// set the source position and orientation of all managed sounds
void SGSampleGroup::update_pos_and_orientation() {
- SGVec3d position = SGVec3d::fromGeod(_base_pos) - _smgr->get_position();
+ SGVec3d base_position = SGVec3d::fromGeod(_base_pos);
+ SGVec3d smgr_position = _smgr->get_position();
SGQuatd hlOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(_base_pos);
SGQuatd ec2body = hlOr*_orientation;
sample->set_master_volume( _volume );
sample->set_orientation( _orientation );
sample->set_rotation( ec2body );
- sample->set_position( position );
+ sample->set_position(base_position);
sample->set_velocity( velocity );
// Test if a sample is farther away than max distance, if so
// stop the sound playback and free it's source.
if (!_tied_to_listener) {
+ sample->update_pos_and_orientation();
+ SGVec3d position = sample->get_position() - smgr_position;
float max2 = sample->get_max_dist() * sample->get_max_dist();
float dist2 = position[0]*position[0]
+ position[1]*position[1] + position[2]*position[2];
} else {
orientation = sample->get_orientation();
- position = sample->get_position();
+ position = sample->get_position() - _smgr->get_position();
velocity = sample->get_velocity();