= fgGetNode("/autopilot/locks/altitude", true);
static char hud_hdg_text[256];
- static char hud_wp0_text[256];
- static char hud_wp1_text[256];
- static char hud_wp2_text[256];
+ static char hud_gps_text0[256];
+ static char hud_gps_text1[256];
+ static char hud_gps_text2[256];
static char hud_alt_text[256];
apY -= 15;
- if (fgGetBool("/autopilot/route-manager/active", false)) {
- string wp0_id = fgGetString( "/autopilot/route-manager/wp[0]/id" );
- if ( wp0_id.length() > 0 ) {
- snprintf( hud_wp0_text, 256, "%5s %6.1fnm %s", wp0_id.c_str(),
- fgGetDouble( "/autopilot/route-manager/wp[0]/dist" ),
- fgGetString( "/autopilot/route-manager/wp[0]/eta" ) );
- HUD_TextList.add( fgText( 40, apY, hud_wp0_text ) );
- apY -= 15;
- }
- string wp1_id = fgGetString( "/autopilot/route-manager/wp[1]/id" );
- if ( wp1_id.length() > 0 ) {
- snprintf( hud_wp1_text, 256, "%5s %6.1fnm %s", wp1_id.c_str(),
- fgGetDouble( "/autopilot/route-manager/wp[1]/dist" ),
- fgGetString( "/autopilot/route-manager/wp[1]/eta" ) );
- HUD_TextList.add( fgText( 40, apY, hud_wp1_text ) );
- apY -= 15;
- }
- string wp2_id = fgGetString( "/autopilot/route-manager/wp-last/id" );
- if ( wp2_id.length() > 0 ) {
- snprintf( hud_wp2_text, 256, "%5s %6.1fnm %s", wp2_id.c_str(),
- fgGetDouble( "/autopilot/route-manager/wp-last/dist" ),
- fgGetString( "/autopilot/route-manager/wp-last/eta" ) );
- HUD_TextList.add( fgText( 40, apY, hud_wp2_text ) );
- apY -= 15;
- }
- }
+ // GPS current waypoint information
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr gps = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps", true);
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr curWp = gps->getChild("wp")->getChild("wp",1);
+ if ((gps->getDoubleValue("raim") > 0.5) && curWp) {
+ // GPS is receiving a valid signal
+ snprintf(hud_gps_text0, 256, "WPT:%5s BRG:%03.0f %5.1fnm",
+ curWp->getStringValue("ID"),
+ curWp->getDoubleValue("bearing-mag-deg"),
+ curWp->getDoubleValue("distance-nm"));
+ HUD_TextList.add( fgText( 40, apY, hud_gps_text0 ) );
+ apY -= 15;
+ // curWp->getStringValue("TTW")
+ snprintf(hud_gps_text2, 256, "ETA %s", curWp->getStringValue("TTW"));
+ HUD_TextList.add( fgText( 40, apY, hud_gps_text2 ) );
+ apY -= 15;
+ double courseError = curWp->getDoubleValue("course-error-nm");
+ // generate an arrow indicatinng if the pilot should turn left or right
+ char dir = (courseError < 0.0) ? '<' : '>';
+ snprintf(hud_gps_text1, 256, "GPS TRK:%03.0f XTRK:%c%4.2fnm",
+ gps->getDoubleValue("indicated-track-magnetic-deg"), dir, fabs(courseError));
+ HUD_TextList.add( fgText( 40, apY, hud_gps_text1) );
+ apY -= 15;
+ } // of valid GPS output
+ ////////////////////
if ( strcmp( altitude_enabled->getStringValue(), "altitude-hold" ) == 0 ) {
snprintf( hud_alt_text, 256, "alt = %.0f\n",