FGPath engine_path( current_options.get_fg_root() );
engine_path.append( "Engine" );
- FDMExec.GetAircraft()->LoadAircraft(aircraft_path.str(),
- engine_path.str(), "X15");
+ FDMExec.GetAircraft()->LoadAircraftEx(aircraft_path.str(),
+ engine_path.str(), "X15");
FG_LOG( FG_FLIGHT, FG_INFO, " loaded aircraft" );
FDMExec.GetState()->Reset(aircraft_path.str(), "Reset00");
12/12/98 JSB Created
04/03/99 JSB Changed Aero() method to correct body axis force calculation
from wind vector. Fix provided by Tony Peden.
+05/03/99 JSB Changed (for the better?) the way configurations are read in.
-#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef FGFS
+# ifndef __BORLANDC__
# include <Include/compiler.h>
+# endif
# include <cmath>
# else
Name = "FGAircraft";
for (i=0;i<6;i++) coeff_ctr[i] = 0;
- Axis[LiftCoeff] = "CLIFT";
- Axis[DragCoeff] = "CDRAG";
- Axis[SideCoeff] = "CSIDE";
- Axis[RollCoeff] = "CROLL";
- Axis[PitchCoeff] = "CPITCH";
- Axis[YawCoeff] = "CYAW";
-bool FGAircraft::LoadAircraft(string aircraft_path, string engine_path, string fname)
+bool FGAircraft::LoadAircraftEx(string aircraft_path, string engine_path, string fname)
string path;
string fullpath;
string filename;
string aircraftDef;
string tag;
- DIR* dir;
- DIR* coeffdir;
- struct dirent* dirEntry;
- struct dirent* coeffdirEntry;
- struct stat st;
- struct stat st2;
+ string holding_string;
+ char scratch[128];
ifstream coeffInFile;
- aircraftDef = aircraft_path + "/" + fname + "/" + fname + ".dat";
+ aircraftDef = aircraft_path + "/" + fname + "/" + fname + ".cfg";
ifstream aircraftfile(aircraftDef.c_str());
- if (aircraftfile) {
- aircraftfile >> AircraftName; // String with no embedded spaces
- aircraftfile >> WingArea; // square feet
- aircraftfile >> WingSpan; // feet
- aircraftfile >> cbar; // feet
- aircraftfile >> Ixx; // slug ft^2
- aircraftfile >> Iyy; // "
- aircraftfile >> Izz; // "
- aircraftfile >> Ixz; // "
- aircraftfile >> EmptyWeight; // pounds
- EmptyMass = EmptyWeight / GRAVITY;
- aircraftfile >> tag;
- numTanks = numEngines = 0;
- numSelectedOxiTanks = numSelectedFuelTanks = 0;
- while ( !(tag == "EOF") ) {
- if (tag == "CGLOC") {
- aircraftfile >> Xcg; // inches
- aircraftfile >> Ycg; // inches
- aircraftfile >> Zcg; // inches
- } else if (tag == "EYEPOINTLOC") {
- aircraftfile >> Xep; // inches
- aircraftfile >> Yep; // inches
- aircraftfile >> Zep; // inches
- } else if (tag == "TANK") {
+ cout << "Reading Aircraft Configuration File: " << aircraftDef << endl;
+ numTanks = numEngines = 0;
+ numSelectedOxiTanks = numSelectedFuelTanks = 0;
+ while (!aircraftfile.fail()) {
+ holding_string.erase();
+ aircraftfile >> holding_string;
+ if (holding_string.compare("//",0,2) != 0) {
+// if (holding_string.compare(0, 2, "//") != 0) {
+ if (holding_string == "AIRCRAFT") {
+ cout << "Reading in Aircraft parameters ..." << endl;
+ } else if (holding_string == "AERODYNAMICS") {
+ cout << "Reading in Aerodynamic parameters ..." << endl;
+ } else if (holding_string == "AC_NAME") {
+ aircraftfile >> AircraftName; // String with no embedded spaces
+ cout << "Aircraft Name: " << AircraftName << endl;
+ } else if (holding_string == "AC_WINGAREA") {
+ aircraftfile >> WingArea;
+ cout << "Aircraft Wing Area: " << WingArea << endl;
+ } else if (holding_string == "AC_WINGSPAN") {
+ aircraftfile >> WingSpan;
+ cout << "Aircraft WingSpan: " << WingSpan << endl;
+ } else if (holding_string == "AC_CHORD") {
+ aircraftfile >> cbar;
+ cout << "Aircraft Chord: " << cbar << endl;
+ } else if (holding_string == "AC_IXX") {
+ aircraftfile >> Ixx;
+ cout << "Aircraft Ixx: " << Ixx << endl;
+ } else if (holding_string == "AC_IYY") {
+ aircraftfile >> Iyy;
+ cout << "Aircraft Iyy: " << Iyy << endl;
+ } else if (holding_string == "AC_IZZ") {
+ aircraftfile >> Izz;
+ cout << "Aircraft Izz: " << Izz << endl;
+ } else if (holding_string == "AC_IXZ") {
+ aircraftfile >> Ixz;
+ cout << "Aircraft Ixz: " << Ixz << endl;
+ } else if (holding_string == "AC_EMPTYWT") {
+ aircraftfile >> EmptyWeight;
+ EmptyMass = EmptyWeight / GRAVITY;
+ cout << "Aircraft Empty Weight: " << EmptyWeight << endl;
+ } else if (holding_string == "AC_CGLOC") {
+ aircraftfile >> Xcg >> Ycg >> Zcg;
+ cout << "Aircraft C.G.: " << Xcg << " " << Ycg << " " << Zcg << endl;
+ } else if (holding_string == "AC_EYEPTLOC") {
+ aircraftfile >> Xep >> Yep >> Zep;
+ cout << "Pilot Eyepoint: " << Xep << " " << Yep << " " << Zep << endl;
+ } else if (holding_string == "AC_TANK") {
Tank[numTanks] = new FGTank(aircraftfile);
switch(Tank[numTanks]->GetType()) {
case FGTank::ttFUEL:
+ cout << "Reading in Fuel Tank #" << numSelectedFuelTanks << " parameters ..." << endl;
case FGTank::ttOXIDIZER:
+ cout << "Reading in Oxidizer Tank #" << numSelectedOxiTanks << " parameters ..." << endl;
- } else if (tag == "ENGINE") {
+ } else if (holding_string == "AC_ENGINE") {
aircraftfile >> tag;
+ cout << "Reading in " << tag << " Engine parameters ..." << endl;
Engine[numEngines] = new FGEngine(FDMExec, engine_path, tag, numEngines);
- }
- aircraftfile >> tag;
- }
- aircraftfile.close();
- PutState();
- // Read subdirectory for this aircraft for stability derivative lookup tables:
- //
- // Build up the path name to the aircraft file by appending the aircraft
- // name to the "aircraft/" initial path. Initialize the directory entry
- // structure dirEntry in preparation for reading through the directory.
- // Build up a path to each file in the directory sequentially and "stat" it
- // to see if the entry is a directory or a file. If the entry is a file, then
- // compare it to each string in the Axis[] array to see which axis the
- // directory represents: Lift, Drag, Side, Roll, Pitch, Yaw. When the match
- // is found, go into that directory and search for any coefficient files.
- // Build a new coefficient by passing the full pathname to the coefficient
- // file to the FGCoefficient constructor.
- //
- // Note: axis_ctr=0 for the Lift "axis", 1 for Drag, 2 for Side force, 3 for
- // Roll, 4 for Pitch, and 5 for Yaw. The term coeff_ctr merely keeps
- // track of the number of coefficients registered for each of the
- // previously mentioned axis.
- path = aircraft_path + "/" + AircraftName + "/";
- if (dir = opendir(path.c_str())) {
- while (dirEntry = readdir(dir)) {
- fullpath = path + dirEntry->d_name;
- stat(fullpath.c_str(),&st);
- if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) {
- for (int axis_ctr=0; axis_ctr < 6; axis_ctr++) {
- if (dirEntry->d_name == Axis[axis_ctr]) {
- if (coeffdir = opendir(fullpath.c_str())) {
- while (coeffdirEntry = readdir(coeffdir)) {
- if (coeffdirEntry->d_name[0] != '.') {
- filename = path + Axis[axis_ctr] + "/" + coeffdirEntry->d_name;
- stat(filename.c_str(),&st2);
- if (st2.st_size > 6) {
- Coeff[axis_ctr][coeff_ctr[axis_ctr]] = new FGCoefficient(FDMExec, filename);
- coeff_ctr[axis_ctr]++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ } else if (holding_string == "}") {
+ } else if (holding_string == "{") {
+ } else if (holding_string == "LIFT") {
+ cout << " Lift Coefficients ..." << endl;
+ aircraftfile >> tag;
+ streampos gpos = aircraftfile.tellg();
+ aircraftfile >> tag;
+ if (tag != "}" ) {
+ aircraftfile.seekg(gpos);
+ Coeff[LiftCoeff][coeff_ctr[LiftCoeff]] = new FGCoefficient(FDMExec, aircraftfile);
+ coeff_ctr[LiftCoeff]++;
+ } else {
+ cout << " None found ..." << endl;
+ }
+ } else if (holding_string == "DRAG") {
+ cout << " Drag Coefficients ..." << endl;
+ aircraftfile >> tag;
+ streampos gpos = aircraftfile.tellg();
+ aircraftfile >> tag;
+ if (tag != "}" ) {
+ aircraftfile.seekg(gpos);
+ Coeff[DragCoeff][coeff_ctr[DragCoeff]] = new FGCoefficient(FDMExec, aircraftfile);
+ coeff_ctr[DragCoeff]++;
+ } else {
+ cout << " None found ..." << endl;
+ }
+ } else if (holding_string == "SIDE") {
+ cout << " Side Coefficients ..." << endl;
+ aircraftfile >> tag;
+ streampos gpos = aircraftfile.tellg();
+ aircraftfile >> tag;
+ if (tag != "}" ) {
+ aircraftfile.seekg(gpos);
+ Coeff[SideCoeff][coeff_ctr[SideCoeff]] = new FGCoefficient(FDMExec, aircraftfile);
+ coeff_ctr[SideCoeff]++;
+ } else {
+ cout << " None found ..." << endl;
+ }
+ } else if (holding_string == "ROLL") {
+ cout << " Roll Coefficients ..." << endl;
+ aircraftfile >> tag;
+ streampos gpos = aircraftfile.tellg();
+ aircraftfile >> tag;
+ if (tag != "}" ) {
+ aircraftfile.seekg(gpos);
+ Coeff[RollCoeff][coeff_ctr[RollCoeff]] = new FGCoefficient(FDMExec, aircraftfile);
+ coeff_ctr[RollCoeff]++;
+ } else {
+ cout << " None found ..." << endl;
+ }
+ } else if (holding_string == "PITCH") {
+ cout << " Pitch Coefficients ..." << endl;
+ aircraftfile >> tag;
+ streampos gpos = aircraftfile.tellg();
+ aircraftfile >> tag;
+ if (tag != "}" ) {
+ aircraftfile.seekg(gpos);
+ Coeff[PitchCoeff][coeff_ctr[PitchCoeff]] = new FGCoefficient(FDMExec, aircraftfile);
+ coeff_ctr[PitchCoeff]++;
+ } else {
+ cout << " None found ..." << endl;
+ }
+ } else if (holding_string == "YAW") {
+ cout << " Yaw Coefficients ..." << endl;
+ aircraftfile >> tag;
+ streampos gpos = aircraftfile.tellg();
+ aircraftfile >> tag;
+ if (tag != "}" ) {
+ aircraftfile.seekg(gpos);
+ Coeff[YawCoeff][coeff_ctr[YawCoeff]] = new FGCoefficient(FDMExec, aircraftfile);
+ coeff_ctr[YawCoeff]++;
+ } else {
+ cout << " None found ..." << endl;
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
} else {
- cerr << "Could not open directory " << path << " for reading" << endl;
+ aircraftfile.getline(scratch, 127);
- return true;
- } else {
- cerr << "Unable to open aircraft definition file " << fname << endl;
- return false;
+ cout << "End of Configuration File Parsing." << endl;
for (int axis_ctr = 0; axis_ctr < 3; axis_ctr++)
for (int ctr=0; ctr < coeff_ctr[axis_ctr]; ctr++)
- F[axis_ctr] += Coeff[axis_ctr][ctr]->Value();
+ F[axis_ctr] += Coeff[axis_ctr][ctr]->TotalValue();
Forces[0] += F[DragCoeff]*cos(alpha)*cos(beta) - F[SideCoeff]*cos(alpha)*sin(beta) - F[LiftCoeff]*sin(alpha);
Forces[1] += F[DragCoeff]*sin(beta) + F[SideCoeff]*cos(beta);
void FGAircraft::MAero(void)
- for (int axis_ctr = 0; axis_ctr < 3; axis_ctr++)
- for (int ctr = 0; ctr < coeff_ctr[axis_ctr+3]; ctr++)
- Moments[axis_ctr] += Coeff[axis_ctr+3][ctr]->Value();
+ int axis_ctr, ctr;
+ for (axis_ctr = 0; axis_ctr < 3; axis_ctr++) {
+ for (ctr = 0; ctr < coeff_ctr[axis_ctr+3]; ctr++) {
+ Moments[axis_ctr] += Coeff[axis_ctr+3][ctr]->TotalValue();
+ }
+ }
void FGAircraft::PutState(void)
# else
# include <fstream.h>
# endif
+# include STL_STRING
+ FG_USING_STD(string);
# include <fstream>
+#ifndef FGFS
+using namespace std;
// ***************************************************************************
/** This function must be called with the name of an aircraft which
has an associated .dat file in the appropriate subdirectory. The paths
- to the appropriate subdirectories are given as the first two parameters.
+ to the appropriate subdirectories are given as the first two parameters.
@memo Loads the given aircraft.
@param string Path to the aircraft files
@param string Path to the engine files
bool LoadAircraft(string, string, string);
+ // ***************************************************************************
+ /** This function must be called with the name of an aircraft which
+ has an associated .dat file in the appropriate subdirectory. The paths
+ to the appropriate subdirectories are given as the first two parameters.
+ @memo Loads the given aircraft.
+ @param string Path to the aircraft files
+ @param string Path to the engine files
+ @param string The name of the aircraft to be loaded, e.g. "X15".
+ @return True - if successful
+ */
+ bool LoadAircraftEx(string, string, string);
// ***************************************************************************
/** @memo Gets the aircraft name as defined in the aircraft config file.
+using namespace std;
class FGAtmosphere : public FGModel
+using namespace std;
************************************ CODE **************************************
-FGCoefficient::FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec* fdex)
- FDMExec = fdex;
- State = FDMExec->GetState();
- Atmosphere = FDMExec->GetAtmosphere();
- FCS = FDMExec->GetFCS();
- Aircraft = FDMExec->GetAircraft();
- Translation = FDMExec->GetTranslation();
- Rotation = FDMExec->GetRotation();
- Position = FDMExec->GetPosition();
- Auxiliary = FDMExec->GetAuxiliary();
- Output = FDMExec->GetOutput();
- rows = columns = 0;
-FGCoefficient::FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec* fdex, string fname)
+FGCoefficient::FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec* fdex, ifstream& coeffDefFile)
int r, c;
float ftrashcan;
+ string strashcan;
FDMExec = fdex;
State = FDMExec->GetState();
Auxiliary = FDMExec->GetAuxiliary();
Output = FDMExec->GetOutput();
- ifstream coeffDefFile(fname.c_str());
if (coeffDefFile) {
if (!coeffDefFile.fail()) {
coeffDefFile >> name;
+ cout << " " << name << endl;
+ coeffDefFile >> strashcan;
coeffDefFile >> description;
+ cout << " " << description << endl;
coeffDefFile >> method;
+ cout << " " << method << endl;
if (method == "EQUATION") type = EQUATION;
else if (method == "TABLE") type = TABLE;
if (type == VECTOR || type == TABLE) {
coeffDefFile >> rows;
+ cout << " Rows: " << rows << " ";
if (type == TABLE) {
coeffDefFile >> columns;
+ cout << "Cols: " << columns;
coeffDefFile >> LookupR;
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " Row indexing parameter: " << LookupR << endl;
if (type == TABLE) {
coeffDefFile >> LookupC;
+ cout << " Column indexing parameter: " << LookupC << endl;
coeffDefFile >> multipliers;
+ cout << " Non-Dimensionalized by: ";
mult_count = 0;
if (multipliers & FG_QBAR) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_QBAR;
+ cout << "qbar ";
if (multipliers & FG_WINGAREA) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_WINGAREA;
+ cout << "S ";
if (multipliers & FG_WINGSPAN) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_WINGSPAN;
+ cout << "b ";
if (multipliers & FG_CBAR) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_CBAR;
+ cout << "c ";
if (multipliers & FG_ALPHA) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_ALPHA;
+ cout << "alpha ";
if (multipliers & FG_ALPHADOT) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_ALPHADOT;
+ cout << "alphadot ";
if (multipliers & FG_BETA) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_BETA;
+ cout << "beta ";
if (multipliers & FG_BETADOT) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_BETADOT;
+ cout << "betadot ";
if (multipliers & FG_PITCHRATE) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_PITCHRATE;
+ cout << "q ";
if (multipliers & FG_ROLLRATE) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_ROLLRATE;
+ cout << "p ";
if (multipliers & FG_YAWRATE) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_YAWRATE;
+ cout << "r ";
if (multipliers & FG_ELEVATOR) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_ELEVATOR;
+ cout << "De ";
if (multipliers & FG_AILERON) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_AILERON;
+ cout << "Da ";
if (multipliers & FG_RUDDER) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_RUDDER;
+ cout << "Dr ";
if (multipliers & FG_MACH) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_MACH;
+ cout << "Mach ";
if (multipliers & FG_ALTITUDE) {
mult_idx[mult_count] = FG_ALTITUDE;
+ cout << "h ";
+ cout << endl;
switch(type) {
case VALUE:
coeffDefFile >> StaticValue;
coeffDefFile >> Table3D[r][0];
coeffDefFile >> Table3D[r][1];
+ for (r=0;r<=rows;r++) {
+ cout << " ";
+ for (c=0;c<=columns;c++) {
+ cout << Table3D[r][c] << " ";
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ }
case TABLE:
Allocate(rows, columns);
coeffDefFile >> Table3D[r][c];
+ for (r=0;r<=rows;r++) {
+ cout << " ";
+ for (c=0;c<=columns;c++) {
+ cout << Table3D[r][c] << " ";
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ }
} else {
cerr << "Empty file" << endl;
- coeffDefFile.close();
-FGCoefficient::FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec* fdex, int r, int c)
- FDMExec = fdex;
- State = FDMExec->GetState();
- Atmosphere = FDMExec->GetAtmosphere();
- FCS = FDMExec->GetFCS();
- Aircraft = FDMExec->GetAircraft();
- Translation = FDMExec->GetTranslation();
- Rotation = FDMExec->GetRotation();
- Position = FDMExec->GetPosition();
- Auxiliary = FDMExec->GetAuxiliary();
- Output = FDMExec->GetOutput();
- rows = r;
- columns = c;
- Allocate(r,c);
-FGCoefficient::FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec* fdex, int n)
- FDMExec = fdex;
- State = FDMExec->GetState();
- Atmosphere = FDMExec->GetAtmosphere();
- FCS = FDMExec->GetFCS();
- Aircraft = FDMExec->GetAircraft();
- Translation = FDMExec->GetTranslation();
- Rotation = FDMExec->GetRotation();
- Position = FDMExec->GetPosition();
- Auxiliary = FDMExec->GetAuxiliary();
- Output = FDMExec->GetOutput();
- rows = n;
- columns = 0;
- Allocate(n);
col2temp = rFactor*(Table3D[r][c] - Table3D[r-1][c]) + Table3D[r-1][c];
Value = col1temp + cFactor*(col2temp - col1temp);
+//cout << "Value for " << description << " is " << Value;
for (midx=0;midx<mult_count;midx++) {
Value *= GetCoeffVal(mult_idx[midx]);
+//cout << " after multipliers it is: " << Value << endl;
return Value;
} else {
Factor = 1.0;
Value = Factor*(Table3D[r][1] - Table3D[r-1][1]) + Table3D[r-1][1];
+// cout << "Value for " << description << " is " << Value;
for (midx=0;midx<mult_count;midx++) {
Value *= GetCoeffVal(mult_idx[midx]);
+//cout << " after multipliers it is: " << Value << endl;
return Value;
-float FGCoefficient::Value()
+float FGCoefficient::Value(void)
+ float Value;
+ int midx;
+ Value = StaticValue;
+// cout << "Value for " << description << " is " << Value << endl;
+ for (midx=0;midx<mult_count;midx++) {
+ Value *= GetCoeffVal(mult_idx[midx]);
+ }
+// cout << " after multipliers it is: " << Value << endl;
+ return Value;
+float FGCoefficient::TotalValue()
switch(type) {
case 0:
return -1;
case 1:
- return (StaticValue);
+ return (Value());
case 2:
return (Value(GetCoeffVal(LookupR)));
case 3:
switch(val_idx) {
case FG_QBAR:
+//cout << "Qbar: " << State->Getqbar() << endl;
return State->Getqbar();
+//cout << "S: " << Aircraft->GetWingArea() << endl;
return Aircraft->GetWingArea();
+//cout << "b: " << Aircraft->GetWingSpan() << endl;
return Aircraft->GetWingSpan();
case FG_CBAR:
+//cout << "Cbar: " << Aircraft->Getcbar() << endl;
return Aircraft->Getcbar();
case FG_ALPHA:
+//cout << "Alpha: " << Translation->Getalpha() << endl;
return Translation->Getalpha();
+//cout << "Adot: " << State->Getadot() << endl;
return State->Getadot();
case FG_BETA:
+//cout << "Beta: " << Translation->Getbeta() << endl;
return Translation->Getbeta();
+//cout << "Bdot: " << State->Getbdot() << endl;
return State->Getbdot();
+//cout << "Q: " << Rotation->GetQ() << endl;
return Rotation->GetQ();
+//cout << "P: " << Rotation->GetP() << endl;
return Rotation->GetP();
+//cout << "R: " << Rotation->GetR() << endl;
return Rotation->GetR();
+//cout << "De: " << FCS->GetDe() << endl;
return FCS->GetDe();
+//cout << "Da: " << FCS->GetDa() << endl;
return FCS->GetDa();
+//cout << "Dr: " << FCS->GetDr() << endl;
return FCS->GetDr();
case FG_MACH:
+//cout << "Mach: " << State->GetMach() << endl;
return State->GetMach();
+//cout << "h: " << State->Geth() << endl;
return State->Geth();
return 0;
+using namespace std;
#define FG_QBAR 1
#define FG_WINGAREA 2
#define FG_WINGSPAN 4
class FGCoefficient
- // ***************************************************************************
- /** @memo Constructor
- @param FGFDMExec* - pointer to owning simulation executive
- */
- FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec*);
- // ***************************************************************************
- /** @memo Constructor for two independent variable table
- @param
- @return
- */
- FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec*, int, int);
- // ***************************************************************************
- /** @memo
- @param
- @return
- */
- FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec*, int);
// ***************************************************************************
/** @memo
- FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec*, string);
+ FGCoefficient(FGFDMExec*, ifstream&);
// ***************************************************************************
/** @memo
float Value(void);
+ // ***************************************************************************
+ /** @memo
+ @param
+ @return
+ */
+ float TotalValue(void);
// ***************************************************************************
/** @memo
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
+// (Log is kept at end of this file)
-#include "controls.hxx"
+#include "FGControls.h"
FGControls controls;
+// $Log$
+// Revision 1.3 1999/05/08 03:19:15 curt
+// Incorporated latest JSBsim updates.
+// Revision 1.1 1999/02/13 01:12:03 curt
+// Initial Revision.
+// Revision 1.1 1999/02/09 04:51:32 jon
+// Initial revision
+// Revision 1.3 1998/12/05 16:13:12 curt
+// Renamed class fgCONTROLS to class FGControls.
+// Revision 1.2 1998/10/25 14:08:41 curt
+// Turned "struct fgCONTROLS" into a class, with inlined accessor functions.
+// Revision 1.1 1998/10/18 01:51:05 curt
+// c++-ifying ...
+// Revision 1.8 1998/09/29 02:01:31 curt
+// Added a brake.
+// Revision 1.7 1998/02/07 15:29:36 curt
+// Incorporated HUD changes and struct/typedef changes from Charlie Hotchkiss
+// <chotchkiss@namg.us.anritsu.com>
+// Revision 1.6 1998/01/19 19:27:02 curt
+// Merged in make system changes from Bob Kuehne <rpk@sgi.com>
+// This should simplify things tremendously.
+// Revision 1.5 1998/01/19 18:40:22 curt
+// Tons of little changes to clean up the code and to remove fatal errors
+// when building with the c++ compiler.
+// Revision 1.4 1997/12/10 22:37:41 curt
+// Prepended "fg" on the name of all global structures that didn't have it yet.
+// i.e. "struct WEATHER {}" became "struct fgWEATHER {}"
+// Revision 1.3 1997/08/27 03:30:01 curt
+// Changed naming scheme of basic shared structures.
+// Revision 1.2 1997/06/21 17:12:48 curt
+// Capitalized subdirectory names.
+// Revision 1.1 1997/05/31 19:24:04 curt
+// Initial revision.
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
+// (Log is kept at end of this file)
# error This library requires C++
+//using namespace std;
// Define a structure containing the control parameters
#endif // _CONTROLS_HXX
+// $Log$
+// Revision 1.3 1999/05/08 03:19:16 curt
+// Incorporated latest JSBsim updates.
+// Revision 1.1 1999/02/13 01:12:03 curt
+// Initial Revision.
+// Revision 1.3 1998/12/05 16:13:13 curt
+// Renamed class fgCONTROLS to class FGControls.
+// Revision 1.2 1998/10/25 14:08:42 curt
+// Turned "struct fgCONTROLS" into a class, with inlined accessor functions.
+// Revision 1.1 1998/10/18 01:51:07 curt
+// c++-ifying ...
+// Revision 1.17 1998/09/29 14:57:00 curt
+// c++-ified some comments.
+// Revision 1.16 1998/09/29 02:01:32 curt
+// Added a brake.
+// Revision 1.15 1998/04/25 22:06:27 curt
+// Edited cvs log messages in source files ... bad bad bad!
+// Revision 1.14 1998/04/22 13:26:19 curt
+// C++ - ifing the code a bit.
+// Revision 1.13 1998/04/21 17:02:35 curt
+// Prepairing for C++ integration.
+// Revision 1.12 1998/02/09 22:56:48 curt
+// Removed "depend" files from cvs control. Other minor make tweaks.
+// Revision 1.11 1998/02/07 15:29:36 curt
+// Incorporated HUD changes and struct/typedef changes from Charlie Hotchkiss
+// <chotchkiss@namg.us.anritsu.com>
+// Revision 1.10 1998/01/27 00:47:52 curt
+// Incorporated Paul Bleisch's <pbleisch@acm.org> new debug message
+// system and commandline/config file processing code.
+// Revision 1.9 1998/01/22 02:59:31 curt
+// Changed #ifdef FILE_H to #ifdef _FILE_H
+// Revision 1.8 1998/01/19 18:40:22 curt
+// Tons of little changes to clean up the code and to remove fatal errors
+// when building with the c++ compiler.
+// Revision 1.7 1997/12/15 23:54:36 curt
+// Add xgl wrappers for debugging.
+// Generate terrain normals on the fly.
+// Revision 1.6 1997/12/10 22:37:41 curt
+// Prepended "fg" on the name of all global structures that didn't have it yet.
+// i.e. "struct WEATHER {}" became "struct fgWEATHER {}"
+// Revision 1.5 1997/08/27 03:30:02 curt
+// Changed naming scheme of basic shared structures.
+// Revision 1.4 1997/07/23 21:52:18 curt
+// Put comments around the text after an #endif for increased portability.
+// Revision 1.3 1997/05/31 19:16:27 curt
+// Elevator trim added.
+// Revision 1.2 1997/05/23 15:40:33 curt
+// Added GNU copyright headers.
+// Revision 1.1 1997/05/16 15:59:48 curt
+// Initial revision.
+using namespace std;
+using namespace std;
class FGFCS : public FGModel
#include "FGModel.h"
+using namespace std;
FDMExec = new FGFDMExec();
- FDMExec->GetAircraft()->LoadAircraft("aircraft", "engine", string(argv[1]));
+ FDMExec->GetAircraft()->LoadAircraftEx("aircraft", "engine", string(argv[1]));
FDMExec->GetState()->Reset("aircraft", string(argv[2]));
while (FDMExec->GetState()->Getsim_time() <= 25.0)
+// fake an aileron, rudder and elevator kick here after 20 seconds
+ if (FDMExec->GetState()->Getsim_time() > 5.0) {
+ FDMExec->GetFCS()->SetDa(0.05);
+ FDMExec->GetFCS()->SetDr(0.05);
+ FDMExec->GetFCS()->SetDe(0.05);
+ }
+using namespace std;
cout << "Longitude,";
cout << "QBar,";
cout << "Alpha";
+ cout << "L";
+ cout << "M";
+ cout << "N";
cout << endl;
FirstPass = false;
} else {
cout << State->Getlatitude() << ",";
cout << State->Getlongitude() << ",";
cout << State->Getqbar() << ",";
- cout << Translation->Getalpha() << "";
+ cout << Translation->Getalpha() << ",";
+ cout << Aircraft->GetL() << ",";
+ cout << Aircraft->GetM() << ",";
+ cout << Aircraft->GetN() << "";
cout << endl;
#include "FGModel.h"
+using namespace std;
#include "FGModel.h"
+using namespace std;
#include "FGModel.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace std;
+using namespace std;
#include "FGModel.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace std;