#include <string.h>
#include <plib/ssg.h>
+#include <plib/fnt.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
-#include <simgear/xgl/xgl.h>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/fgpath.hxx>
#include <Main/options.hxx>
#include <Objects/texload.h>
#include <Autopilot/autopilot.hxx>
+#include <Time/fg_time.hxx>
#include "cockpit.hxx"
#include "panel.hxx"
+#include "hud.hxx"
+extern fgAPDataPtr APDataGlobal;
#define SIX_X 200
#define SIX_Y 345
#define SMALL_W 112
+// Static functions for obtaining settings.
+// These should be replaced with functions from a global facade,
+// or BFI (Big Friendly Interface).
+ * Return the indicated airspeed in knots.
+ */
+static double
+panelGetSpeed ()
+ return get_speed();
+ * Return the roll in degrees.
+ */
+static double
+panelGetRoll ()
+ return get_roll() * RAD_TO_DEG;
+ * Return the pitch in degrees.
+ */
+static double
+panelGetPitch ()
+ return get_pitch() * RAD_TO_DEG;
+ * Return the altitude in feet.
+ */
+static double
+panelGetAltitude ()
+ return get_altitude();
+ * Return the sideslip (units unknown).
+ */
+static double
+panelGetSideSlip ()
+ return get_sideslip();
+ * Return the heading in degrees.
+ */
+static double
+panelGetHeading ()
+ return get_heading();
+ * Return the current autopilot heading in degrees.
+ */
+static double
+panelGetAPHeading ()
+ return fgAPget_TargetHeading();
+ * Return the climb rate in feet/minute.
+ */
+static double
+panelGetVerticalVelocity ()
+ return get_climb_rate();
+ * Return the throttle setting (0.0 - 1.0).
+ */
+static double
+panelGetThrottle ()
+ return get_throttleval();
+ * Return the flaps setting (0.0 - 1.0).
+ */
+static double
+panelGetFlaps ()
+ return controls.get_flaps();
+static double
+panelGetAileron ()
+ return controls.get_aileron();
+static double
+panelGetRudder ()
+ return controls.get_rudder();
+static double
+panelGetElevator ()
+ return controls.get_elevator();
+static double
+panelGetElevatorTrim ()
+ return controls.get_elevator_trim();
+static char * panelGetTime (char * buf)
+ struct tm * t = FGTime::cur_time_params->getGmt();
+ sprintf(buf, " %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",
+ t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);
+ return buf;
+// Static factory functions to create textured gauges.
+// These will be replaced first with a giant table, and then with
+// configuration files read from an external source, but for now
+// they're hard-coded.
+ * Construct an airspeed indicator for a single-engine prop.
+ */
+static FGPanelInstrument *
+makeAirspeedIndicator (int x, int y)
+ FGLayeredInstrument * inst = new FGLayeredInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W);
+ // Layer 0: gauge background.
+ inst->addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/airspeed.rgb");
+ // Layer 1: needle.
+ // Rotates with airspeed.
+ inst->addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/long-needle.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetSpeed,
+ 30.0, 220.0, 36.0 / 20.0, -54.0);
+ return inst;
+ * Construct an artificial horizon.
+ */
+static FGPanelInstrument *
+makeHorizon (int x, int y)
+ FGLayeredInstrument * inst = new FGLayeredInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W);
+ // Layer 0: coloured background
+ // moves with roll only
+ inst->addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/horizon-bg.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(0, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetRoll,
+ -360.0, 360.0, -1.0, 0.0);
+ // Layer 1: floating horizon
+ // moves with roll and pitch
+ inst->addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/horizon-float.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetRoll,
+ -360.0, 360.0, -1.0, 0.0);
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::YSHIFT,
+ panelGetPitch,
+ -20.0, 20.0, -(1.5 / 160.0) * SIX_W, 0.0);
+ // Layer 2: rim
+ // moves with roll only
+ inst->addLayer(2, "Textures/Panel/horizon-rim.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(2, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetRoll,
+ -360.0, 360.0, -1.0, 0.0);
+ // Layer 3: glass front of gauge
+ // fixed, with markings
+ inst->addLayer(3, "Textures/Panel/horizon-fg.rgb");
+ return inst;
+ * Construct an altimeter.
+ */
+static FGPanelInstrument *
+makeAltimeter (int x, int y)
+ FGLayeredInstrument * inst = new FGLayeredInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W);
+ // Layer 0: gauge background
+ inst->addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/altimeter.rgb");
+ // Layer 1: hundreds needle (long)
+ // moves with altitude
+ inst->addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/long-needle.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetAltitude,
+ 0.0, 100000.0, 360.0 / 1000.0, 0.0);
+ // Layer 2: thousands needle (short)
+ // moves with altitude
+ inst->addLayer(2, "Textures/Panel/short-needle.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(2, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetAltitude,
+ 0.0, 100000.0, 360.0 / 10000.0, 0.0);
+ // Layer 3: ten thousands bug (outside)
+ // moves with altitude
+ inst->addLayer(3, "Textures/Panel/bug.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(3, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetAltitude,
+ 0.0, 100000.0, 360.0 / 100000.0, 0.0);
+ return inst;
+ * Construct a turn coordinator.
+ */
+static FGPanelInstrument *
+makeTurnCoordinator (int x, int y)
+ FGLayeredInstrument * inst = new FGLayeredInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W);
+ // Layer 0: background
+ inst->addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/turn-bg.rgb");
+ // Layer 1: little plane
+ // moves with roll
+ inst->addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/turn.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetRoll,
+ -30.0, 30.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ // Layer 2: little ball
+ // moves with slip/skid
+ inst->addLayer(2, "Textures/Panel/ball.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(2, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetSideSlip,
+ -0.1, 0.1, 450.0, 0.0);
+ return inst;
+ * Construct a gyro compass.
+ */
+static FGPanelInstrument *
+makeGyroCompass (int x, int y)
+ FGLayeredInstrument * inst = new FGLayeredInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W);
+ // Layer 0: compass background
+ // rotates with heading
+ inst->addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/gyro-bg.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(0, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetHeading,
+ -360.0, 360.0, -1.0, 0.0);
+ // Layer 1: heading bug
+ // rotates with heading and AP heading
+ inst->addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/bug.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetHeading,
+ -360.0, 360.0, -1.0, 0.0);
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetAPHeading,
+ -360.0, 360.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ // Layer 2: fixed center
+ inst->addLayer(2, "Textures/Panel/gyro-fg.rgb");
+ return inst;
+ * Construct a vertical velocity indicator.
+ */
+static FGPanelInstrument *
+makeVerticalVelocity (int x, int y)
+ FGLayeredInstrument * inst = new FGLayeredInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W);
+ // Layer 0: gauge background
+ inst->addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/vertical.rgb");
+ // Layer 1: needle
+ // moves with vertical velocity
+ inst->addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/long-needle.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetVerticalVelocity,
+ -2000.0, 2000.0, 42.0/500.0, 270.0);
+ return inst;
+ * Construct an RPM gauge.
+ */
+static FGPanelInstrument *
+makeRPMGauge (int x, int y)
+ FGLayeredInstrument * inst = new FGLayeredInstrument(x, y, SMALL_W, SMALL_W);
+ // Layer 0: gauge background
+ inst->addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/rpm.rgb");
+ // Layer 1: long needle
+ // FIXME: moves with throttle (for now)
+ inst->addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/long-needle.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetThrottle,
+ 0.0, 100.0, 300.0, -150.0);
+ return inst;
+ * Construct a flap position indicator.
+ */
+static FGPanelInstrument *
+makeFlapIndicator (int x, int y)
+ FGLayeredInstrument * inst = new FGLayeredInstrument(x, y, SMALL_W, SMALL_W);
+ // Layer 0: gauge background
+ inst->addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/flaps.rgb");
+ // Layer 1: long needle
+ // shifted over, rotates with flap position
+ inst->addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/long-needle.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::XSHIFT,
+ -(SMALL_W / 4) + (SMALL_W / 16));
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION,
+ panelGetFlaps,
+ 0.0, 1.0, 120.0, 30.0);
+ return inst;
+static FGPanelInstrument *
+makeChronometer (int x, int y)
+ FGLayeredInstrument * inst = new FGLayeredInstrument(x, y, SMALL_W, SMALL_W);
+ // Layer 0: gauge background
+ inst->addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/clock.rgb");
+ // Layer 1: text
+ // displays current GMT
+ FGCharInstrumentLayer * text =
+ new FGCharInstrumentLayer(panelGetTime,
+ text->setPointSize(14);
+ text->setColor(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
+ inst->addLayer(text);
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::XSHIFT, SMALL_W * -0.38);
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::YSHIFT, SMALL_W * -0.06);
+ return inst;
+ * Construct control-position indicators.
+ */
+static FGPanelInstrument *
+makeControls (int x, int y)
+ FGLayeredInstrument * inst = new FGLayeredInstrument(x, y, SMALL_W, SMALL_W);
+ // Layer 0: gauge background
+ inst->addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/controls.rgb");
+ // Layer 1: bug
+ // moves left-right with aileron
+ inst->addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/bug.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(1, FGInstrumentLayer::XSHIFT, panelGetAileron,
+ -1.0, 1.0, SMALL_W * .75 / 2.0, 0.0);
+ // Layer 2: bug
+ // moves left-right with rudder
+ inst->addLayer(2, "Textures/Panel/bug.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(2, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION, 180.0);
+ inst->addTransformation(2, FGInstrumentLayer::XSHIFT, panelGetRudder,
+ -1.0, 1.0, -SMALL_W * .75 / 2.0, 0.0);
+ // Layer 3: bug
+ // moves up-down with elevator trim
+ inst->addLayer(3, "Textures/Panel/bug.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(3, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION, 270.0);
+ inst->addTransformation(3, FGInstrumentLayer::YSHIFT,
+ -SMALL_W * (3.0 / 8.0));
+ inst->addTransformation(3, FGInstrumentLayer::XSHIFT, panelGetElevatorTrim,
+ -1.0, 1.0, SMALL_W * .75 / 2.0, 0.0);
+ // Layer 4: bug
+ // moves up-down with elevator
+ inst->addLayer(4, "Textures/Panel/bug.rgb");
+ inst->addTransformation(4, FGInstrumentLayer::ROTATION, 90.0);
+ inst->addTransformation(4, FGInstrumentLayer::YSHIFT,
+ -SMALL_W * (3.0 / 8.0));
+ inst->addTransformation(4, FGInstrumentLayer::XSHIFT, panelGetElevator,
+ -1.0, 1.0, -SMALL_W * .75 / 2.0, 0.0);
+ return inst;
+ * Construct a NAV1 gauge (dummy for now).
+ */
+static FGPanelInstrument *
+makeNAV1 (int x, int y)
+ FGLayeredInstrument * inst = new FGLayeredInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W);
+ // Layer 0: background
+ inst->addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/gyro-bg.rgb");
+ return inst;
+ * Construct a NAV2 gauge (dummy for now).
+ */
+static FGPanelInstrument *
+makeNAV2 (int x, int y)
+ FGLayeredInstrument * inst = new FGLayeredInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W);
+ // Layer 0: background
+ inst->addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/gyro-bg.rgb");
+ return inst;
+ * Construct an ADF gauge (dummy for now).
+ */
+static FGPanelInstrument *
+makeADF (int x, int y)
+ FGLayeredInstrument * inst = new FGLayeredInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W);
+ // Layer 0: background
+ inst->addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/gyro-bg.rgb");
+ return inst;
// Implementation of FGPanel.
_bg = new ssgTexture((char *)tpath.c_str(), false, false);
- _airspeed = new FGAirspeedIndicator(x, y);
+ // Chronometer alone at side
+ x = SIX_X - SIX_SPACING - 8;
+ _instruments.push_back(makeChronometer(x, y));
+ // Top row
+ x = SIX_X;
+ _instruments.push_back(makeAirspeedIndicator(x, y));
- _horizon = new FGHorizon(x, y);
+ _instruments.push_back(makeHorizon(x, y));
- _altimeter = new FGAltimeter(x, y);
+ _instruments.push_back(makeAltimeter(x, y));
+ x += SIX_SPACING + 20;
+ _instruments.push_back(makeNAV1(x, y));
+ // Middle row
x = SIX_X;
- _coordinator = new FGTurnCoordinator(x, y);
+ _instruments.push_back(makeTurnCoordinator(x, y));
- _gyro = new FGGyroCompass(x, y);
+ _instruments.push_back(makeGyroCompass(x, y));
- _vertical = new FGVerticalVelocity(x, y);
- _rpm = new FGRPMGauge(x, y);
+ _instruments.push_back(makeVerticalVelocity(x, y));
+ x += SIX_SPACING + 20;
+ _instruments.push_back(makeNAV2(x, y));
- _flaps = new FGFlapIndicator(x, y);
+ // Bottom row
+ x = SIX_X;
+ y -= SIX_SPACING + 10;
+ _instruments.push_back(makeControls(x, y));
+ _instruments.push_back(makeFlapIndicator(x, y));
+ _instruments.push_back(makeRPMGauge(x, y));
+ x += SIX_SPACING + 20;
+ y += 10;
+ _instruments.push_back(makeADF(x, y));
FGPanel::~FGPanel ()
OurPanel = 0;
- delete _airspeed;
- delete _horizon;
- delete _altimeter;
- delete _coordinator;
- delete _gyro;
- delete _vertical;
- delete _rpm;
- delete _flaps;
+ instrument_list_type::iterator current = _instruments.begin();
+ instrument_list_type::iterator last = _instruments.end();
+ for ( ; current != last; ++current) {
+ delete *current;
+ *current = 0;
+ }
FGPanel::Update () const
- // glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS);
// Draw the background
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- if ( _bg->getHandle() >= 0 ) {
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _bg->getHandle());
- } else {
- cout << "invalid texture handle in FGPanel::Update()" << endl;
- }
+ glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _bg->getHandle());
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(_x, _y, 0);
glTexCoord2f(10.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(_x + _w, _y, 0);
// Draw the instruments.
- glLoadIdentity();
- glTranslated(_airspeed->getXPos(), _airspeed->getYPos(), 0);
- _airspeed->draw();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glTranslated(_horizon->getXPos(), _horizon->getYPos(), 0);
- _horizon->draw();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glTranslated(_altimeter->getXPos(), _altimeter->getYPos(), 0);
- _altimeter->draw();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glTranslated(_coordinator->getXPos(), _coordinator->getYPos(), 0);
- _coordinator->draw();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glTranslated(_gyro->getXPos(), _gyro->getYPos(), 0);
- _gyro->draw();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glTranslated(_vertical->getXPos(), _vertical->getYPos(), 0);
- _vertical->draw();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glTranslated(_rpm->getXPos(), _rpm->getYPos(), 0);
- _rpm->draw();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glTranslated(_flaps->getXPos(), _flaps->getYPos(), 0);
- _flaps->draw();
+ instrument_list_type::const_iterator current = _instruments.begin();
+ instrument_list_type::const_iterator end = _instruments.end();
+ for ( ; current != end; current++) {
+ FGPanelInstrument * instr = *current;
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glTranslated(instr->getXPos(), instr->getYPos(), 0);
+ instr->draw();
+ }
- // glPopAttrib();
-// ssgForceBasicState();
+ ssgForceBasicState();
-// Implementation of FGTexturedInstrument.
+// Implementation of FGLayeredInstrument.
-FGTexturedInstrument::FGTexturedInstrument (int x, int y, int w, int h)
+FGLayeredInstrument::FGLayeredInstrument (int x, int y, int w, int h)
: FGPanelInstrument(x, y, w, h)
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LAYERS; i++) {
- _layers[i] = false;
- }
-FGTexturedInstrument::~FGTexturedInstrument ()
- // FIXME: maybe free textures
-FGTexturedInstrument::addLayer (int layer, const char * textureName)
- FGPath tpath(current_options.get_fg_root());
- tpath.append(textureName);
- ssgTexture * texture = new ssgTexture((char *)tpath.c_str(), false, false);
- cerr << "Loaded texture " << textureName << endl;
- addLayer(layer, texture);
-FGTexturedInstrument::addLayer (int layer, ssgTexture * texture)
+FGLayeredInstrument::~FGLayeredInstrument ()
- _layers[layer] = true;
- _textures[layer] = texture;
- _rotation[layer] = 0.0;
- _xoffset[layer] = _yoffset[layer] = 0;
- _xcenter[layer] = _ycenter[layer] = 0;
+ // FIXME: free layers
-FGTexturedInstrument::setLayerCenter (int layer, int x, int y)
+FGLayeredInstrument::draw () const
- _xcenter[layer] = x;
- _ycenter[layer] = y;
+ layer_list::const_iterator it = _layers.begin();
+ layer_list::const_iterator last = _layers.end();
+ while (it != last) {
+ (*it)->draw();
+ it++;
+ }
-FGTexturedInstrument::setLayerRot (int layer, double rotation) const
+FGLayeredInstrument::addLayer (FGInstrumentLayer *layer)
- _rotation[layer] = rotation;
+ _layers.push_back(layer);
-FGTexturedInstrument::setLayerOffset (int layer, int xoff, int yoff) const
+FGLayeredInstrument::addLayer (int layer, const char *textureName)
- _xoffset[layer] = xoff;
- _yoffset[layer] = yoff;
-FGTexturedInstrument::hasLayer (int layer) const
- return _layers[layer];
+ addLayer(new FGTexturedInstrumentLayer(textureName, _w, _h, layer));
-FGTexturedInstrument::draw () const
+FGLayeredInstrument::addTransformation (int layer,
+ FGInstrumentLayer::transform_type type,
+ FGInstrumentLayer::transform_func func,
+ double min, double max,
+ double factor, double offset)
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- int i;
- int w2 = _w / 2;
- int h2 = _h / 2;
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_LAYERS; i++) {
- if (hasLayer(i)) {
- glPushMatrix();
- glTranslated(_xcenter[i], _ycenter[i], 0);
- glRotatef(0.0 - _rotation[i], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- glTranslated(_xoffset[i], _yoffset[i], 0);
- if ( _textures[i]->getHandle() >= 0 ) {
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _textures[i]->getHandle());
- } else {
- cout << "invalid texture handle in FGTexturedInstrument::draw()"
- << endl;
- }
- glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
- // FIXME: is this really correct
- // for layering?
- glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(-w2, -h2, i / 100.0 + 0.1);
- glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(w2, -h2, i / 100.0 + 0.1);
- glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0); glVertex3f(w2, h2, i / 100.0 + 0.1);
- glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0); glVertex3f(-w2, h2, i / 100.0 + 0.1);
- glEnd();
- glPopMatrix();
- }
- }
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ _layers[layer]->addTransformation(type, func, min, max, factor, offset);
-// Implementation of FGAirspeedIndicator.
+// Implementation of FGInstrumentLayer.
-FGAirspeedIndicator::FGAirspeedIndicator (int x, int y)
- : FGTexturedInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W)
+FGInstrumentLayer::FGInstrumentLayer (int w, int h, int z)
+ : _w(w),
+ _h(h),
+ _z(z)
- addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/airspeed.rgb");
- addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/long-needle.rgb");
-FGAirspeedIndicator::~FGAirspeedIndicator ()
+FGInstrumentLayer::~FGInstrumentLayer ()
+ transformation_list::iterator it;
+ transformation_list::iterator end;
+ while (it != end) {
+ delete *it;
+ it++;
+ }
-FGAirspeedIndicator::draw () const
- double speed = get_speed();
- if (speed < 30.0) {
- speed = 30.0;
- } else if (speed > 220.0) {
- speed = 220.0;
+FGInstrumentLayer::transform () const
+ glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, (_z / 100.0) + 0.1);
+ transformation_list::const_iterator it = _transformations.begin();
+ transformation_list::const_iterator last = _transformations.end();
+ while (it != last) {
+ transformation *t = *it;
+ double value = (t->func == 0 ? 0.0 : (*(t->func))());
+ if (value < t->min) {
+ value = t->min;
+ } else if (value > t->max) {
+ value = t->max;
+ }
+ value = value * t->factor + t->offset;
+ switch (t->type) {
+ case XSHIFT:
+ glTranslatef(value, 0.0, 0.0);
+ break;
+ case YSHIFT:
+ glTranslatef(0.0, value, 0.0);
+ break;
+ case ROTATION:
+ glRotatef(-value, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ break;
+ }
+ it++;
- double angle = speed / 20.0 * 36.0 - 54.0;
- setLayerRot(1, angle);
- FGTexturedInstrument::draw();
-// Implementation of FGHorizon.
-FGHorizon::FGHorizon (int x, int y)
- : FGTexturedInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W)
- addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/horizon-bg.rgb");
- addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/horizon-float.rgb");
- addLayer(2, "Textures/Panel/horizon-rim.rgb");
- addLayer(3, "Textures/Panel/horizon-fg.rgb");
-FGHorizon::~FGHorizon ()
-FGHorizon::draw () const
+FGInstrumentLayer::addTransformation (transform_type type,
+ transform_func func,
+ double min, double max,
+ double factor, double offset)
- double rot = get_roll() * RAD_TO_DEG;
- double pitch = get_pitch() * RAD_TO_DEG;
- if (pitch > 20)
- pitch = 20;
- else if (pitch < -20)
- pitch = -20;
- int yoffset = 0 - (pitch * ((1.5 / 160.0) * _h));
- setLayerRot(0, 0 - rot);
- setLayerRot(1, 0 - rot);
- setLayerOffset(1, 0, yoffset);
- setLayerRot(2, 0 - rot);
- FGTexturedInstrument::draw();
+ transformation *t = new transformation;
+ t->type = type;
+ t->func = func;
+ t->min = min;
+ t->max = max;
+ t->factor = factor;
+ t->offset = offset;
+ _transformations.push_back(t);
-// Implementation of FGAltimeter.
+// Implementation of FGTexturedInstrumentLayer.
-// TODO: add 10,000 bug
-FGAltimeter::FGAltimeter (int x, int y)
- : FGTexturedInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W)
- addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/altimeter.rgb");
- addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/long-needle.rgb");
- addLayer(2, "Textures/Panel/short-needle.rgb");
- addLayer(3, "Textures/Panel/bug.rgb");
-FGAltimeter::~FGAltimeter ()
-FGAltimeter::draw () const
+FGTexturedInstrumentLayer::FGTexturedInstrumentLayer (const char *tname,
+ int w, int h, int z)
+ : FGInstrumentLayer(w, h, z)
- long altitude = get_altitude();
- setLayerRot(1, (altitude % 1000) / 1000.0 * 360.0);
- setLayerRot(2, (altitude % 10000) / 10000.0 * 360.0);
- setLayerRot(3, (altitude % 100000) / 100000.0 * 360.0);
- FGTexturedInstrument::draw();
+ setTexture(tname);
-// Implementation of FGTurnCoordinator.
-// TODO: add slip/skid ball
-FGTurnCoordinator::FGTurnCoordinator (int x, int y)
- : FGTexturedInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W)
+FGTexturedInstrumentLayer::FGTexturedInstrumentLayer (ssgTexture * texture,
+ int w, int h, int z)
+ : FGInstrumentLayer(w, h, z)
- addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/turn-bg.rgb");
- addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/turn.rgb");
- addLayer(2, "Textures/Panel/ball.rgb");
+ setTexture(texture);
-FGTurnCoordinator::~FGTurnCoordinator ()
+FGTexturedInstrumentLayer::~FGTexturedInstrumentLayer ()
-FGTurnCoordinator::draw () const
- // Set little plane
- // FIXME: this should be turn, maybe
- double rot = get_roll() * RAD_TO_DEG;
- if (rot > 30.0)
- rot = 30.0;
- else if (rot < -30.0)
- rot = -30.0;
- setLayerRot(1, rot);
- // Set ball
- // FIXME: totally bogus values
- double slip = get_sideslip() * 450;
- if (slip > 45) {
- slip = 45;
- } else if (slip < -45) {
- slip = -45;
- }
- setLayerRot(2, 0 - slip);
- FGTexturedInstrument::draw();
-// Implementation of FGGyroCompass.
-// TODO: add heading bug
-FGGyroCompass::FGGyroCompass (int x, int y)
- : FGTexturedInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W)
+FGTexturedInstrumentLayer::draw () const
- addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/gyro-bg.rgb");
- addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/bug.rgb");
- addLayer(2, "Textures/Panel/gyro-fg.rgb");
+ int w2 = _w / 2;
+ int h2 = _h / 2;
-FGGyroCompass::~FGGyroCompass ()
+ glPushMatrix();
+ transform();
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _texture->getHandle());
+ glBegin(GL_POLYGON);
+ // FIXME: is this really correct
+ // for layering?
+ glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); glVertex2f(-w2, -h2);
+ glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0); glVertex2f(w2, -h2);
+ glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0); glVertex2f(w2, h2);
+ glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0); glVertex2f(-w2, h2);
+ glEnd();
+ glPopMatrix();
-FGGyroCompass::draw () const
+FGTexturedInstrumentLayer::setTexture (const char *textureName)
- setLayerRot(0, 0.0 - get_heading());
- setLayerRot(1, 0.0 - get_heading() + fgAPget_TargetHeading());
- FGTexturedInstrument::draw();
+ FGPath tpath(current_options.get_fg_root());
+ tpath.append(textureName);
+ ssgTexture * texture = new ssgTexture((char *)tpath.c_str(), false, false);
+ cerr << "Loaded texture " << textureName << endl;
+ setTexture(texture);
-// Implementation of FGVerticalVelocity.
+// Implementation of FGCharInstrumentLayer.
-FGVerticalVelocity::FGVerticalVelocity (int x, int y)
- : FGTexturedInstrument(x, y, SIX_W, SIX_W)
+FGCharInstrumentLayer::FGCharInstrumentLayer (text_func func,
+ int w, int h, int z)
+ : FGInstrumentLayer(w, h, z),
+ _func(func)
- addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/vertical.rgb");
- addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/long-needle.rgb");
+ _renderer.setFont(guiFntHandle);
+ _renderer.setPointSize(14);
+ _color[0] = _color[1] = _color[2] = 0.0;
-FGVerticalVelocity::~FGVerticalVelocity ()
+FGCharInstrumentLayer::~FGCharInstrumentLayer ()
-FGVerticalVelocity::draw () const
- double climb = get_climb_rate() / 500.0;
- if (climb < -4.0) {
- climb = -4.0;
- } else if (climb > 4.0) {
- climb = 4.0;
- }
- double rot = (climb * 42.0) + 270.0;
- // FIXME: why inverted?
- setLayerRot(1, rot);
- FGTexturedInstrument::draw();
-// Implementation of FGRPMGauge.
-FGRPMGauge::FGRPMGauge (int x, int y)
- : FGTexturedInstrument(x, y, SMALL_W, SMALL_W)
- addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/rpm.rgb");
- addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/long-needle.rgb");
-FGRPMGauge::~FGRPMGauge ()
+FGCharInstrumentLayer::draw () const
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glColor3fv(_color);
+ transform();
+ _renderer.begin();
+ _renderer.start3f(0, 0, 0);
+ _renderer.puts((*_func)(_buf));
+ _renderer.end();
+ glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // FIXME
+ glPopMatrix();
-FGRPMGauge::draw () const
+FGCharInstrumentLayer::setColor (float r, float g, float b)
- double rot = get_throttleval() * 300 - 150;
- setLayerRot(1, rot);
- FGTexturedInstrument::draw();
+ _color[0] = r;
+ _color[1] = g;
+ _color[2] = b;
-// Implementation of FGFlapIndicator.
-FGFlapIndicator::FGFlapIndicator (int x, int y)
- : FGTexturedInstrument(x, y, SMALL_W, SMALL_W)
- addLayer(0, "Textures/Panel/flaps.rgb");
- addLayer(1, "Textures/Panel/long-needle.rgb");
- setLayerCenter(1, 0 - (SMALL_W / 4) + (SMALL_W / 16), 0);
-FGFlapIndicator::~FGFlapIndicator ()
+FGCharInstrumentLayer::setPointSize (const float size)
+ _renderer.setPointSize(size);
-FGFlapIndicator::draw () const
+FGCharInstrumentLayer::setFont(fntFont * font)
- double rot = controls.get_flaps() * 120 + 30;
- setLayerRot(1, rot);
- FGTexturedInstrument::draw();
+ _renderer.setFont(font);
-// panel.cxx - default, 2D single-engine prop instrument panel
+// panel.hxx - default, 2D single-engine prop instrument panel
// Written by David Megginson, started January 2000.
#include <GL/glut.h>
-#include <simgear/xgl/xgl.h>
#include <plib/ssg.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <plib/fnt.h>
class FGPanelInstrument;
class FGPanel
+ typedef vector<FGPanelInstrument *> instrument_list_type;
FGPanel ();
virtual ~FGPanel ();
ssgTexture * _bg;
- const FGPanelInstrument * _airspeed;
- const FGPanelInstrument * _horizon;
- const FGPanelInstrument * _altimeter;
- const FGPanelInstrument * _coordinator;
- const FGPanelInstrument * _gyro;
- const FGPanelInstrument * _vertical;
- const FGPanelInstrument * _flaps;
- const FGPanelInstrument * _rpm;
+ instrument_list_type _instruments;
-// An instrument composed of layered textures.
+// A single layer of an instrument.
-class FGTexturedInstrument : public FGPanelInstrument
+ * A single layer of a multi-layered instrument.
+ *
+ * Each layer can be subject to a series of transformations based
+ * on current FGFS instrument readings: for example, a texture
+ * representing a needle can rotate to show the airspeed.
+ */
+class FGInstrumentLayer
- static const int MAX_LAYERS = 8;
- FGTexturedInstrument (int x, int y, int w, int h);
- virtual ~FGTexturedInstrument ();
+ typedef enum {
+ } transform_type;
- virtual void addLayer (int layer, const char * textureName);
- virtual void addLayer (int layer, ssgTexture * texture);
- virtual void setLayerCenter (int layer, int x, int y);
- virtual void setLayerRot (int layer, double rotation) const;
- virtual void setLayerOffset (int layer, int xoffset, int yoffset) const;
- virtual bool hasLayer (int layer) const;
- virtual void draw () const;
- bool _layers[MAX_LAYERS];
- mutable int _xcenter[MAX_LAYERS];
- mutable int _ycenter[MAX_LAYERS];
- mutable double _rotation[MAX_LAYERS];
- mutable int _xoffset[MAX_LAYERS];
- mutable int _yoffset[MAX_LAYERS];
- ssgTexture * _textures[MAX_LAYERS];
+ typedef double (*transform_func)();
-// Airspeed indicator.
-class FGAirspeedIndicator : public FGTexturedInstrument
- FGAirspeedIndicator (int x, int y);
- virtual ~FGAirspeedIndicator ();
- virtual void draw () const;
+ FGInstrumentLayer ();
+ FGInstrumentLayer (int w, int h, int z);
+ virtual ~FGInstrumentLayer ();
+ virtual void draw () const = 0;
+ virtual void transform () const;
-// Artificial Horizon.
+ virtual void addTransformation (transform_type type, transform_func func,
+ double min, double max,
+ double factor = 1.0, double offset = 0.0);
-class FGHorizon : public FGTexturedInstrument
- FGHorizon (int x, int y);
- virtual ~FGHorizon ();
- virtual void draw () const;
+ int _w, _h, _z;
+ typedef struct {
+ transform_type type;
+ transform_func func;
+ double min;
+ double max;
+ double factor;
+ double offset;
+ } transformation;
+ typedef vector<transformation *> transformation_list;
+ transformation_list _transformations;
-// Altimeter.
+// An instrument composed of layered textures.
-class FGAltimeter : public FGTexturedInstrument
- FGAltimeter (int x, int y);
- virtual ~FGAltimeter ();
- virtual void draw () const;
-// Turn Co-ordinator.
-class FGTurnCoordinator : public FGTexturedInstrument
+ * An instrument constructed of multiple layers.
+ *
+ * Each individual layer can be rotated or shifted to correspond
+ * to internal FGFS instrument readings.
+ */
+class FGLayeredInstrument : public FGPanelInstrument
- FGTurnCoordinator (int x, int y);
- virtual ~FGTurnCoordinator ();
- virtual void draw () const;
+ typedef vector<FGInstrumentLayer *> layer_list;
+ FGLayeredInstrument (int x, int y, int w, int h);
+ virtual ~FGLayeredInstrument ();
+ virtual void draw () const;
-// Gyro Compass.
+ virtual void addLayer (FGInstrumentLayer *layer);
+ virtual void addLayer (int i, const char *textureName);
+ virtual void addTransformation (int layer,
+ FGInstrumentLayer::transform_type type,
+ FGInstrumentLayer::transform_func func,
+ double min, double max,
+ double factor = 1.0, double offset = 0.0);
+ virtual void addTransformation (int layer,
+ FGInstrumentLayer::transform_type type,
+ double offset) {
+ addTransformation(layer, type, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, offset);
+ }
-class FGGyroCompass : public FGTexturedInstrument
- FGGyroCompass (int x, int y);
- virtual ~FGGyroCompass ();
- virtual void draw () const;
+ layer_list _layers;
-// Vertical velocity indicator.
+// A textured layer of an instrument.
-class FGVerticalVelocity : public FGTexturedInstrument
+ * A textured layer of an instrument.
+ *
+ * This is a type of layer designed to hold a texture; normally,
+ * the texture's background should be transparent so that
+ * other layers or the panel background show through.
+ */
+class FGTexturedInstrumentLayer : public FGInstrumentLayer
- FGVerticalVelocity (int x, int y);
- virtual ~FGVerticalVelocity ();
- virtual void draw () const;
+ FGTexturedInstrumentLayer (const char * textureName,
+ int w, int h, int z);
+ FGTexturedInstrumentLayer (ssgTexture * texture,
+ int w, int h, int z);
+ virtual ~FGTexturedInstrumentLayer ();
+ virtual void draw () const;
-// RPM gauge.
+ virtual void setTexture (const char *textureName);
+ virtual void setTexture (ssgTexture * texture) { _texture = texture; }
-class FGRPMGauge : public FGTexturedInstrument
- FGRPMGauge (int x, int y);
- virtual ~FGRPMGauge ();
- virtual void draw () const;
+ ssgTexture * _texture;
-// Flap position indicator.
+// A text layer of an instrument.
-class FGFlapIndicator : public FGTexturedInstrument
+class FGCharInstrumentLayer : public FGInstrumentLayer
- FGFlapIndicator (int x, int y);
- virtual ~FGFlapIndicator ();
+ typedef char * (*text_func)(char *);
+ FGCharInstrumentLayer (text_func func,
+ int w, int h, int z);
+ virtual ~FGCharInstrumentLayer ();
virtual void draw () const;
+ virtual void setColor (float r, float g, float b);
+ virtual void setPointSize (float size);
+ virtual void setFont (fntFont * font);
+ text_func _func;
+ float _color[3];
+ // FIXME: need only one globally
+ mutable fntRenderer _renderer;
+ mutable char _buf[1024];