I kept getting this on "Quitter EspaƱa" (which seems to be the name
causing the commotion, as it's part of this sprintf algorithm):
PHP Warning: sprintf(): Argument number must be greater than zero
in /srv/www/vhosts/quitter.es/%/htdocs/lib/action.php on line 1175
I'll just make it quiet for now so it doesn't spam other sites with
UTF-8 characters in their name (if that's what's causing this).
$link = sprintf('<a class="license" rel="external license" href="%1$s">%2$s</a>',
htmlspecialchars(common_config('license', 'url')),
htmlspecialchars(common_config('license', 'title')));
- $this->raw(sprintf(htmlspecialchars($notice),
+ $this->raw(@sprintf(htmlspecialchars($notice),
htmlspecialchars(common_config('site', 'name')),