* Dynamic referal system, can also send mails!
* subject = Subject line, write in lower-case letters and underscore is allowed
- * userid = Referal id wich should receive...
+ * userid = Referal id wich should receive...
* points = ... xxx points
* sendNotify = shall I send the referal an email or not?
* refid = inc/modules/guest/what-confirm.php need this
//* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__FUNCTION__ . '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): Referal level increased. DEPTH='.$GLOBALS['ref_level']);
- // Default is 'normal' points
- $data = 'points';
- // Which points, locked or normal?
- if ($locked === true) $data = 'locked_points';
// Check user account
//* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__FUNCTION__ . '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>):userid='.$userid.',points='.$points);
if (fetchUserData($userid)) {
+ // Determine wether the user has some mails to click before he/she gets the points
+ $locked = ((getUserData('ref_payout') > 0) && (!isDirectPaymentEnabled()));
+ // Default is 'normal' points
+ $data = 'points';
+ // Which points, locked or normal?
+ if ($locked === true) {
+ $data = 'locked_points';
+ } // END - if
// This is the user and his ref
$GLOBALS['cache_array']['add_userid'][getUserData('refid')] = $userid;
//* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__FUNCTION__ . '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>):data='.$data.',ref_points='.$ref_points.',userid='.$userid.',depth='.$GLOBALS['ref_level'].',mode='.$add_mode.' - INSERTED! ('.SQL_AFFECTEDROWS().')');
} // END - if
- // Determine wether the user has some mails to click before he/she gets the points
- $locked = false;
- if ((getUserData('ref_payout') > 0) && (!isDirectPaymentEnabled())) $locked = true;
// Prepare data for the filter
$filterData = array(
'subject' => $subject,