#define Elements(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
-// 3*5*3 * 8 = 360
-static const unsigned _lonFactors[] = { 3, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2, /* sub degree */ 2, 2, 2 };
-// 5*3*3 * 4 = 180
-static const unsigned _latFactors[] = { 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, /* sub degree */ 2, 2, 2, 1 };
+// 2*5*3*3 * 4 = 360
+static const unsigned _lonFactors[] = { 2, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, /* sub degree */ 2, 2, 2 };
+// 3*3*5 * 4 = 180
+static const unsigned _latFactors[] = { 3, 5, 1, 3, 2, 2, /* sub degree */ 2, 2, 2 };
static unsigned product(const unsigned* factors, unsigned count)
/// bits which matches the SGBuckets maximum tile resolution.
/// Notable /design/ decision:
-/// * The longitude maps to the interval [0,360[ which appears to be
-/// counter productive for the file/directory names and the
-/// texture coordinates which map [-180,180[.
-/// The reason is that the buckets at 89deg longitude are 8deg
-/// latitude width. So there is a bunch of buckets that range from
-/// [176, -184[ longitude. So the wrap happens at 0deg instead
-/// of 180deg since we have a cut edge for all latitudes.
+/// * The longitude maps to the interval [-180,180[.
+/// The latitude maps to the interval [-90,90].
+/// This works now that the tiles do no longer cut
+/// neither the 180deg nor the 0deg boundary.
/// * This is not meant to be an API class for simgear. This is
/// just an internal tool that I would like to keep in the SPT loader.
/// But I want to have coverage somehow tested with the usual unit
return SGBucket(_offsetToLongitudeDeg(offset), _offsetToLatitudeDeg(_offset[1]));
+ BucketBox getParentBox(unsigned level) const
+ {
+ BucketBox box;
+ unsigned plon = product(_lonFactors + level, Elements(_lonFactors) - level);
+ unsigned plat = product(_latFactors + level, Elements(_latFactors) - level);
+ box._offset[0] = _offset[0] - _offset[0] % plon;
+ box._offset[0] = _normalizeLongitude(box._offset[0]);
+ box._offset[1] = _offset[1] - _offset[1] % plat;
+ box._size[0] = plon;
+ box._size[1] = plat;
+ return box;
+ }
BucketBox getSubBoxHeight(unsigned j, unsigned level) const
assert(0 < level);
SGGeod p00 = _offsetToGeod(x0, y0, 0);
SGVec3f v00 = SGVec3f::fromGeod(p00);
SGVec3f n00 = SGQuatf::fromLonLat(p00).backTransform(SGVec3f(0, 0, -1));
- SGVec2f t00(x0*1.0/(360*8) + 0.5, y0*1.0/(180*8));
+ SGVec2f t00(x0*1.0/(360*8), y0*1.0/(180*8));
SGGeod p10 = _offsetToGeod(x1, y0, 0);
SGVec3f v10 = SGVec3f::fromGeod(p10);
SGVec3f n10 = SGQuatf::fromLonLat(p10).backTransform(SGVec3f(0, 0, -1));
- SGVec2f t10(x1*1.0/(360*8) + 0.5, y0*1.0/(180*8));
+ SGVec2f t10(x1*1.0/(360*8), y0*1.0/(180*8));
SGGeod p11 = _offsetToGeod(x1, y1, 0);
SGVec3f v11 = SGVec3f::fromGeod(p11);
SGVec3f n11 = SGQuatf::fromLonLat(p11).backTransform(SGVec3f(0, 0, -1));
- SGVec2f t11(x1*1.0/(360*8) + 0.5, y1*1.0/(180*8));
+ SGVec2f t11(x1*1.0/(360*8), y1*1.0/(180*8));
SGGeod p01 = _offsetToGeod(x0, y1, 0);
SGVec3f v01 = SGVec3f::fromGeod(p01);
SGVec3f n01 = SGQuatf::fromLonLat(p01).backTransform(SGVec3f(0, 0, -1));
- SGVec2f t01(x0*1.0/(360*8) + 0.5, y1*1.0/(180*8));
+ SGVec2f t01(x0*1.0/(360*8), y1*1.0/(180*8));
if (y0 != 0) {
points[numPoints] = v00;
static unsigned _longitudeDegToOffset(double lon)
- lon = SGMiscd::normalizePeriodic(0, 360, lon);
- unsigned offset = (unsigned)(8*lon + 0.5);
+ unsigned offset = (unsigned)(8*(lon + 180) + 0.5);
return _normalizeLongitude(offset);
static double _offsetToLongitudeDeg(unsigned offset)
- {
- if (180*8 <= offset)
- return offset*0.125 - 360;
- else
- return offset*0.125;
- }
+ { return offset*0.125 - 180; }
static unsigned _latitudeDegToOffset(double lat)