- SLtemperature = temperature;
- SLpressure = pressure;
- SLdensity = density;
- SLsoundspeed = sqrt(SHRatio*Reng*temperature);
- rSLtemperature = 1.0/temperature;
- rSLpressure = 1.0/pressure;
- rSLdensity = 1.0/density;
+ SLtemperature = intTemperature;
+ SLpressure = intPressure;
+ SLdensity = intDensity;
+ SLsoundspeed = sqrt(SHRatio*Reng*intTemperature);
+ rSLtemperature = 1.0/intTemperature;
+ rSLpressure = 1.0/intPressure;
+ rSLdensity = 1.0/intDensity;
rSLsoundspeed = 1.0/SLsoundspeed;
+ temperature=&intTemperature;
+ pressure=&intPressure;
+ density=&intDensity;
return true;
if (!useExternal) {
h = Position->Geth();
- } else {
- density = exDensity;
- pressure = exPressure;
- temperature = exTemperature;
- }
+ }
if (turbType != ttNone) {
if (psiw < 0) psiw += 2*M_PI;
- soundspeed = sqrt(SHRatio*Reng*temperature);
+ soundspeed = sqrt(SHRatio*Reng*(*temperature));
if (slope == 0) {
- temperature = reftemp;
- pressure = refpress*exp(-Inertial->SLgravity()/(reftemp*Reng)*(altitude-htab[i]));
- //density = refdens*exp(-Inertial->SLgravity()/(reftemp*Reng)*(altitude-htab[i]));
- density = pressure/(Reng*temperature);
+ intTemperature = reftemp;
+ intPressure = refpress*exp(-Inertial->SLgravity()/(reftemp*Reng)*(altitude-htab[i]));
+ //intDensity = refdens*exp(-Inertial->SLgravity()/(reftemp*Reng)*(altitude-htab[i]));
+ intDensity = intPressure/(Reng*intTemperature);
} else {
- temperature = reftemp+slope*(altitude-htab[i]);
- pressure = refpress*pow(temperature/reftemp,-Inertial->SLgravity()/(slope*Reng));
- //density = refdens*pow(temperature/reftemp,-(Inertial->SLgravity()/(slope*Reng)+1));
- density = pressure/(Reng*temperature);
+ intTemperature = reftemp+slope*(altitude-htab[i]);
+ intPressure = refpress*pow(intTemperature/reftemp,-Inertial->SLgravity()/(slope*Reng));
+ //intDensity = refdens*pow(intTemperature/reftemp,-(Inertial->SLgravity()/(slope*Reng)+1));
+ intDensity = intPressure/(Reng*intTemperature);
- //cout << "Atmosphere: h=" << altitude << " rho= " << density << endl;
+ //cout << "Atmosphere: h=" << altitude << " rho= " << intDensity << endl;
+void FGAtmosphere::UseExternal(void) {
+ temperature=&exTemperature;
+ pressure=&exPressure;
+ density=&exDensity;
+ useExternal=true;
+void FGAtmosphere::UseInternal(void) {
+ temperature=&intTemperature;
+ pressure=&intPressure;
+ density=&intDensity;
+ useExternal=false;
void FGAtmosphere::bind(void)
bool InitModel(void);
/// Returns the temperature in degrees Rankine.
- inline double GetTemperature(void) const {return temperature;}
+ inline double GetTemperature(void) const {return *temperature;}
/** Returns the density in slugs/ft^3.
<i>This function may <b>only</b> be used if Run() is called first.</i> */
- inline double GetDensity(void) const {return density;}
+ inline double GetDensity(void) const {return *density;}
/// Returns the pressure in psf.
- inline double GetPressure(void) const {return pressure;}
+ inline double GetPressure(void) const {return *pressure;}
/// Returns the speed of sound in ft/sec.
inline double GetSoundSpeed(void) const {return soundspeed;}
inline double GetSoundSpeedSL(void) const { return SLsoundspeed; }
/// Returns the ratio of at-altitude temperature over the sea level value.
- inline double GetTemperatureRatio(void) const { return temperature*rSLtemperature; }
+ inline double GetTemperatureRatio(void) const { return (*temperature)*rSLtemperature; }
/// Returns the ratio of at-altitude density over the sea level value.
- inline double GetDensityRatio(void) const { return density*rSLdensity; }
+ inline double GetDensityRatio(void) const { return (*density)*rSLdensity; }
/// Returns the ratio of at-altitude pressure over the sea level value.
- inline double GetPressureRatio(void) const { return pressure*rSLpressure; }
+ inline double GetPressureRatio(void) const { return (*pressure)*rSLpressure; }
/// Returns the ratio of at-altitude sound speed over the sea level value.
inline double GetSoundSpeedRatio(void) const { return soundspeed*rSLsoundspeed; }
/// Tells the simulator to use an externally calculated atmosphere model.
- inline void UseExternal(void) { useExternal=true; }
+ void UseExternal(void);
/// Tells the simulator to use the internal atmosphere model.
- inline void UseInternal(void) { useExternal=false; } //this is the default
+ void UseInternal(void); //this is the default
/// Gets the boolean that tells if the external atmosphere model is being used.
bool External(void) { return useExternal; }
double htab[8];
double SLtemperature,SLdensity,SLpressure,SLsoundspeed;
double rSLtemperature,rSLdensity,rSLpressure,rSLsoundspeed; //reciprocals
- double temperature,density,pressure,soundspeed;
+ double *temperature,*density,*pressure;
+ double soundspeed;
bool useExternal;
double exTemperature,exDensity,exPressure;
+ double intTemperature, intDensity, intPressure;
double MagnitudedAccelDt, MagnitudeAccel, Magnitude;
double TurbGain;
Position = fdmex->GetPosition();
Auxiliary = fdmex->GetAuxiliary();
Aerodynamics = fdmex->GetAerodynamics();
- GroundReactions = fdmex->GetGroundReactions();
- Atmosphere->UseInternal();
- if (fgGetBool("/environment/params/control-fdm-atmosphere")) {
- Atmosphere->UseExternal();
- Atmosphere->SetExTemperature(get_Static_temperature());
- Atmosphere->SetExPressure(get_Static_pressure());
- Atmosphere->SetExDensity(get_Density());
- } else {
- Atmosphere->UseInternal();
- }
+ GroundReactions = fdmex->GetGroundReactions();
fgic=new FGInitialCondition(fdmex);
+ temperature = fgGetNode("/environment/temperature-degc",true);
+ pressure = fgGetNode("/environment/pressure-inhg",true);
+ density = fgGetNode("/environment/density-slugft3",true);
+ wind_from_north= fgGetNode("/environment/wind-from-north-fps",true);
+ wind_from_east = fgGetNode("/environment/wind-from-east-fps" ,true);
+ wind_from_down = fgGetNode("/environment/wind-from-down-fps" ,true);
void FGJSBsim::init() {
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "Starting and initializing JSBsim" );
// Explicitly call the superclass's
// init method first.
+ Atmosphere->UseInternal();
+ if (fgGetBool("/environment/params/control-fdm-atmosphere")) {
+ Atmosphere->UseExternal();
+ Atmosphere->SetExTemperature(
+ 9.0/5.0*(temperature->getDoubleValue()+273.15) );
+ Atmosphere->SetExPressure(pressure->getDoubleValue()*70.726566);
+ Atmosphere->SetExDensity(density->getDoubleValue());
+ } else {
+ Atmosphere->UseInternal();
+ }
+ fgic->SetVnorthFpsIC( wind_from_north->getDoubleValue() );
+ fgic->SetVeastFpsIC( wind_from_east->getDoubleValue() );
+ fgic->SetVdownFpsIC( wind_from_down->getDoubleValue() );
+ //Atmosphere->SetExTemperature(get_Static_temperature());
+ //Atmosphere->SetExPressure(get_Static_pressure());
+ //Atmosphere->SetExDensity(get_Density());
+ SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"T,p,rho: " << fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->GetTemperature()
+ << ", " << fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->GetPressure()
+ << ", " << fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->GetDensity() );
fdmex->RunIC(fgic); //loop JSBSim once w/o integrating
copy_from_JSBsim(); //update the bus
if ( needTrim ) {
if ( startup_trim->getBoolValue() ) {
Position->SetRunwayRadius( get_Runway_altitude()
+ get_Sea_level_radius() );
- Atmosphere->SetExTemperature(get_Static_temperature());
- Atmosphere->SetExPressure(get_Static_pressure());
- Atmosphere->SetExDensity(get_Density());
- Atmosphere->SetWindNED(get_V_north_airmass(),
- get_V_east_airmass(),
- get_V_down_airmass());
+ Atmosphere->SetExTemperature(
+ 9.0/5.0*(temperature->getDoubleValue()+273.15) );
+ Atmosphere->SetExPressure(pressure->getDoubleValue()*70.726566);
+ Atmosphere->SetExDensity(density->getDoubleValue());
+ Atmosphere->SetWindNED( wind_from_north->getDoubleValue(),
+ wind_from_east->getDoubleValue(),
+ wind_from_down->getDoubleValue() );
// << get_V_north_airmass() << ", "
// << get_V_east_airmass() << ", "
-// void FGJSBsim::set_Static_pressure(double p) {
-// SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Static_pressure: " << p );
-// update_ic();
-// Atmosphere->SetExPressure(p);
-// if(Atmosphere->External() == true)
-// needTrim=true;
-// }
-// void FGJSBsim::set_Static_temperature(double T) {
-// SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Static_temperature: " << T );
-// Atmosphere->SetExTemperature(T);
-// if(Atmosphere->External() == true)
-// needTrim=true;
-// }
-// void FGJSBsim::set_Density(double rho) {
-// SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Density: " << rho );
-// Atmosphere->SetExDensity(rho);
-// if(Atmosphere->External() == true)
-// needTrim=true;
-// }
-void FGJSBsim::set_Velocities_Local_Airmass (double wnorth,
- double weast,
- double wdown ) {
- //SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO, "FGJSBsim::set_Velocities_Local_Airmass: "
- // << wnorth << ", " << weast << ", " << wdown );
- _set_Velocities_Local_Airmass( wnorth, weast, wdown );
- fgic->SetWindNEDFpsIC( wnorth, weast, wdown );
- if(Atmosphere->External() == true)
- needTrim=true;
void FGJSBsim::init_gear(void ) {
FGGroundReactions* gr=fdmex->GetGroundReactions();
void FGJSBsim::do_trim(void) {
FGTrim *fgtrim;
- if(fgic->GetVcalibratedKtsIC() < 10 ) {
+ if( fgGetBool("/sim/startup/onground") ) {
fgtrim=new FGTrim(fdmex,fgic,tGround);
} else {
@param wnorth velocity north in fps
@param weast velocity east in fps
@param wdown velocity down in fps*/
- void set_Velocities_Local_Airmass (double wnorth,
- double weast,
- double wdown );
/// @name Position Parameter Update
SGPropertyNode *gear_pos_pct;
+ SGPropertyNode *temperature;
+ SGPropertyNode *pressure;
+ SGPropertyNode *density;
+ SGPropertyNode *wind_from_north;
+ SGPropertyNode *wind_from_east;
+ SGPropertyNode *wind_from_down;
void init_gear(void);
void update_gear(void);