+"""Serve local requests from apt and remote requests from peers."""
from urllib import unquote_plus
from binascii import b2a_hex
from apt_dht_Khashmir.bencode import bencode
class FileDownloader(static.File):
+ """Modified to make it suitable for apt requests.
+ Tries to find requests in the cache. Found files are first checked for
+ freshness before being sent. Requests for unfound and stale files are
+ forwarded to the main program for downloading.
+ @type manager: L{apt_dht.AptDHT}
+ @ivar manager: the main program to query
+ """
def __init__(self, path, manager, defaultType="text/plain", ignoredExts=(), processors=None, indexNames=None):
self.manager = manager
self.processors, self.indexNames[:])
class FileUploaderStream(stream.FileStream):
+ """Modified to make it suitable for streaming to peers.
+ Streams the file is small chunks to make it easier to throttle the
+ streaming to peers.
+ @ivar CHUNK_SIZE: the size of chunks of data to send at a time
+ """
CHUNK_SIZE = 4*1024
if length == 0:
self.f = None
return None
+ # Remove the SendFileBuffer and mmap use, just use string reads and writes
readSize = min(length, self.CHUNK_SIZE)
class FileUploader(static.File):
+ """Modified to make it suitable for peer requests.
+ Uses the modified L{FileUploaderStream} to stream the file for throttling,
+ and doesn't do any listing of directory contents.
+ """
def render(self, req):
if not self.fp.exists():
return responsecode.NOT_FOUND
if self.fp.isdir():
+ # Don't try to render a directory listing
return responsecode.NOT_FOUND
response = http.Response()
+ # Use the modified FileStream
response.stream = FileUploaderStream(f, 0, self.fp.getsize())
for (header, value) in (
return response
class TopLevel(resource.Resource):
+ """The HTTP server for all requests, both from peers and apt.
+ @type directory: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath}
+ @ivar directory: the directory to check for cached files
+ @type db: L{db.DB}
+ @ivar db: the database to use for looking up files and hashes
+ @type manager: L{apt_dht.AptDHT}
+ @ivar manager: the main program object to send requests to
+ @type factory: L{twisted.web2.channel.HTTPFactory} or L{policies.ThrottlingFactory}
+ @ivar factory: the factory to use to server HTTP requests
+ """
addSlash = True
def __init__(self, directory, db, manager):
+ """Initialize the instance.
+ @type directory: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath}
+ @param directory: the directory to check for cached files
+ @type db: L{db.DB}
+ @param db: the database to use for looking up files and hashes
+ @type manager: L{apt_dht.AptDHT}
+ @param manager: the main program object to send requests to
+ """
self.directory = directory
self.db = db
self.manager = manager
self.factory = None
def getHTTPFactory(self):
+ """Initialize and get the factory for this HTTP server."""
if self.factory is None:
self.factory = channel.HTTPFactory(server.Site(self),
**{'maxPipeline': 10,
return self.factory
def render(self, ctx):
+ """Render a web page with descriptive statistics."""
return http.Response(
{'content-type': http_headers.MimeType('text', 'html')},
<p>TODO: eventually some stats will be shown here.</body></html>""")
def locateChild(self, request, segments):
+ """Process the incoming request."""
log.msg('Got HTTP request for %s from %s' % (request.uri, request.remoteAddr))
name = segments[0]
+ # If the request is for a shared file (from a peer)
if name == '~':
if len(segments) != 2:
log.msg('Got a malformed request from %s' % request.remoteAddr)
return None, ()
+ # Find the file in the database
hash = unquote_plus(segments[1])
files = self.db.lookupHash(hash)
if files:
+ # If it is a file, return it
if 'path' in files[0]:
log.msg('Sharing %s with %s' % (files[0]['path'].path, request.remoteAddr))
return FileUploader(files[0]['path'].path), ()
+ # It's not for a file, but for a piece string, so return that
log.msg('Sending torrent string %s to %s' % (b2a_hex(hash), request.remoteAddr))
return static.Data(bencode({'t': files[0]['pieces']}), 'application/x-bencoded'), ()
log.msg('Hash could not be found in database: %s' % hash)
+ # Only local requests (apt) get past this point
if request.remoteAddr.host != "":
log.msg('Blocked illegal access to %s from %s' % (request.uri, request.remoteAddr))
return None, ()
if len(name) > 1:
+ # It's a request from apt
return FileDownloader(self.directory.path, self.manager), segments[0:]
+ # Will render the statistics page
return self, ()
log.msg('Got a malformed request for "%s" from %s' % (request.uri, request.remoteAddr))