- Module: FGPropulsion.cpp\r
- Author: Jon S. Berndt\r
- Date started: 08/20/00\r
- Purpose: Encapsulates the set of engines, tanks, and thrusters associated\r
- with this aircraft\r
- ------------- Copyright (C) 2000 Jon S. Berndt (jsb@hal-pc.org) -------------\r
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\r
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software\r
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later\r
- version.\r
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT\r
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS\r
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more\r
- details.\r
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with\r
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple\r
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\r
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on\r
- the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.\r
-The Propulsion class is the container for the entire propulsion system, which is\r
-comprised of engines, tanks, and "thrusters" (the device that transforms the\r
-engine power into a force that acts on the aircraft, such as a nozzle or\r
-propeller). Once the Propulsion class gets the config file, it reads in\r
-information which is specific to a type of engine. Then:\r
-1) The appropriate engine type instance is created\r
-2) A thruster object is instantiated, and is linked to the engine\r
-3) At least one tank object is created, and is linked to an engine.\r
-At Run time each engines Calculate() method is called to return the excess power\r
-generated during that iteration. The drag from the previous iteration is sub-\r
-tracted to give the excess power available for thrust this pass. That quantity\r
-is passed to the thrusters associated with a particular engine - perhaps with a\r
-scaling mechanism (gearing?) to allow the engine to give its associated thrust-\r
-ers specific distributed portions of the excess power.\r
-08/20/00 JSB Created\r
-#include "FGPropulsion.h"\r
-#include "FGPropertyManager.h"\r
-static const char *IdSrc = "$Id$";\r
-static const char *IdHdr = ID_PROPULSION;\r
-extern short debug_lvl;\r
-#if defined (__APPLE__)\r
-/* Not all systems have the gcvt function */\r
-inline char* gcvt (double value, int ndigits, char *buf) {\r
- /* note that this is not exactly what gcvt is supposed to do! */\r
- snprintf (buf, ndigits+1, "%f", value);\r
- return buf;\r
-FGPropulsion::FGPropulsion(FGFDMExec* exec) : FGModel(exec)\r
- Name = "FGPropulsion";\r
- numSelectedFuelTanks = numSelectedOxiTanks = 0;\r
- numTanks = numEngines = numThrusters = 0;\r
- numOxiTanks = numFuelTanks = 0;\r
- dt = 0.0;\r
- ActiveEngine = -1; // -1: ALL, 0: Engine 1, 1: Engine 2 ...\r
- bind();\r
- Debug(0);\r
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<Engines.size(); i++) delete Engines[i];\r
- Engines.clear();\r
- unbind();\r
- Debug(1);\r
-bool FGPropulsion::Run(void)\r
- double PowerAvailable;\r
- dt = State->Getdt();\r
- vForces.InitMatrix();\r
- vMoments.InitMatrix();\r
- if (!FGModel::Run()) {\r
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<numEngines; i++) {\r
- Thrusters[i]->SetdeltaT(dt*rate);\r
- PowerAvailable = Engines[i]->Calculate(Thrusters[i]->GetPowerRequired());\r
- Thrusters[i]->Calculate(PowerAvailable);\r
- vForces += Thrusters[i]->GetBodyForces(); // sum body frame forces\r
- vMoments += Thrusters[i]->GetMoments(); // sum body frame moments\r
- }\r
- return false;\r
- } else {\r
- return true;\r
- }\r
-bool FGPropulsion::GetSteadyState(void)\r
- double PowerAvailable;\r
- double currentThrust = 0, lastThrust=-1;\r
- dt = State->Getdt();\r
- int steady_count,j=0;\r
- bool steady=false;\r
- vForces.InitMatrix();\r
- vMoments.InitMatrix();\r
- if (!FGModel::Run()) {\r
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<numEngines; i++) {\r
- Engines[i]->SetTrimMode(true);\r
- Thrusters[i]->SetdeltaT(dt*rate);\r
- steady=false;\r
- steady_count=0;\r
- while (!steady && j < 6000) {\r
- PowerAvailable = Engines[i]->Calculate(Thrusters[i]->GetPowerRequired());\r
- lastThrust = currentThrust;\r
- currentThrust = Thrusters[i]->Calculate(PowerAvailable);\r
- if (fabs(lastThrust-currentThrust) < 0.0001) {\r
- steady_count++;\r
- if (steady_count > 120) { steady=true; }\r
- } else {\r
- steady_count=0;\r
- }\r
- j++; \r
- }\r
- vForces += Thrusters[i]->GetBodyForces(); // sum body frame forces\r
- vMoments += Thrusters[i]->GetMoments(); // sum body frame moments\r
- Engines[i]->SetTrimMode(false);\r
- }\r
- return false;\r
- } else {\r
- return true;\r
- }\r
-bool FGPropulsion::ICEngineStart(void)\r
- double PowerAvailable;\r
- int j;\r
- dt = State->Getdt();\r
- vForces.InitMatrix();\r
- vMoments.InitMatrix();\r
- \r
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<numEngines; i++) {\r
- Engines[i]->SetTrimMode(true);\r
- Thrusters[i]->SetdeltaT(dt*rate);\r
- j=0;\r
- while (!Engines[i]->GetRunning() && j < 2000) {\r
- PowerAvailable = Engines[i]->Calculate(Thrusters[i]->GetPowerRequired());\r
- Thrusters[i]->Calculate(PowerAvailable);\r
- j++; \r
- }\r
- vForces += Thrusters[i]->GetBodyForces(); // sum body frame forces\r
- vMoments += Thrusters[i]->GetMoments(); // sum body frame moments\r
- Engines[i]->SetTrimMode(false);\r
- }\r
- return true;\r
-bool FGPropulsion::Load(FGConfigFile* AC_cfg)\r
- string token, fullpath;\r
- string engineFileName, engType;\r
- string thrusterFileName, thrType;\r
- string parameter;\r
- string enginePath = FDMExec->GetEnginePath();\r
- double xLoc, yLoc, zLoc, Pitch, Yaw;\r
- double P_Factor = 0, Sense = 0.0;\r
- int Feed;\r
- bool ThrottleAdded = false;\r
-# ifndef macintosh\r
- fullpath = enginePath + "/";\r
-# else\r
- fullpath = enginePath + ";";\r
-# endif\r
- AC_cfg->GetNextConfigLine();\r
- while ((token = AC_cfg->GetValue()) != string("/PROPULSION")) {\r
- if (token == "AC_ENGINE") { // ============ READING ENGINES\r
- engineFileName = AC_cfg->GetValue("FILE");\r
- if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << "\n Reading engine from file: " << fullpath\r
- + engineFileName + ".xml"<< endl;\r
- FGConfigFile Eng_cfg(fullpath + engineFileName + ".xml");\r
- if (Eng_cfg.IsOpen()) {\r
- Eng_cfg.GetNextConfigLine();\r
- engType = Eng_cfg.GetValue();\r
- FCS->AddThrottle();\r
- ThrottleAdded = true;\r
- if (engType == "FG_ROCKET") {\r
- Engines.push_back(new FGRocket(FDMExec, &Eng_cfg));\r
- } else if (engType == "FG_PISTON") {\r
- Engines.push_back(new FGPiston(FDMExec, &Eng_cfg));\r
- } else if (engType == "FG_TURBOJET") {\r
- Engines.push_back(new FGTurboJet(FDMExec, &Eng_cfg));\r
- } else if (engType == "FG_TURBOSHAFT") {\r
- Engines.push_back(new FGTurboShaft(FDMExec, &Eng_cfg));\r
- } else if (engType == "FG_TURBOPROP") {\r
- Engines.push_back(new FGTurboProp(FDMExec, &Eng_cfg));\r
- } else {\r
- cerr << fgred << " Unrecognized engine type: " << underon << engType\r
- << underoff << " found in config file." << fgdef << endl;\r
- return false;\r
- }\r
- AC_cfg->GetNextConfigLine();\r
- while ((token = AC_cfg->GetValue()) != string("/AC_ENGINE")) {\r
- *AC_cfg >> token;\r
- if (token == "XLOC") { *AC_cfg >> xLoc; }\r
- else if (token == "YLOC") { *AC_cfg >> yLoc; }\r
- else if (token == "ZLOC") { *AC_cfg >> zLoc; }\r
- else if (token == "PITCH") { *AC_cfg >> Pitch;}\r
- else if (token == "YAW") { *AC_cfg >> Yaw;}\r
- else if (token == "FEED") {\r
- *AC_cfg >> Feed;\r
- Engines[numEngines]->AddFeedTank(Feed);\r
- if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << " Feed tank: " << Feed << endl;\r
- } else cerr << "Unknown identifier: " << token << " in engine file: "\r
- << engineFileName << endl;\r
- }\r
- if (debug_lvl > 0) {\r
- cout << " X = " << xLoc << endl;\r
- cout << " Y = " << yLoc << endl;\r
- cout << " Z = " << zLoc << endl;\r
- cout << " Pitch = " << Pitch << endl;\r
- cout << " Yaw = " << Yaw << endl;\r
- }\r
- Engines[numEngines]->SetPlacement(xLoc, yLoc, zLoc, Pitch, Yaw);\r
- Engines[numEngines]->SetEngineNumber(numEngines);\r
- numEngines++;\r
- } else {\r
- cerr << fgred << "\n Could not read engine config file: " << underon <<\r
- fullpath + engineFileName + ".xml" << underoff << fgdef << endl;\r
- return false;\r
- }\r
- } else if (token == "AC_TANK") { // ============== READING TANKS\r
- if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << "\n Reading tank definition" << endl;\r
- Tanks.push_back(new FGTank(AC_cfg));\r
- switch(Tanks[numTanks]->GetType()) {\r
- case FGTank::ttFUEL:\r
- numSelectedFuelTanks++;\r
- numFuelTanks++;\r
- break;\r
- case FGTank::ttOXIDIZER:\r
- numSelectedOxiTanks++;\r
- numOxiTanks++;\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- numTanks++;\r
- } else if (token == "AC_THRUSTER") { // ========== READING THRUSTERS\r
- thrusterFileName = AC_cfg->GetValue("FILE");\r
- if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << "\n Reading thruster from file: " <<\r
- fullpath + thrusterFileName + ".xml" << endl;\r
- FGConfigFile Thruster_cfg(fullpath + thrusterFileName + ".xml");\r
- if (Thruster_cfg.IsOpen()) {\r
- Thruster_cfg.GetNextConfigLine();\r
- thrType = Thruster_cfg.GetValue();\r
- if (thrType == "FG_PROPELLER") {\r
- Thrusters.push_back(new FGPropeller(FDMExec, &Thruster_cfg));\r
- } else if (thrType == "FG_NOZZLE") {\r
- Thrusters.push_back(new FGNozzle(FDMExec, &Thruster_cfg));\r
- }\r
- AC_cfg->GetNextConfigLine();\r
- while ((token = AC_cfg->GetValue()) != string("/AC_THRUSTER")) {\r
- *AC_cfg >> token;\r
- if (token == "XLOC") *AC_cfg >> xLoc;\r
- else if (token == "YLOC") *AC_cfg >> yLoc;\r
- else if (token == "ZLOC") *AC_cfg >> zLoc;\r
- else if (token == "PITCH") *AC_cfg >> Pitch;\r
- else if (token == "YAW") *AC_cfg >> Yaw;\r
- else if (token == "P_FACTOR") *AC_cfg >> P_Factor;\r
- else if (token == "SENSE") *AC_cfg >> Sense;\r
- else cerr << "Unknown identifier: " << token << " in engine file: "\r
- << engineFileName << endl;\r
- }\r
- Thrusters[numThrusters]->SetLocation(xLoc, yLoc, zLoc);\r
- Thrusters[numThrusters]->SetAnglesToBody(0, Pitch, Yaw);\r
- if (thrType == "FG_PROPELLER" && P_Factor > 0.001) {\r
- ((FGPropeller*)Thrusters[numThrusters])->SetPFactor(P_Factor);\r
- if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << " P-Factor: " << P_Factor << endl;\r
- ((FGPropeller*)Thrusters[numThrusters])->SetSense(fabs(Sense)/Sense);\r
- if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << " Sense: " << Sense << endl;\r
- }\r
- Thrusters[numThrusters]->SetdeltaT(dt*rate);\r
- Thrusters[numThrusters]->SetThrusterNumber(numThrusters);\r
- numThrusters++;\r
- } else {\r
- cerr << "Could not read thruster config file: " << fullpath\r
- + thrusterFileName + ".xml" << endl;\r
- return false;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- AC_cfg->GetNextConfigLine();\r
- }\r
- if (!ThrottleAdded) FCS->AddThrottle(); // need to have at least one throttle\r
- return true;\r
-string FGPropulsion::GetPropulsionStrings(void)\r
- string PropulsionStrings = "";\r
- bool firstime = true;\r
- char buffer[5];\r
- for (unsigned int i=0;i<Engines.size();i++) {\r
- if (firstime) firstime = false;\r
- else PropulsionStrings += ", ";\r
- sprintf(buffer, "%d", i);\r
- switch(Engines[i]->GetType()) {\r
- case FGEngine::etPiston:\r
- PropulsionStrings += (Engines[i]->GetName() + "_PwrAvail[" + buffer + "]");\r
- break;\r
- case FGEngine::etRocket:\r
- PropulsionStrings += (Engines[i]->GetName() + "_ChamberPress[" + buffer + "]");\r
- break;\r
- case FGEngine::etTurboJet:\r
- case FGEngine::etTurboProp:\r
- case FGEngine::etTurboShaft:\r
- break;\r
- default:\r
- PropulsionStrings += "INVALID ENGINE TYPE";\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- PropulsionStrings += ", ";\r
- FGPropeller* Propeller = (FGPropeller*)Thrusters[i];\r
- switch(Thrusters[i]->GetType()) {\r
- case FGThruster::ttNozzle:\r
- PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_Thrust[" + buffer + "]");\r
- break;\r
- case FGThruster::ttRotor:\r
- break;\r
- case FGThruster::ttPropeller:\r
- PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_Torque[" + buffer + "], ");\r
- PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_PFactor_Roll[" + buffer + "], ");\r
- PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_PFactor_Pitch[" + buffer + "], ");\r
- PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_PFactor_Yaw[" + buffer + "], ");\r
- PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_Thrust[" + buffer + "], ");\r
- if (Propeller->IsVPitch())\r
- PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_Pitch[" + buffer + "], ");\r
- PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_RPM[" + buffer + "]");\r
- break;\r
- default:\r
- PropulsionStrings += "INVALID THRUSTER TYPE";\r
- break;\r
- } \r
- }\r
- return PropulsionStrings;\r
-string FGPropulsion::GetPropulsionValues(void)\r
- char buff[20];\r
- string PropulsionValues = "";\r
- bool firstime = true;\r
- for (unsigned int i=0;i<Engines.size();i++) {\r
- if (firstime) firstime = false;\r
- else PropulsionValues += ", ";\r
- switch(Engines[i]->GetType()) {\r
- case FGEngine::etPiston:\r
- PropulsionValues += (string(gcvt(((FGPiston*)Engines[i])->GetPowerAvailable(), 10, buff)));\r
- break;\r
- case FGEngine::etRocket:\r
- PropulsionValues += (string(gcvt(((FGRocket*)Engines[i])->GetChamberPressure(), 10, buff)));\r
- break;\r
- case FGEngine::etTurboJet:\r
- case FGEngine::etTurboProp:\r
- case FGEngine::etTurboShaft:\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- PropulsionValues += ", ";\r
- switch(Thrusters[i]->GetType()) {\r
- case FGThruster::ttNozzle:\r
- PropulsionValues += (string(gcvt(((FGNozzle*)Thrusters[i])->GetThrust(), 10, buff)));\r
- break;\r
- case FGThruster::ttRotor:\r
- break;\r
- case FGThruster::ttPropeller:\r
- FGPropeller* Propeller = (FGPropeller*)Thrusters[i];\r
- FGColumnVector3 vPFactor = Propeller->GetPFactor();\r
- PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(Propeller->GetTorque(), 10, buff)) + ", ";\r
- PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(vPFactor(eRoll), 10, buff)) + ", ";\r
- PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(vPFactor(ePitch), 10, buff)) + ", ";\r
- PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(vPFactor(eYaw), 10, buff)) + ", ";\r
- PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(Propeller->GetThrust(), 10, buff)) + ", ";\r
- if (Propeller->IsVPitch())\r
- PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(Propeller->GetPitch(), 10, buff)) + ", ";\r
- PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(Propeller->GetRPM(), 10, buff));\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- return PropulsionValues;\r
-FGColumnVector3& FGPropulsion::GetTanksMoment(void)\r
- iTank = Tanks.begin();\r
- vXYZtank.InitMatrix();\r
- while (iTank < Tanks.end()) {\r
- vXYZtank(eX) += (*iTank)->GetX()*(*iTank)->GetContents();\r
- vXYZtank(eY) += (*iTank)->GetY()*(*iTank)->GetContents();\r
- vXYZtank(eZ) += (*iTank)->GetZ()*(*iTank)->GetContents();\r
- iTank++;\r
- }\r
- return vXYZtank;\r
-double FGPropulsion::GetTanksWeight(void)\r
- double Tw = 0.0;\r
- iTank = Tanks.begin();\r
- while (iTank < Tanks.end()) {\r
- Tw += (*iTank)->GetContents();\r
- iTank++;\r
- }\r
- return Tw;\r
-double FGPropulsion::GetTanksIxx(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg)\r
- double I = 0.0;\r
- iTank = Tanks.begin();\r
- while (iTank < Tanks.end()) {\r
- I += ((*iTank)->GetX() - vXYZcg(eX))*((*iTank)->GetX() - vXYZcg(eX)) * (*iTank)->GetContents()/(144.0*Inertial->gravity());\r
- iTank++;\r
- }\r
- return I;\r
-double FGPropulsion::GetTanksIyy(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg)\r
- double I = 0.0;\r
- iTank = Tanks.begin();\r
- while (iTank < Tanks.end()) {\r
- I += ((*iTank)->GetY() - vXYZcg(eY))*((*iTank)->GetY() - vXYZcg(eY)) * (*iTank)->GetContents()/(144.0*Inertial->gravity());\r
- iTank++;\r
- }\r
- return I;\r
-double FGPropulsion::GetTanksIzz(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg)\r
- double I = 0.0;\r
- iTank = Tanks.begin();\r
- while (iTank < Tanks.end()) {\r
- I += ((*iTank)->GetZ() - vXYZcg(eZ))*((*iTank)->GetZ() - vXYZcg(eZ)) * (*iTank)->GetContents()/(144.0*Inertial->gravity());\r
- iTank++;\r
- }\r
- return I;\r
-double FGPropulsion::GetTanksIxz(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg)\r
- double I = 0.0;\r
- iTank = Tanks.begin();\r
- while (iTank < Tanks.end()) {\r
- I += ((*iTank)->GetX() - vXYZcg(eX))*((*iTank)->GetZ() - vXYZcg(eZ)) * (*iTank)->GetContents()/(144.0*Inertial->gravity());\r
- iTank++;\r
- }\r
- return I;\r
-double FGPropulsion::GetTanksIxy(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg)\r
- double I = 0.0;\r
- iTank = Tanks.begin();\r
- while (iTank != Tanks.end()) {\r
- I += ((*iTank)->GetX() - vXYZcg(eX))*((*iTank)->GetY() - vXYZcg(eY)) * (*iTank)->GetContents()/(144.0*Inertial->gravity());\r
- iTank++;\r
- }\r
- return I;\r
-void FGPropulsion::SetMagnetos(int setting)\r
- if (ActiveEngine == -1) {\r
- for (unsigned i=0; i<Engines.size(); i++) {\r
- Engines[i]->SetMagnetos(setting);\r
- }\r
- } else {\r
- Engines[ActiveEngine]->SetMagnetos(setting);\r
- }\r
-void FGPropulsion::SetStarter(int setting)\r
- if (ActiveEngine == -1) {\r
- for (unsigned i=0; i<Engines.size(); i++) {\r
- Engines[i]->SetStarter(setting);\r
- }\r
- } else {\r
- if (setting == 0)\r
- Engines[ActiveEngine]->SetStarter(false);\r
- else\r
- Engines[ActiveEngine]->SetStarter(true);\r
- }\r
-void FGPropulsion::SetActiveEngine(int engine)\r
- if ( unsigned(engine) > Engines.size())\r
- ActiveEngine = -1;\r
- else\r
- ActiveEngine = engine;\r
-void FGPropulsion::bind(void)\r
- typedef double (FGPropulsion::*PMF)(int) const;\r
- typedef int (FGPropulsion::*iPMF)(void) const;\r
- /* PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/num-engines", this,\r
- &FGPropulsion::GetNumEngines);\r
- PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/num-tanks", this,\r
- &FGPropulsion::GetNumTanks); */\r
- PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/magneto_cmd", this,\r
- (iPMF)0,\r
- &FGPropulsion::SetMagnetos,\r
- true);\r
- PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/starter_cmd", this,\r
- (iPMF)0,\r
- &FGPropulsion::SetStarter,\r
- true);\r
- PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/active_engine", this,\r
- (iPMF)0,\r
- &FGPropulsion::SetActiveEngine,\r
- true);\r
- PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/num-sel-fuel-tanks", this,\r
- &FGPropulsion::GetnumSelectedFuelTanks);\r
- PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/num-sel-ox-tanks", this,\r
- &FGPropulsion::GetnumSelectedOxiTanks);\r
- PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fbx-prop-lbs", this,1,\r
- (PMF)&FGPropulsion::GetForces);\r
- PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fby-prop-lbs", this,2,\r
- (PMF)&FGPropulsion::GetForces);\r
- PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fbz-prop-lbs", this,3,\r
- (PMF)&FGPropulsion::GetForces);\r
- PropertyManager->Tie("moments/l-prop-lbsft", this,1,\r
- (PMF)&FGPropulsion::GetMoments);\r
- PropertyManager->Tie("moments/m-prop-lbsft", this,2,\r
- (PMF)&FGPropulsion::GetMoments);\r
- PropertyManager->Tie("moments/n-prop-lbsft", this,3,\r
- (PMF)&FGPropulsion::GetMoments);\r
- //PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/tanks-weight-lbs", this,\r
- // &FGPropulsion::GetTanksWeight);\r
-void FGPropulsion::unbind(void)\r
- /* PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/num-engines");\r
- PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/num-tanks"); */\r
- PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/num-sel-fuel-tanks");\r
- PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/num-sel-ox-tanks");\r
- PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/magneto_cmd");\r
- PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/starter_cmd");\r
- PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/active_engine");\r
- PropertyManager->Untie("forces/fbx-prop-lbs");\r
- PropertyManager->Untie("forces/fby-prop-lbs");\r
- PropertyManager->Untie("forces/fbz-prop-lbs");\r
- PropertyManager->Untie("moments/l-prop-lbsft");\r
- PropertyManager->Untie("moments/m-prop-lbsft");\r
- PropertyManager->Untie("moments/n-prop-lbsft");\r
- //PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/tanks-weight-lbs");\r
-// The bitmasked value choices are as follows:\r
-// unset: In this case (the default) JSBSim would only print\r
-// out the normally expected messages, essentially echoing\r
-// the config files as they are read. If the environment\r
-// variable is not set, debug_lvl is set to 1 internally\r
-// 0: This requests JSBSim not to output any messages\r
-// whatsoever.\r
-// 1: This value explicity requests the normal JSBSim\r
-// startup messages\r
-// 2: This value asks for a message to be printed out when\r
-// a class is instantiated\r
-// 4: When this value is set, a message is displayed when a\r
-// FGModel object executes its Run() method\r
-// 8: When this value is set, various runtime state variables\r
-// are printed out periodically\r
-// 16: When set various parameters are sanity checked and\r
-// a message is printed out when they go out of bounds\r
-void FGPropulsion::Debug(int from)\r
- if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;\r
- if (debug_lvl & 1) { // Standard console startup message output\r
- if (from == 0) { // Constructor\r
- }\r
- }\r
- if (debug_lvl & 2 ) { // Instantiation/Destruction notification\r
- if (from == 0) cout << "Instantiated: FGPropulsion" << endl;\r
- if (from == 1) cout << "Destroyed: FGPropulsion" << endl;\r
- }\r
- if (debug_lvl & 4 ) { // Run() method entry print for FGModel-derived objects\r
- }\r
- if (debug_lvl & 8 ) { // Runtime state variables\r
- }\r
- if (debug_lvl & 16) { // Sanity checking\r
- }\r
- if (debug_lvl & 64) {\r
- if (from == 0) { // Constructor\r
- cout << IdSrc << endl;\r
- cout << IdHdr << endl;\r
- }\r
- }\r
+ Module: FGPropulsion.cpp
+ Author: Jon S. Berndt
+ Date started: 08/20/00
+ Purpose: Encapsulates the set of engines, tanks, and thrusters associated
+ with this aircraft
+ ------------- Copyright (C) 2000 Jon S. Berndt (jsb@hal-pc.org) -------------
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+ Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
+ the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
+The Propulsion class is the container for the entire propulsion system, which is
+comprised of engines, tanks, and "thrusters" (the device that transforms the
+engine power into a force that acts on the aircraft, such as a nozzle or
+propeller). Once the Propulsion class gets the config file, it reads in
+information which is specific to a type of engine. Then:
+1) The appropriate engine type instance is created
+2) A thruster object is instantiated, and is linked to the engine
+3) At least one tank object is created, and is linked to an engine.
+At Run time each engines Calculate() method is called to return the excess power
+generated during that iteration. The drag from the previous iteration is sub-
+tracted to give the excess power available for thrust this pass. That quantity
+is passed to the thrusters associated with a particular engine - perhaps with a
+scaling mechanism (gearing?) to allow the engine to give its associated thrust-
+ers specific distributed portions of the excess power.
+08/20/00 JSB Created
+#include "FGPropulsion.h"
+#include "FGPropertyManager.h"
+static const char *IdSrc = "$Id$";
+static const char *IdHdr = ID_PROPULSION;
+extern short debug_lvl;
+#if defined (__APPLE__)
+/* Not all systems have the gcvt function */
+inline char* gcvt (double value, int ndigits, char *buf) {
+ /* note that this is not exactly what gcvt is supposed to do! */
+ snprintf (buf, ndigits+1, "%f", value);
+ return buf;
+FGPropulsion::FGPropulsion(FGFDMExec* exec) : FGModel(exec)
+ Name = "FGPropulsion";
+ numSelectedFuelTanks = numSelectedOxiTanks = 0;
+ numTanks = numEngines = numThrusters = 0;
+ numOxiTanks = numFuelTanks = 0;
+ dt = 0.0;
+ ActiveEngine = -1; // -1: ALL, 0: Engine 1, 1: Engine 2 ...
+ bind();
+ Debug(0);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<Engines.size(); i++) delete Engines[i];
+ Engines.clear();
+ unbind();
+ Debug(1);
+bool FGPropulsion::Run(void)
+ double PowerAvailable;
+ dt = State->Getdt();
+ vForces.InitMatrix();
+ vMoments.InitMatrix();
+ if (!FGModel::Run()) {
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<numEngines; i++) {
+ Thrusters[i]->SetdeltaT(dt*rate);
+ PowerAvailable = Engines[i]->Calculate(Thrusters[i]->GetPowerRequired());
+ Thrusters[i]->Calculate(PowerAvailable);
+ vForces += Thrusters[i]->GetBodyForces(); // sum body frame forces
+ vMoments += Thrusters[i]->GetMoments(); // sum body frame moments
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+bool FGPropulsion::GetSteadyState(void)
+ double PowerAvailable;
+ double currentThrust = 0, lastThrust=-1;
+ dt = State->Getdt();
+ int steady_count,j=0;
+ bool steady=false;
+ vForces.InitMatrix();
+ vMoments.InitMatrix();
+ if (!FGModel::Run()) {
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<numEngines; i++) {
+ Engines[i]->SetTrimMode(true);
+ Thrusters[i]->SetdeltaT(dt*rate);
+ steady=false;
+ steady_count=0;
+ while (!steady && j < 6000) {
+ PowerAvailable = Engines[i]->Calculate(Thrusters[i]->GetPowerRequired());
+ lastThrust = currentThrust;
+ currentThrust = Thrusters[i]->Calculate(PowerAvailable);
+ if (fabs(lastThrust-currentThrust) < 0.0001) {
+ steady_count++;
+ if (steady_count > 120) { steady=true; }
+ } else {
+ steady_count=0;
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ vForces += Thrusters[i]->GetBodyForces(); // sum body frame forces
+ vMoments += Thrusters[i]->GetMoments(); // sum body frame moments
+ Engines[i]->SetTrimMode(false);
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+bool FGPropulsion::ICEngineStart(void)
+ double PowerAvailable;
+ int j;
+ dt = State->Getdt();
+ vForces.InitMatrix();
+ vMoments.InitMatrix();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<numEngines; i++) {
+ Engines[i]->SetTrimMode(true);
+ Thrusters[i]->SetdeltaT(dt*rate);
+ j=0;
+ while (!Engines[i]->GetRunning() && j < 2000) {
+ PowerAvailable = Engines[i]->Calculate(Thrusters[i]->GetPowerRequired());
+ Thrusters[i]->Calculate(PowerAvailable);
+ j++;
+ }
+ vForces += Thrusters[i]->GetBodyForces(); // sum body frame forces
+ vMoments += Thrusters[i]->GetMoments(); // sum body frame moments
+ Engines[i]->SetTrimMode(false);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool FGPropulsion::Load(FGConfigFile* AC_cfg)
+ string token, fullpath;
+ string engineFileName, engType;
+ string thrusterFileName, thrType;
+ string parameter;
+ string enginePath = FDMExec->GetEnginePath();
+ double xLoc, yLoc, zLoc, Pitch, Yaw;
+ double P_Factor = 0, Sense = 0.0;
+ int Feed;
+ bool ThrottleAdded = false;
+# ifndef macintosh
+ fullpath = enginePath + "/";
+# else
+ fullpath = enginePath + ";";
+# endif
+ AC_cfg->GetNextConfigLine();
+ while ((token = AC_cfg->GetValue()) != string("/PROPULSION")) {
+ if (token == "AC_ENGINE") { // ============ READING ENGINES
+ engineFileName = AC_cfg->GetValue("FILE");
+ if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << "\n Reading engine from file: " << fullpath
+ + engineFileName + ".xml"<< endl;
+ FGConfigFile Eng_cfg(fullpath + engineFileName + ".xml");
+ if (Eng_cfg.IsOpen()) {
+ Eng_cfg.GetNextConfigLine();
+ engType = Eng_cfg.GetValue();
+ FCS->AddThrottle();
+ ThrottleAdded = true;
+ if (engType == "FG_ROCKET") {
+ Engines.push_back(new FGRocket(FDMExec, &Eng_cfg));
+ } else if (engType == "FG_PISTON") {
+ Engines.push_back(new FGPiston(FDMExec, &Eng_cfg));
+ } else if (engType == "FG_TURBOJET") {
+ Engines.push_back(new FGTurboJet(FDMExec, &Eng_cfg));
+ } else if (engType == "FG_TURBOSHAFT") {
+ Engines.push_back(new FGTurboShaft(FDMExec, &Eng_cfg));
+ } else if (engType == "FG_TURBOPROP") {
+ Engines.push_back(new FGTurboProp(FDMExec, &Eng_cfg));
+ } else {
+ cerr << fgred << " Unrecognized engine type: " << underon << engType
+ << underoff << " found in config file." << fgdef << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ AC_cfg->GetNextConfigLine();
+ while ((token = AC_cfg->GetValue()) != string("/AC_ENGINE")) {
+ *AC_cfg >> token;
+ if (token == "XLOC") { *AC_cfg >> xLoc; }
+ else if (token == "YLOC") { *AC_cfg >> yLoc; }
+ else if (token == "ZLOC") { *AC_cfg >> zLoc; }
+ else if (token == "PITCH") { *AC_cfg >> Pitch;}
+ else if (token == "YAW") { *AC_cfg >> Yaw;}
+ else if (token == "FEED") {
+ *AC_cfg >> Feed;
+ Engines[numEngines]->AddFeedTank(Feed);
+ if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << " Feed tank: " << Feed << endl;
+ } else cerr << "Unknown identifier: " << token << " in engine file: "
+ << engineFileName << endl;
+ }
+ if (debug_lvl > 0) {
+ cout << " X = " << xLoc << endl;
+ cout << " Y = " << yLoc << endl;
+ cout << " Z = " << zLoc << endl;
+ cout << " Pitch = " << Pitch << endl;
+ cout << " Yaw = " << Yaw << endl;
+ }
+ Engines[numEngines]->SetPlacement(xLoc, yLoc, zLoc, Pitch, Yaw);
+ Engines[numEngines]->SetEngineNumber(numEngines);
+ numEngines++;
+ } else {
+ cerr << fgred << "\n Could not read engine config file: " << underon <<
+ fullpath + engineFileName + ".xml" << underoff << fgdef << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (token == "AC_TANK") { // ============== READING TANKS
+ if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << "\n Reading tank definition" << endl;
+ Tanks.push_back(new FGTank(AC_cfg));
+ switch(Tanks[numTanks]->GetType()) {
+ case FGTank::ttFUEL:
+ numSelectedFuelTanks++;
+ numFuelTanks++;
+ break;
+ case FGTank::ttOXIDIZER:
+ numSelectedOxiTanks++;
+ numOxiTanks++;
+ break;
+ }
+ numTanks++;
+ } else if (token == "AC_THRUSTER") { // ========== READING THRUSTERS
+ thrusterFileName = AC_cfg->GetValue("FILE");
+ if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << "\n Reading thruster from file: " <<
+ fullpath + thrusterFileName + ".xml" << endl;
+ FGConfigFile Thruster_cfg(fullpath + thrusterFileName + ".xml");
+ if (Thruster_cfg.IsOpen()) {
+ Thruster_cfg.GetNextConfigLine();
+ thrType = Thruster_cfg.GetValue();
+ if (thrType == "FG_PROPELLER") {
+ Thrusters.push_back(new FGPropeller(FDMExec, &Thruster_cfg));
+ } else if (thrType == "FG_NOZZLE") {
+ Thrusters.push_back(new FGNozzle(FDMExec, &Thruster_cfg));
+ }
+ AC_cfg->GetNextConfigLine();
+ while ((token = AC_cfg->GetValue()) != string("/AC_THRUSTER")) {
+ *AC_cfg >> token;
+ if (token == "XLOC") *AC_cfg >> xLoc;
+ else if (token == "YLOC") *AC_cfg >> yLoc;
+ else if (token == "ZLOC") *AC_cfg >> zLoc;
+ else if (token == "PITCH") *AC_cfg >> Pitch;
+ else if (token == "YAW") *AC_cfg >> Yaw;
+ else if (token == "P_FACTOR") *AC_cfg >> P_Factor;
+ else if (token == "SENSE") *AC_cfg >> Sense;
+ else cerr << "Unknown identifier: " << token << " in engine file: "
+ << engineFileName << endl;
+ }
+ Thrusters[numThrusters]->SetLocation(xLoc, yLoc, zLoc);
+ Thrusters[numThrusters]->SetAnglesToBody(0, Pitch, Yaw);
+ if (thrType == "FG_PROPELLER" && P_Factor > 0.001) {
+ ((FGPropeller*)Thrusters[numThrusters])->SetPFactor(P_Factor);
+ if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << " P-Factor: " << P_Factor << endl;
+ ((FGPropeller*)Thrusters[numThrusters])->SetSense(fabs(Sense)/Sense);
+ if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << " Sense: " << Sense << endl;
+ }
+ Thrusters[numThrusters]->SetdeltaT(dt*rate);
+ Thrusters[numThrusters]->SetThrusterNumber(numThrusters);
+ numThrusters++;
+ } else {
+ cerr << "Could not read thruster config file: " << fullpath
+ + thrusterFileName + ".xml" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ AC_cfg->GetNextConfigLine();
+ }
+ if (!ThrottleAdded) FCS->AddThrottle(); // need to have at least one throttle
+ return true;
+string FGPropulsion::GetPropulsionStrings(void)
+ string PropulsionStrings = "";
+ bool firstime = true;
+ char buffer[5];
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<Engines.size();i++) {
+ if (firstime) firstime = false;
+ else PropulsionStrings += ", ";
+ sprintf(buffer, "%d", i);
+ switch(Engines[i]->GetType()) {
+ case FGEngine::etPiston:
+ PropulsionStrings += (Engines[i]->GetName() + "_PwrAvail[" + buffer + "]");
+ break;
+ case FGEngine::etRocket:
+ PropulsionStrings += (Engines[i]->GetName() + "_ChamberPress[" + buffer + "]");
+ break;
+ case FGEngine::etTurboJet:
+ case FGEngine::etTurboProp:
+ case FGEngine::etTurboShaft:
+ break;
+ default:
+ PropulsionStrings += "INVALID ENGINE TYPE";
+ break;
+ }
+ PropulsionStrings += ", ";
+ FGPropeller* Propeller = (FGPropeller*)Thrusters[i];
+ switch(Thrusters[i]->GetType()) {
+ case FGThruster::ttNozzle:
+ PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_Thrust[" + buffer + "]");
+ break;
+ case FGThruster::ttRotor:
+ break;
+ case FGThruster::ttPropeller:
+ PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_Torque[" + buffer + "], ");
+ PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_PFactor_Roll[" + buffer + "], ");
+ PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_PFactor_Pitch[" + buffer + "], ");
+ PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_PFactor_Yaw[" + buffer + "], ");
+ PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_Thrust[" + buffer + "], ");
+ if (Propeller->IsVPitch())
+ PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_Pitch[" + buffer + "], ");
+ PropulsionStrings += (Thrusters[i]->GetName() + "_RPM[" + buffer + "]");
+ break;
+ default:
+ PropulsionStrings += "INVALID THRUSTER TYPE";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return PropulsionStrings;
+string FGPropulsion::GetPropulsionValues(void)
+ char buff[20];
+ string PropulsionValues = "";
+ bool firstime = true;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<Engines.size();i++) {
+ if (firstime) firstime = false;
+ else PropulsionValues += ", ";
+ switch(Engines[i]->GetType()) {
+ case FGEngine::etPiston:
+ PropulsionValues += (string(gcvt(((FGPiston*)Engines[i])->GetPowerAvailable(), 10, buff)));
+ break;
+ case FGEngine::etRocket:
+ PropulsionValues += (string(gcvt(((FGRocket*)Engines[i])->GetChamberPressure(), 10, buff)));
+ break;
+ case FGEngine::etTurboJet:
+ case FGEngine::etTurboProp:
+ case FGEngine::etTurboShaft:
+ break;
+ }
+ PropulsionValues += ", ";
+ switch(Thrusters[i]->GetType()) {
+ case FGThruster::ttNozzle:
+ PropulsionValues += (string(gcvt(((FGNozzle*)Thrusters[i])->GetThrust(), 10, buff)));
+ break;
+ case FGThruster::ttRotor:
+ break;
+ case FGThruster::ttPropeller:
+ FGPropeller* Propeller = (FGPropeller*)Thrusters[i];
+ FGColumnVector3 vPFactor = Propeller->GetPFactor();
+ PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(Propeller->GetTorque(), 10, buff)) + ", ";
+ PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(vPFactor(eRoll), 10, buff)) + ", ";
+ PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(vPFactor(ePitch), 10, buff)) + ", ";
+ PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(vPFactor(eYaw), 10, buff)) + ", ";
+ PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(Propeller->GetThrust(), 10, buff)) + ", ";
+ if (Propeller->IsVPitch())
+ PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(Propeller->GetPitch(), 10, buff)) + ", ";
+ PropulsionValues += string(gcvt(Propeller->GetRPM(), 10, buff));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return PropulsionValues;
+FGColumnVector3& FGPropulsion::GetTanksMoment(void)
+ iTank = Tanks.begin();
+ vXYZtank.InitMatrix();
+ while (iTank < Tanks.end()) {
+ vXYZtank(eX) += (*iTank)->GetX()*(*iTank)->GetContents();
+ vXYZtank(eY) += (*iTank)->GetY()*(*iTank)->GetContents();
+ vXYZtank(eZ) += (*iTank)->GetZ()*(*iTank)->GetContents();
+ iTank++;
+ }
+ return vXYZtank;
+double FGPropulsion::GetTanksWeight(void)
+ double Tw = 0.0;
+ iTank = Tanks.begin();
+ while (iTank < Tanks.end()) {
+ Tw += (*iTank)->GetContents();
+ iTank++;
+ }
+ return Tw;
+double FGPropulsion::GetTanksIxx(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg)
+ double I = 0.0;
+ iTank = Tanks.begin();
+ while (iTank < Tanks.end()) {
+ I += ((*iTank)->GetX() - vXYZcg(eX))*((*iTank)->GetX() - vXYZcg(eX)) * (*iTank)->GetContents()/(144.0*Inertial->gravity());
+ iTank++;
+ }
+ return I;
+double FGPropulsion::GetTanksIyy(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg)
+ double I = 0.0;
+ iTank = Tanks.begin();
+ while (iTank < Tanks.end()) {
+ I += ((*iTank)->GetY() - vXYZcg(eY))*((*iTank)->GetY() - vXYZcg(eY)) * (*iTank)->GetContents()/(144.0*Inertial->gravity());
+ iTank++;
+ }
+ return I;
+double FGPropulsion::GetTanksIzz(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg)
+ double I = 0.0;
+ iTank = Tanks.begin();
+ while (iTank < Tanks.end()) {
+ I += ((*iTank)->GetZ() - vXYZcg(eZ))*((*iTank)->GetZ() - vXYZcg(eZ)) * (*iTank)->GetContents()/(144.0*Inertial->gravity());
+ iTank++;
+ }
+ return I;
+double FGPropulsion::GetTanksIxz(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg)
+ double I = 0.0;
+ iTank = Tanks.begin();
+ while (iTank < Tanks.end()) {
+ I += ((*iTank)->GetX() - vXYZcg(eX))*((*iTank)->GetZ() - vXYZcg(eZ)) * (*iTank)->GetContents()/(144.0*Inertial->gravity());
+ iTank++;
+ }
+ return I;
+double FGPropulsion::GetTanksIxy(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg)
+ double I = 0.0;
+ iTank = Tanks.begin();
+ while (iTank != Tanks.end()) {
+ I += ((*iTank)->GetX() - vXYZcg(eX))*((*iTank)->GetY() - vXYZcg(eY)) * (*iTank)->GetContents()/(144.0*Inertial->gravity());
+ iTank++;
+ }
+ return I;
+void FGPropulsion::SetMagnetos(int setting)
+ if (ActiveEngine == -1) {
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<Engines.size(); i++) {
+ Engines[i]->SetMagnetos(setting);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Engines[ActiveEngine]->SetMagnetos(setting);
+ }
+void FGPropulsion::SetStarter(int setting)
+ if (ActiveEngine == -1) {
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<Engines.size(); i++) {
+ Engines[i]->SetStarter(setting);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (setting == 0)
+ Engines[ActiveEngine]->SetStarter(false);
+ else
+ Engines[ActiveEngine]->SetStarter(true);
+ }
+void FGPropulsion::SetActiveEngine(int engine)
+ if ( unsigned(engine) > Engines.size())
+ ActiveEngine = -1;
+ else
+ ActiveEngine = engine;
+void FGPropulsion::bind(void)
+ typedef double (FGPropulsion::*PMF)(int) const;
+ typedef int (FGPropulsion::*iPMF)(void) const;
+ /* PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/num-engines", this,
+ &FGPropulsion::GetNumEngines);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/num-tanks", this,
+ &FGPropulsion::GetNumTanks); */
+ PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/magneto_cmd", this,
+ (iPMF)0,
+ &FGPropulsion::SetMagnetos,
+ true);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/starter_cmd", this,
+ (iPMF)0,
+ &FGPropulsion::SetStarter,
+ true);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/active_engine", this,
+ (iPMF)0,
+ &FGPropulsion::SetActiveEngine,
+ true);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/num-sel-fuel-tanks", this,
+ &FGPropulsion::GetnumSelectedFuelTanks);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/num-sel-ox-tanks", this,
+ &FGPropulsion::GetnumSelectedOxiTanks);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fbx-prop-lbs", this,1,
+ (PMF)&FGPropulsion::GetForces);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fby-prop-lbs", this,2,
+ (PMF)&FGPropulsion::GetForces);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("forces/fbz-prop-lbs", this,3,
+ (PMF)&FGPropulsion::GetForces);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("moments/l-prop-lbsft", this,1,
+ (PMF)&FGPropulsion::GetMoments);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("moments/m-prop-lbsft", this,2,
+ (PMF)&FGPropulsion::GetMoments);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("moments/n-prop-lbsft", this,3,
+ (PMF)&FGPropulsion::GetMoments);
+ //PropertyManager->Tie("propulsion/tanks-weight-lbs", this,
+ // &FGPropulsion::GetTanksWeight);
+void FGPropulsion::unbind(void)
+ /* PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/num-engines");
+ PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/num-tanks"); */
+ PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/num-sel-fuel-tanks");
+ PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/num-sel-ox-tanks");
+ PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/magneto_cmd");
+ PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/starter_cmd");
+ PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/active_engine");
+ PropertyManager->Untie("forces/fbx-prop-lbs");
+ PropertyManager->Untie("forces/fby-prop-lbs");
+ PropertyManager->Untie("forces/fbz-prop-lbs");
+ PropertyManager->Untie("moments/l-prop-lbsft");
+ PropertyManager->Untie("moments/m-prop-lbsft");
+ PropertyManager->Untie("moments/n-prop-lbsft");
+ //PropertyManager->Untie("propulsion/tanks-weight-lbs");
+// The bitmasked value choices are as follows:
+// unset: In this case (the default) JSBSim would only print
+// out the normally expected messages, essentially echoing
+// the config files as they are read. If the environment
+// variable is not set, debug_lvl is set to 1 internally
+// 0: This requests JSBSim not to output any messages
+// whatsoever.
+// 1: This value explicity requests the normal JSBSim
+// startup messages
+// 2: This value asks for a message to be printed out when
+// a class is instantiated
+// 4: When this value is set, a message is displayed when a
+// FGModel object executes its Run() method
+// 8: When this value is set, various runtime state variables
+// are printed out periodically
+// 16: When set various parameters are sanity checked and
+// a message is printed out when they go out of bounds
+void FGPropulsion::Debug(int from)
+ if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;
+ if (debug_lvl & 1) { // Standard console startup message output
+ if (from == 0) { // Constructor
+ }
+ }
+ if (debug_lvl & 2 ) { // Instantiation/Destruction notification
+ if (from == 0) cout << "Instantiated: FGPropulsion" << endl;
+ if (from == 1) cout << "Destroyed: FGPropulsion" << endl;
+ }
+ if (debug_lvl & 4 ) { // Run() method entry print for FGModel-derived objects
+ }
+ if (debug_lvl & 8 ) { // Runtime state variables
+ }
+ if (debug_lvl & 16) { // Sanity checking
+ }
+ if (debug_lvl & 64) {
+ if (from == 0) { // Constructor
+ cout << IdSrc << endl;
+ cout << IdHdr << endl;
+ }
+ }
- Header: FGPropulsion.h\r
- Author: Jon S. Berndt\r
- Date started: 08/20/00\r
- \r
- ------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Jon S. Berndt (jsb@hal-pc.org) -------------\r
- \r
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\r
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software\r
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later\r
- version.\r
- \r
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT\r
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS\r
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more\r
- details.\r
- \r
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with\r
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple\r
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\r
- \r
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on\r
- the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.\r
- \r
-08/20/00 JSB Created\r
- \r
-#ifdef FGFS\r
-# include <simgear/compiler.h>\r
-# include <vector>\r
-# include <iterator>\r
-# else\r
-# include <vector.h>\r
-# include <iterator.h>\r
-# endif\r
-# include <vector>\r
-# include <iterator>\r
-#include "FGModel.h"\r
-#include "FGRocket.h"\r
-#include "FGPiston.h"\r
-#include "FGTurboShaft.h"\r
-#include "FGTurboJet.h"\r
-#include "FGTurboProp.h"\r
-#include "FGTank.h"\r
-#include "FGPropeller.h"\r
-#include "FGNozzle.h"\r
-#define ID_PROPULSION "$Id$"\r
-COMMENTS, REFERENCES, and NOTES [use "class documentation" below for API docs]\r
-/** Propulsion management class.\r
- FGPropulsion manages all aspects of propulsive force generation, including\r
- containment of engines, tanks, and thruster class instances in STL vectors,\r
- and the interaction and communication between them.\r
- @author Jon S. Berndt\r
- @version $Id$\r
- @see FGEngine\r
- @see FGTank\r
- @see FGThruster\r
- @see <a href="http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jsbsim/JSBSim/FGPropulsion.h?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup">\r
- Header File </a>\r
- @see <a href="http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jsbsim/JSBSim/FGPropulsion.cpp?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup">\r
- Source File </a>\r
-class FGPropulsion : public FGModel\r
- /// Constructor\r
- FGPropulsion(FGFDMExec*);\r
- /// Destructor\r
- ~FGPropulsion();\r
- /** Executes the propulsion model.\r
- The initial plan for the FGPropulsion class calls for Run() to be executed,\r
- performing the following tasks:\r
- <ol>\r
- <li>Determine the drag - or power required - for the attached thrust effector\r
- for this engine so that any feedback to the engine can be performed. This\r
- is done by calling FGThruster::CalculatePReq()</li>\r
- <li>Given 1, above, calculate the power available from the engine. This is\r
- done by calling FGEngine::CalculatePAvail()</li>\r
- <li>Next, calculate the thrust output from the thruster model given the power\r
- available and the power required. This may also result in new performance\r
- numbers for the thruster in the case of the propeller, at least. This\r
- result is returned from a call to Calculate().</li></ol>\r
- [Note: Should we be checking the Starved flag here?] */\r
- bool Run(void);\r
- /** Loads the propulsion system (engine[s], tank[s], thruster[s]).\r
- Characteristics of the propulsion system are read in from the config file.\r
- @param AC_cfg pointer to the config file instance that describes the\r
- aircraft being modeled.\r
- @return true if successfully loaded, otherwise false */\r
- bool Load(FGConfigFile* AC_cfg);\r
- /// Retrieves the number of engines defined for the aircraft.\r
- inline unsigned int GetNumEngines(void) const {return Engines.size();}\r
- /** Retrieves an engine object pointer from the list of engines.\r
- @param index the engine index within the vector container\r
- @return the address of the specific engine, or zero if no such engine is\r
- available */\r
- inline FGEngine* GetEngine(unsigned int index) {\r
- if (index <= Engines.size()-1) return Engines[index];\r
- else return 0L; }\r
- // Retrieves the number of tanks defined for the aircraft.\r
- inline unsigned int GetNumTanks(void) const {return Tanks.size();}\r
- /** Retrieves a tank object pointer from the list of tanks.\r
- @param index the tank index within the vector container\r
- @return the address of the specific tank, or zero if no such tank is\r
- available */\r
- inline FGTank* GetTank(unsigned int index) {\r
- if (index <= Tanks.size()-1) return Tanks[index];\r
- else return 0L; }\r
- /** Retrieves a thruster object pointer from the list of thrusters.\r
- @param index the thruster index within the vector container\r
- @return the address of the specific thruster, or zero if no such thruster is\r
- available */\r
- inline FGThruster* GetThruster(unsigned int index) {\r
- if (index <= Thrusters.size()-1) return Thrusters[index];\r
- else return 0L; }\r
- /** Returns the number of fuel tanks currently actively supplying fuel */\r
- inline int GetnumSelectedFuelTanks(void) const {return numSelectedFuelTanks;}\r
- /** Returns the number of oxidizer tanks currently actively supplying oxidizer */\r
- inline int GetnumSelectedOxiTanks(void) const {return numSelectedOxiTanks;}\r
- /** Loops the engines/thrusters until thrust output steady (used for trimming) */\r
- bool GetSteadyState(void);\r
- \r
- /** starts the engines in IC mode (dt=0). All engine-specific setup must\r
- be done before calling this (i.e. magnetos, starter engage, etc.) */\r
- bool ICEngineStart(void);\r
- \r
- string GetPropulsionStrings(void);\r
- string GetPropulsionValues(void);\r
- inline FGColumnVector3& GetForces(void) {return vForces; }\r
- inline double GetForces(int n) const { return vForces(n);}\r
- inline FGColumnVector3& GetMoments(void) {return vMoments;}\r
- inline double GetMoments(int n) const {return vMoments(n);}\r
- \r
- FGColumnVector3& GetTanksMoment(void);\r
- double GetTanksWeight(void);\r
- double GetTanksIxx(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg);\r
- double GetTanksIyy(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg);\r
- double GetTanksIzz(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg);\r
- double GetTanksIxz(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg);\r
- double GetTanksIxy(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg);\r
- \r
- void SetMagnetos(int setting);\r
- void SetStarter(int setting);\r
- void SetActiveEngine(int engine);\r
- \r
- void bind();\r
- void unbind();\r
- \r
- vector <FGEngine*> Engines;\r
- vector <FGTank*> Tanks;\r
- vector <FGTank*>::iterator iTank;\r
- vector <FGThruster*> Thrusters;\r
- unsigned int numSelectedFuelTanks;\r
- unsigned int numSelectedOxiTanks;\r
- unsigned int numFuelTanks;\r
- unsigned int numOxiTanks;\r
- unsigned int numEngines;\r
- unsigned int numTanks;\r
- unsigned int numThrusters;\r
- int ActiveEngine;\r
- double dt;\r
- FGColumnVector3 vForces;\r
- FGColumnVector3 vMoments;\r
- FGColumnVector3 vXYZtank;\r
- void Debug(int from);\r
+ Header: FGPropulsion.h
+ Author: Jon S. Berndt
+ Date started: 08/20/00
+ ------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Jon S. Berndt (jsb@hal-pc.org) -------------
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+ Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
+ the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
+08/20/00 JSB Created
+#ifdef FGFS
+# include <simgear/compiler.h>
+# include <vector>
+# include <iterator>
+# else
+# include <vector.h>
+# include <iterator.h>
+# endif
+# include <vector>
+# include <iterator>
+#include "FGModel.h"
+#include "FGRocket.h"
+#include "FGPiston.h"
+#include "FGTurboShaft.h"
+#include "FGTurboJet.h"
+#include "FGTurboProp.h"
+#include "FGTank.h"
+#include "FGPropeller.h"
+#include "FGNozzle.h"
+#define ID_PROPULSION "$Id$"
+COMMENTS, REFERENCES, and NOTES [use "class documentation" below for API docs]
+/** Propulsion management class.
+ FGPropulsion manages all aspects of propulsive force generation, including
+ containment of engines, tanks, and thruster class instances in STL vectors,
+ and the interaction and communication between them.
+ @author Jon S. Berndt
+ @version $Id$
+ @see FGEngine
+ @see FGTank
+ @see FGThruster
+ @see <a href="http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jsbsim/JSBSim/FGPropulsion.h?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup">
+ Header File </a>
+ @see <a href="http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jsbsim/JSBSim/FGPropulsion.cpp?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup">
+ Source File </a>
+class FGPropulsion : public FGModel
+ /// Constructor
+ FGPropulsion(FGFDMExec*);
+ /// Destructor
+ ~FGPropulsion();
+ /** Executes the propulsion model.
+ The initial plan for the FGPropulsion class calls for Run() to be executed,
+ performing the following tasks:
+ <ol>
+ <li>Determine the drag - or power required - for the attached thrust effector
+ for this engine so that any feedback to the engine can be performed. This
+ is done by calling FGThruster::CalculatePReq()</li>
+ <li>Given 1, above, calculate the power available from the engine. This is
+ done by calling FGEngine::CalculatePAvail()</li>
+ <li>Next, calculate the thrust output from the thruster model given the power
+ available and the power required. This may also result in new performance
+ numbers for the thruster in the case of the propeller, at least. This
+ result is returned from a call to Calculate().</li></ol>
+ [Note: Should we be checking the Starved flag here?] */
+ bool Run(void);
+ /** Loads the propulsion system (engine[s], tank[s], thruster[s]).
+ Characteristics of the propulsion system are read in from the config file.
+ @param AC_cfg pointer to the config file instance that describes the
+ aircraft being modeled.
+ @return true if successfully loaded, otherwise false */
+ bool Load(FGConfigFile* AC_cfg);
+ /// Retrieves the number of engines defined for the aircraft.
+ inline unsigned int GetNumEngines(void) const {return Engines.size();}
+ /** Retrieves an engine object pointer from the list of engines.
+ @param index the engine index within the vector container
+ @return the address of the specific engine, or zero if no such engine is
+ available */
+ inline FGEngine* GetEngine(unsigned int index) {
+ if (index <= Engines.size()-1) return Engines[index];
+ else return 0L; }
+ // Retrieves the number of tanks defined for the aircraft.
+ inline unsigned int GetNumTanks(void) const {return Tanks.size();}
+ /** Retrieves a tank object pointer from the list of tanks.
+ @param index the tank index within the vector container
+ @return the address of the specific tank, or zero if no such tank is
+ available */
+ inline FGTank* GetTank(unsigned int index) {
+ if (index <= Tanks.size()-1) return Tanks[index];
+ else return 0L; }
+ /** Retrieves a thruster object pointer from the list of thrusters.
+ @param index the thruster index within the vector container
+ @return the address of the specific thruster, or zero if no such thruster is
+ available */
+ inline FGThruster* GetThruster(unsigned int index) {
+ if (index <= Thrusters.size()-1) return Thrusters[index];
+ else return 0L; }
+ /** Returns the number of fuel tanks currently actively supplying fuel */
+ inline int GetnumSelectedFuelTanks(void) const {return numSelectedFuelTanks;}
+ /** Returns the number of oxidizer tanks currently actively supplying oxidizer */
+ inline int GetnumSelectedOxiTanks(void) const {return numSelectedOxiTanks;}
+ /** Loops the engines/thrusters until thrust output steady (used for trimming) */
+ bool GetSteadyState(void);
+ /** starts the engines in IC mode (dt=0). All engine-specific setup must
+ be done before calling this (i.e. magnetos, starter engage, etc.) */
+ bool ICEngineStart(void);
+ string GetPropulsionStrings(void);
+ string GetPropulsionValues(void);
+ inline FGColumnVector3& GetForces(void) {return vForces; }
+ inline double GetForces(int n) const { return vForces(n);}
+ inline FGColumnVector3& GetMoments(void) {return vMoments;}
+ inline double GetMoments(int n) const {return vMoments(n);}
+ FGColumnVector3& GetTanksMoment(void);
+ double GetTanksWeight(void);
+ double GetTanksIxx(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg);
+ double GetTanksIyy(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg);
+ double GetTanksIzz(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg);
+ double GetTanksIxz(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg);
+ double GetTanksIxy(const FGColumnVector3& vXYZcg);
+ void SetMagnetos(int setting);
+ void SetStarter(int setting);
+ void SetActiveEngine(int engine);
+ void bind();
+ void unbind();
+ vector <FGEngine*> Engines;
+ vector <FGTank*> Tanks;
+ vector <FGTank*>::iterator iTank;
+ vector <FGThruster*> Thrusters;
+ unsigned int numSelectedFuelTanks;
+ unsigned int numSelectedOxiTanks;
+ unsigned int numFuelTanks;
+ unsigned int numOxiTanks;
+ unsigned int numEngines;
+ unsigned int numTanks;
+ unsigned int numThrusters;
+ int ActiveEngine;
+ double dt;
+ FGColumnVector3 vForces;
+ FGColumnVector3 vMoments;
+ FGColumnVector3 vXYZtank;
+ void Debug(int from);