/* the code below is auto generated do not remove the above tag */
public $__table = 'file'; // table name
- public $id; // int(11) not_null primary_key group_by
+ public $id; // int(4) primary_key not_null
public $url; // varchar(255) unique_key
public $mimetype; // varchar(50)
- public $size; // int(11) group_by
+ public $size; // int(4)
public $title; // varchar(255)
- public $date; // int(11) group_by
- public $protected; // int(1) group_by
+ public $date; // int(4)
+ public $protected; // int(4)
+ public $filename; // varchar(255)
+ public $modified; // timestamp() not_null default_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
/* Static get */
function staticGet($k,$v=NULL) { return DB_DataObject::staticGet('File',$k,$v); }
/* the code below is auto generated do not remove the above tag */
public $__table = 'file_oembed'; // table name
- public $id; // int(11) not_null primary_key group_by
- public $file_id; // int(11) unique_key group_by
+ public $file_id; // int(4) primary_key not_null
public $version; // varchar(20)
public $type; // varchar(20)
public $provider; // varchar(50)
public $provider_url; // varchar(255)
- public $width; // int(11) group_by
- public $height; // int(11) group_by
- public $html; // blob(65535) blob
+ public $width; // int(4)
+ public $height; // int(4)
+ public $html; // text()
public $title; // varchar(255)
public $author_name; // varchar(50)
public $author_url; // varchar(255)
public $url; // varchar(255)
+ public $modified; // timestamp() not_null default_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
/* Static get */
function staticGet($k,$v=NULL) { return DB_DataObject::staticGet('File_oembed',$k,$v); }
/* the code below is auto generated do not remove the above tag */
public $__table = 'file_redirection'; // table name
- public $id; // int(11) not_null primary_key group_by
- public $url; // varchar(255) unique_key
- public $file_id; // int(11) group_by
- public $redirections; // int(11) group_by
- public $httpcode; // int(11) group_by
+ public $url; // varchar(255) primary_key not_null
+ public $file_id; // int(4)
+ public $redirections; // int(4)
+ public $httpcode; // int(4)
+ public $modified; // timestamp() not_null default_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
/* Static get */
function staticGet($k,$v=NULL) { return DB_DataObject::staticGet('File_redirection',$k,$v); }
/* the code below is auto generated do not remove the above tag */
public $__table = 'file_thumbnail'; // table name
- public $id; // int(11) not_null primary_key group_by
- public $file_id; // int(11) unique_key group_by
+ public $file_id; // int(4) primary_key not_null
public $url; // varchar(255) unique_key
- public $width; // int(11) group_by
- public $height; // int(11) group_by
+ public $width; // int(4)
+ public $height; // int(4)
+ public $modified; // timestamp() not_null default_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
/* Static get */
function staticGet($k,$v=NULL) { return DB_DataObject::staticGet('File_thumbnail',$k,$v); }
/* the code below is auto generated do not remove the above tag */
public $__table = 'file_to_post'; // table name
- public $id; // int(11) not_null primary_key group_by
- public $file_id; // int(11) multiple_key group_by
- public $post_id; // int(11) group_by
+ public $file_id; // int(4) primary_key not_null
+ public $post_id; // int(4) primary_key not_null
+ public $modified; // timestamp() not_null default_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
/* Static get */
function staticGet($k,$v=NULL) { return DB_DataObject::staticGet('File_to_post',$k,$v); }
title = 2
date = 1
protected = 1
+filename = 2
+modified = 384
id = N
-id = 129
-file_id = 1
+file_id = 129
version = 2
type = 2
provider = 2
author_name = 2
author_url = 2
url = 2
+modified = 384
-id = N
+file_id = K
-id = 129
-url = 2
+url = 130
file_id = 1
redirections = 1
httpcode = 1
+modified = 384
-id = N
+url = K
-id = 129
-file_id = 1
+file_id = 129
url = 2
width = 1
height = 1
+modified = 384
-id = N
+file_id = K
+url = U
-id = 129
-file_id = 1
-post_id = 1
+file_id = 129
+post_id = 129
+modified = 384
-id = N
+file_id = K
+post_id = K
user_id = 129
create table file (
id integer primary key auto_increment,
url varchar(255) comment 'destination URL after following redirections',
mimetype varchar(50) comment 'mime type of resource',
title varchar(255) comment 'title of resource when available',
date integer(11) comment 'date of resource according to http query',
protected integer(1) comment 'true when URL is private (needs login)',
+ filename varchar(255) comment 'if a local file, name of the file',
+ modified timestamp comment 'date this record was modified',
-) ENGINE=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
+) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
create table file_oembed (
- id integer primary key auto_increment,
- file_id integer comment 'oEmbed for that URL/file' references file (id),
+ file_id integer primary key comment 'oEmbed for that URL/file' references file (id),
version varchar(20) comment 'oEmbed spec. version',
type varchar(20) comment 'oEmbed type: photo, video, link, rich',
provider varchar(50) comment 'name of this oEmbed provider',
author_name varchar(50) comment 'author name for this oEmbed resource',
author_url varchar(255) comment 'author URL for this oEmbed resource',
url varchar(255) comment 'URL for this oEmbed resource when applicable (photo, link)',
+ modified timestamp comment 'date this record was modified'
- unique(file_id)
-) ENGINE=MyISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
+) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
create table file_redirection (
- id integer primary key auto_increment,
- url varchar(255) comment 'short URL (or any other kind of redirect) for file (id)',
+ url varchar(255) primary key comment 'short URL (or any other kind of redirect) for file (id)',
file_id integer comment 'short URL for what URL/file' references file (id),
redirections integer comment 'redirect count',
httpcode integer comment 'HTTP status code (20x, 30x, etc.)',
+ modified timestamp comment 'date this record was modified'
- unique(url)
create table file_thumbnail (
- id integer primary key auto_increment,
- file_id integer comment 'thumbnail for what URL/file' references file (id),
+ file_id integer primary key comment 'thumbnail for what URL/file' references file (id),
url varchar(255) comment 'URL of thumbnail',
width integer comment 'width of thumbnail',
height integer comment 'height of thumbnail',
+ modified timestamp comment 'date this record was modified',
- unique(file_id),
create table file_to_post (
- id integer primary key auto_increment,
file_id integer comment 'id of URL/file' references file (id),
post_id integer comment 'id of the notice it belongs to' references notice (id),
+ modified timestamp comment 'date this record was modified',
+ constraint primary key (file_id, post_id)
- unique(file_id, post_id)
create table design (