+++ /dev/null
-// ExternalNet.hxx -- an net interface to an external flight dynamics model
-// Written by Curtis Olson, started November 2001.
-// Copyright (C) 2001 Curtis L. Olson - curt@flightgear.org
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-// $Id$
-#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
-#include <simgear/io/lowlevel.hxx> // endian tests
-#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
-#include "ExternalNet.hxx"
-// FreeBSD works better with this included last ... (?)
-#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
-# include <windows.h>
-# include <netinet/in.h> // htonl() ntohl()
-// The function htond is defined this way due to the way some
-// processors and OSes treat floating point values. Some will raise
-// an exception whenever a "bad" floating point value is loaded into a
-// floating point register. Solaris is notorious for this, but then
-// so is LynxOS on the PowerPC. By translating the data in place,
-// there is no need to load a FP register with the "corruped" floating
-// point value. By doing the BIG_ENDIAN test, I can optimize the
-// routine for big-endian processors so it can be as efficient as
-// possible
-static void htond (double &x)
- if ( sgIsLittleEndian() ) {
- int *Double_Overlay;
- int Holding_Buffer;
- Double_Overlay = (int *) &x;
- Holding_Buffer = Double_Overlay [0];
- Double_Overlay [0] = htonl (Double_Overlay [1]);
- Double_Overlay [1] = htonl (Holding_Buffer);
- } else {
- return;
- }
-static void global2raw( FGRawCtrls *raw ) {
- int i;
- // fill in values
- SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("/controls", true);
- raw->version = FG_RAW_CTRLS_VERSION;
- raw->aileron = node->getDoubleValue( "aileron" );
- raw->elevator = node->getDoubleValue( "elevator" );
- raw->elevator_trim = node->getDoubleValue( "elevator-trim" );
- raw->rudder = node->getDoubleValue( "rudder" );
- raw->flaps = node->getDoubleValue( "flaps" );
- raw->flaps_power
- = node->getDoubleValue( "/systems/electrical/outputs/flaps",
- 1.0 ) >= 1.0;
- raw->num_engines = FGRawCtrls::FG_MAX_ENGINES;
- for ( i = 0; i < FGRawCtrls::FG_MAX_ENGINES; ++i ) {
- raw->throttle[i] = node->getDoubleValue( "throttle", 0.0 );
- raw->mixture[i] = node->getDoubleValue( "mixture", 0.0 );
- raw->fuel_pump_power[i]
- = node->getDoubleValue( "/systems/electrical/outputs/fuel-pump",
- 1.0 ) >= 1.0;
- raw->prop_advance[i] = node->getDoubleValue( "propeller-pitch", 0.0 );
- raw->magnetos[i] = node->getIntValue( "magnetos", 0 );
- if ( i == 0 ) {
- // cout << "Magnetos -> " << node->getIntValue( "magnetos", 0 );
- }
- raw->starter_power[i]
- = node->getDoubleValue( "/systems/electrical/outputs/starter",
- 1.0 ) >= 1.0;
- if ( i == 0 ) {
- // cout << " Starter -> " << node->getIntValue( "stater", false )
- // << endl;
- }
- }
- raw->num_tanks = FGRawCtrls::FG_MAX_TANKS;
- for ( i = 0; i < FGRawCtrls::FG_MAX_TANKS; ++i ) {
- if ( node->getChild("fuel-selector", i) != 0 ) {
- raw->fuel_selector[i]
- = node->getChild("fuel-selector", i)->getDoubleValue();
- } else {
- raw->fuel_selector[i] = false;
- }
- }
- raw->num_wheels = FGRawCtrls::FG_MAX_WHEELS;
- for ( i = 0; i < FGRawCtrls::FG_MAX_WHEELS; ++i ) {
- if ( node->getChild("brakes", i) != 0 ) {
- raw->brake[i]
- = node->getChild("brakes", i)->getDoubleValue();
- } else {
- raw->brake[i] = 0.0;
- }
- }
- node = fgGetNode("/controls/switches", true);
- raw->master_bat = node->getChild("master-bat")->getBoolValue();
- raw->master_alt = node->getChild("master-alt")->getBoolValue();
- raw->master_avionics = node->getChild("master-avionics")->getBoolValue();
- // cur_fdm_state->get_ground_elev_ft() is what we want ... this
- // reports the altitude of the aircraft.
- // "/environment/ground-elevation-m" reports the ground elevation
- // of the current view point which could change substantially if
- // the user is switching views.
- raw->hground = cur_fdm_state->get_ground_elev_ft() * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
- raw->magvar = fgGetDouble("/environment/magnetic-variation-deg");
- raw->speedup = fgGetInt("/sim/speed-up");
- // convert to network byte order
- raw->version = htonl(raw->version);
- htond(raw->aileron);
- htond(raw->elevator);
- htond(raw->elevator_trim);
- htond(raw->rudder);
- htond(raw->flaps);
- raw->flaps_power = htonl(raw->flaps_power);
- for ( i = 0; i < FGRawCtrls::FG_MAX_ENGINES; ++i ) {
- htond(raw->throttle[i]);
- htond(raw->mixture[i]);
- raw->fuel_pump_power[i] = htonl(raw->fuel_pump_power[i]);
- htond(raw->prop_advance[i]);
- raw->magnetos[i] = htonl(raw->magnetos[i]);
- raw->starter_power[i] = htonl(raw->starter_power[i]);
- }
- raw->num_engines = htonl(raw->num_engines);
- for ( i = 0; i < FGRawCtrls::FG_MAX_TANKS; ++i ) {
- raw->fuel_selector[i] = htonl(raw->fuel_selector[i]);
- }
- raw->num_tanks = htonl(raw->num_tanks);
- for ( i = 0; i < FGRawCtrls::FG_MAX_WHEELS; ++i ) {
- htond(raw->brake[i]);
- }
- raw->num_wheels = htonl(raw->num_wheels);
- raw->gear_handle = htonl(raw->gear_handle);
- raw->master_bat = htonl(raw->master_bat);
- raw->master_alt = htonl(raw->master_alt);
- raw->master_avionics = htonl(raw->master_avionics);
- htond(raw->hground);
- htond(raw->magvar);
- raw->speedup = htonl(raw->speedup);
-static void net2global( FGNetFDM *net ) {
- int i;
- // Convert to the net buffer from network format
- net->version = ntohl(net->version);
- htond(net->longitude);
- htond(net->latitude);
- htond(net->altitude);
- htond(net->phi);
- htond(net->theta);
- htond(net->psi);
- htond(net->phidot);
- htond(net->thetadot);
- htond(net->psidot);
- htond(net->vcas);
- htond(net->climb_rate);
- htond(net->v_north);
- htond(net->v_east);
- htond(net->v_down);
- htond(net->stall_warning);
- htond(net->A_X_pilot);
- htond(net->A_Y_pilot);
- htond(net->A_Z_pilot);
- net->num_engines = htonl(net->num_engines);
- for ( i = 0; i < net->num_engines; ++i ) {
- htonl(net->eng_state[i]);
- htond(net->rpm[i]);
- htond(net->fuel_flow[i]);
- htond(net->EGT[i]);
- htond(net->oil_temp[i]);
- htond(net->oil_px[i]);
- }
- net->num_tanks = htonl(net->num_tanks);
- for ( i = 0; i < net->num_tanks; ++i ) {
- htond(net->fuel_quantity[i]);
- }
- net->num_wheels = htonl(net->num_wheels);
- // I don't need to convert the Wow flags, since they are one byte in size
- htond(net->flap_deflection);
- net->cur_time = ntohl(net->cur_time);
- net->warp = ntohl(net->warp);
- htond(net->visibility);
- if ( net->version == FG_NET_FDM_VERSION ) {
- // cout << "pos = " << net->longitude << " " << net->latitude << endl;
- // cout << "sea level rad = " << cur_fdm_state->get_Sea_level_radius()
- // << endl;
- cur_fdm_state->_updateGeodeticPosition( net->latitude,
- net->longitude,
- net->altitude
- cur_fdm_state->_set_Euler_Angles( net->phi,
- net->theta,
- net->psi );
- cur_fdm_state->_set_Euler_Rates( net->phidot,
- net->thetadot,
- net->psidot );
- cur_fdm_state->_set_V_calibrated_kts( net->vcas );
- cur_fdm_state->_set_Climb_Rate( net->climb_rate );
- cur_fdm_state->_set_Velocities_Local( net->v_north,
- net->v_east,
- net->v_down );
- fgSetDouble( "/sim/aero/alarms/stall-warning", net->stall_warning );
- cur_fdm_state->_set_Accels_Pilot_Body( net->A_X_pilot,
- net->A_Y_pilot,
- net->A_Z_pilot );
- for ( i = 0; i < net->num_engines; ++i ) {
- SGPropertyNode *node = fgGetNode( "engines/engine", i, true );
- // node->setBoolValue("running", t->isRunning());
- // node->setBoolValue("cranking", t->isCranking());
- // cout << net->eng_state[i] << endl;
- if ( net->eng_state[i] == 0 ) {
- node->setBoolValue( "cranking", false );
- node->setBoolValue( "running", false );
- } else if ( net->eng_state[i] == 1 ) {
- node->setBoolValue( "cranking", true );
- node->setBoolValue( "running", false );
- } else if ( net->eng_state[i] == 2 ) {
- node->setBoolValue( "cranking", false );
- node->setBoolValue( "running", true );
- }
- node->setDoubleValue( "rpm", net->rpm[i] );
- node->setDoubleValue( "fuel-flow-gph", net->fuel_flow[i] );
- node->setDoubleValue( "egt-degf", net->EGT[i] );
- node->setDoubleValue( "oil-temperature-degf", net->oil_temp[i] );
- node->setDoubleValue( "oil-pressure-psi", net->oil_px[i] );
- }
- for (i = 0; i < net->num_tanks; ++i ) {
- SGPropertyNode * node
- = fgGetNode("/consumables/fuel/tank", i, true);
- node->setDoubleValue("level-gal_us", net->fuel_quantity[i] );
- }
- for (i = 0; i < net->num_wheels; ++i ) {
- SGPropertyNode * node
- = fgGetNode("/gear/gear", i, true);
- node->setDoubleValue("wow", net->wow[i] );
- }
- fgSetDouble("/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm", net->flap_deflection);
- SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("/controls", true);
- fgSetDouble("/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm",
- node->getDoubleValue( "elevator" ));
- fgSetDouble("/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm",
- node->getDoubleValue( "rudder" ));
- fgSetDouble("/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm",
- node->getDoubleValue( "aileron" ));
- fgSetDouble("/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm",
- -node->getDoubleValue( "aileron" ));
- /* these are ignored for now ... */
- /*
- if ( net->cur_time ) {
- fgSetLong("/sim/time/cur-time-override", net->cur_time);
- }
- globals->set_warp( net->warp );
- last_warp = net->warp;
- */
- } else {
- SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "Error: version mismatch in net2global()" );
- "\tread " << net->version << " need " << FG_NET_FDM_VERSION );
- "\tsomeone needs to upgrade net_fdm.hxx and recompile." );
- }
-FGExternalNet::FGExternalNet( double dt, string host, int dop, int dip, int cp )
-// set_delta_t( dt );
- valid = true;
- data_in_port = dip;
- data_out_port = dop;
- cmd_port = cp;
- fdm_host = host;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Setup client udp connection (sends data to remote fdm)
- if ( ! data_client.open( false ) ) {
- SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_ALERT, "Error opening client data channel" );
- valid = false;
- }
- // fire and forget
- data_client.setBlocking( false );
- if ( data_client.connect( fdm_host.c_str(), data_out_port ) == -1 ) {
- printf("error connecting to %s:%d\n", fdm_host.c_str(), data_out_port);
- valid = false;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Setup server udp connection (for receiving data)
- if ( ! data_server.open( false ) ) {
- SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_ALERT, "Error opening client server channel" );
- valid = false;
- }
- // disable blocking
- data_server.setBlocking( false );
- // allowed to read from a broadcast addr
- // data_server.setBroadcast( true );
- // if we bind to fdm_host = "" then we accept messages from
- // anyone.
- if ( data_server.bind( "", data_in_port ) == -1 ) {
- printf("error binding to port %d\n", data_in_port);
- valid = false;
- }
-FGExternalNet::~FGExternalNet() {
- data_client.close();
- data_server.close();
-// Initialize the ExternalNet flight model, dt is the time increment
-// for each subsequent iteration through the EOM
-void FGExternalNet::init() {
- // cout << "FGExternalNet::init()" << endl;
- // Explicitly call the superclass's
- // init method first.
- common_init();
- double lon = fgGetDouble( "/position/longitude-deg" );
- double lat = fgGetDouble( "/position/latitude-deg" );
- double ground = fgGetDouble( "/environment/ground-elevation-m" );
- double heading = fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg");
- char cmd[256];
- HTTPClient *http;
- sprintf( cmd, "/longitude-deg?value=%.8f", lon );
- http = new HTTPClient( fdm_host.c_str(), cmd_port, cmd );
- while ( !http->isDone() ) http->poll(0);
- delete http;
- sprintf( cmd, "/latitude-deg?value=%.8f", lat );
- http = new HTTPClient( fdm_host.c_str(), cmd_port, cmd );
- while ( !http->isDone() ) http->poll(0);
- delete http;
- sprintf( cmd, "/ground-m?value=%.8f", ground );
- http = new HTTPClient( fdm_host.c_str(), cmd_port, cmd );
- while ( !http->isDone() ) http->poll(0);
- delete http;
- sprintf( cmd, "/heading-deg?value=%.8f", heading );
- http = new HTTPClient( fdm_host.c_str(), cmd_port, cmd );
- while ( !http->isDone() ) http->poll(0);
- delete http;
- SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_INFO, "before sending reset command." );
- sprintf( cmd, "/reset?value=ground" );
- http = new HTTPClient( fdm_host.c_str(), cmd_port, cmd );
- while ( !http->isDone() ) http->poll(0);
- delete http;
- SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_INFO, "Remote FDM init() finished." );
-// Run an iteration of the EOM.
-void FGExternalNet::update( double dt ) {
- int length;
- int result;
- if (is_suspended())
- return;
- // Send control positions to remote fdm
- length = sizeof(ctrls);
- global2raw( &ctrls );
- if ( data_client.send( (char *)(& ctrls), length, 0 ) != length ) {
- SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_DEBUG, "Error writing data." );
- } else {
- SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_DEBUG, "wrote control data." );
- }
- // Read next set of FDM data (blocking enabled to maintain 'sync')
- length = sizeof(fdm);
- while ( (result = data_server.recv( (char *)(& fdm), length, 0)) >= 0 ) {
- SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_DEBUG, "Success reading data." );
- net2global( &fdm );
- }