#include <Scenery/tilemgr.hxx>
#include <Sound/beacon.hxx>
#include <Sound/morse.hxx>
+#include <Sound/fg_fx.hxx>
#include <FDM/flight.hxx>
#include <ATCDCL/ATCmgr.hxx>
#include <ATCDCL/AIMgr.hxx>
"Elapsed time is zero ... we're zinging" );
- // Run audio scheduler
- if ( globals->get_soundmgr()->is_working() ) {
- globals->get_soundmgr()->update( delta_time_sec );
- }
// we may want to move this to its own class at some point
double visibility_meters = fgGetDouble("/environment/visibility-m");
- FGViewer *current_view = globals->get_current_view();
globals->get_tile_mgr()->prep_ssg_nodes( visibility_meters );
// update tile manager for view...
// update the view angle as late as possible, but before sound calculations
+ // Run audio scheduler
- if ( globals->get_soundmgr()->is_working() ) {
- // Right now we make a simplifying assumption that the primary
- // aircraft is the source of all sounds and that all sounds are
- // positioned in the aircraft base
- static sgdVec3 last_listener_pos = {0, 0, 0};
- static sgdVec3 last_model_pos = {0, 0, 0};
- // get the orientation
- const SGQuatd view_or = current_view->getViewOrientation();
- SGQuatd surf_or = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(current_view->getPosition());
- SGQuatd model_or = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(
- globals->get_aircraft_model()->get3DModel()->getHeadingDeg(),
- globals->get_aircraft_model()->get3DModel()->getPitchDeg(),
- globals->get_aircraft_model()->get3DModel()->getRollDeg());
- // get the up and at vector in the aircraft base
- // (ok, the up vector is a down vector, but the coordinates
- // are finally calculated in a left hand system and openal
- // lives in a right hand system. Therefore we need to pass
- // the down vector to get correct stereo sound.)
- SGVec3d sgv_up = model_or.rotateBack(
- surf_or.rotateBack(view_or.rotate(SGVec3d(0, 1, 0))));
- sgVec3 up;
- sgSetVec3(up, sgv_up[0], sgv_up[1], sgv_up[2]);
- SGVec3d sgv_at = model_or.rotateBack(
- surf_or.rotateBack(view_or.rotate(SGVec3d(0, 0, 1))));
- sgVec3 at;
- sgSetVec3(at, sgv_at[0], sgv_at[1], sgv_at[2]);
- // get the location data for the primary FDM (now hardcoded to ac model)...
- SGGeod geodPos = globals->get_aircraft_model()->get3DModel()->getPosition();
- SGVec3d model_pos = SGVec3d::fromGeod(geodPos);
- // Calculate speed of listener and model. This code assumes the
- // listener is either tracking the model at the same speed or
- // stationary.
- sgVec3 listener_vel, model_vel;
- SGVec3d SGV3d_help;
- sgdVec3 sgdv3_help;
- sgdVec3 sgdv3_null = {0, 0, 0};
- // the aircraft velocity as reported by the fdm (this will not
- // vary or be affected by frame rates or timing jitter.)
- sgVec3 fdm_vel_vec;
- sgSetVec3( fdm_vel_vec,
- vn_fps->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER,
- ve_fps->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER,
- vd_fps->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER );
- double fdm_vel = sgLengthVec3(fdm_vel_vec);
- // compute the aircraft velocity vector and scale it to the length
- // of the fdm velocity vector. This gives us a vector in the
- // proper coordinate system, but also with the proper time
- // invariant magnitude.
- sgdSubVec3( sgdv3_help,
- last_model_pos, model_pos.data());
- sgdAddVec3( last_model_pos, sgdv3_null, model_pos.data());
- SGV3d_help = model_or.rotateBack(
- surf_or.rotateBack(SGVec3d(sgdv3_help[0],
- sgdv3_help[1], sgdv3_help[2])));
- sgSetVec3( model_vel, SGV3d_help[0], SGV3d_help[1], SGV3d_help[2]);
- float vel = sgLengthVec3(model_vel);
- if ( fabs(vel) > 0.0001 ) {
- if ( fabs(fdm_vel / vel) > 0.0001 ) {
- sgScaleVec3( model_vel, fdm_vel / vel );
- }
- }
- // check for moving or stationary listener (view position)
- sgdSubVec3( sgdv3_help,
- last_listener_pos, current_view->get_view_pos().data());
- sgdAddVec3( last_listener_pos,
- sgdv3_null, current_view->get_view_pos().data());
- if ( sgdLengthVec3(sgdv3_help) > 0.2 ) {
- sgCopyVec3( listener_vel, model_vel );
- } else {
- sgSetVec3( listener_vel, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
- }
- globals->get_soundmgr()->set_listener_vel( listener_vel );
- // set positional offset for sources
- sgdVec3 dsource_pos_offset;
- sgdSubVec3( dsource_pos_offset,
- current_view->get_view_pos().data(),
- model_pos.data() );
- SGVec3d sgv_dsource_pos_offset = model_or.rotateBack(
- surf_or.rotateBack(SGVec3d(dsource_pos_offset[0],
- dsource_pos_offset[1], dsource_pos_offset[2])));
- sgVec3 source_pos_offset;
- sgSetVec3(source_pos_offset, sgv_dsource_pos_offset[0],
- sgv_dsource_pos_offset[1], sgv_dsource_pos_offset[2]);
- globals->get_soundmgr()->set_source_pos_all( source_pos_offset );
- float orient[6];
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- orient[i] = sgv_at[i];
- orient[i + 3] = sgv_up[i];
- }
- globals->get_soundmgr()->set_listener_orientation( orient );
- // set the velocity
- // all sources are defined to be in the model
- globals->get_soundmgr()->set_source_vel_all( model_vel );
- // The listener is always positioned at the origin.
- sgVec3 listener_pos;
- sgSetVec3( listener_pos, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
- globals->get_soundmgr()->set_listener_pos( listener_pos );
- }
+ FGFX* fx = (FGFX*) globals->get_subsystem("fx");
+ fx->update_fx_late(delta_time_sec);
// END Tile Manager udpates