeFromSelections('url_tlock' , postRequestArray()));
+ setPostRequestParameter('profile_lock' , createEpocheTimeFromSelections('profile_lock' , postRequestArray()));
+ setPostRequestParameter('profile_update' , createEpocheTimeFromSelections('profile_update' , postRequestArray()));
+ setPostRequestParameter('resend_profile_update', createEpocheTimeFromSelections('resend_profile_update', postRequestArray()));
// Online-Timeout shall be > 0 or your database will crow and crow and crow...
if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('online_timeout')) { unsetPostRequestParameter('ok'); }
if (isFormSent()) {
// Calculate timestamp from selections...
- setPostRequestParameter('ip_timeout', createTimestampFromSelections('ip_timeout', postRequestArray()));
+ setPostRequestParameter('ip_timeout', createEpocheTimeFromSelections('ip_timeout', postRequestArray()));
setPostRequestParameter('least_cats', round(postRequestParameter('least_cats')));
// Save settings
// Convert time selection
$DATA = array(); $id = 'warning_interval_ye'; $skip = false;
- convertSelectionsToTimestamp(postRequestArray(), $DATA, $id, $skip);
+ convertSelectionsToEpocheTime(postRequestArray(), $DATA, $id, $skip);
// Save the sponsor
$content['id'] = getRequestParameter('id');
// Contact data
$content['email_link'] = generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'sponsor_data');
- // Timestamps
+ // Epoche times
$content['sponsor_created'] = generateDateTime($content['sponsor_created'], 2);
$content['last_online'] = generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 2);
$content['last_change'] = generateDateTime($content['last_change'], 2);
} // END - if
-// Set empty mode to "select"
-if (!isGetRequestParameterSet('mode')) setGetRequestParameter('mode', 'select');
+// 'mode' is not set by default
+if (!isGetRequestParameterSet('mode')) {
+ // Set empty mode to "select"
+ setGetRequestParameter('mode', 'select');
+} // END - if
if (isFormSent()) {
// Deliver bonus mail
addNewBonusMail(postRequestArray(), getRequestParameter('mode'));
} else {
- // Get all available users
- $content['all'] = getRequestParameter('mode');
- // Prepare option lines
- $content['options_lines'] = getRequestParameter('mode');
// Store send mode
$content['mode'] = getRequestParameter('mode');
--- /dev/null
+ * Mailer v0.2.1-FINAL Start: 26/06/2011 *
+ * =================== Last change: 26/06/2011 *
+ * *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * File : what-send_coupon.php *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Short description : Send out coupons *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Kurzbeschreibung : Versenden von Gutscheinen *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * $Revision:: $ *
+ * $Date:: $ *
+ * $Tag:: 0.2.1-FINAL $ *
+ * $Author:: $ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by Mailer Developer Team *
+ * For more information visit: *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
+ * MA 02110-1301 USA *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// Some security stuff...
+if ((!defined('__SECURITY')) || (!isAdmin())) {
+ die();
+} // END - if
+// Add description as navigation point
+addYouAreHereLink('admin', __FILE__);
+// Is the form sent?
+if (isFormSent()) {
+ // Are all required fields set?
+ if (!isPostRequestParameterSet('points')) {
+ // Points not entered
+ } elseif (!isPostRequestParameterSet('description')) {
+ // Description not entered
+ } else {
+ // All fields are set, so we can start looking for users who wants to receive coupons
+ }
+} else {
+ // Prepare some template data
+ $content['coupon_default_time_selection'] = createConfigurationTimeSelections('coupon_default_time', 'WDh');
+ // Load template
+ loadTemplate('admin_send_coupon', false, $content);
+// [EOF]
if (isExtensionInstalled('user')) {
// Get timestamp from insert
$content['user_status'] = getMaskedMessage('MEMBER_MAIL_BONUS_CONFIRMED_ON',
- generateDateTime(getTimestampFromUserStats('bonusid', $content['id']), 2)
+ generateDateTime(getEpocheTimeFromUserStats('bonusid', $content['id']), 2)
} // END - if
if (isExtensionInstalled('user')) {
// Get timestamp from insert
$content['user_status'] = getMaskedMessage('MEMBER_MAIL_NORMAL_CONFIRMED_ON',
- generateDateTime(getTimestampFromUserStats('mailid', $content['id']), 2)
+ generateDateTime(getEpocheTimeFromUserStats('mailid', $content['id']), 2)
} // END - if
// Is it cached?
if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
- if (is_null($timestamp)) $timestamp = time();
+ if (is_null($timestamp)) {
+ $timestamp = time();
+ } // END - if
// Then create it
$GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp] = date('Y', $timestamp);
- <td colspan="2" class="fatal_error" align="center">
+ <td colspan="2" class="bottom fatal_error" align="center">
<select name="cat" size="1" class="form_select">
<option value="X" disabled="disabled">{--PLEASE_SELECT--}</option>
- <option value="0">{--ALL_MEMBERS--} ({%pipe,getTotalReceivers,translateComma=$content[all]%})</option>
- {%pipe,generateCategoryOptionsList=$content[options_lines]%}
+ <option value="0">{--ALL_MEMBERS--} ({%pipe,getTotalReceivers,translateComma=$content[mode]%})</option>
+ {%pipe,generateCategoryOptionsList=$content[mode]%}
--- /dev/null
+<div align="center">
+<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=send_coupon%}" method="post">
+<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table dashed">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="table_header bottom" colspan="2" align="center">
+ <strong>{--ADMIN_SEND_COUPON_TITLE--}:</strong>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="bottom" align="right">{--ADMIN_SEND_COUPON_EXPIRATION_TIME--}:</td>
+ <td class="bottom" align="center">
+ $content[coupon_default_time_selection]
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="bottom" align="right">{--ADMIN_SEND_COUPON_POINTS--}:</td>
+ <td class="bottom" align="center">
+ <input type="input" name="points" class="form_field" value="{%config,translateComma=coupon_default_points%}" size="5" maxlength="20" />
+ <span class="tiny">({?POINTS?})</span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="bottom" align="right" valign="top" style="padding-top:5px">{--ADMIN_SEND_COUPON_ENTER_DESCRIPTION--}:</td>
+ <td class="bottom" align="center">
+ <textarea name="description" class="form_field" rows="10" cols="50"></textarea>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="table_footer" colspan="2" align="center">
+ <input type="reset" class="form_reset" value="{--CLEAR_FORM--}" />
+ <input type="submit" class="form_submit" name="ok" value="{--ADMIN_SEND_COUPON--}" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>