$scale = (x($_REQUEST, 'scale') ? intval($_REQUEST['scale']) : false);
$scale_sql = ($scale === false ? "" : sprintf("and scale=%d",intval($scale)));
- $data_sql = ($scale === false ? "" : "data, ");
- $r = q("select %s `resource-id`, `created`, `edited`, `title`, `desc`, `album`, `filename`,
- `type`, `height`, `width`, `datasize`, `profile`, min(`scale`) as minscale, max(`scale`) as maxscale
- from photo where `uid` = %d and `resource-id` = '%s' %s
- group by `resource-id`, `created`, `edited`, `title`, `desc`, `album`, `filename`,
- `type`, `height`, `width`, `datasize`, `profile`",
+ $data_sql = ($scale === false ? "" : "ANY_VALUE(data) AS data,");
+ $r = q("select %s ANY_VALUE(`resource-id`) AS `resource-id`, ANY_VALUE(`created`) AS `created`,
+ ANY_VALUE(`edited`) AS `edited`, ANY_VALUE(`title`) AS `title`, ANY_VALUE(`desc`) AS `desc`,
+ ANY_VALUE(`album`) AS `album`, ANY_VALUE(`filename`) AS `filename`, ANY_VALUE(`type`) AS `type`,
+ ANY_VALUE(`height`) AS `height`, ANY_VALUE(`width`) AS `width`, ANY_VALUE(`datasize`) AS `datasize`,
+ ANY_VALUE(`profile`) AS `profile`, min(`scale`) as minscale, max(`scale`) as maxscale
+ from photo where `uid` = %d and `resource-id` = '%s' %s",
+function any_value_fallback($sql) {
+ //Considerations for Standard SQL, or MySQL with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY (default since 5.7.5).
+ //ANY_VALUE() is available from MySQL 5.7 https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html
+ //A standard fallback is to use MIN(), or nothing () in old MySQL 5.6-
+ //TODO: Skip this line when we know we are on a platform supporting ANY_VALUE()
+ return str_ireplace('ANY_VALUE(', 'MIN(', $sql);
// Function: q($sql,$args);
// Description: execute SQL query with printf style args.
// Example: $r = q("SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `uid` = %d",
if ($db && $db->connected) {
+ $sql = any_value_fallback($sql);
$stmt = @vsprintf($sql,$args); // Disabled warnings
//logger("dba: q: $stmt", LOGGER_ALL);
if ($stmt === false)
if ($db && $db->connected) {
+ $sql = any_value_fallback($sql);
$stmt = @vsprintf($sql,$args); // Disabled warnings
if ($stmt === false)
logger('dba: vsprintf error: ' . print_r(debug_backtrace(),true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
$r0 = Diaspora::relay_list();
- $r1 = q("SELECT DISTINCT(`batch`), `id`, `name`,`network` FROM `contact` WHERE `network` = '%s'
- AND `uid` = %d AND `rel` != %d AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `archive` GROUP BY `batch`, `id` ORDER BY rand()",
+ $r1 = q("SELECT `batch`, ANY_VALUE(`id`) AS `id`, ANY_VALUE(`name`) AS `name`, ANY_VALUE(`network`) AS `network`
+ FROM `contact` WHERE `network` = '%s'
+ AND `uid` = %d AND `rel` != %d AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `archive` GROUP BY `batch` ORDER BY rand()",
if (!Config::get('system', 'no_count', false)) {
/// @todo This query needs to be renewed. It is really slow
// At this time we just store the data in the cache
- $albums = qu("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `resource-id`) AS `total`, `album`
+ $albums = qu("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `resource-id`) AS `total`, `album`, ANY_VALUE(`created`) AS `created`
FROM `photo`
WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` != '%s' AND `album` != '%s' $sql_extra
- GROUP BY `album`, `created` ORDER BY `created` DESC",
+ GROUP BY `album` ORDER BY `created` DESC",
dbesc('Contact Photos'),
dbesc(t('Contact Photos'))
} else {
// This query doesn't do the count and is much faster
- $albums = qu("SELECT DISTINCT(`album`), '' AS `total`
+ $albums = qu("SELECT DISTINCT(`album`), '' AS `total`, ANY_VALUE(`created`) AS `created`
FROM `photo`
WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` != '%s' AND `album` != '%s' $sql_extra
- GROUP BY `album`, `created` ORDER BY `created` DESC",
+ GROUP BY `album` ORDER BY `created` DESC",
dbesc('Contact Photos'),
dbesc(t('Contact Photos'))
$o .= $header;
- $r = q("SELECT count(*) AS `total` FROM `mail`
- WHERE `mail`.`uid` = %d GROUP BY `parent-uri`, `created` ORDER BY `created` DESC",
+ $r = q("SELECT count(*) AS `total` FROM `mail`, ANY_VALUE(`created`) AS `created`
+ WHERE `mail`.`uid` = %d GROUP BY `parent-uri` ORDER BY `created` DESC",
function get_messages($user, $lstart, $lend) {
+ //TODO: rewritte with a sub-query to get the first message of each private thread with certainty
return q("SELECT max(`mail`.`created`) AS `mailcreated`, min(`mail`.`seen`) AS `mailseen`,
- `mail`.* , `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`thumb` , `contact`.`network`,
- count( * ) as count
+ ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`id`), ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`uid`), ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`guid`), ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`from-name`),
+ ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`from-photo`), ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`from-url`), ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`contact-id`),
+ ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`convid`), ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`title`), ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`body`), ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`seen`),
+ ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`reply`), ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`replied`), ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`unknown`),
+ ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`uri`), ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`parent-uri`), ANY_VALUE(`mail`.`created`),
+ ANY_VALUE(`contact`.`name`), ANY_VALUE(`contact`.`url`), ANY_VALUE(`contact`.`thumb`), ANY_VALUE(`contact`.`network`),
FROM `mail` LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `mail`.`contact-id` = `contact`.`id`
- WHERE `mail`.`uid` = %d GROUP BY `parent-uri`, `mail`.id ORDER BY `mailcreated` DESC LIMIT %d , %d ",
+ WHERE `mail`.`uid` = %d GROUP BY `parent-uri` ORDER BY `mailcreated` DESC LIMIT %d , %d ",
intval($user), intval($lstart), intval($lend)
$order = 'DESC';
- $r = q("SELECT `resource-id`, `id`, `filename`, type, max(`scale`) AS `scale`, `desc` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` = '%s'
- AND `scale` <= 4 $sql_extra GROUP BY `resource-id`, `id` ORDER BY `created` $order LIMIT %d , %d",
+ $r = q("SELECT `resource-id`, ANY_VALUE(`id`) AS `id`, ANY_VALUE(`filename`) AS `filename`,
+ ANY_VALUE(`type`) AS `type`, max(`scale`) AS `scale`, ANY_VALUE(`desc`) as `desc`
+ FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` = '%s'
+ AND `scale` <= 4 $sql_extra GROUP BY `resource-id` ORDER BY `created` $order LIMIT %d , %d",
- $r = q("SELECT hash, `id`, `filename`, filetype FROM `attach`
+ $r = q("SELECT hash, ANY_VALUE(`id`) AS `id`, ANY_VALUE(`created`) AS `created`,
+ ANY_VALUE(`filename`) AS `filename`, ANY_VALUE(`filetype`) as `filetype`
+ FROM `attach`
WHERE `uid` = %d AND filetype LIKE '%%video%%'
- $sql_extra GROUP BY hash, `id` ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT %d , %d",
+ $sql_extra GROUP BY hash ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT %d , %d",