FGPositioned::Filter* aFilter,
FindNearestResults& aResults, FindNearestPQueue&)
- std::vector<Ordered<FGPositioned*> > results;
+ int previousResultsSize = aResults.size();
+ int addedCount = 0;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<_members.size(); ++i) {
FGPositioned* p = _members[i];
double d2 = distSqr(aPos, p->cart());
} // of have a filter
+ ++addedCount;
aResults.push_back(OrderedPositioned(p, d2));
+ if (addedCount == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // keep aResults sorted
+ // sort the new items, usually just one or two items
+ std::sort(aResults.begin() + previousResultsSize, aResults.end());
+ // merge the two sorted ranges together - in linear time
+ std::inplace_merge(aResults.begin(),
+ aResults.begin() + previousResultsSize, aResults.end());
FGPositioned::List _members;
pq.push(Ordered<Node*>(global_spatialOctree, 0));
double cut = aCutoffM * aCutoffM;
- while (aResults.size() < aN) {
- if (pq.empty()) {
+ while (!pq.empty()) {
+ if (!results.empty()) {
+ // terminate the search if we have sufficent results, and we are
+ // sure no node still on the queue contains a closer match
+ double furthestResultOrder = results.back().order();
+ if ((results.size() >= aN) && (furthestResultOrder < pq.top().order())) {
+ }
Node* nd = pq.top().get();
nd->visit(aPos, cut, aFilter, results, pq);
} // of queue iteration
- // sort by distance
- std::sort(results.begin(), results.end());
// depending on leaf population, we may have (slighty) more results
// than requested
unsigned int numResults = std::min((unsigned int) results.size(), aN);
// copy results out
for (unsigned int r=0; r<numResults; ++r) {
nd->visit(aPos, rng, aFilter, results, pq);
} // of queue iteration
- // sort by distance
- std::sort(results.begin(), results.end());
unsigned int numResults = results.size();
// copy results out
for (unsigned int r=0; r<numResults; ++r) {